Dylan Redwine's father arrested in connection to son's death 22 July 2017

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The fact that Dylan's blood was found in multiple places in Mark's home and he said that Dylan never suffered an injury which would cause bleeding after the home was remodeled is going to be very hard to explain by the defense.

Blood was found under a rug. Was the rug moved to hide that evidence? The multiple alerts by a HRD dog are bolstered by the blood found and the fact that Dylan was indeed dead. Corroborating evidence.

Pretty strong evidence IMO.

Continuing Day 2, Dr. Phil:

Dr. Phil:
Okay…let’s stay on point here. Mark’s ex girlfriend, Karen, called our producers to voice the other side of this, because she says these people are being unfair to Mark, and in fact, that he had an excellent relationship with Dylan. Take a look:

Karen (MR’s ex girlfriend) Clip:
I dated Mark for about six months. I spent time with Mark and Dylan and I don’t see him in any kind of light other than a good dad. I do not believe Mark would harm Dylan in any way. He loved Dylan. I do not believe Mark is involved at all in the disappearance of Dylan. I believe Mark hasn’t got a fair shake in the media. I’m a straight shooter and I’ll tell it like it is, and what I would say to Elaine is, how dare you point the fingers at somebody when you have no proof?

Dr. Phil:
You’re not in a relationship with him now?

Karen (MR’s ex girlfriend)

Dr. Phil:
But, you were in the past and you’ve observed him with Dylan…

Karen (MR’s ex girlfriend)
Yes, I did.

Dr. Phil:
And you say they had a good relationship…

Karen (MR’s ex girlfriend)
Yes. I uhh…traveled to Mark’s home. Spent a week with him and Dylan, and… umm.. everything that he said is exactly what happened. Mark uhh Dylan slept on the couch. Umm he would never get up. You know he’d walk around, he’d get up in the morning… Mark would…and smoke a cigarette, and have a cup of coffee and he’d be like… Dylan… Dilly Boy…let’s go… get up… get up… and we’d do this for like hour, hour and a half, two hours. He just wouldn’t get up. And, the same thing is, like his work. He would have to go into town to do his payroll or drop off papers because he travels, so that’s why he’s not home to be with his kids. I mean, he travels, he works out of town, when he comes home he would get Dylan, but… I don’t believe for a minute he killed his kid, or…

Dr. Phil:
Okay, and I understand that and I appreciate you weighing in with some independent observations. Uhh …the one thing I have a problem with is one statement you made which is to look at her and say, How Dare You…

Karen (MR’s ex girlfriend)

Dr. Phil:
Because Lady you don’t have the right to speak to a mother with a missing child with that kind of judgment and you don’t know what she’s going through right now.

Karen (MR’s ex girlfriend)
Correct. I give you that.


Dr. Phil:
And so don’t put yourself in her shoes.

Karen (MR’s ex girlfriend)
I give you that…

Dr. Phil:
You don’t have the right to say that.

Karen (MR’s ex girlfriend)
That’s fine…

Dr. Phil:
You’re out of your lane when you go telling her, How Dare You make that comment. I’m just saying…

Karen (MR’s ex girlfriend)
I really think what’s sad is they need to be united and work together to find Dylan. I feel bad for this. I really do.

I agree with that.

Dr. Phil:
We gotta’ take a break. Does Mark’s past behavior give law enforcement the right to question him in the case of his missing son. Another ex wife seems to think so. We’ll be right back.


Dr. Phil:
If one of our two boys went missing, there is absolutely nothing we wouldn’t do.

Dr. Phil (speaking to MR):
You seem smug, combative… just aren’t engaged. What the hell is going on here?


BH (MR’s 1[SUP]st[/SUP] Wife)
I was married to Mark from 1984 to 1990. Mark was not a good husband and he was not a nice guy. I remember one time he threw me down on the ground and started punching me in the face. Mark threatened to take the kids from me several times. There were police reports that had to be filed before he would return them. There was an incident in 1990 when Mark did not return the children, and I had to report it to the police department. I was petrified. I was deathly afraid that Mark was going to hide the kids …that he was going to take them and I was never going to see them again. I believe that Mark could do something to harm Dylan because he has a violent temper and snaps easily.

