Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

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I hope Bentley stays well. So precious.
I'm not even sure if the leader needs medical knowledge. We need someone to lay down strict laws (the person meets with experts to examine every angle of control). There is no one at the helm or who can rely confidence that everything possible is being done. It's a mess.

If I were dictator I would put the top military brass (small group) in charge of coming up with a good plan and give them access to whatever doctors/info they need.

Those folks are trained with regard to logistics, risk assessment, etc... They know how to get things done on a large scale.
Except it seems the nurses are saying they were. Butts trying to get covered right now.

They just said in the televised hearings that inadequate PPE protocols were being used by nurses at the Texas Hospital for the two days prior to the arrival of the CDC on the day the ebola was confirmed. So whether any of the nurses "think" they were properly garbed, they were not.

In Liberia the protocol is to use full body suits. To have a misted bleach sprayed all over the PPE suit prior to it being removed.
It is called Level 4 precautions.

The protocols being used at the Texas Hospital during that two day window before the arrival of the CDC did not even include the use of shoe covers. So anybody who treated Duncan during those two days would be at High Risk.

One of the things that really, really bothers me in this entire fiasco is the nurse telling about the waste being stacked up to the ceiling! What does this mean, exactly? That they had no arrangements for hazardous waste removal in place, so they were stacking all of the orange hazard bags in one room, awaiting proper hazardous waste removal?
I find this to be the single most shocking thing about this entire situation. I have absolutely no medical background, but if someone told me they had a fever and oh, by the way, I was one of the nurses that treated Thomas Duncan, I would definitely advise against flying. But the CDC says "don't worry your temperature isn't high enough." That is truly mind bogglind and someone needs to be fired over this.

I am still not in panic mode over this, but I certainly don't think the country can afford this type of mistake being made. We may end up with mass panic as almost as dangerous threat as the disease and this is certainly not inspriing confidence.

As flu season comes into full force I can only imagine how crowded the ER's are going to become. This is going to be an interesting winter, for sure.

Im wondering also if they asked her if she took Ibuprofen earlier.
This is a better definition of how ebola is spread-

@DavidSchechter: Ebola is spread through contact to urine, saliva, sweat, feces, vomit, breast milk, and semen of a person sick with #Ebola. #FactsNotFear
I just dont buy that from the CDC person. He says that if they banned people from those affected countries then they would come from somewhere else. Well, you could stop it right at the airport in those countries before they leave their own airport AND you can also require them to ID themselves before leaving their own borders and have them put on a list of names + ID.

ALSO, he is missing the big point. You can at least stop the most risk because most of them wont go out of their way to sneak through another country. Sure, we wont stop every 1 but that is absolutely NO reason then to stop NONE of them. <modsnip>

That's like saying if you a have a broken pipe spilling water you make no attempt to stop it because you might still have a trickle. So they can't guarentee complete success so let's not try at all!! Makes no sense!

A student at Southwestern College who was allegedly on the same flight as Texas nurse Amber Vinson has been quarantined Thursday after they became ill while in class at the school in Chula Vista, according to Anna Pryor, editor-in-chief of the college's newspaper, The Sun.

read more .... http://www.sandiego6.com/news/local...ege-under-quarantine-for-Ebola-279453812.html

My grandson's g/f is in the building this student was in. Not sure if the same class. My grandson is at a different college and I haven't been able to find out where his g/f is.

I'm very upset.

ETA: I just heard on twitter they're locking down the HS that's across the street from the college. My younger grandson is in the HS.
I hope Bentley stays well. So precious.

Is there any evidence that this disease transmits to dogs? Although there are many viruses that appear to be transmitable from monkeys to humans, probably based on our origins, I don't know of a single disease that transmits from dogs or cats to humans or vice/versa.

If I were that Spanish Nurse and survived, as it hopefully appears she will, "Government Officials" would have some serious explaining to do if they killed my pet.
I'm so glad to see this happen. No matter what you think of Mr. Duncan and his family, he died a horrible death that quite possibly wasn't necessary. For now I'm just happy to see the decency shown by this apology.

Louise Troh, Duncan’s fiancee, issued a statement Thursday morning after a hospital executive called her to apologize.

“This official said the hospital was ‘deeply sorry’ for the way this tragedy played out,” Troh said in the statement. “I am grateful to the hospital for this personal call. I am grateful to God that this leader reached out and took responsibility for the hospital’s actions. Hearing this information will help me as I mourn Eric’s death.”

Yep, General Russel Honore...he sure went in to chaos, kicked some serious @ss, and quickly restored order to New Orleans.

I LOL last night when watching one of the talk shows when Geraldo Rivera, who was a guest, stood up and shouted that an Ebola "Czar" needed to be named immediately, and that the Czar should be none other than General Honore!! Went to sleep with a smile on my face at the mental picture of General Honore entering TPH and starting his unique brand of kicking @ss and getting immediate results from the MESS made by the combo of the CDC and Hospital Admin. His Chief Lieutenant? That brave, brave nurse who pulled back the curtain this morning!!!

As always, JMO, IMHO, and all other applicable disclaimers -

Westie Mom


For people who don't know. Some kick-*advertiser censored* would be good. Washington hates that style though.
Yea for Mr. Johnson from Ohio!!! Tell him how it is and let him have it.

ETA---He is ex-military. A stand up guy. I vote for him to take the CDC job.
JHRC!!! Frieden just said Ebola is not nearly as contagious as other diseases. This man is not on focus.

