Evidence of Premeditation?

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Premeditation? I have always thought this was a case of premeditation. So many things point that way for me. Of course, when you look at a lot of them individually, they may seem innocent, but when it is all added up...hmmm, she is guilty and it was premeditated imo.

-she used the truck with the excuse to bring home the project...never brought home the project.

-she took pictures of Kyron with his project, then made it a point to post them online.

-According to Kyron's teacher, TH told her that Kyron had a Dr. Appt. that day.

-her story is she didn't walk him all the way to class.

-MFH...and I totally believe this to be true. I believe she did try to hire someone to kill Kaine.

-her story is she drove around for 90 minutes....to comfort her sick daughter, but then took her to a gym daycare when she wasn't feeling good.. Yeah, I really believe that one.:furious:

-the sext messages...just goes to show you that she is really disturbed.. the part that stuck out for me is when she admits that she lied to her attorney and to DDS...saying she took a long drive because she was upset about her daughter...when she was really with her husbands friend doing who knows what...and then asking him to lie......she has now used her daughter twice as an excuse for where she was during a certain period of time...and she has no problem asking others to lie for her....and she seems to think there is nothing wrong with it and that people will believe her.....or that she has them fooled....WRONG TERRI, you might be able to fool some of them, but you can't fool everyone.

-her behavior at the initial press conferences. She was faking saddness, and it was so obvious. The way she hung onto DY...made me sick for DY, because I am a mom too and I could tell she did not want TH touching her....I could almost see her skin crawling.

-She has showed No behavior that I feel any other innocent parent or step-parent would show in the event of a missing child. No call for help, No pleas for his return..no tears, And this is the woman who supposedly loved and cared for him since birth, we have not even heard this woman's voice once.
and anyone can say anything they want, but one thing is for sure....Terri Horman is not sad that Kyron is gone.

-Her FAILING two polygraphs and walking out of a third. I am sorry, this again is HUGE.....yeah yeah yeah...not admissible in court.....Well, it is admissible in my court.

-The emails that DY spoke about where TH wrote about how much she hated Kyron....and wanted to hurt him....

-she doesn't want to to testify in the divorce proceedings...and she wanted the judge to allow her two years to rule on some of the divorce issues...why is that? Does that mean that if Kyron isn't found within 2 years then it is likely he will ever be found????? I would like to know why she asked for a 2 year delay.

And there is much much more, but I have to get back to preparing for Thanksgiving.

This is all in my opinion.....sorry for the bad grammar :(
Premeditation? I have always thought this was a case of premeditation. So many things point that way for me. Of course, when you look at a lot of them individually, they may seem innocent, but when it is all added up...hmmm, she is guilty and it was premeditated imo.

-she used the truck with the excuse to bring home the project...never brought home the project.

-she took pictures of Kyron with his project, then made it a point to post them online.

-According to Kyron's teacher, TH told her that Kyron had a Dr. Appt. that day.

-her story is she didn't walk him all the way to class.

-MFH...and I totally believe this to be true. I believe she did try to hire someone to kill Kaine.

-her story is she drove around for 90 minutes....to comfort her sick daughter, but then took her to a gym daycare when she wasn't feeling good.. Yeah, I really believe that one.:furious:

-the sext messages...just goes to show you that she is really disturbed.. the part that stuck out for me is when she admits that she lied to her attorney and to DDS...saying she took a long drive because she was upset about her daughter...when she was really with her husbands friend doing who knows what...and then asking him to lie......she has now used her daughter twice as an excuse for where she was during a certain period of time...and she has no problem asking others to lie for her....and she seems to think there is nothing wrong with it and that people will believe her.....or that she has them fooled....WRONG TERRI, you might be able to fool some of them, but you can't fool everyone.

-her behavior at the initial press conferences. She was faking saddness, and it was so obvious. The way she hung onto DY...made me sick for DY, because I am a mom too and I could tell she did not want TH touching her....I could almost see her skin crawling.

-She has showed No behavior that I feel any other innocent parent or step-parent would show in the event of a missing child. No call for help, No pleas for his return..no tears, And this is the woman who supposedly loved and cared for him since birth, we have not even heard this woman's voice once.
and anyone can say anything they want, but one thing is for sure....Terri Horman is not sad that Kyron is gone.