(Police report showing on screen)

Dr. Phil:
BH (MR’s 1[SUP]st[/SUP] wife), you’ve been watching everything that has transpired here, everything that’s been talked about. What did you want to add to this conversation?

BH – MR’s first wife:
I would just like to have, or to hear Mark say what happened. There’s so many questions, and the stories keep changing, and that’s why people are looking at you?

The story’s not changing…

Oh really?

Dr. Phil:
What are you hearing changed, BH?

BH – MR’s first wife:
Your story has changed…

No it hasn’t! In what way? Specifically, in what way has my story changed?

BH – MR’s first wife:
You said you went to T’s house and talked to him and he didn’t see Dylan. Your next story was that you went to T’s house and nobody was there, so …how could you talk to somebody that isn’t there…

To respond to that, if I may, I attempted to go to T’s house to talk to him but he didn’t answer the door. I assumed that possibly him and Dylan were at the lake. You know the fishing pole has never been found…I assumed that maybe that was a possibility. Do I know for a fact that he had a fishing pole? Absolutely not…

When you go into your house the fishing pole is in the garage. You didn’t walk through the garage and into the house before you went into the house...

There’s several places that that fishing pole is… it was either next to the TV

It’s always in the garage. Then how come that’s the first …you noticed that before his bike? Before his footprints?

Well, you sure know a lot, you sure…

I’ve investigated it in my mind since this happened.

Well, boy, then why do we have legal enf… or law enforcement involved when we got you two…

Because they have to deal with people like you who won’t tell them the answers… who won’t cooperate…

Dr. Phil:
BH/MH’s son, B, says he refuses to take the side of his father, Mark, or Elaine.

*B* (BH & MH’s son from 1[SUP]st[/SUP] marriage) Clip:
Mark is my biological father. Growing up I feel my mother had a lot of hatred and disdain for Mark. After the age of 5 there was no real relationship at all. The only reason I reached out to Mark again was because Dylan was missing. In the beginning, Mark was not at all helpful in the search to find Dylan. It was very frustrating. Mark had asked me what I would do if my son was missing, and I replied to him I would be on rooftops screaming, I’d be knocking doors down trying to get anybody to talk.

My mom has told me when I was a child there were a couple incidents when Mark didn’t return us. He was hiding us so we couldn’t go home at that time. It raises a lot of red flags.

It’s crossed my mind that Mark is hiding Dylan or has harmed him. All I can say is I hope he’s safe.

Dr. Phil
B, we interviewed you and recorded that tape before today. Does anything here that’s happened today change your opinion inform you in any way?

Absolutely not! There’s questions…and I think a lot of the focus is on Mark because there hasn’t been a lot done to take that focus off, and until that happens, it’s always gonna’ have to be on Mark. It’s logical to look at the last person to see him.

Dr. Phil:
I said when we first started this, Mark, I said, I’ve been doing this for 35 years. I’m also a father of two boys…


Dr. Phil:
And I can only… I can only, you know Robin & I talked about this, and if one of our two boys went missing, there is absolutely nothing, zip, zero, nada NOTHING that we wouldn’t do – no question we wouldn’t answer, no person we wouldn’t talked to, no activity that we would not participate in towards finding that child

And I feel like…

Dr. Phil:
And you seem diametrically opposite from that. You seem smug, you seem cavalier, you seem unplugged, you seem combative. You just seem like you just aren’t engaged, which makes me think that a) you don’t care or b) you already have the answer. Answer my question. What the hell is going on here?

I guess I feel like from day one I’ve been attacked in this and it’s very hard for me…

Dr. Phil:
It isn’t about your ego!

I understand that.

Dr. Phil:
Where is your boy?

