Egypt Air flight 804 missing, 19 May 2016

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
It has been amazing to me that for some reason finding body parts in this specific crash has resulted in these big declarations that body parts indicate a bomb was on board.

Not at all. Finding only fragments in aviation accidents is the norm. Obliteration is the norm. Indicates violent impact and IMO, nothing more.

All of the following are different crashes:

1 ValuJet crash, there were no bodies, only pieces. - there was no bomb in this accident
About 68 of the 110 persons aboard the plane were identified, crashed into water just like this one.

2 Another crash ------
seven were never identified.-- there was no bomb in this accident

3 Another accident -------18 caskets of unidentified remains were interred. - crash had nothing to do with a bomb

4 coroner still hasn't been able to identify the victims on board - another - no bomb involved

5 Another than had nothing to do with a bomb------- 9-unidentified-bodies-of-tara

6 12 unidentified victims of IX-812 Air India plane

7 Unidentified body parts from the disaster were also buried near the site a different crash ----- no bomb

8 While the identities of the two people who died in a plane crash Sunday afternoon have yet to be determined----- another " bombless" crash

9 Cortland plane crash; victims remain unidentified -------no bomb here either

10. 27 victims whose remains could not be idenitfied - nothing to do with a bomb

I could go on and on and on!

The only thing, IMO, body parts being found, in small parts, indicate - an aviation accident .

This far , with the bags and bags of human remeains, the only thing that has been determined is that , at this point, no eveidence of a bomb thus far , while examining the body parts. At this point ,the body parts are excluding a bomb - no residue.on any body parts ..............


Airplanes crashing are violent........................

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FMS- Flight Management system - Pretty much all us novices need to know when going through last link, IMO! Quite creepy

Thrilled to see they are pulling back from terrorism a dash - I am sure Egypt Air is shaking in their boots.

Question... Qhen I was looking at that link for the 360° cockpit view, I noticed on the right side of the first officer's seat and the left side of the captain's seat, a trash bin with a warning sign on them - no cigarettes. Are they allowed to smoke on EgyptAir? Could someone have been smoking and maybe not put a cigarette out all the way?
Don't know if this has been posted yet but here's the official press release from Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority:

So Greece notified ADIC... Did fighter jets go to the last known coordinates of MSR 804? I'd assume as a precautionary measure they would. If they did, what would have been their eta and did they immediately fly the vicinity?

We know the weather was clear as reported, however what was the moon like? Was it a bright moonlight? Anyone know?
I was wondering the same thing.. Does only body parts point to in flight break up? Explosion? Not a belly crash like 447? Or does it mean nothing at all.

What other water crashes have involved small body parts rather than bodies?
Many, here are a few water impact:

went into water with 229 passengers resulting in 15,000 body parts

Value Jet 110 people were aboard -. 48 never identified.

In Air India, out of the 329 aboard 131 bodies never idneitifed

Air France 74 of 228 never identified

Four bodies out of the 50 people aboard Alaska Air 261 were idnetified
Could they have fallen asleep?

i can't see this as a possibility, the plane would most likely still be on auto-pilot, the auto pilot would keep the plane level until it reached its destination/beacon point



A mess! Differing info from diff websites.


Per Airbus: On average every in-service A320 Family aircraft flies for nearly nine hours each day.

We looked around earlier in the story and the actual day of the loss she was in the air 17 hours. When previous days entire segments were avail on line that was typical of her daily ground.

That if you look at it -- is like almost flying twice as long each day , per Airbus stats of the models utilization patterns.

That is not a subtle fact. COnsidering the airlines maintenace escapades in the news, metal fatigue keeps haunting me more and more.

Maps of where this model has crashed:

I found her flight hours.She logged 48,000 flight hours.

Now if only I can find flight cycles!

Her registration

MSN 2088
  • 8[SUP]th[/SUP] worst accident of this model.

  • 31[SUP]st[/SUP] loss of this model
First flight: 2003-07-25 (12 years 10 month)
Boeing Honeywell ‘Uninterruptible’ Autopilot System

The Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot is a system designed to take control of a commercial aircraft away from the pilot or flight crew in the event of a hijacking. If implemented, the system would allow the craft to automatically guide itself to a landing at a designated airstrip. The "uninterruptible" autopilot would be activated either by pilots, by onboard sensors, or remotely via radio or satellite links by government agencies, if terrorists attempt to gain control of a flight deck.

Very interesting article!
When AF447 crashed, it didn't take long until (floating) bodies were found. Now what does the lack thereof indicate in this case? Since they only mentioned finding body parts, does that mean the plane was probably intact until impact?

Typically yes! They also found some chairs in the same vicinity. I visualize like if a plane explodes at height - its kind of like a firework in the sky spreading outward and "sprinkling" down to earth over a wide wide area. It does not, IMO seem as if this is the case here.

I visualize this crash as shredding of parts due to structural overloading as she got closer to impact,... so there would be a bit larger debris field than a completly intact airliner, nose first, slamming into the sea.

The fact that satelitte imagary folks, have, thus far remained by there statement that no heat explosions were picked up in that area that night tranlastes to there was no bomb, which woud ignite fuel and create a heat footprint.

