Dr Phil w/ George and Cindy Anthony (Show airs 9.13.2011)

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Brain tumors can and do cause extreme personality and behavior changes, depending on their locations. They can cause a person to become violent, to suffer hallucinations, to become paranoid, etc. But I don't think invisible tumors have those type of effects on people.

I apologize because you are absolutely correct and I am incorrect. I was speaking about myself and I am sorry for flying off the handle. If I offended anyone I humbly apologize.
My money is on the felon always had a vicious temper...it also accounts for why the parental units and brother walking on eggs. CA, being the control freak, believed she could handle the felon and pushed everyone away and dealt with her all by herself.

The felon and her developed a symbiotic relationship through all their dealings. Eventually the felon learned how to outsmart her mother...and the mother fell in line.
The feed was skipping in and out for me...but did cindy say KC had a grand mal while at home the first time she was bailed out?? I don't believe that for a second... They would have called an ambulance if she had.

Exactly, and we know it wasnt in the first 9 days when Padilla and crew were there. So lets try and sleuth/narrow it down. She was out for around 50 days. At least one maybe two days were spent back in jail, when she was re-arrested on the fraud charges. That would be stressful particularly with a chanting mob right outside the door, being banged to right for the crime and trying to supply your family with information about Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez and other assorted imaginery friends. But seems she survived seizure free. She spent her weekdays at Baez' office.......'looking for clues'. As far as I know she never missed an appointment with her home confinement officer. Wouldn't she have to have been told. know? lol . She didnt seem incapacitated when she called 911 about the protestors. She was ok when Tim Miller was around.

:waitasec: :waitasec: :waitasec:
:liar: :liar: :liar:
Dr. Phil did ask the questions I wanted an answer to. Unfortunately, the answers will still pretty much the same. Well except (as Dr. Phil outlined in the end) that Cindy made 3 new excuses for Casey.

I think he handled probably better than anyone else could have.

I can hardly wait until tomorrow.
Is dr. Phil licensing those photos? He said he did not pay for the interview but the photos could be a separate matter. I noticed there were quite a few photos I never saw before. Wonder if he paid for them?

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LOS ANGELES - Casey Anthony's father said in an interview on "Dr. Phil" that his daughter is not welcome in his Orlando home and would turn her away if she tried to visit.

When asked by host Phil McGraw if Casey Anthony would be welcome in his house, George Anthony replied, "Not while I was there, no," according to a transcript provided by the show.


Thanks for posting this. It is exactly the right thing to do and I'm glad George is man enough to say this publicly. I wonder if Lee and Cindy will do the same.
Boo! I missed it and there are no reruns :(
I can't believe it's not on youtube??
The Army called the schizophrenia he had shell shock.

Hi Dr. Fessel, I think what you meant was "mustard gas" used by the Kaiser in ww1.
When I was just a kid my uncles used to talk of it. They said it was vicious and affected the mind..
My money is on the felon always had a vicious temper...it also accounts for why the parental units and brother walking on eggs. CA, being the control freak, believed she could handle the felon and pushed everyone away and dealt with her all by herself.

The felon and her developed a symbiotic relationship through all their dealings. Eventually the felon learned how to outsmart her mother...and the mother fell in line.

You definitely hit the nail on the head!! The felon controlled the whole family.
George knows a mother doesn't go out and party and yup it up after their child has just died. He knows Casey killed Caylee.

Now Cindy will believe anything and always give Casey excuse after excuse.:innocent:


I think they both know the truth and have since the day they picked up the car.

Hook them both up to a polygraph and ask them a few simple yes/no answers. Phil has access to a polygrapher so why not use it on the biggest liars most of us have ever seen?

- Do you believe Casey killed Caylee?
- Do you believe her corpse was in the Sunfire?
- Do you believe Casey duct taped her mouth and nose suffocating her to death?
- Do you believe Casey stuffed her in garbage bags and YOUR laundry bag then dumped her body in the swamp?
- Are you a liar?

The show could take one hour or less.

TV Guy: Dr. Phil's interview of George and Cindy Anthony lacks revelations
George said yes, because Casey was responsible for the child, "no matter where she was at or what happened."

Otherwise, it was an hour of tears and excuses, what people who follow the Anthonys have come to expect. Cindy said she believed that Casey was "an awesome mother" and that she had been the victim of illness.

In closing the hour, McGraw said Cindy was "desperately reaching for any reason to excuse her daughter for her role in this tragedy." Cindy suggested Casey could have suffered a brain tumor, grand mal seizures or post-partum schizophrenia. McGraw discounted each idea.