And I’ve been out there, and I’ve done everything I know how to do to be involved in every aspect of what’s going on to try to find him and bring him… and where is he? I have NO idea. I wish knew. But I don’t know. I just want… the people in this country… to…to keep their eyes open a little bit wider and … and if they see anything suspicious, that people notify the proper authorities to… to help us find our son.

Dr. Phil:
And you’ve said… you’ve made a commitment in this public forum – you will sit with a top level polygraph operator and take a polygraph. You will sit down and take another polygraph exam.

I will sit with a polygraph ….operator. You know, I’ve been told…


…by the FBI that their people are the best, and I’m telling… and I’m hearing from you that you have people that are the best.

Dr. Phil:
I will bring you Jack Trimarco. He is the best of the best. He trains the FBI polygraph operators. This is the top guy.

Okay. Well, that’s…and that’s all fine. Obviously I’m not a professional in that, but I’ve never not been willing to cooperate and do this

Dr. Phil:
But you will do that, because I will get him here and he will do that.

I… I….

Dr. Phil:
This is a professional that will sit down and do that with you away from all of this and it takes an extended amount of time.

I understand that.


Dr. Phil Clip:
If you have your son stashed somewhere, or if you flew into a rage and you hurt him accidentally and he’s dead, I will help you deal with it now, and we go and help you recover that young man.

The Search for Dylan: The Polygraph Drama

Dr. Phil:
Look, I just can’t turn loose to this ‘cos I can’t turn loose of this little boy. So I have decided to talk to Mark backstage one on one, because I want to give him one last chance to tell me anything and everything he knows. And when I say one last chance, there’s a shelf life on the offer I’m getting ready to make him, and I’m going to give him an opportunity to tell me whatever he knows about this. So, here we go…

Dr. Phil (to Mark)
Hey, I want to touch on a couple things with you now that this is done. Umm, while we were talking, my staff did make arrangements for this polygraph. It’s something you absolutely should do. If you got nothing to do with this, it will clear you.

And, you know… I’ve never not been willing to do that...

Dr. Phil:

And… you know…I don’t think the polygraph is going to eliminate… any of us.

Dr. Phil:
But listen… here’s what I want to say to you. I don’t know what happened here. If you have your son stashed somewhere, or if God forbid…you flew into a rage… and you hurt him accidentally and he’s dead, if something has happened, I will help you deal with it now, and we will go recover that young man, because if you are involved,

(Note: Mark closes his eyes - moves his hand to his neck/collar area and scratches)

Dr. Phil:
…it’s just a matter of time. I’m telling you now, I’ll help you with it today…but my offer has a shelf life …

I understand.

Dr. Phil:
… it’s right now.

I’m not afraid of the truth (shakes head right to left)

Dr. Phil:
Just know I mad you the offer. If, you know… if you’ve got him somewhere, you just have a .. you just got a violation of custody order – it’s something we can deal with. If it’s worse than that, we do what we have to do, but I’m telling you, you won’t get away with this if you’re involved. Let me help you.

I’m not trying to get away with anything. I’m not involved in this. No matter how it comes across, whether it be to you or to anybody else, I’m not involved in this, and I have a hard time dealing with this. I struggle with this every day, and… and… for months now, I… I…. I got Cory and Elaine pointing their finger at me. Do you have any idea what… how I feel? How about Cory up there telling me he hates me?

Dr. Phil:
It’s gotta’ hurt.

It does.

Dr. Phil:
But listen…if you’re not involved in this, then there’s something seriously wrong with you, because your reaction to this … something’s wrong.

I just feel like I’m being attacked. And I feel like…

Dr. Phil:
But you weren’t attacked by me when you got here.

No, you weren’t ….attacked by me…but...

Dr. Phil:
You heard me say before you came out there I said I am not a hit man for you against your husband.

I… I… I understand, and I agree with that.

Dr. Phil:
I asked you respectful questions. I let you answer, and I treated you with dignity and respect and gave you every chance to answer the questions, so you weren’t attacked by me.