A plane suffering structural failure would not necc result in a heat imprint, leading me to conclude that she began losing her air worthiness slowly i.e (a stablizer overstessed and fell off, a couple of thousand feet later a wingtip overloaded and seperated - falling apart sllowly on the way down) .. moo

The fragmented body parts, to me, indicate velocity (and related G forces that humans do not stay intact when exposed to.. moo

When Pan Am was bombed and blew up at height (much bigger plane than here) people were found , miles apart, all over the countryside, still strapped in their seats on roofs, roads etc. Cause they were like ejected away from the actual plane at cruse- kinda like floated (well you know what I mean!) downwards.

As oppossed to being "inside" a tube weighing tons hurtling toward the ground, not sure if that makes sense.

When we "accidently" shot down an Irianian plane it was similiar - cause the victims were "out " of the fuselage. Whole recgonizable naked bodies were floating on top of the ocean.

Other ones with bombs:

Same with MH 17, passengers were in their seats, fastened in, . Those pictures were the most devasting airplane ones I have experinced.

It was totally as if there lives just stopped. Looked like still paintings. There were facial explressions, some people had there arms up at impact, just unreal, totally recgonizable as complete people that just stopped moving. Most clothed, Many in their seats as well, not a lot of trauma at all. I think water rips peoples clothing off.

All of this is just speculation tho.

i can't see this as a possibility, the plane would most likely still be on auto-pilot, the auto pilot would keep the plane level until it reached its destination/beacon point

One of the 7 ACARS messages indicated the FMS (flight management system - new name for auto pilot these days) was shutting down, without being commanded to do so, would totally add to pilots confussion as to what was going on, while interupting whatever problem solving "mode" they were in at that time.

They then would have to totally refocus on taking command of the plane manually because the FMS just threw it on them suddenly. Busy men...............Moo
I can't believe it is taking this long to find the recorders. I hope we don't have another MH370 the batteries have died scenario again. Thanks to all of you for your news and updates. Hope your all having a pleasant weekend.
I can't believe it is taking this long to find the recorders.

i am not,

they are basically looking for something the size of a grain of salt in something as large as a football field,

the pulses will not help a lot,

would not surprise me if they are never found,
On May 28th 2016 Egypt's Civil Aviation Authority reported, that data about the accident have been received from Greek Air Traffic Control, further data about the flight track just prior to the accident are being expected. The CAA also confirmed that an ELT signal had been received via satellites enabling search and rescue services to locate the crash site.

Sentinel-1A radar satellite image showing 2km long slick (Photo: ESA):

A number of ships left intended course towards a common position (Graphics: MarineTraffic):

Infrared Satellite Image Seviri May 19th 2016 00:00Z (Photo: AVH/Meteosat):

Map and flight trajectory based on Mode-S transponder signals (Graphics: AVH/Google Earth):



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EgyptAir black boxes impossible to recover before 12 days

May 29, 2016

Cairo (AFP) - Investigators into EgyptAir's plane crash need at least 12 days to recover its black boxes as they await a ship that can retrieve them from the bottom of the Mediterranean, investigation sources said Sunday.

I just can't believe this. What a fiasco.
Why the delay? They have access to deep sea manned and unmanned subs. With the help from search Ship Odyssey. They are always searching for sunken treasure ships/subs/aircraft downed thru history. Surely they'll have equipment aboard to search.
What are they trying to hide?

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
I agree, what a fiasco!

Unreal - this is on purpose. Its cheaper to let unmaitained planes rot at the bottom of the ocean than it is to take liability. Its repulsive IMO

Why the delay? They have access to deep sea manned and unmanned subs. With the help from search Ship Odyssey. They are always searching for sunken treasure ships/subs/aircraft downed thru history. Surely they'll have equipment aboard to search.
What are they trying to hide?

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk

The French ship, my dear, forgot an insturment. Posted it . Not joking. I am glad BEA is in the mix tho!


30 years ago (as govt gottne currupt IMO) it was not like this. Less technolgy and better results . Makes no sense - so it has to be BS. The only I remember (in terms of a debris feild missing was Value Jet. And that was cause it hit so have it smushed into the Everglades and was "eaten" by marsh.

But this silliness of not being able to find floating debris within hours that then turn into days just makes no sense. Or if this is all honest (barf now) then we have a big problem on our hands. Cant trace a path of a nuclear warhead. They creat heat - so if this valdi in this day and age well kill our goodby!

Immerstat offered to the world free in 2014 (live real time tracking) . The fact that beurocrats did nothing is how they work. BUT that does not translate IMO to Imerstat not having the exact stuff, its not like they keep there systems off. Same with all indulizrzed nations- what our satellite follow labor laws and take a break

Its insulting to those of here who follow news , to not know, there are "dances" going on here moo

Just found another outlet that is doing realtime :

FLYHT Aerospace Solutions in Canada provides an on-demand black box streaming service at about $100,000 per plane, including hardware and installation. The company says it has over 50 customers and is already installed in about 400 planes. Canada's First Air is the only airline to say publicly it is using the FLYHT system.

If anyone sees anything about the number of cycles this aircraft has flown pls post TIA (only wreck I have not been able to find that out, in decades.) All behavior has meaning imo!


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