-Her FAILING two polygraphs and walking out of a third. I am sorry, this again is HUGE.....yeah yeah yeah...not admissible in court.....Well, it is admissible in my court.

-The emails that DY spoke about where TH wrote about how much she hated Kyron....and wanted to hurt him....

-she doesn't want to to testify in the divorce proceedings...and she wanted the judge to allow her two years to rule on some of the divorce issues...why is that? Does that mean that if Kyron isn't found within 2 years then it is likely he will ever be found????? I would like to know why she asked for a 2 year delay.

And there is much much more, but I have to get back to preparing for Thanksgiving.

This is all in my opinion.....sorry for the bad grammar :(
I like the way you expressed yourself in this post, and I agree with all of it. The part I bolded is a key point for me. I've always leaned toward Terri being the perpetrator (though I'm comfortable with my efforts to consider other possibilities). I resisted from making a firm declaration in anticipation of more facts, and because the picture wouldn't quite gel in my head. I had no problem accepting Terri's intentions. She certainly would not be the first stepmother to kill her spouse's child. Rather, what doubt I held was based mainly on the tight timeline, and the manner in which the crime came to be. Was it accidental? Or a planned event?

If Terri murdered Kyron, she needed time to do it. Her trips between the school and the two FM's were very close, so that 90 minute window prior to checking in at the gym is crucial. Her excuse about driving around the sick baby didn't ring true to me. It's not something I would have done when my son was a child. Fifteen or twenty minutes when he was colicky or just fussy, yes. Over an hour when he had an ear infection? Never. Yet, I listened respectfully to many posters who stated it was not beyond the norm -- in her shoes, they would've done likewise -- which left me to question my opinion that Terri wasn't cruising around the countryside to soothe a sick K.

As unsettling as it was to read the sexts, I'm glad that I did. The cavalier manner in which Terri tossed out her alibi for her rendevouz with MC proves how easily she will lie when it suits her convenience. That she seemed so comfortable with this particular lie (driving around) to disguise her whereabouts, tells me she has used it successfully in the past. Well, so long doubt. That cinched it. With her careless statement to MC, Terri flung open the 90 minute window once again. Furthermore, she supplied the evidence I needed to conclude that she possesses the mental and behavioral characteristics necessary to conceive and execute a selfishly motivated scheme. Consequently, the circumstances stated above and elsewhere, i.e., using the truck to transport the science project (that never made it home); making a big deal of the science project; making a point to chat with the woman from the gym; and the mysterious phone pings and lack thereof; all fall into place and point toward premeditation. IMO.
Wouldn't a dog have alerted to the pickup somehow if a deceased Kyron were taken about 30 minutes away and disposed of in a premeditated location? The dog hit on Scott Peterson's path and truck starting at the house.
Wouldn't a dog have alerted to the pickup somehow if a deceased Kyron were taken about 30 minutes away and disposed of in a premeditated location? The dog hit on Scott Peterson's path and truck starting at the house.

Exactly. The truck is a real sticky factor for me. Kaine still drives it, which indicates to me that it was ruled out early on in terms of significant evidence. I'm about 99% sure someone else is involved (and someone other than DeDe).
I'm also bothered by the fact that she went from the chaos of the first day straight to the fliers/logistics, according to FB, but forgot the shock part that the rest of the family and LE was experiencing. I say LE too, because most kids that can't be found after school are at some friend's house, or took a different route home. You could see the escalation of the reality of the situation as the night, and the weekend wore on. Thing is, Terri didn't pause. She was good to go because she had planned this as part of her scheme, IMO. It probably never occurred to her that her reactions during those first critical hours and days would be just as scrutinized as her actions.
So assuming for a minute that the murder for hire plot was real: In late 2009 she tries to hire someone to kill Kaine, then a month or so later changes her eldest son's last name to her own maiden name, then a month after that sends J away to live elsewhere, and during this time is also trying to get Kyron to go live with Desiree, citing Kyron's poor emotional state. Kaine won't allow his son to be sent away. Kyron mysteriously disappears while at school.

Was her plan to have Kaine and Kyron gone, and she and biological children J and baby K would live on as a family without them? Maybe take back the name Moulton for herself and baby K, too? Live off life insurance and/or a lawsuit settlement from Skyline for negligence?