I’m not a violent person. Anybody that knows me will tell you the same thing.

Dr. Phil:
I hope you’re telling me the truth.

I got nothing to hide. (Shakes head left to right while speaking) I’m not afraid of the truth. I’m not afraid of the truth.

Dr. Phil:
I hope this comes to a good end, and I hope that Dylan is somewhere safe and…

That’s what we’re all hoping’ for…

Dr. Phil:
and comes to a…

You can’t deny the reality exists especially three months after this has started that the outcome could not be favorable, but as parents, I think we owe it to ourself, because we hear people that beat the odds every day.

Dr. Phil:
If you’re innocent in this deal, Jack Trimarco is your best friend. This polygraph expert, he is your best friend if you’re telling the truth, and if you’re not, he is your worst enemy. Okay…

All right, thank you sir.

Dr. Phil:
Take care, man.

I appreciate your time.


MR Preview Clip
Well, I’m here at the Dr. Phil offices, and I’m gonna’ take the test, I’m not (laughs) I’m not sayin’ that I’m necessarily ready to take the test…

Jack Trimarco/Mark Preview Clip
I feel like I’m being pushed off the edge of a cliff.


Well, what are we gonna’ do?

The Search for Dylan: The Polygraph Drama

Dr. Phil:
Well, Mark did agree to take a polygraph, so I’m sending him straight to the offices of Jack Trimarco, and I’ve told him, if you’re telling the truth, he’s your best friend, if you’re not… well, he’s not.

MR riding to JT’s Office Clip
I’m on my way to go meet with a polygraph examiner. I agree the test could be taken but what I’m not agreeing to is that I have to be whisked off and… and…and forced into doing it right this minute. I’ll be honest with you, I’m flustrated right now. I just sat on a stage for two hours in front of my ex wife who had no questions to ask me but continued to point her finger at me, and the only thing that she could say to me is, Where’s Dylan, Where’s Dylan, Where’s Dylan.” I feel like my blood pressure is boilin’ through the roof.

(Camera pans to JT):

Jack Trimarco… welcome.

Jack, Pleasure to meet you.

Are we gonna’ do this?

Well, that’s my whole point of bein’ here and talking to you now,… is addressing my concerns that the things that are bothering me and have been for a long time.

Well, as I said, it’s gotta’ be voluntary, or we don’t do it.

It’s hard for me to digest all this. This is all happening way too quickly. I just feel so overwhelmed

(raises both hands up to the side of his face demonstrating his feeling of being overwhelmed)

Would you be more comfortable with me coming out to the studio tomorrow morning after a good night’s sleep?

I’ll be honest with you. I feel like my blood is boiling and has been for hours. My point is, I…. I… I’m not refusing to take a polygraph test. All I’m asking for is, you know, some time to process this whole thing cos I mean this has all got blindsided me

MR Outside JT Studio talking to Camerman:
After talking with Jack, I felt more comfortable taking the test tomorrow instead of doing it today.

Dr. Phil:
So yesterday, Mark was agitated and needed time to rest and process things. He said he wasn’t opposed to taking the test. He just didn’t want to feel pressured. I want him to be totally comfortable. This is about getting real answers. So I… despite waiting, I invited Mark to come here to Paramount to meet Jack Trimarco for an 8 a.m. polygraph test.

It’s my understanding that Mark’s here now. I’m set up. I’m just about ready for him, so, if he’s going to take this test, we’ll just get it done.

Well. I’m here at the Dr. Phil offices and I’m gonna’ take the test, I’m not… (laughs)… I’m not saying that I’m necessarily ready to take the test… but at you know, at this point… you know… we’re gonna’ take it… we’re gonna do what we gotta do


How are you? You’ve had a lot of time to think since we last met.

The bottom line is… I.. I… I’m trying to be forthright with everybody. It’s very intimidating to have my ex-wives sittin’on the stage with me pointing fingers at me… I mean that bothers me… and to have my son come out and say, I’ Hate you, you know.. just… I feel like I’m being pushed off the edge of a cliff.


