Early Parole and Missed Opportunities-What happened?

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Not only the chair, but some of the other toddler aged toys as well raised my suspicions. Jaycee's youngest is 11, would toys like the plastic toddler tricycle really look that good after sitting outside in the scorching sun, wind, and rain for 8-10 years? I mean, it doesn't look great, but it doesn't look 8-10 years old to me.


You and Sunnie have both made great observations, albeit I must admit, I'm feeling pretty creeped out right now.
These pictures were after Jaycee and the girls were recovered and somewhere it has been stated that LE had been back there and removed pictures and things that "Jaycee may want or find important", sorry not a direct quote. Anyway my point is, what else was removed that may have shown that younger children had been present and did Jaycee ever state that there were NEVER other kids there? I've never read that.
I have been doing some more research regarding the veracity of the SacBee article. Here is the conclusion I have arrived at:

Both The SacBee and The Contra Costa Times were lied to by Gordon Hinkle, a spokesman for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, regarding the activities of Garrido's parole agent in general, and specifically regarding the afternoon of August 26th.

Here is what the Contra Costa Times reported:

""Garrido was on lifetime parole, subject to routine home checks and GPS monitoring, according to Gordon Hinkle, a spokesman for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. He wore a GPS anklet since late 2007, as the state requires all paroled sex offenders to do under Jessica's Law, which passed in 2006.

Hinkle said Friday that Phillip Garrido's parole officer visited the Antioch house about twice a month and had entered the backyard, but never saw any signs of the compound that held Jaycee Dugard or their children behind a fence, or even any indication of children living there.

"There were no signs of toys, kids' bowls or plates, games. No indication there were kids there," Hinkle said.

Hinkle said the parole agent, who was assigned to Garrido since last December, visited the Antioch house on Tuesday, after receiving word from UC Berkeley police that Garrido was spotted with the two girls trying to hand out religious literature on campus.

Apparently there was no one home, Hinkle said, so the agent called Garrido into his office the next day. He arrived with his wife, Nancy, the two children and Dugard, who went by "Allissa." For a few hours, Hinkle said, Garrido remained vague about their relationship.

The agent had never seen the girls, so he was confused by their accompanying him to the parole office, Hinkle said."

The above sentence tells us that what Hinkle is saying is not true. We already know that Jacobs from UCBerkeley had mentioned the 'kids' to the parole agent. The parole agent was lucky the kids were there.

""(Garrido) was evasive for several hours. They separated the girls from Garrido. A lot of stuff was not adding up," he said.

The agent called in Concord police, who teased out the relationship from both Dugard and Garrido.

Hinkle said he didn"t know when, before Tuesday, the parole agent last visited the house or the backyard, but said the fence separating the yard from the compound where Dugard and the girls lived "appeared to be the property line. You'd never know there was an additional yard.""

So, we know that Hinkle is not being totally upfront with anything he has to say about his parole agency.

Contra Costa sheriff admits missed opportunities to rescue Jaycee Dugard
Contra Costa Times

And, in a CNN article:

"Hinkle said the officer who flushed out Garrido's alleged crimes had only been supervising him since December. When the officer learned from campus police that Garrido had 11- and 15-year-old girls in tow while proselytizing at the University of California-Berkeley, he called Garrido in for a meeting.

Garrido arrived with his wife, Dugard and the two girls. Hinkle would not provide details of the conversation -- it could affect the investigation and prosecution, he said -- but he did say Garrido and his wife were not forthcoming about Dugard's and the girls' identities.

It was the parole officer's diligence that ultimately yielded the Garridos' arrest and Dugard and her daughters' freedom.

Said Hinkle, "They were coming in being elusive and deceptive about their identities, and the agent would not let go.""

Experts: Monitoring tools failed to unearth Garrido's secret

So, it seems, at the very least that both CC Times and SacBee bought into Hinkle's 'story'.
Hinkle said he didn"t know when, before Tuesday, the parole agent last visited the house or the backyard, but said the fence separating the yard from the compound where Dugard and the girls lived "appeared to be the property line. You'd never know there was an additional yard.""

Respectfully snipped by me. I would also like to add that I looked through the pictures of the backyard prison and house again, and there appear to be TWO gates leading to the hidden backyard. The one I previously noticed and one that goes through the carport. They are very obvious.
You and Sunnie have both made great observations, albeit I must admit, I'm feeling pretty creeped out right now.

