Dylan Redwine's father arrested in connection to son's death 22 July 2017

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That is disgusting. Mark is disgusting. Imo.

My thoughts were that the photos were of a criminal nature --as in an illegal liaison , or pics of a crime being committed.

Hard to believe a person could possibly kill over this, though.

Maybe --if MR murdered Dylan-- the sole purpose was to hurt his ex ? :(

So this is how I see these types in my mind, with the caveat that I am not an actual expert in anything.

Yes, I think revenge on EH was part of it. But if the photos were part of the impetus of this rage I think that is its own motivation. EH reports MR is very controlling. I think that's common with certain types. Seems like there is often a vice at the center, and then an "alter ego" that is created to project the opposite of the vice and kind of provide cover so that behavior can continue. Think of Jerry Sandusky, a child predator crafting an image of hero to children, or an officer sworn to protect and serve who beats his wife, or a televangelist who brands himself as a moral leader, but has serial affairs. Maintaining the alter ego takes a lot of work, and people in the abusive person's life are merely props at their disposal to make sure the show still goes on.

So under my crackpot theory, MR's alter ego is Mr. All-American, who every guy wants to have a beer with, and who every woman finds desirable and says "I wish my guy were more like that." That's the fantasy. MR's first family stopped playing along, but he managed to make a new family with EH. But then EH stopped playing her part, and then Cory, and only Dylan was left. So I think it's a combination of MR seeing Dylan siding with EH who MR kind of considers his mortal enemy at that point, and Dylan being the last actor left in the alter-ego charade. So an argument like what has been proposed with Dylan would probably have been seen by MR as 1) ultimate victory for EH, 2) a threat to his fantasy 3) exposure of his vice, 4) proof of his impotency in that he'd lost all control over the actors in his carefully managed production.

I could be wrong. Who knows? Maybe he's just a really mean drunk.
I'll start out with an apology to Tricia, and whoever else moderated back then and is still here now, for my part in the mayhem that happened with this case in the past. I was never convinced that he was innocent, but as long as he hadn't been named a suspect or POI by LE, I refused to accuse him (I have to admit that I was extremely happy when they did name him as a POI, but by then pretty much everything had already been said.) I never believed EH had anything to do with the death, but did wonder if she had taken him, or arranged for him to be taken, when he first disappeared. I wish that had been the case since it would mean Dylan would still be alive and well.

I don't regret continuing to look at other possibilities because I always want to look at all sides of an issue before making up my mind. I do, however, regret any hard feelings I may have caused for people who took things I said personally (or had to clean up messes I may have inadvertently started.) Unfortunately, I'll still continue to try looking at all options in other cases, but I've been trying hard to be more tactful about it. I realize that many people trust their instincts more than I do, and I'm trying hard to stop expecting everyone to look at things the same way I do.

I'm really glad that in this case the obvious suspect ended up being the right one, and I hope their case is as strong as it sounds like it will be. He may have gotten 5 more years of freedom than he deserved, but I hope he gets what he deserves in whatever time he has left.

Ditto what Confusion said.
Why on earth was this murdering <modsnip> only charged with 2nd degree murder?

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I have a petty request. Will people please stop calling her ER? She took back her maiden name when she got divorced, and I have no doubt that she cringes every time someone uses the name Redwine when referring to her. I believe her last name is Hatfield now, and I think it would be more respectful to use that. Not complaining about what other people post, I'm just making a suggestion. Thanks.
I recall how angry we were with the Judge who ordered this fatal visitation between MR and DR even after Elaine pleaded for him not to be forced to go. Soon after Dylan's murder, the Judge retired with his decision that ended Dylan's life always with him.

This is always the worst conundrum a protective parent can face when the court won't take their concerns seriously. A protective parent may become worried that a child will face serious harm if he or she goes on a visit with an unsafe parent. However alienation theory has done so much damage that they are also likely to fear that not complying will be seen as a reason to give custody to the unsafe parent, where the child will be in danger all of the time instead of just every other weekend. I have been through this and it is literally the worst thing, especially when you have to send your terrified child and they don't understand why.

There was the matter of the child support payment that MR had conveniently written a check for but, had not mailed. Hail, no. He didn't intend to pay Elaine two cents in child support payments.

Shades of the Christmas presents that Scott Peterson never bought.
I have a petty request. Will people please stop calling her ER? She took back her maiden name when she got divorced, and I have no doubt that she cringes every time someone uses the name Redwine when referring to her. I believe her last name is Hatfield now, and I think it would be more respectful to use that. Not complaining about what other people post, I'm just making a suggestion. Thanks.

Not petty at all in this context. Yeah, that was me, and that's my bad. Gosh I hate when that happens to me too, but how much worse it has to be for her. Good on you for bringing it up, I'll revise asap.
Ok. Thanks for the links. Seems this man fought to have a visitation only so he could kill the child.

He has all the physical features of a long term alcoholic and I suggest it is beer.

Judges can order supervised visitation which protects the children while allowing for visitation. It is a win-win for all parties.

Josh Powell was supposed to have supervised visitation, and that was a disaster. Also, Dylan did not want to see his father. Sometimes, that has to be okay with everyone. Elaine could have gone to jail for contempt of court if she had not insisted that Dylan see his father.
Judges are in a tough place because so many lies are coming at them, often from both sides. I have seen parents making up vicious lies about the other, to keep their children away from them. And that is unforgiveable. But it is just devastating that Poor sweet Dylan was forced to go to on this visitation. I do think judges should listen to a 14 yr old about whether they want to visit a parent or not.