Well what are we gonna’ do?

Sighs… *rubs face*…. Whispers… I don’t know…
I didn’t come here to waste anybody’s time so… let’s do it

I’ll ask the camera to give us some privacy, and we should be done in about an hour and a half.

20 Minutes Later

A question was asked if I gave an honest answer to it. The question was, do you feel well enough to take this test, and my response to that question was, No. It became clear that by answering no to that question that… there was no point in proceeding any farther.

Mark decided that he didn’t feel well enough to take the polygraph test. He told me he had about 3 hours of sleep last night and he had a ½ bottle of Jim Beam on top of things, so…. Uh…he doesn’t feel well enough to take the test.

Dr. Phil to ER:
What’s your reaction to what you’re seeing?

I’m not surprised, at all. It’s typical Mark. He gets to that point where people are pushing him and pushing him to do something to take an affirmative step, and he bails. And he’s been like that the whole time.
He’s made promises that he never keeps.

Dr. Phil:
Cory, what’s your reaction to this?

You get to a certain point, and you think you’re finally going to get somewhere and he shuts down.

Dr. Phil:
Do you believe he has something to do with the disappearance of your son?

Absolutely! I always have from Day 1.

Dr. Phil:
Do you believe that he has harmed him:

I believe he could. I have to hope…. But, I believe there’s a strong possibility. (Crying)

Dr. Phil:
You know it’s been three months, I mean, Has your mind gone to the place that he may have killed your son?

Yes, it has.

Dr. Phil:
It pains me to ask a mother that.

It pains me to answer. I just really hope that he would have better sense, but he’s shown that he doesn’t.

Dr. Phil:
This is Jim Trimarco and this is Cory and Elaine

Dr. Phil:
You know yesterday he said that he was upset with you, he was upset with Cory, he was upset with everyone but me. He said, “The show was just a soapbox for Elaine and Cory to attack me. I can’t believe that Dr. Phil let Cory disrespect me. I’ll never forgive Cory for saying that he hated me. Everyone keeps saying that I was the last one to see Dylan, but that just isn’t true. How come no one spoke to the mail woman? She knows the area better than anyone else and she saw him.” He said, “I still feel like I am the only one working to try and find Dylan.”

I don’t even know what to say, because He’s the only one who’s NOT looking for Dylan because he knows where he is.

Dr. Phil to JT:
So, you met with Mark, describe his mindset when he got there.

Well, he was agitated because he said that this was kind of thrust upon him. He didn’t expect to be doing this, and um... he needed time to think it all out. He didn’t want to take it. He didn’t trust the process. I was, quite frankly, getting fatigued. I would ask question and he would give me the answer to something else. Until finally I just had to say, are we doing this or not?

Dr. Phil
So he said he didn’t believe in the test and doesn’t trust anybody. He showed up at 8:00 this morning. You set up to do the test, and what took place then?

I had questions about the man that I met this morning physically and in appearance versus the man I met yesterday. Uh…
Mark was… disheveled, and when I later asked him, have you had any alcohol or drugs in the last 24 hours, he said, yeah I had a ½ bottle of Jim Beam last night. Well, he started to give me excuses why he wasn’t going to take the test, and one of the questions that I needed to ask him in that pre-test portion of the exam is, do you feel well enough to take this exam, and he said, no.

Dr. Phil:
Sp He disqualified himself from taking the test so at that point you have to stop
In all of your experience have you ever encountered a mother and father with a missing child that were unwilling to take a poly?

I have not ever had a mother and father refuse to take a poly in a missing child case whether they were involved or not. I’ve had people that have failed and taken us to the body.

Dr. Phil:
What I will tell you is that it’s my intention now to go back and talk to Mark one more time. I’m going to ask Jack to go with me. Okay. We’ll be right back.


Dr. Phil Preview Clip with JT & MR :
I read some of the stuff you said about you don’t think that we gave enough attention to finding Dylan yesterday. Are you kidding me? I am here to find your son, and I frankly don’t give a damn whether you like me. I care whether or not we find this boy!