Wow, just catching up and saw this on page 1 of the thread. Just blew me away, ami.
So assuming for a minute that the murder for hire plot was real: In late 2009 she tries to hire someone to kill Kaine, then a month or so later changes her eldest son's last name to her own maiden name, then a month after that sends J away to live elsewhere, and during this time is also trying to get Kyron to go live with Desiree, citing Kyron's poor emotional state. Kaine won't allow his son to be sent away. Kyron mysteriously disappears while at school.

Was her plan to have Kaine and Kyron gone, and she and biological children J and baby K would live on as a family without them? Maybe take back the name Moulton for herself and baby K, too? Live off life insurance and/or a lawsuit settlement from Skyline for negligence?

Terri has/had no standing to sue Skyline school. She never adopted Kyron. It would be Kaine and or Desiree who could file such a law suit.
Damn how I wish that Oregon had the "Sunshine Law".. I'd just love to know what if anything else was possibly found on Terri's laptop,computer, cell phone internet, etc, etc..

If she was dumb enough to have sent such damning things such as emails spewing hatred of her 7 yr old stepson that called her "mom", along with emails of wanting to hurt this same small child, then Kaine himself saying that Terri "lived" on her laptop{which no one needed being told that as it was quite evident just from the lil' we know of such as FB}...well.... I'd just be willing to bet that she more than likely was doing a little digging into different methods IYKWIM? I'll use CA as an example with her "googling" of "neck breaking", "how to kill someone with house hold goods", "how to make chloroform", etc, etc..need I say more?


I would be willing to bet that LE has found some very damning circumstantial evidence on her PC, in fact I'll bet that her PC has been a virtual 'treasure trove' in this case. I am with you on this, I can't wait to see what they have found on her PC! Hopefully enough to nail her, even if it has to be a 'no body' case. MOO...:twocents:
I think they do need to find Kyron. Both parents and LE have said all along they believe Kyron to be alive; while I do not think LE really believes that, unless the parents can testify at a trial that they feel Kyron is dead, it does leave a doubt out there. Without a crime scene, some jurors might not be convinced he is dead. In fact, I am not sure I am convinced anymore...not sure why. I thought all along he has been deceased since 6/4, but now I feel less sure.
Terri has/had no standing to sue Skyline school. She never adopted Kyron. It would be Kaine and or Desiree who could file such a law suit.

But if Kaine were so distraught at the loss of Kyron he were to, um, die by his own hand, or "accidentally," his estate would be entitled to sue. And who would control the estate? Terri. Who would be the beneficiaries of the estate? Terri. And the baby.
I think they do need to find Kyron. Both parents and LE have said all along they believe Kyron to be alive; while I do not think LE really believes that, unless the parents can testify at a trial that they feel Kyron is dead, it does leave a doubt out there. Without a crime scene, some jurors might not be convinced he is dead. In fact, I am not sure I am convinced anymore...not sure why. I thought all along he has been deceased since 6/4, but now I feel less sure.

Every time LE have been asked, by the media, if they think Kyron is alive, they have answered, we have no evidence that prooves he isn't. Not once have they answered, yes we believe he is alive.
Every time LE have been asked, by the media, if they think Kyron is alive, they have answered, we have no evidence that prooves he isn't. Not once have they answered, yes we believe he is alive.

No, I know that...but they have said they are proceeding as though he is alive (paraphrased) as they have no evidence he is dead. So what will change to make them decide they do have evidence he is dead, I wonder, if they decide to proceed with finding him? I have been trying to think of a case without a body that also had no evidence of a physical crime...I'm sure there are some, but I can't think of any right now.
That "ugh" p@*sses me off. That poor little boy. She was definitely tired of Kyron.

Like I said, I paraphrased it... it actually said "Sigh."

Actually, if I read ugh, I would be like: "OMG...What an 'unusual' mother- she really can't stand that kid"; whereas the "Sigh" is more like "what a Borderline type of person"...i.e. Sigh, poor me, I do so much for him but he is just hopeless and lets me down all the time, poor, poor me. That, too me, is so TH. Trying to prove what a wonderful mother she is and what a disappointment he is. We should all feel sorry for her.

