Evidence of the silence being broken *Who is Misty alluding to?*

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Who is Misty alluding to in her converation with Chelsea? (see first post)

  • Joe O.

    Votes: 59 48.4%
  • Timmy C.

    Votes: 37 30.3%
  • Tommy C.

    Votes: 59 48.4%
  • Ron C.

    Votes: 17 13.9%
  • WBG

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Other person not named (Ideas for who?)

    Votes: 19 15.6%

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I'm in no way saying I do or do not think the plants were theirs, but living in a mh myself, I wouldn't start thinking that just by the electric bill. During the summer, mine would make some people faint and I only live in a single wide.
I meant...Check their electric bills to see if skyhigh.
Maybe, just maybe...The A/C guy was also an electrician.
LE's interest in the area by the hot water heater...Is there an attic?
Just throwing a few things out there....

When your growing pot in the house you have to ventilate the room and pot has a strong odor if your smoking it or growing it. The vents are usually run through the attic or maybe in this case under the home. Part of his ventilation system could have been in that area. Here is a snip from a article I found.
"Air that’s exhausted will be replaced by fresh air, which is drawn from Passive Intakes-
located opposite the exhaust at the floor of your grow room (Recommended for closet grows) or forced in using another blower (recommended for larger grow rooms)."

Scroll down past the pictures

We don't need law enforcement to tell us ron lies.

Yes, it's clear that he has lied about some things. And if he is a drug addict or serious drug abuser (which for now, at least, remains an open question), he may lie about even inconsequential things, as lying and deception go hand in hand with addiction.

But here, on this board, we see people putting actual words in Ron's mouth that have never been heard or verified by others, we see speculation that 100 pot plants came out of a trailer in which two small children and two adults were living, without a shred of evidence or a citation as to the source of that information. I would like to see LE say who owned those plants and who put them in the pond and where they came from.

Doesn't anyone think that moving 100 plants would be noticeable? That 25-50 trips in an out of that trailer that night--because they would have to be disposed of that night, since LE would absolutely tear apart that mobile home looking for forensics--might have been noticed? That there would be signs (dirt, water stains, etc.) associated with growing plants? It's a wild scenario, but there are folks here talking about Ron's involvement in the growing of these plants and the disposal of them as if that were established fact. It would be an act of breath-taking stupidity, far beyond the involvement in the drug sales we've seen on tape, for anyone to be farming marijuana in a trailer when the custody of his or her children was still in question. (Yes, I know Ron had won custody, and Crystal had problems, but no doubt she harbored hope to get the kids back.) All Crystal or anyone else in her family would have had to do was see marijuana growing in that house and goodbye, kids. Not to mention that there was the AC guy at the house that afternoon.

I am perfectly willing to believe that the marijuana farming was interrupted by Haleigh's disappearance. Remember, that whoever was involved in her disappearance and and her removal from the trailer has "guilty knowledge." That person could have worried that a house-to-house search or an investigation of people seen in the area or associated with Ron or Misty could have led to the discovery of the plants. It could also be that the plants were a group endeavor one or more of the people involved in the "farming" decided that Haleigh's disappearance would trigger searching and LE attention that made the whole venture too risky. The plants might only be indirectly connected to her disappearance or actually unconnected.
I am more inclined to think of rc as growing his stash outside his mh. But with cold weather and for convenience, he may have had some indoors. Bricks wouldl be easy to store. He may have a few plants indoors.

Who is going to break the silence? I think tommy has already told on them. Maybe that is why misty is out to get even with him. That, and she is still spinning on him for getting rc jailed for 12 hours.
I meant...Check their electric bills to see if skyhigh.
Maybe, just maybe...The A/C guy was also an electrician.
LE's interest in the area by the hot water heater...Is there an attic?
Just throwing a few things out there....

You're aware, aren't you, that Ron Cummings rented a mobile home? No attic. No basement. No permanent foundation.
I've listened to the audio tape between Misty and her Grandmother. I noticed that Misty never denies that she told her mother that Joe and Tommy did away with Misty; she only denies that the information was in the newspaper.