Maybe technically it isn't (think diseases like influenza which are infectious BEFORE you are symptomatic-can you imagine if that were the case with ebola?!), but due to it's virulence, that's kind of a moot point at the moment, imo.
I just dont buy that from the CDC person. He says that if they banned people from those affected countries then they would come from somewhere else. Well, you could stop it right at the airport in those countries before they leave their own airport AND you can also require them to ID themselves before leaving their own borders and have them put on a list of names + ID.

ALSO, he is missing the big point. You can at least stop the most risk because most of them wont go out of their way to sneak through another country. Sure, we wont stop every 1 but that is absolutely NO reason then to stop NONE of them. <modsnip>

i said this quite awhile ago….this entire argument is BS

excuse #1--aid will be restricted if we cancel flights.
ah, no….its called military transport and/or private charters

excuse #2--people will just fly from point A (W. Africa) to point B (europe) to point C (USA)….
talk about deflection….don't focus on "flights" focus on passports
(unless you're part of ISSI the average person from doesn't have quick access to fake passports. /S/)

excuse #3--a ban will hurt economies of these countries….
really?????? like really???? this is the main concern?
They just said in the televised hearings that inadequate PPE protocols were being used by nurses at the Texas Hospital for the two days prior to the arrival of the CDC on the day the ebola was confirmed. So whether any of the nurses "think" they were properly garbed, they were not.

In Liberia the protocol is to use full body suits. To have a misted bleach sprayed all over the PPE suit prior to it being removed.
It is called Level 4 precautions.

The protocols being used at the Texas Hospital during that two day window before the arrival of the CDC did not even include the use of shoe covers. So anybody who treated Duncan during those two days would be at High Risk.

One of the things that really, really bothers me in this entire fiasco is the nurse telling about the waste being stacked up to the ceiling! What does this mean, exactly? That they had no arrangements for hazardous waste removal in place, so they were stacking all of the orange hazard bags in one room, awaiting proper hazardous waste removal?

This reminded me of when's basement backed up with sewage. A hazmat crew had to come in and we were not allowed to go anywhere near our house until it was thoroughly decontaminated. They told us that stuff was airborne in the sewage. Imagine whst was airborne in that room!!!
I'm so glad to see this happen. No matter what you think of Mr. Duncan and his family, he died a horrible death that quite possibly wasn't necessary. For now I'm just happy to see the decency shown by this apology.

Louise Troh, Duncan&#8217;s fiancee, issued a statement Thursday morning after a hospital executive called her to apologize.

&#8220;This official said the hospital was &#8216;deeply sorry&#8217; for the way this tragedy played out,&#8221; Troh said in the statement. &#8220;I am grateful to the hospital for this personal call. I am grateful to God that this leader reached out and took responsibility for the hospital&#8217;s actions. Hearing this information will help me as I mourn Eric&#8217;s death.&#8221;


Okay, so does this statement calm the fears of the poster who was speculating that Louise and company were sick and being kept in some secret place while Presby paid off her family to keep quiet?

Louise is nicer than I am. I probably would have told that lady what to do with her apology, late as it came.

A student at Southwestern College who was allegedly on the same flight as Texas nurse Amber Vinson has been quarantined Thursday after they became ill while in class at the school in Chula Vista, according to Anna Pryor, editor-in-chief of the college's newspaper, The Sun.

read more .... http://www.sandiego6.com/news/local...ege-under-quarantine-for-Ebola-279453812.html

My grandson's g/f is in the building this student was in. Not sure if the same class. My grandson is at a different college and I haven't been able to find out where his g/f is.

I'm very upset.

ETA: I just heard on twitter they're locking down the HS that's across the street from the college. My younger grandson is in the HS.

oh praying for your family (((hugs)))

A student at Southwestern College who was allegedly on the same flight as Texas nurse Amber Vinson has been quarantined Thursday after they became ill while in class at the school in Chula Vista, according to Anna Pryor, editor-in-chief of the college's newspaper, The Sun.

read more .... http://www.sandiego6.com/news/local...ege-under-quarantine-for-Ebola-279453812.html

My grandson's g/f is in the building this student was in. Not sure if the same class. My grandson is at a different college and I haven't been able to find out where his g/f is.

I'm very upset.

ETA: I just heard on twitter they're locking down the HS that's across the street from the college. My younger grandson is in the HS.

Oh wow this isn't good.
Rep. Bill Johnson (R) Ohio - talking now "we don't wait until the bullets start flying to figure out if our war plan is going to work" - prior Military War planner with 26.5 years served. What are the Operational readiness procedures - real world scenarios in controlled environments - no notice practice runs as to procedures when this or that happens.
We do those in the military. Do these exist in hospital settings? (point being made about readiness)
Americans need assurance protocol is working. "We don't know" is the answer given. Ohio wants to know and is fearful now.

A student at Southwestern College who was allegedly on the same flight as Texas nurse Amber Vinson has been quarantined Thursday after they became ill while in class at the school in Chula Vista, according to Anna Pryor, editor-in-chief of the college's newspaper, The Sun.

read more .... http://www.sandiego6.com/news/local...ege-under-quarantine-for-Ebola-279453812.html

My grandson's g/f is in the building this student was in. Not sure if the same class. My grandson is at a different college and I haven't been able to find out where his g/f is.

I'm very upset.

ETA: I just heard on twitter they're locking down the HS that's across the street from the college. My younger grandson is in the HS.

Oh no. We will pray that they are ok and have not come into contact with the affected person.
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