Poor, poor Kyron. He really never had a chance, did he?
Terri has/had no standing to sue Skyline school. She never adopted Kyron. It would be Kaine and or Desiree who could file such a law suit.

But Kaine is alive and at the time of the abduction he was her husband. If the MFH plot against Kaine went awry (or became unworkable for some other reason), then as Kaine's wife she would benefit financially from a settlement on Kyron's behalf. Although I don't personally believe that was her primary motive.
But Kaine is alive and at the time of the abduction he was her husband. If the MFH plot against Kaine went awry (or became unworkable for some other reason), then as Kaine's wife she would benefit financially from a settlement on Kyron's behalf. Although I don't personally believe that was her primary motive.

At this point, if Kyron were found to have been taken by a stranger, Terri would be in a position to sue a lot of people. Her reputation has been ruined permanently. The school hasn't accepted any responsibility...I would think they would be tangentially responsible for ruining Terri's life.
At this point, if Kyron were found to have been taken by a stranger, Terri would be in a position to sue a lot of people. Her reputation has been ruined permanently. The school hasn't accepted any responsibility...I would think they would be tangentially responsible for ruining Terri's life.

I am a little confused by this. Who do you feel Terri could sue and for what?
At this point, if Kyron were found to have been taken by a stranger, Terri would be in a position to sue a lot of people. Her reputation has been ruined permanently. The school hasn't accepted any responsibility...I would think they would be tangentially responsible for ruining Terri's life.

If she finds proof that they knew Kyron's disappearance wasn't her fault and yet spread lies to make it look as if it were, I suppose she could sue for slander. That seems pretty unlikely.

On the other hand, the most condemning things so far have been her own words: texts and emails, and spoken words that multiple people heard. She's done a good job humiliating herself.
I am a little confused by this. Who do you feel Terri could sue and for what?

Kaine, Desiree, for starters..

But I am really talking about the school here--the district. If Kyron was taken by a stranger, Kaine and Desiree should probably sue the school district for the lax, chaotic and unsafe way they handled the IB fair, which allowed a stranger in the building to take a kid--and the disappearance wasn't noted until the end of the day.

Because Terri's reputation is ruined, she can make the same claim against the school district...that the unsafe way they handled the IB Fair led to her reputation begin ruined..i.e. if Kyron hadn't been taken, none of these accusations would have been flying around--she lost her marriage, she lost her stepson, she lost her daughter.
Kaine, Desiree, for starters..

But I am really talking about the school here--the district. If Kyron was taken by a stranger, Kaine and Desiree should probably sue the school district for the lax, chaotic and unsafe way they handled the IB fair, which allowed a stranger in the building to take a kid--and the disappearance wasn't noted until the end of the day.

Because Terri's reputation is ruined, she can make the same claim against the school district...that the unsafe way they handled the IB Fair led to her reputation begin ruined..i.e. if Kyron hadn't been taken, none of these accusations would have been flying around--she lost her marriage, she lost her stepson, she lost her daughter.

Assuming LE doesn't charge her with the murder for hire of Kaine? Because that was one of the two primary reasons stated for the divorce and RO that included her daughter.

Also, her reputation was ruined for a lot of reasons other than public blog and message board writers' accusations of murder. How would she parse what percentage of her rep was ruined because of people speculating that she was involved in Kyron's disappearance? She hasn't even been officially charged. The school has (as far as I know) said nothing publicly against her. I'm not certain how the school could be held responsible for her bad rep.
Exactly. The truck is a real sticky factor for me. Kaine still drives it, which indicates to me that it was ruled out early on in terms of significant evidence. I'm about 99% sure someone else is involved (and someone other than DeDe).

Unless he was taken from the school alive, to be disciplined, driven home or somewhere towards the grocery stores and harmed off the side of road somewhere. Maybe the "few minutes" driving around happened before the longer time period and included Kyron. Roll wasn't going to be taken til 10 am, so he could have been taken out with intentions to deprive him of extra cirricular fun that morning in that 1. 25 hours - 1.75 hours depending on whether Terri left the school around 8:15 or 8:45. I'd like to know if the teacher actually saw Kyron in the gym when she thought that Terri told her Kyron had a dr. appointment that day. Even if she was intending to keep him out all day in punishment she would never want an unexcused abscence due to the pickiness about school.

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