The Search for Dylan: The Polygraph Drama

Dr. Phil:
On November 19[SUP]th[/SUP], 2012, Dylan Redwine disappeared. Neither of Dylan’s parents is considered a suspect according to LaPlata County Sheriff’s Office. If you have any information about the whereabouts of Dylan Redwine please call 970-382-7511. That’s 970-382-7511.

Good afternoon.

Dr. Phil:
I’m not fully dressed yet.

JT to MR:
You clean up good.

Well… that’s what I’ve been told. I don’t do this very often.

You didn’t look so spiffy this morning. You know I should have asked you, are you suffering the effects of the Jim Beam, or just not feeling good?

Well… I didn’t have a lot of Jim Beam. I mean, I wanna make that… When I say ½ bottle I’m not talking about a big bottle, I’m talking about a small bottle, like a pint size…


So what was it that affected you to the point where we couldn’t go forward?

Well…and I guess when you were asking me these questions and you asked that question and I responded to it and I gave you my answer, I guess I was… I was expecting another question to follow that one, and… and…and at that point when it stopped

Well, actually, it wasn’t a question though, Mark. It was a statement by me and I said, well that’s a disqualifier. If you don’t feel well enough to take this test, then we’re not gonna’ do it.

Right…but the question was, do I feel well enough to take it? My response was, No, and…. and… instead of having another question followed behind that, when you reacted to that, and … and… said what you said, I was a bit taken by that.

Dr. Phil:
Do you wanna’ take it?

Well I don’t know that… that…. That… At the point we are right now with that question I don’t think that my answer is any different now that it was two hours ago.

Dr. Phil:
So you don’t want to take it.

Pause…Not if… if it means that my answer to that question is, no, then it’s no now. You know, maybe now isn’t the time to be taking the polygraph test, and I believe that that’s where we’re at with that.
You should be doing backflips now to take this polygraph test. You were the last person to have seen your son before he disappeared.

Well, and
I don’t believe that

What do you believe?

I believe that the postal worker that saw Dylan later that afternoon before I went looking for him… about 2:30.

No doubt in your mind?

No, there’s no doubt in my mind.

Dr. Phil:
I read some of the stuff you said about you don’t think we gave enough attention to
finding Dylan yesterday. Are you kidding me? I devoted two hours of national television time to try to find YOUR son and I have asked you to do things to eliminate yourself so we can direct resources to other people and you won’t do one damn thing to help, and you wanna’ criticize what we’re doing?

I … I…think that that was taken out of text, and I didn’t have this conversation…

Dr. Phil:
Well, then you put it in context.

I’ll put it in context. I was referring specifically to the conversation that was taking place on the stage with you and my ex wife together … and …had any of that…

Dr. Phil:
What you do with your ex wife and what you do with your son, you’ve got years of history before you get here with me. Don’t lay that at my feet, my friend.

I was upset about the fact that obviously there’s a huge issue in terms of me and my ex wife and my son.

Dr. Phil:
I am here to find your son, and I frankly don’t give a damn whether you like me or my television show. I care whether or not we find this boy, and if you’ve got information about where that boy is, you need to tell us.

Behind the scenes?

Dr. Phil:

This man’s done 3,500 polygraphs. Do you know how many fathers with missing sons have ever, ever refused to take a polygraph? In all of his years of doing polygraph work, do you know how many have done what you’ve done? Zero! You, Mark, you’re it!

Do you know where he is?

No, I don’t.

Dr. Phil:
If you’re innocent, we’re the best friends you ever found.

Boy… I… I… just this struggle with this whole thing.

The Search for Dylan: The Polygraph Drama

Dr. Phil:
Well, umm, I think we took it as far as we can take it in the current setting. I… I have to say, we have no evidence that he has done this. We have no proof that he has done this. We cannot say that he is guilty in this situation. I mean… allegations can be made, suspicions can be made, but I cannot in good conscience sit here and say that he has been involved in the death, disappearance or harming or whatever of your son. I don’t know that. I can’t say that, and to suggest that to America or this audience or anyone else would be wrong. because I can’t say ‘cos I don’t know.

