Ebola outbreak - general thread #2

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I agree. Most likely all of them are infected already. Why not put them in isolation into a hospital right away?
If I were living in that gated community, I would really be angry right now.
And why in Earth did Duncan sleep on every mattress in the apartment? This guy presumably knew he was in contact with an Ebola patient.
What was he thinking?

That sleeping on every mattress is really weird. I've never slept on every mattress in my own house.
Nobody really thought they were going to bring a second patient into Dallas, did they? This business of thanking everyone and their brother at these press conferences, what is that all about? It is people doing their job. Finally.

I listened to a phone interview earlier today with the Vice President of the haz waste cleaning company. He was very clear that his company is a cleaning company, not a hazardous waste transport company. That he did not know who was going to transport the hazardous materials away from the site, but that it was never supposed to be his company.

So obviously, someone in authority did not know that a second company - with a hazardous waste transport permit - would be required to complete the work today. It looks like that was the reason for the delay on the cleaning out of the apartment today. Plus, now they're being secretive about exactly where the waste is going to. Why? Because they do not even know?

These people are going on camera to the world, falling all over each other (literally!) to pat each other on the back for a "job well done". I watch this and feel like this is some kind of a weird dream.


Sewage treatment is not the same as potable water treatment. Different process, different system. Every water treatment plant has a licensed water treatment specialist. This is often someone who has a degree in chemistry. Yes, they still use various forms of chlorine, but they use various other (very expensive) chemicals also. And they are constantly testing the water and examining water samples under a microscope in the onsite lab.

And yes, how much they have to treat the water is dependent on the quality of the water at the source. The more crap that's in it, the more they must filter it and treat it.
Q: the family taken to the new house is a mother and 3 children...what happened to the 2 other children?

A: If people are being compliant then I don't want to know their details. I only know intimately about this family because of the circumstances.

What the ? How does he know they're being compliant if he doesn't know the details? What the ?
If the infected sheets and towels were just taken out today...do they move the three wk period back to today...because today is the first day that they have not been living in the apt with the infected linens. They did say that the virus could not live outside the body for more than a couple of days....so i guess it is ok to say three wks from when he was taken to hospital. But i would want to be sure.
I have never seen a PC where those speaking look so uncomfortable. They know they are just spewing bs.
So how long do they get to live in the new place? Forever? Color me confused.

Somehow, they need to set a precedent with this case so that other infected people don't come here to get freebies with no consequences.
FYI for dog lovers that have wondered if our canines are susceptible, apparently the answer is NO. They do not get sick from the virus. The main carriers are primates and fruit bats.


Ebola Virus: From Wildlife To Dogs

Since 1976 the Ebola virus has caused some lethal human epidemics in Central Africa. Research now indicates that humans do not become directly contaminated from the animal reservoir, which is an any case still unknown, but from infected carcasses of chimpanzees, gorillas and certain forest antelopes. Results have come from work conducted over the past several years by IRD scientists and their partners (1) to shed light on the virus's propagation paths. The discovery of Ebola virus antibodies in several species of non-human primate suggests the existence within this fauna of different degrees of susceptibility to Ebola and, possibly, of strains of various levels of virulence. However, most large primates, once infected, soon die of the disease. Their bodies then become a potential source of contamination for humans, but also for certain domestic animals. Ebola virus antibodies were detected in dogs exposed to the virus during the latest epidemics, which suggests that these animals may well have been infected and can therefore be a new source of transmission to humans.

Dogs cannot get sick with Ebola, but they may spread it.
I have never seen a PC where those speaking look so uncomfortable. They know they are just spewing bs.

Oh, I don't know. I'm remembering some of those press conferences after the Malaysian airliner went missing. The ones where the audience members were screaming and yelling at those on the dias.

That Mayor is yetchy. And he is absolutely oblivious as to the statements he is making. His statement about how he even got into the car with the family members was pretty awful. But he is ..... proud. A word that seems to be used a whole lot in the great state of Texas. Please. Just do your friggin' job!
Appalling at all levels. They should treat this as if there is nuclear radiation.

I sincerely hope that we are prepared in Canada as we had to deal with the SARS crisis a decade ago. (Perhaps simply wishful thinking.)
Boy, am I naive! When talk of moving Louise and the 3 children out of the apartment, it never registered that it was a permanent move!! I was just thinking moving them to a larger place since they were quarantined and out of the infected apartment. It did cross my mind what the family would do for mattresses.

However, as I am reading the posts now, is this house they have moved into a permanent move? Someone just gave them a house, fully furnished out of the kindness of their hearts? Wow!
There was a post this morning on a crazy conspiracy website from anonymous Dallas resident, that 2 of the children are sick and hospitalized. Of course these things are to be taken with a HUGE grain of salt.
JMO Just WHY is it that we can save the day in other countries, but are bumbling fools in saving ourselves domestically??? I won't go into a long rant, but we were all told how manageable Ebola would be here, because of our superior abilities..........Perhaps we need to take a few lessons from Nigeria in disease crisis management. aargh. JMO

Or Senegal, which borders Guinea.
I knda thought , if that is true, that he got the sheets soiled , was feeling horrible, and just kinda jumped to a cleaner dry place - I do not know how many people were in the house the whole last two weeks ets

That sleeping on every mattress is really weird. I've never slept on every mattress in my own house.
After each press conference I feel a bit more worried about them protecting us against any infectious disease. While this time my mind gets more and more at ease each day we do not have another potential person affect by this guy.
Taylor either looks annoyed at speaking about this all together.
Judge Umm loses me with each umm umm. Serious question does he have a speech impediment? If there is ever a need for a surf dude cowboy he would win hands down.
I am ticked at all of them from the patient, his family and friends, the hospital (claims of computer error. this is why we should not rely fully on computers they are not as smart as people think they are due to human error), the leaders here.
It seems to me the top Echelons in Dallas are bragging too much too quickly! I realize they are trying to keep everyone's fear down, however, anyone with a tad bit of sense can see and hear all the bumbling mistakes being made.

The officials need to save their remarks until we get closer to the 21 day incubation period. Then, they can do all the bragging they want.

Just need to say, that out of Louise, the 3 children at her house, her 4 grandchildren, daughter, and son-in-law it will be a miracle if none of them come down with it. Miracles do happen though.
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