Elizabeth Johnson Trial - Day 3 - 2nd Day of Testimony, Tuesday, Sept 25

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Franklin Scott McQuery . . . retired police officer - works for City of Phoenix as reserve officer. worked 20 yrs for Phoenix PD. . . patrol officer 15 years and then 5 yrs on the bomb squad. Retired in 2007. Reserve officers does everything anyother PD officer - volunteer time - paid no funds. Allows him to work @ construction sites directing traffic and he is paid by construction people - considered off duty work. He has 4 kids, Jennifer, Logan, Trenton, Nicole. (in that order) Jennifer has 2 kids, Nicole has 1, deceased wife siblings, girlfrind Jaime and her 2 kids, his brother/wife and their 2 kids. Lots of family in town. Engage in family gatherings - celebrate birthdays, holidays, big gatherings (30 people) @ holiday functions. Met EJ around 2006 or 2007. She was dating son Logan. Id'd EJ - brown dress maybe wearing? Logan and EJ relationship was good days/bad days . . . like anyone else . . . didn't think EJ liked him (Logan Dad) very well - never had a good relationship. lOGAN appeared to be proud sitting on couch @ his Gma's . . . saw Gabriel @ hospital when he was born. Logan was present @ hospital . . . Logan was holding him, talking to him, Logan Dad took pics, seemed to be happy proud Father. Gabriel Scott Johnson, Scott is both Logan and Gpa middle names. Didn't see Logan as often as would have liked w/EJ's and his relationship. Maybe saw child 1 a month - saw him @ his Gma's retirement place and family gatherings. Logan took care of Gabriel during those times. Logan Changed diapers, clothing, feed and bathe child. During that time Frank, girlfriend Jaime, and daughter Jordan(?) took care of Gabriel along with Aunt Kathy who would babysit. Frank picked up Gabriel up once from daycare . . . daycare was not surprised to see Frank - they knew he was taking Gabriel that date. Frank doesn't know if there was an arguement between Logan and EJ that date. Frank took Gabriel to Logan and Jaime took Gabriel back to Frank's house. Logan and Frank were accused of kidnapping Gabriel by EJ. Logan and Gabriel stayed w/Frank for 10 days or 2weeks - notvery long. They did not have to return Gabriel to EJ due to the accusations by EJ. This happened around 09/09 . . . in Dec. 2009 Frank saw Logan @ his Gma's house at night. Frank went to pick him up. Had conversation with Logan about what occurred that date. On 12/09/09 Frank got call from Logan and showed up @ 99 cent store - EJ was there along with Tempe PD, Gabriel was not there. During that time officers were talking to Logan and EJ trying to locate Logan. Wanted to know if Frank knew where child was. . . . . Frank advised no and reason he was there cuz Logan called him. Franks family was investigated as to where Gabriel was. Logan and Frank stayed @ 99 cent store for 4-5 hrs while officers investigated that child was not @ Franks. EJ appeared to be angry - tapping foot, arms folded, conversations w/officer were beligerant, went downhill from there. When they left it was into the morning hours of 12/10/09. LE finally located Gabriel - LE refused to tell Logan where the child was but that he was safe. Frank and Logan had conversation re: custody of Gabriel - they filed custody papers of Gabriel on 12/11. Prior to that date - He never heard of TPS or Jack Smith. Prior to 12/11 Frank never heard anything about EJ wanting to have Gabriel adopted out. Between time filed for custody and custodyhearing Frank never heard about adoption. Did not see Gabriel on 12/17 but saw EJ after the hearing. . . EJ was speaking with someone he later learned was TPS . . . .not sure he saw Jack Smith that day. Never saw Gabriel that date. At the time of the custoday hearing - there were court orders to allow Frank to hav Gabriel live with them - theywent out and purchased items for Gabriel after court hearing. Around 12/18 had conversation with Logan and on 12/20 went with Logan to the trailer. Prior to that, he didn't want to run risk of confrontation and he said/she said things - gave Logan a recorder and had Logan record all conversations w/EJ. Got to the trailer - appeared EJ was gone - all her things were gone - appeared someone else was there. Logan had a conversation with neighbor next door - about someone else being there. AFter they went- began trying look for EJ and tried to figure out where she had gone , looked on computer, called her Brother and Grandpa to see if they knew where she had gone. Look @ phone number on computer (ie: east side or west side). Didn't need to have access to LE to do that . Logan made phone call. on 12/21/09 returned to court to inform Judge - EJ had not turned child over to them. Gave temp custody orders and ordered EJ to appear in court again. Between 12/21 and 12/27/09. . . . learned Smiths name . . .came off of a phone number, then from phone number able to look up thru county recorder office - house transactions for people buying homes - that is how they found the smiths. Logan did finally decide to call that number and see who answered and see if find out anything. Logan recorded conversations - played some of them for his Dad. . . . doesn't think he listened to all the phone conversations. During same time period - he and Logan kept trying to find Gabriel - continued in contact with EJ's brother and Grandpa. Thru Smiths obtained phone number for EJ. on 12/27/09 he was at Logan's Grandma's house - Logan called and said he needed to talk right away - sounded serious and quiet. Met with Logan in person . . . Logan's demeanor - appeared to be . . . face was quiet, shrunken in on himself . . . how he gets when he is concerned about something. Logan played the recordings . . . conversation between EJ and Logan - EJ siad she had killed Gabriel. Put him in diaper bag, face turned blue, put him in the trash. Frank sent Logan to Mesa PD who told him to go to TEmpe PD. . . .Frank met Logan there and spoke to LE for hours and hours that day (8-10 hrs)
Oh goody, DeeAnn Ayala is next. Now we start bringing TPS's actions into play!
I hadn't seen the holes yet when I posted that - I thought it was a nice sleeveless top. :floorlaugh:

Pay attention artsy! :chicken: If anything, TPS and EJ have taught us the real value of dressing up for court. Long live the cleavage, the Minnie mouse hair bows, and the hoochie style! :woohoo:
Maybe the jurors are annoyed for having to wait all the time so they dont want to waste time asking their own questions. I find it baffling they have not asking any so far.
In my state the juror's dont get to ask questions. When I was a juror I had many questions I wanted to ask the people on the stand.
Pay attention artsy! :chicken: If anything, TPS and EJ have taught us the real value of dressing up for court. Long live the cleavage, the Minnie mouse hair bows, and the hoochie style! :woohoo:

Sorry but i wouldn't wear that to a dog fight ... much less court....
Pay attention artsy! :chicken: If anything, TPS and EJ have taught us the real value of dressing up for court. Long live the cleavage, the Minnie mouse hair bows, and the hoochie style! :woohoo:

:floorlaugh: :slap:

Only had 1/2 a cup of coffee.... Oh no, flashbacks to Tammi's trial! :floorlaugh:

At least EJ hasn't done the bling thing - yet. :seeya:
:floorlaugh: :slap:

Only had 1/2 a cup of coffee.... Oh no, flashbacks to Tammi's trial! :floorlaugh:

At least EJ hasn't done the bling thing - yet. :seeya:

I thought the monster earrings were pretty hideous yesterday..LOL
Are they finished for the day or are they out for lunch? All I see is the seal.
:floorlaugh: :slap:

Only had 1/2 a cup of coffee.... Oh no, flashbacks to Tammi's trial! :floorlaugh:

At least EJ hasn't done the bling thing - yet. :seeya:

Are you referring to the oversize fashion flower rings?
I wonder if the student lawyer who is sitting next to EJ is the one picking out EJ's clothes?
I hadn't seen the holes yet when I posted that - I thought it was a nice sleeveless top. :floorlaugh:

Oh good, Now I do not have to write and turn in your name to:
"what Not To Wear":woohoo:
Personally, I didn't think the earrings were as obnoxious as the big flower rings. :floorlaugh:

Both are pretty bad in my opinion....I wouldn't want to stand out in any way before a jury KWIM? i would just wear generic clothes...
Just got here and got caught up. EJ's personality is emerging based on what Logan's dad said. Let's hope it's developed more clearly within what the judge allows. So far, she's not coming across as a very good mother.
do we know or has it been mentioned how long EJ can get for kidnapping
Both are pretty bad in my opinion....I wouldn't want to stand out in any way before a jury KWIM? i would just wear generic clothes...

That's why I wonder if it's the student lawyer picking them out. Her hairdo looks like a throwback to the 70's and 80's.

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