Looking through the pictures again here are more things that seem out of place to me:

A baby's walker (could be old enough to be the youngest daughters, maybe?)
Another toddler's plastic tricycle, different from the one before in even better condition
A child sized Fisher-Price picnic table in relatively good condition
A Fisher-Price children's playhouse also in relatively good condition
Another child sized Fisher-Price picnic table, this one is definitely older because I remember my brothers (aged 16 and 11) having one like it
A child sized dress up pirate hat
A pair of red striped baby/child socks (My two year old had a similar pair) They're laying next to an adult or older child sized shoe in a pile of clothes. They're very small.
A child's car seat, but this could be old.
Looking through the pictures again here are more things that seem out of place to me:

A baby's walker (could be old enough to be the youngest daughters, maybe?)
Another toddler's plastic tricycle, different from the one before in even better condition
A child sized Fisher-Price picnic table in relatively good condition
A Fisher-Price children's playhouse also in relatively good condition
Another child sized Fisher-Price picnic table, this one is definitely older because I remember my brothers (aged 16 and 11) having one like it
A child sized dress up pirate hat
A pair of red striped baby/child socks (My two year old had a similar pair) They're laying next to an adult or older child sized shoe in a pile of clothes. They're very small.
A child's car seat, but this could be old.

Okay, where are you seeing this stuff?

Also, has anyone looked at the pictures of the kitchen to see if there was anything like sippy cups the dish rack? I can't seem to get the picture to zoom.
Could the other guy he was with in 1972 have been a rookie cop/close chum of PG? Maybe the other guy's dad was on the force at the time? Maybe the other guy is a cop now and covered for PG all these years? Maybe a childhood "brother" of PG's?
It would explain how the girl was possibly "persuaded" not to testify against PG. It could have been this "chum" that tipped the girls parents off as to her whereabouts. Maybe PG's behavior disgusted this "chum" but there was no way he could ever turn his back on his childhood friend. The "chum" knew what PG was doing was wrong but felt the need to protect him? Maybe the "chum" owed PG some kind of lifetime favor/friendship "fee". It would explain how PG got away with this and many other crimes. More crimes than we've even begun to know, I fear. Maybe it was this chum that called the tip in about JC at the service station in 92 in the yellow van, hoping to rat PG out w/out having his name attached to it? Is this too far out there?

Another poster mentioned Classmates.com so I checked it out and there were a couple of eyebrow raising posts about his behavior early on from former classmates. Wouldn't it make sense that PG would make "connections" w/ LE early on in his criminal career so that he could get away with his behavior at least somewhat easier? Sometimes cops are just plain C R O O K E D or maybe I'm just WAY off. Any of this make sense?

Yes it does make sense, and I have been trying to figure out why there has been no mention of the 2 girls since his arrest 2 months ago.
I hope my mind is not running away but 18 years to get away with something of that nature.
Somebody is covering his azz.. I posted this on another thread.
It has made my mind spin...PG has other perp friends and there has been no news since his arrest, no little girls, no additional arrests, no TIP Number clearly made available. I tried to find a tip number and could not. How Can it be? :waitasec:
This video did happen....How can that be?
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4368657&postcount=95"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Corruption? Contra Costa County[/ame]
Yes it does make sense, and I have been trying to figure out why there has been no mention of the 2 girls since his arrest 2 months ago.
I hope my mind is not running away but 18 years to get away with something of that nature.
Somebody is covering his azz.. I posted this on another thread.
It has made my mind spin...PG has other perp friends and there has been no news since his arrest, no little girls, no additional arrests, no TIP Number clearly made available. I tried to find a tip number and could not. How Can it be? :waitasec:
This video did happen....How can that be?
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Corruption? Contra Costa County

Loved this link then and love it now. Thank you Songline!

This leads us back to the Johnny Gosch kidnapper and the fact that Michaelas kidnapper look exactly alike!

Bye the way, other backyard picture sites:



There are more sites like mahalo, listed above also

Songline, there is no way at this point to know if the two children taken into custody two months ago were even girls. The article said two children.
Okay, where are you seeing this stuff?

Also, has anyone looked at the pictures of the kitchen to see if there was anything like sippy cups the dish rack? I can't seem to get the picture to zoom.

The radar online link SunnieRN posted above and here:

ETA: You can also see a few of these things in the CC Building Inspectors photos:

Scroll half way down and there are two links to slideshows.

I tried to look at the kitchen closely, I didn't see anything to indicate children. However in one of the yard photos I saw another toddler car seat.
Loved this link then and love it now. Thank you Songline!

This leads us back to the Johnny Gosch kidnapper and the fact that Michaelas kidnapper look exactly alike!

Bye the way, other backyard picture sites:



There are more sites like mahalo, listed above also

Songline, there is no way at this point to know if the two children taken into custody two months ago were even girls. The article said two children.

