Dr Phil w/ George and Cindy Anthony (Show airs 9.13.2011)

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Sweet Fancy Moses....it continues. :banghead:
One thing is for sure, they are all "mentally disturbed" and I'm so serious. CA for her unending ability to ignore, and pretend. And GA for allowing it, not stopping it or leaving.
Oh, and what was that BS..... about CA "pressuring" the FCA about paying back money she "borrowed" *shakes head*

sadly i think that IF caylee had been allowed to live past her 3rd BD, that she would prob turn out just like them. God/Jesus is cradling her now.
I wonder if some kind peep could post a few Caylee pictures throughout this thread as we roll along with comments while watching (or reading about) the Anthony's on the Dr. Phil Show.

Definitely I am going to need courage, a strong stomach and a few good reminders of Caylee to make it through today and tomorrow on this thread.

Thx in advance to anyone who can post one or two!:seeya:
Here in Orlando, they didn't show it. They showed one about bratty kids.
sorry to get off topic, i found mr yates to be lacking in grief over loss of his family. even recently on hln dr drew. very odd perspective.

Well we aren't in sidebar but wanted to agree - he was very "calm" and accepting even immediately after the deaths - it was very odd and kind of explained to me why Andrea Yates wasn't receiving the right kind of care and medication. Even in her lucid moments she knew she was very ill.
I have never seen an episode of the DP show before this but I thought he did a good job with them. DP did most of the talking and did not let CA or GA blabber on and on. As far as the facts, the little that was discussed he was knowledgeable. Actually he knew more than I thought he would.

He called CA out on much of what she spewed, including her seizure, tumor theory. DP also showed how detached and unemotional FCA was by including the 911 call in which she spoke to the operator and also the A's first jailhouse visit with her.

At the end of the show DP states how he does not believe FCA ever suffered from any post traumatic schizophrenia or brain tumors as no medical evidence can back up these claims. He also states that he has no desire to interview FCA as her actions have spoken louder than any words that would come out of her mouth.

JMO, but this episode was not sympathtic towards the A's.
I'm DEFINITELY going to watch it. I can't help it, Cindy fascinates me. I'm just dying to know what it is she's talking about when she says (in the promo clips) that they've been in this together for three years and that's the first time she's heard 'that' out of his mouth. I want to know what George says that shocked her so much. Part of my fascination with Cindy is her body language when she talks, as well as her speech patterns. I'll be watching and listening very carefully.
I have never seen an episode of the DP show before this but I thought he did a good job with them. DP did most of the talking and did not let CA or GA blabber on and on. As far as the facts, the little that was discussed he was knowledgeable. Actually he knew more than I thought he would.

He called CA out on much of what she spewed, including her seizure, tumor theory. DP also showed how detached and unemotional FCA was by including the 911 call in which she spoke to the operator and also the A's first jailhouse visit with her.

At the end of the show DP states how he does not believe FCA ever suffered from any post traumatic schizophrenia or brain tumors as no medical evidence can back up these claims. He also states that he has no desire to interview FCA as her actions have spoken louder than any words that would come out of her mouth.

JMO, but this episode was not sympathtic towards the A's.

How did you see it already if it doesn't air until 3pm EST?
Here in Orlando, they didn't show it. They showed one about bratty kids.

I think it's scheduled to air at 3 or 4 pm in your neck of the woods - here in ChicagoWorld we have two affiliates that carry it - one of which aired the bratty kids episode this morning - our CBS (and I believe, you FOX) affiliate have it on the "season premiere" schedule for this afternoon

(and LG - checked your Vancouver listings and yours airs this pm as well)
Here in Orlando, they didn't show it. They showed one about bratty kids.

Yesterday or today? They showed the bratty kids episode yesterday in my area. The new season, starting with CA and GA starts today.
So, by what Cindy has said so far, she's insulted people who have or know someone who has epilepsy, schizophrenia, post traumatic stress disorder, and brain tumors. Sheesh, anything else you want to throw into the mix, Cindy? I just don't think you've made enough people mad just yet.

Since it was never proven that the felon was sexually molested we can add that to the list.
My daughter is taping all 3 parts..Tuesday is "The Interview"
Wednesday is "The Anthonys Speak" and next Monday is the show that sums everything up.
I can't bring myself to watch but I will view the taped version. I am interested in body language and want to have proof if these shows ever become an issue later on down the road.