Don't know if it's been said already but the impression I got regarding Misty's reaction to her grandmother talking about Tommy and Joe being in the paper was that Misty didn't want to continue discussion of it. She knows that calls are recorded and for the first time Misty has basically nothing to say. Only that wasn't in the paper and you're silly. Nothing to invite more conversation on the subject. She is unusually quiet.
I'm another that doesn't believe that Joe, Timmy, or Tommy would cover for Ron. Joe especially might tell what he knows since he was being implicated with the brick and messing with Misty as a kid. Misty and her brothers could have been very well taught since childhood not to squeal on each other, that it is the worst thing they could do. I figure that Tommy only told about going to the trailer because LE cornered him with tips that a red truck was seen in the area that night. The whole key to everything may be proving whether Misty and the kids were there at the time or not. No lights on (not even the tv's ?), Junior not waking to a loud knock on the door, and someone hanging around awhile is really hinky. If Junior was gone with Misty then why hasn't he told that fact, because he is placed as sleeping late with a nap plus being awake several times during that whole night.
TxVicki: I believe they HAVE told LE everything they know about Ron. I just also believe that what they knew about Ron had more to do with drug dealing. I don't imagine any one of them was brought in on the disappearance of Haleigh; that seems to have been a secret too big to share. As we've seen, the Croslins aren't quite capable of keeping a poker face.

snip~ “She let me know, that as Misty’s family, we’re the target,” said Lindsay. “She said, ‘I want to tell you, we are not going away. Everything will just get worse. We are on a high profile case and we are not going away.”

“She threatened to keep arresting everyone in the family, then start taking the children away,” said Chelsea Croslin, who has moved to Massachussetts with Misty’s other brother, Timmie, and also maintains the family knows nothing and had nothing to do with Haleigh gone missing. “They need to start looking at the parents again,” she said, referring to Ronald Cummings and Crystal Sheffield. Both have been cleared by detectives, sources say, but both families, and certainly the ex-inlaws, have drug issues in common.~ end snip

We all know when this article was posted(11/25), but boy Law Enforcement sure meant business. It only got worse. Very clear target, CROSLIN CLAN. This is about Haleigh, not about drugs, not about getting the goods on Ronald, not about an undercover drug sting, this is about Haleigh and Law Enforcement has made their target crystal clear. Notice in the above article that threats were aimed at Chelsea and Timmy Crolsin in Mass.( in purple), and what does Chelsea do? Point the finger at Ronald and Crystal, ( think Chelsea, you'll figure it out, say's Misty in a jail call) I'd have to say this is who Misty will turn out to be alluding to. Fictitious letter with strong intent to point the speculation away from her family. Remember the morning show?( Think Chelsea...)

Why would this LE agent threaten to take someone's children away? Chelsea and TiC to boot.

snip~ “She let me know, that as Misty’s family, we’re the target,” said Lindsay. “She said, ‘I want to tell you, we are not going away. Everything will just get worse. We are on a high profile case and we are not going away.”

“She threatened to keep arresting everyone in the family, then start taking the children away,” said Chelsea Croslin

We all know when this article was posted(11/25), but boy Law Enforcement sure meant business. It only got worse. Very clear target, CROSLIN CLAN. This is about Haleigh, not about drugs, not about getting the goods on Ronald, not about an undercover drug sting, this is about Haleigh and Law Enforcement has made their target crystal clear.

Why would this LE agent threaten to take someone's children away? Chelsea and TiC to boot.
respectfully editted for brevity

LE knows that the only way to get their targets to talk/deal on the Haleigh disappearance is to exert pressure with whatever means they can. The Croslin clan has certainly given them ample means indeed. Threatening to take their children is a common tool when faced with parents who are involved in recurring criminal activity. It is not an empty threat. Criminals have their children removed every day in this country, as well they should. I am totally fine with LE's tactics, more power to em for trying EVRYTHING possible to get at the truth. I don't really care which of the many criminal Croslins they threaten if it eventually leads to the truth. As always, this is just my :twocents:
respectfully editted for brevity

LE knows that the only way to get their targets to talk/deal on the Haleigh disappearance is to exert pressure with whatever means they can. The Croslin clan has certainly given them ample means indeed. Threatening to take their children is a common tool when faced with parents who are involved in recurring criminal activity. It is not an empty threat. Criminals have their children removed every day in this country, as well they should. I am totally fine with LE's tactics, more power to em for trying EVRYTHING possible to get at the truth. I don't really care which of the many criminal Croslins they threaten if it eventually leads to the truth. As always, this is just my :twocents:

I agree with everything you said. Worth a lot more than :twocents:, in my opinion!
I agree with everything you said. Worth a lot more than :twocents:, in my opinion!

lol, I knew you would. We may be sisters from another mister
I am saddened by the fact that the Haleigh Cummings case has went silent. I pray that even though we are not getting updates they are getting closer to finding out what may of happen to Haleigh.
I have searched for days for updates and nothing. Art was suppose to be on NG grace again but was bumped. The last he said was that the two people Misty was alluding to were brother Tommy and Cousin Joe.