Hopefully, somebody seeing this is going to remember something that will give them information that will help them bring about Dylan… and…information about him, and you are courageous and dedicated to be here fighting for your son and his return in whatever the circumstance may be, and I admire you for being here. Cory, I admire you for being here.

We’ll be right back with more information with specific instructions if you have information about Dylan Redwine.
We’ll be right back.

Dr. Phil:
Well, obviously we’re going to continue to follow this story very closely and please join us in praying to bring this family some answers.

If you have information regarding the disappearance of this precious 14-year-old boy, Dylan Redwine, who is 5’ tall, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and around 105 pounds, please contact the LaPlata County Sheriff’s Office at 970-382-7511. That’s 970-382-7511.

I’ll have this info on Dr.Phil.com, so if you don’t have a pen right now or you didn’t get that,
Just go to the website and we’ll have it right there.

Thanks especially to Jack Trimarco. For more information on him, please log onto Dr.Phil.com and we’ll have everything you want to know about Jack Trimarco. Jack, you’ve gone above and beyond. Thank you for disrupting your life and coming around and being here.

I don't recall seeing this posted yet, but apologize if it was.

Dylan's mom did an interview since the arrest: http://www.9news.com/news/crime/dyl...of-his-father-id-rather-have-my-son/458857688

9: In the indictment, there was some mention of some photographs that Mark was upset about and there was some - that it might have been tied to that - can you tell us anything about that?
H: Dylan did find some pretty unsavory photos that his father had on a camera that Dylan saw. You know I really don't want to talk about that because I still want to protect my children. There's a Discovery web podcast that really sums it up better than I could - and the pictures are out on the internet and they're out on this web and you may want to go look at that. I don't feel that that's something I need to speak about - I still want to protect my kids.

9: Without talking specifically about it - do you believe that's where this all came from? Did it stem from that?
H: I think it was a culmination of many things. I think Mark was very angry at me. I think he was very angry at Cory - Dylan's brother - I think he was very angry with my new relationship and my new life. I think he didn't want to pay child support. I think there's many things with the pictures and when you just put them together - I think it was the culmination of everything.
The fact that Dylan's blood was found in multiple places in Mark's home and he said that Dylan never suffered an injury which would cause bleeding after the home was remodeled is going to be very hard to explain by the defense.

Blood was found under a rug. Was the rug moved to hide that evidence? The multiple alerts by a HRD dog are bolstered by the blood found and the fact that Dylan was indeed dead. Corroborating evidence.

Pretty strong evidence IMO.


I think my post got lost in the Dr Phil transcripts.

Any thoughts on the blood evidence. Can a defense lawyer claim that Dylan injured himself at the home, bled in multiple places, and Mark pulled a rug over it, forgetting all about it?

It doesn't work for me.
Supporters of Mark caused so much upheaval on this site, I hope they're all eating a second serving on crow as they watch from the sidelines! How people could have gone after Elaine so hideously while they supported a killer for their personal drama fix is beyond me! RIP Dylan!

So relieved to finally see the possibility of justice for Dylan and his family. This has been a long time coming. I followed the case here on WS for a long time until things just got a little weird. I still can't listen to the song "Blurry" without shedding a tear or two. Thanks to those who stuck it out and hopefully the trial will put an end to all this so that Dylan can finally rest in peace.

I wasn't aware of this case until today and have been reading articles non-stop about it for hours now. My God, how MR has lived a life of freedom for the past five years is astounding. I found an article from 2013 that included a theory from Mark on what happened to Dylan:

It’s “within the realm of possibilities” Dylan ran away or went for a hike, and a hunter heard him in the woods and accidentally shot him and covered it up, he said. It’s just one possibility.