Cindy said she was over being angry with her daughter about the lies told during the 31 days the grandparents didn't see the child in the summer of 2008.http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/...,1134508.story

How can Cindy be over being angry at KC's lies? I'm not and never will be!!!:maddening:
I liked Dr P's mentioning at the end of the show that CA is in denial and offered 3 excuses for FCA's behavior during the interview....postpartum something or another, grand mal seizures and a brain tumor.

CA is riding the KC train! I am interested to hear what GA has to say tomorrow. JB was right...there is something that is just not right with this family. moo

Hi friend, if my typing is a bit ragged it's because I gnawed my right arm off while listening to the Dr. Phil show! LOL. Yes, Dr. Phil did ask some good questions but the problem was that he would butt in and interrupt before some of them could be answered or butt in just as George was going to say something really interesting and it prohibited us the public hearing much of anything of value. There were times where he would butt in and finish the answer for them so we never got to hear "their" answer. Once again, George is cut off time and time again with the "honest" answers while Cindy goes on and on trying to explain away why Casey did what she did.

Cindy "truthfully doesn't know what the smell was in the car!??????" :banghead: George danced more than Nancy Grace and partner while trying not to answer a yes or no question of "did he think that Caylee was in the trunk" until Dr. Phil pinned him down, stopped the merry-go-round and George finally admitted that "yes" he thought that it was Caylee in the trunk.

I did think it rather tacky that after hearing about the rotten pizza in the trunk of the car that one of the big sponsers was Papa John's Pizza.

I think that Cindy has been making excuses for Casey for a very, very long time.

I do hope that Dr. Phil gives George more time on tomorrow's show to get at least a while sentence out.:banghead:
A couple of things that stood out to me other then what has been discussed.
CA said 2 times "not knowing where Caylee was for six months". Annnd she "thought CFCA has a second job.

Oh Boy! She isn't able to keep her lies straight. Ya know, Caylee is alive and all that rot.
A second job???? Really Cindy? Really? IMO CA knew CFCA didn't have a job way before her daughter murdered Caylee. You can't have that much money,checks and credit card mis-use and not know.

I'm sure I saw anger cross CA's face a couple of times as well.
I still don't feel sorry for either one of them. They could have put CFCA behind bars before Caylee was Murdered By Their Daughter. Plus the fact that they helped their Murdering Daughter get off on the Murder Charges.
I watched the show today. I am not a Dr Phil fan, so I had to overcome my strong dislike of him to watch it while others had to overcome their dislike of the Anthonys to do so.

I thought the Anthonys answered the questions honestly, and that they showed very clearly what a lot of the problems in their family were and are. I see a family in which everyone walked on eggshells around each other, tiptoeing and trying not to rock the boat. Every single one of them did that.

I didn't see Cindy's mention of the seizures or her suggestion of something post-partum or hormonal to be only in reference to Caylee's death and those infamous 31 days. She talked about it regarding a change she had seen in Casey overall. And in fairness to Cindy, she didn't just say that she thought she had a brain tumor; what she said was that she didn't know why Casey had the seizure--was it a brain tumor or stress? I think people have seized and will seize on the 'brain tumor' thing, but she offered other reasons for the seizure, too, as a way to explain a change in her daughter.
For 31 days, while Caylee was gone, never once did cindy check on her. Caylee left that house with out any clothing missing. In fact, apparently no shoes either. Cindy knew. She deflected and spun a tale. She told the media her daughter was vacationing w/Jeff and bonding w/Caylee.

That tells us cindy knew there was a problem w/her daugher and grandchild. cindy knew that the felon had NEVER bonded with Caylee. She knew and she fabricated a fantasy world to protect her suspicions that something was very wrong with her daughter.

If cindy had not lived in her fantasy world but the real world, Caylee would be alive today.
My money is on the felon always had a vicious temper...it also accounts for why the parental units and brother walking on eggs. CA, being the control freak, believed she could handle the felon and pushed everyone away and dealt with her all by herself.

The felon and her developed a symbiotic relationship through all their dealings. Eventually the felon learned how to outsmart her mother...and the mother fell in line.

ITA. I have often thought a fit of temper led directly to Caylee's death. Also that a great deal of the family dynamics are a result of dealing with the psychopath for many years. I imagine the behavior became apparent at a young age. moo & all of that.
I was surprised when CA said she thought Casey had gotten a second job durig the 31 days. I had not heard this excuse before.
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