Is Misty Croslin Telling Tales?

"snip" http://www.artharris.com/

Misty Croslin has revealed she could hurt two people the family “cares about” if she tells all, alluding to her brother, Tommy, and cousin Joe Overstreet of Antioch, Tenn., who was visiting when Haleigh went missing, but has maintained his innocence. He’s been questioned, but never charged or arrested in connection with the missing child.

It always makes me sad when all goes silent like this. I tuned into HLN hoping to catch the latest from Art, but was heartbroken to hear instead that they had recovered a boys body.. it just never ends.

snip~ “She let me know, that as Misty’s family, we’re the target,” said Lindsay. “She said, ‘I want to tell you, we are not going away. Everything will just get worse. We are on a high profile case and we are not going away.”

“She threatened to keep arresting everyone in the family, then start taking the children away,” said Chelsea Croslin, who has moved to Massachussetts with Misty’s other brother, Timmie, and also maintains the family knows nothing and had nothing to do with Haleigh gone missing. “They need to start looking at the parents again,” she said, referring to Ronald Cummings and Crystal Sheffield. Both have been cleared by detectives, sources say, but both families, and certainly the ex-inlaws, have drug issues in common.~ end snip

We all know when this article was posted(11/25), but boy Law Enforcement sure meant business. It only got worse. Very clear target, CROSLIN CLAN. This is about Haleigh, not about drugs, not about getting the goods on Ronald, not about an undercover drug sting, this is about Haleigh and Law Enforcement has made their target crystal clear. Notice in the above article that threats were aimed at Chelsea and Timmy Crolsin in Mass.( in purple), and what does Chelsea do? Point the finger at Ronald and Crystal, ( think Chelsea, you'll figure it out, say's Misty in a jail call) I'd have to say this is who Misty will turn out to be alluding to. Fictitious letter with strong intent to point the speculation away from her family. Remember the morning show?( Think Chelsea...)

Why would this LE agent threaten to take someone's children away? Chelsea and TiC to boot.

IMO, I think LE is on to the Croslin clan because the 2 people in the center of it all (Ron/Misty) will not talk. That's why I believe a few of the Croslins helped in some way the night Haleigh went missing. I do not believe that Timmy, Tommy, or Jo did anything to Haleigh but one or all of them helped with the cover up. Since LE can't get Ron or Misty to talk, I think they felt like "well let's get the accomplices to talk one way or another." IMO, this case is being built around Ron and Misty.
tommy may have been sent over there to hide the gun and the drugs. He may not want to admit to that or rc will tag him with burglary. Rc knew exactly where one of his guns were in the hollow (ditch)covered with a board...hmmm.
Misty and chelsea are tight, imo. Chelsea is playing to the cameras/recordings right now.

Misty is a chatterbox and most likely confided in somebody and LE knows it.
I am saddened by the fact that the Haleigh Cummings case has went silent. I pray that even though we are not getting updates they are getting closer to finding out what may of happen to Haleigh.
I have searched for days for updates and nothing. Art was suppose to be on NG grace again but was bumped. The last he said was that the two people Misty was alluding to were brother Tommy and Cousin Joe.


I wouldn't worry to much Madjgnlaw, this always happens, quiet before the storm. I really feel that the next storm is going to blow us all away..... LOL. Keep the faith, I have a "feeling" that Easter will bring more than a few eggs, maybe Haleigh just after or a couple of weeks later. :angel:
I wouldn't worry to much Madjgnlaw, this always happens, quiet before the storm. I really feel that the next storm is going to blow us all away..... LOL. Keep the faith, I have a "feeling" that Easter will bring more than a few eggs, maybe Haleigh just after or a couple of weeks later. :angel:

IIRC.. Last year at the end of June I recall hearing there would be fireworks in Putnam County before the 4th of July..But I'm keeping the faith justice will be served on those responsible for the role they played in this tragedy..JMO
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