My judge insisted that my ex was not a dangerous man after he was convicted of domestic violence. When he moved in with a couple of drug dealers, one of whom actually attracted attention from the FBI (their home was stormed) after helping an inmate escape from prison, I was able to prove all of what I said about him. The judge accused me of being crazy, and gave him unsupervised visitation, anyway. The last time he saw our kids, he threatened our son, who was 3 at the time, with a butcher knife because of a potty training accident. Later on, I moved over a thousand miles away, and have never looked back. I kid you not when I say that there are problems with a lot of judges in family law courts.
You can't sue a judge because he made a bad decision. You can appeal if there are grounds for an appeal. An overturned decision (aka revelation that a deicision was wrong) isn't enough to have personal grounds for suit against a judge. For that matter, neither is a bad outcome, absence official misconduct by the judge.

Judges, prosecutors, and cops usually have something called qualified immunity, which protects them from civil suits.
Judges, prosecutors, and cops usually have something called qualified immunity, which protects them from civil suits.

Thanks for clearing that up. I didn't know if there were any ramifications to judges bad decisions or not. But I would think that making a huge one like this at least opens up his other cases for review where another child could still be in danger if the other parent hasn't already interceded in some way.
If Mark has a jury trial, where he is charged with 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] degree does the verdict have to be unanimous in Colorado?

I do believe other charges will be coming like obstruction and maybe desecration of a body that come to mind. I do believe they will have a very solid case with so many of those puzzle pieces fitting together. Each individual piece as some said &#8220;does not make someone guilty&#8221;, but when you put them together with the other evidence it tells the story. I&#8217;m sure they will get to see the Dr. Phil tapes, interviews, etc. won&#8217;t they? I don&#8217;t think there&#8217;s going to be a problem with a jury; it was such a tiny time-frame for someone else to murder Dylan in the house, clean-up and remove him.
Elaine got married a couple years ago and her name is Elaine Hall now. I agree that we shouldn't be referring to her as ER.
In a perfect world, judicial mistakes would give cause for review of a judge's similar cases, but in reality, that usually doesn't happen. It's just too much trouble for the court; they have to pay people to go through paperwork, and they have to pay lawyers to review cases. Single moms and children are usually poor, and children are too young to vote, so that demographic is unimportant to most courts. Also, it is much more cost effective to bury the typical domestic violence victim than it is to actually assist her. The judge who thought it was okay for my ex to threaten a 3 year old with a knife was actually on the board of directors for the womens shelter in my community. I had to get help from a neighboring state.......even after my ex was convicted! She had the audacity to tell me that the conviction was incorrect, and that she did not have to pay attention to it! I would like to think that my case was unique, but sadly, it really isn't. The moral of the story: do not be a victim of domestic violence, even if you are.
Its one thing if the parent lives in the state. But forcing a kid to visit dad who lives a isolated life somewhere else is ridiculous and I blame the courts.

Especially if dad dresses in diapers and likes poop. Jmo.
Thanks for clearing that up. I didn't know if there were any ramifications to judges bad decisions or not. But I would think that making a huge one like this at least opens up his other cases for review where another child could still be in danger if the other parent hasn't already interceded in some way.

The only recourse you have against a judge that way is if the conduct is so erroneous that the State Bar gets involved. That is a rarity, but it does happen. An example would be the Tsimonhi (sp?) case last year. After repeated refusals to visit or even interact with their father Judge Gorcyca held the children in contempt and sent them to a juvenile facility. One of the children wasn't even on her order to have visitation that day, but that didn't matter. The youngest was nine years old, openly crying and didn't seem to fully understand it all, but that didn't matter either. The reason one of the children gave was that they had witnessed the father abuse their mother, but that didn't matter either. During hearings the judge swirled her index finger near the side of her head to suggest one of the kids was crazy. She also compared the kids to a Manson cult. The bar issued her a suspension finding that she had misused her contempt powers and had not upheld the high standards of judicial conduct expected of her position.

For some reason it was easier to believe that the kids were a Manson-like cult than to think that maybe - just maybe - they were telling the truth.
Elaine got married a couple years ago and her name is Elaine Hall now. I agree that we shouldn't be referring to her as ER.
Thanks, I couldn't remember if they were married or not. At least I had her initials right.
Again, I don't want this thread to get too far away from Dylan, but I'm so thankful that some of you have felt comfortable enough to share your experiences here. Back before the new and improved Websleuths I had a little thread going in a section that I'm not sure exists anymore, with links to resources DV centers, legal research, policy and advocacy orgs, conferences, books,etc. My hope was that anyone facing domestic violence and/or child abuse would find it to be an empowering resource and it might help spark needed discussion or be a place to seek support from other survivors and allies. If this would be useful we can always ask Tricia if there is some place such a thread might find a home again.
Thank you, SCHMAE, for alerting me to this development...

I was afraid this day would never come.

Mark Redwine >>>>>>>:jail:

RIP DYLAN...:candle:
Again, I don't want this thread to get too far away from Dylan, but I'm so thankful that some of you have felt comfortable enough to share your experiences here. Back before the new and improved Websleuths I had a little thread going in a section that I'm not sure exists anymore, with links to resources DV centers, legal research, policy and advocacy orgs, conferences, books,etc. My hope was that anyone facing domestic violence and/or child abuse would find it to be an empowering resource and it might help spark needed discussion or be a place to seek support from other survivors and allies. If this would be useful we can always ask Tricia if there is some place such a thread might find a home again.

I think the area you're referring to is still here. It's titled Resource Center and it is at the bottom of the main page just above the members only area of WS.
I think the area you're referring to is still here. It's titled Resource Center and it is at the bottom of the main page just above the members only area of WS.

Thanks Cubby!
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