Every time I look at those pictures I am in shock all over again. But somebody got away for 18 years doing this to her.
How did he get to leave prison so early, and how is it he was able to get away with this for so long.
There is something bigger going on, MUCH BIGGER.
While we don't know who the children were, taken in two months ago.
We do know that PG was seen with two little girls;
WHY is the law so lax about their well being? What is really going on? IS SCARY......No TIP LINE.....No additional news, it is as if this town wants this buried...But OK save the children first.
I think this SOB not only had a psycho mom, I think they THE LEGAL POWERS THAT BE looked away for a reason.
PS: Yes Johnny Gosch kidnapper and Michaelas kidnapper look alike!
I have been doing some more research regarding the veracity of the SacBee article. Here is the conclusion I have arrived at:

Thank you for this extensively researched synopsis. Do you think Hinkle lied to cover for department errors or could there be something more sinister? :waitasec: What is your personal take on Hinkle's "spin"?
Every time I look at those pictures I am in shock all over again. But somebody got away for 18 years doing this to her.
How did he get to leave prison so early, and how is it he was able to get away with this for so long.
There is something bigger going on, MUCH BIGGER.
While we don't know who the children were, taken in two months ago.
We do know that PG was seen with two little girls;
WHY is the law so lax about their well being? What is really going on? IS SCARY......No TIP LINE.....No additional news, it is as if this town wants this buried...But OK save the children first.
I think this SOB not only had a psycho mom, I think they THE LEGAL POWERS THAT BE looked away for a reason.

The no "tip line" has bothered me, too. I just don't get it! I finally posted the numbers in one of the other threads...I think it was, "Are there other victims."
Is it incompetence, disregard for investigation, or a cover up? In my opinion there are strong arguments to all 3 scenarios:waitasec:!
I don't understand what you're referring to. The journalist just reported what was given him by the SO and parole office. How is that a "lack of journalistic integrity"? Did you read the posts correctly?

what i was told was that the orginal article DID NOT state that he went to garridos on the 25th. and he denies that he changed it, that it was always that way.
I read in his 1993 parole violation records that a GPS monitor was part of his 3 mo.(?) parole sentence. He also was sentenced to an in-house drug program. I can't copy anything from it since it's in pdf format. I posted the link earlier today...somewhere.

I read somewhere that in 2007 the PO failed to put a monitor on PG. Now I wish I would have made note of that source. Has anyone else seen this?
I have been doing some more research regarding the veracity of the SacBee article. Here is the conclusion I have arrived at:

Both The SacBee and The Contra Costa Times were lied to by Gordon Hinkle, a spokesman for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, regarding the activities of Garrido's parole agent in general, and specifically regarding the afternoon of August 26th.

Here is what the Contra Costa Times reported:

""Garrido was on lifetime parole, subject to routine home checks and GPS monitoring, according to Gordon Hinkle, a spokesman for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. He wore a GPS anklet since late 2007, as the state requires all paroled sex offenders to do under Jessica's Law, which passed in 2006.

Hinkle said Friday that Phillip Garrido's parole officer visited the Antioch house about twice a month and had entered the backyard, but never saw any signs of the compound that held Jaycee Dugard or their children behind a fence, or even any indication of children living there.

"There were no signs of toys, kids' bowls or plates, games. No indication there were kids there," Hinkle said.

Hinkle said the parole agent, who was assigned to Garrido since last December, visited the Antioch house on Tuesday, after receiving word from UC Berkeley police that Garrido was spotted with the two girls trying to hand out religious literature on campus.

Apparently there was no one home, Hinkle said, so the agent called Garrido into his office the next day. He arrived with his wife, Nancy, the two children and Dugard, who went by "Allissa." For a few hours, Hinkle said, Garrido remained vague about their relationship.

The agent had never seen the girls, so he was confused by their accompanying him to the parole office, Hinkle said."

The above sentence tells us that what Hinkle is saying is not true. We already know that Jacobs from UCBerkeley had mentioned the 'kids' to the parole agent. The parole agent was lucky the kids were there.

""(Garrido) was evasive for several hours. They separated the girls from Garrido. A lot of stuff was not adding up," he said.

The agent called in Concord police, who teased out the relationship from both Dugard and Garrido.

Hinkle said he didn"t know when, before Tuesday, the parole agent last visited the house or the backyard, but said the fence separating the yard from the compound where Dugard and the girls lived "appeared to be the property line. You'd never know there was an additional yard.""

So, we know that Hinkle is not being totally upfront with anything he has to say about his parole agency.

Contra Costa sheriff admits missed opportunities to rescue Jaycee Dugard
Contra Costa Times

And, in a CNN article:

"Hinkle said the officer who flushed out Garrido's alleged crimes had only been supervising him since December. When the officer learned from campus police that Garrido had 11- and 15-year-old girls in tow while proselytizing at the University of California-Berkeley, he called Garrido in for a meeting.

Garrido arrived with his wife, Dugard and the two girls. Hinkle would not provide details of the conversation -- it could affect the investigation and prosecution, he said -- but he did say Garrido and his wife were not forthcoming about Dugard's and the girls' identities.

It was the parole officer's diligence that ultimately yielded the Garridos' arrest and Dugard and her daughters' freedom.