One thing that struck me when listening to Dr. P on Joy B show..Dr. P. said whether you think the A's were victimized and suffered a great loss or you think they were part of the problem after you watch the interviews you may change your mind. Reminds me of JB's statement..after we hear the OS we will all understand...Myself I think the A's were victimized and did suffer a great loss but CA made a decision early on to leave Caylee behind in that swamp forever and do whatever she could to save the felon. I think this interview serves a great purpose to prove future book/movie deals will not be worth the paper they will be printed on. CA will never admit the truth, much like her felon, they believe what they want. Please don't think the rest of us are that stupid.
If all those things are wrong with her, or even one of them, why isn't she being treated for it? Just nuts. And what does the DR before Phil's name mean? If he is a doc why doesn't he address this with the A's and call their bluff. jmo

For the same reason he answered "Tuesday" to BABA WAWA's question about "what's the answer" It's all about his ratings. He's a joke!!! And I'm pretty sure he's not a Dr. If he is, I'd like to know what kind of Dr. he is?????
Maybe he's the same type of Dr as the type of nurse CA is.
It aired at 9am here.

Where? In Connecticut? You're kidding me? That's bizzare. Ok, I'm outta the thread then, I don't want to read any spoilers yet, I want to be surprised. I like it when Cindy hits me hard like a ton of bricks, I get kinda high for the rest of the day. (that's sarcasm, in case anyone thinks I'm serious).:banghead:
I have never seen an episode of the DP show before this but I thought he did a good job with them. DP did most of the talking and did not let CA or GA blabber on and on. As far as the facts, the little that was discussed he was knowledgeable. Actually he knew more than I thought he would.

He called CA out on much of what she spewed, including her seizure, tumor theory. DP also showed how detached and unemotional FCA was by including the 911 call in which she spoke to the operator and also the A's first jailhouse visit with her.

At the end of the show DP states how he does not believe FCA ever suffered from any post traumatic schizophrenia or brain tumors as no medical evidence can back up these claims. He also states that he has no desire to interview FCA as her actions have spoken louder than any words that would come out of her mouth.

JMO, but this episode was not sympathtic towards the A's.

Good to know because I didn't get any of this from the promo's. Especially when he was saying stuff like Casey burying Caylee in the woods.
I think it's scheduled to air at 3 or 4 pm in your neck of the woods - here in ChicagoWorld we have two affiliates that carry it - one of which aired the bratty kids episode this morning - our CBS (and I believe, you FOX) affiliate have it on the "season premiere" schedule for this afternoon

(and LG - checked your Vancouver listings and yours airs this pm as well)

BFMD!!! :blowkiss: - thank you! I hadn't even checked for myself yet!!
I'm not even aware of when Dr. Phil airs in my area or what channel it's on, but I wouldn't watch it even if I did. Thanks for your continued commentary on the program that is more than enough for me to get the gist of the interview. Now, back to the Lifetime movie...
It aired at 9am here.

Can you tell us more? What stood out to you the most? What surprised you the most? What was your take on George? Did he ever in this interview speak with them separately?

Thanks so much... I am so glad you are here sharing with us~ Frigga
McGraw graduated in 1975 from Midwestern State University with a Bachelor of Arts in psychology. He went on to earn a Master of Arts in experimental psychology in 1976, and a Doctor of Philosophy in clinical psychology in 1979 at the University of North Texas,[6] where his dissertation was titled "Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Psychological Intervention".[7] After run-ins with several faculty members,[8] McGraw was guided through the doctoral program by Frank Lawlis, who later became the primary contributing psychologist for the Dr. Phil television show.[9]

After obtaining his Ph.D., McGraw joined his father, Dr. Joe McGraw, in Wichita Falls, Texas, where the elder McGraw had established his private psychology practice.[10

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_McGraw"]Phil McGraw - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:phil_1.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/52/Phil_1.jpg/240px-Phil_1.jpg"@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/5/52/Phil_1.jpg/240px-Phil_1.jpg[/ame]
Where? In Connecticut? You're kidding me? That's bizzare. Ok, I'm outta the thread then, I don't want to read any spoilers yet, I want to be surprised. I like it when Cindy hits me hard like a ton of bricks, I get kinda high for the rest of the day. (that's sarcasm, in case anyone thinks I'm serious).:banghead:

LOL, I would not kid about seeing the A's on so early.:sick:
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