Ebola outbreak - general thread #2

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so we really don't know if after you make it through ebola virus, what happens and how long you could infect others if they are afraid to jail him later!

He should be fine (assuming he survives) once his viral load is undetectable. The other two Ebola patients were released into community with no special precautions.
Unless he were to have sex with other inmates (virus can stay in semen for up to several months even it is undetectable in the blood)
(per NBC link above)
saying that the family is in a safe place, where they can be o.k....where any of us could stay...freedom to move around.

finishing up the clean up of the apartment.

materials will be moved to an undisclosed area.
news conference...............cnn...........now.......
family can room now..........but away from others?
In Dallas.
peace and left alone in undisclosed location.
showing hazmat trucks
you've seen the contact trace numbers...down from 100 to 50 to 10.
...feel confident that our community can feel safe.

the movement of this family was a moving moment for me. Judge Jenkins moved the family and I met them and I said thank you and met them.
there is only 1 person who is actively showing symptoms in Dallas and they in quarantined at the hospital.

we are educating the public at 311 numbers.
our paramedics are trained on this.
now they say 50 people, educating public...........allot of thank you's
lots of activities state fair etc
get out there and show the TX spirit.........(yeah get in a big crowd,LOL)
'There is no fear in our eyes'
get kids back in school, only 30 parents came to the meeting
tonight is football season..tomorrow in fall fair.

we've got to get out to show the spirit of Dallas TX.

I am thankful to the media.
We are fearless in Dallas.
Stay in hunker down stay away from crowds have your emergency food etc just in case that's my suggestion for people in Dallas..
(I recall the SARS crisis. People were afraid to go out; afraid to travel. I had a business meeting in Toronto, where we were supposed to meet with business providers from Boston. They refused to come to Toronto. I don't blame them. This give me some perspective as to how the general public feels when an 'unknown' biological risk is 'out there'.)
cyber type school for the home bound children

DOT permit is needed........sealed containers guarded by officers
0 risk on this family..........no symptoms
Thanks for letting us know what they are saying at the presser.

I had to veg out so I put on Amazing Race.

I do think we're going to hear from some pissed off people in Dallas pretty soon. I would have evacuated (if that's the pc word) the neighbors and given them two apartments to live in.
I would not expose myself and my family to this risk. But there is no risk. The risk of these materials is minimal. This risk is not robust.
What this Dallas case should be making clear to each one of us is that it is possible, theoretically, that ANY town in the USA with a hospital could be the next one to have an Ebola virus positive patient come into their E.R.
Disease is NO respecter of location or situation once the infected person has left Africa and landed somewhere, anywhere in the USA. Likewise for other countries around the globe which do not have travel bans on incoming flights from the affected countries in Africa.

So, to say that there are only 4 hospitals in the USA who can safely care for an Ebola positive patient is very dangerous to believe, as every hospital in this country which is accredited by the JCAHO has infection control polices and procedures for both contact isolation ( which is the minimum standard isolation for Ebola) up to strict isolation ( which would be needed if an Ebola positive patient was on a ventilator or emitting a spray of respiratory secretions which were aerosolized ( tiny particles not seen, IOW).

I remember the first active AIDS patient I cared for. None of my co-workers wanted anything to do with the patient. They were very scared. I knew that someone had to step up and render expert and compassionate care to a dying person, so I volunteered to add this patient to my assignment. I was both confident of my ability to care for the person with compassion and quality, and also to keep myself and my other patients safe with the use of appropriate precautions. We learned as we went.. Precautions were standardized in the USA because of the lack of knowledge of how to care for very ill AIDS patients in the 80's.

Likely, every hospital has cared for HIV+/ AIDS patients at some point since those years, and as far as I know, no one is afraid of caring for a patient based upon the diagnosis any longer. If they are, then they are ignorant. But- I remember when AIDS patients were treated as ticking time bombs out of lack of understanding. We had no guidelines. The CDC didn't know exactly what precautions to use for those first few years. And again, I am ashamed of our health care system for not knowing, for not teaching.

Fear immobilizes people, including health care professionals. I would like to encourage each of you who are still out there rendering care to review your Infection Control manuals and be confident in your ability to manage every type of isolation precaution. Because the next Ebola positive patient could be yours for which to care.
With luck, the vast knowledge gained in anti-viral therapy because of HIV will be useful in the development of anti-virals specific to Ebola.
We have learned so much because of HIV/ AIDS research and care.
I think they are speaking too soon and humble pie is the next on the list.

Sorry folks, my opinion only.
explain how the house process worked out.

Mayor Rollins and I worked it out. blah blah....

they found suitable residence for Louise and family. I don't want to think that this family is treated any differently than my family would be treated in the same circumstance. (paraphrasing, as I am a very slow trancriber)
* I am a terrible transcriber...not up to speed on this case...help from other WSers is appreciated!
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