Said Hinkle, "They were coming in being elusive and deceptive about their identities, and the agent would not let go.""

Experts: Monitoring tools failed to unearth Garrido's secret

So, it seems, at the very least that both CC Times and SacBee bought into Hinkle's 'story'.

went to his house or called him, which is it? this is the "jounalistic integrity" im referring to. he seems to contradict himself.
and here we are again, with the "parole officer saved the day' nonsense. why does a reporter feel the need to cover LE's behind?
and i want to say, the horse manure comment was not name callilng. it was a stance i take on this whole case.
Thank you for this extensively researched synopsis. Do you think Hinkle lied to cover for department errors or could there be something more sinister? :waitasec: What is your personal take on Hinkle's "spin"?
Yes, I think he is covering for the Corrections and Rehabilitation Department. That's really sort of his job, to make the department and its people look good.
I don't think that there is any question but that they will eventually be facing a massive civil suit. Its never too soon to start rewriting your history. Someday the real truth will all come out. I don't think there is anything sinister or corrupt going on.
The Department itself wields way too much power without having to answer to anyone. We need to reform it.
I have been doing some more research regarding the veracity of the SacBee article. Here is the conclusion I have arrived at:

Both The SacBee and The Contra Costa Times were lied to by Gordon Hinkle, a spokesman for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, regarding the activities of Garrido's parole agent in general, and specifically regarding the afternoon of August 26th.

Here is what the Contra Costa Times reported:

""Garrido was on lifetime parole, subject to routine home checks and GPS monitoring, according to Gordon Hinkle, a spokesman for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. He wore a GPS anklet since late 2007, as the state requires all paroled sex offenders to do under Jessica's Law, which passed in 2006.

Hinkle said Friday that Phillip Garrido's parole officer visited the Antioch house about twice a month and had entered the backyard, but never saw any signs of the compound that held Jaycee Dugard or their children behind a fence, or even any indication of children living there.

"There were no signs of toys, kids' bowls or plates, games. No indication there were kids there," Hinkle said.

Hinkle said the parole agent, who was assigned to Garrido since last December, visited the Antioch house on Tuesday, after receiving word from UC Berkeley police that Garrido was spotted with the two girls trying to hand out religious literature on campus.

Apparently there was no one home, Hinkle said, so the agent called Garrido into his office the next day. He arrived with his wife, Nancy, the two children and Dugard, who went by "Allissa." For a few hours, Hinkle said, Garrido remained vague about their relationship.

The agent had never seen the girls, so he was confused by their accompanying him to the parole office, Hinkle said."

The above sentence tells us that what Hinkle is saying is not true. We already know that Jacobs from UCBerkeley had mentioned the 'kids' to the parole agent. The parole agent was lucky the kids were there.

""(Garrido) was evasive for several hours. They separated the girls from Garrido. A lot of stuff was not adding up," he said.

The agent called in Concord police, who teased out the relationship from both Dugard and Garrido.

Hinkle said he didn"t know when, before Tuesday, the parole agent last visited the house or the backyard, but said the fence separating the yard from the compound where Dugard and the girls lived "appeared to be the property line. You'd never know there was an additional yard.""

So, we know that Hinkle is not being totally upfront with anything he has to say about his parole agency.

Contra Costa sheriff admits missed opportunities to rescue Jaycee Dugard
Contra Costa Times

And, in a CNN article:

"Hinkle said the officer who flushed out Garrido's alleged crimes had only been supervising him since December. When the officer learned from campus police that Garrido had 11- and 15-year-old girls in tow while proselytizing at the University of California-Berkeley, he called Garrido in for a meeting.

Garrido arrived with his wife, Dugard and the two girls. Hinkle would not provide details of the conversation -- it could affect the investigation and prosecution, he said -- but he did say Garrido and his wife were not forthcoming about Dugard's and the girls' identities.

It was the parole officer's diligence that ultimately yielded the Garridos' arrest and Dugard and her daughters' freedom.

Said Hinkle, "They were coming in being elusive and deceptive about their identities, and the agent would not let go.""

Experts: Monitoring tools failed to unearth Garrido's secret

So, it seems, at the very least that both CC Times and SacBee bought into Hinkle's 'story'.

I won't snip your post this time so that others won't miss it on a new page.

Thanks so much for this. I still wonder, do you think the Berkeley Police would have notified the Sheriff's Office or Antioch PD also? Not to point the finger at them... this just all seems so iffy on the Parole side and I'm actually shocked that they would just do a cursory search of the property and just ask him to come in. I'd think someone would be there with back-ups and do a very thorough search.

I agree with others that you might not have to look that hard to realize there are gates back there - AND on property maps all those properties are perfectly rectangular not irregular shapes. Plus ... kids stuff lying around.

Makes you wonder what would have happened if Garrido didn't take the kids in with him?

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