Yeah, you know - that all-too-common occurrence when a kid who clearly states that they want nothing to do with one of their parents just happens to go in the woods by themselves and in the process, just happens to get shot by a hunter AND that hunter just happens to cover up the accidental shooting.

Christ, what a this guy is!

(On a personal note, I see some familiar "faces" on this thread and it touches me to read your emotional reactions to this arrest. I can't believe you've all had to wait five years for this day to arrive. God bless Dylan and his family.)

I think my post got lost in the Dr Phil transcripts.

Any thoughts on the blood evidence. Can a defense lawyer claim that Dylan injured himself at the home, bled in multiple places, and Mark pulled a rug over it, forgetting all about it?

It doesn't work for me.
They could try and spin that but who'd believe it?

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I think my post got lost in the Dr Phil transcripts.

Any thoughts on the blood evidence. Can a defense lawyer claim that Dylan injured himself at the home, bled in multiple places, and Mark pulled a rug over it, forgetting all about it?

It doesn't work for me.

I believe that the indictment stated that the home was renovated after a fire in March of the same year and that MR himself stated that DR had not been there much and that he had not injured himself there.

I think my post got lost in the Dr Phil transcripts.

Any thoughts on the blood evidence. Can a defense lawyer claim that Dylan injured himself at the home, bled in multiple places, and Mark pulled a rug over it, forgetting all about it?

It doesn't work for me.

You can probably try to explain away the blood but to have so much blood so many places would be more than simple cut that would not require a hospital I would say. Between the cadaver dogs , the blood and the marks on the skull :( , I don't think there's a lot of room for a lawyer to get him off. Skibaboo posted earlier about tool marks on the skull. I shudder to think what that means.
I believe that the indictment stated that the home was renovated after a fire in March of the same year and that MR himself stated that DR had not been there much and that he had not injured himself there.


Yes. The short amount of time from the renovation to when Dylan disappeared will make it hard to claim that he bled in the home and MR didn't know it.

It apparently was a pretty bad fire. I would imagine the furniture that had Dylan's blood on it was purchased after the fire. I'm sure we will find that out later. JMO
I would assume Skibs did a case map. Can someone repost it please?

Wow !!!
As far as the "images"... I'm thinking they were of Mark and another person ... that'd be incriminating for him ??
I know his parents were already divorced; but maybe it was the kind of photos that could've put Mark in jail ??
(Like with a teen girl ?)

So he thought murdering his own flesh and blood was the solution , fgs !

Still -- good to see the wheels of justice turning for this boy.

Rest forever in gentle peace, Dylan. Answers are coming and someone will be made to face punishment !!!! (hoping)
I think my post got lost in the Dr Phil transcripts.

Any thoughts on the blood evidence. Can a defense lawyer claim that Dylan injured himself at the home, bled in multiple places, and Mark pulled a rug over it, forgetting all about it?

It doesn't work for me.


The indictment shows Mark stated Dylan had not suffered any blood-letting injury in his house after the March 2012 remodel (after the fire) and November, 2012.

I am having trouble remembering, but wasn't it in one of Tricia's interviews where Mark threw in something about Dylan possibly getting injured by a Nerf ball. A Nerf ball. By then Mark had realized the investigators found blood, imho.
I would assume Skibs did a case map. Can someone repost it please?


Actually she was not doing maps at that time but this is a good time to get one done.

The indictment shows Mark stated Dylan had not suffered any blood-letting injury in his house after the March 2012 remodel (after the fire) and November, 2012.

I am having trouble remembering, but wasn't it in one of Tricia's interviews where Mark threw in something about Dylan possibly getting injured by a Nerf ball. A Nerf ball. By then Mark had realized the investigators found blood, imho.

The Nerf ball sounds familiar. Not sure how one could cause bleeding. I guess if it hit your nose hard enough.

We know that a blunt object and not a Nerf ball struck Dylan's skull and most likely that blunt object hit him when he was in Mark's home leaving the blood evidence behind. JMO
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