Explosion at the Boston Marathon #3

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Haven't been able to keep up unfortunately. Has there been any news if the blue coat and white hat are the POI? Any updates? Thank you guys so much!!

They are most definitely NOT.
The only picture I have seen so far, where the person does have on a light hoodie, black jacket and white hat worn backwards it this one.

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It was linked early yesterday by another poster, but seemed to get completely ignored.

From reading that the video shows the POI dropping the bag at the second site while on the phone while the first bomb detonated, I'd be inclined to believe that this guy is not the right person either, since he was on the other side of the street. I don't know how easy it was to cross the street while the marathon was on.

Yes, he is on the other side of the street. And who knows what time the photo was taken. I don't think he was involved but it's unbelievable that he's the only one that can be found with a white BB hat on backwards.

Here's Solo's on map. The Lord and Taylor camera should show him also.

Yes, he is on the other side of the street. And who knows what time the photo was taken. I don't think he was involved but it's unbelievable that he's the only one that can be found with a white BB hat on backwards.

Here's Solo's on map. The Lord and Taylor camera should show him also.


The picture was taken prior to 2 pm, by the time stamps on the other photos. And he most definitely is not the only one with a white cap on backwards, but he is is the only one I've seen (and I know I haven't seen anywhere near whats out there) where he has a backwards white cap AND a light hooded black jacket.

But I still don't think he is the POI from the video. JMO
Full text of Gov. Patrick's address at the interfaith service:


"How very strange that the cowardice unleashed on us should come on Marathon day, on Patriots’ Day, a day that marks both the unofficial end of our long winter hibernation and the first battle of the American Revolution. And just as we are taught at times like this not to lose touch with our spiritual faith, let us also not lose touch with our civic faith.

Massachusetts invented America. And America is not organized the way countries are usually organized. We are not organized around a common language or religion or even culture. We are organized around a handful of civic ideals. And we have defined those ideals, through time and through struggle, as equality, opportunity, freedom and fair play."
Authorities have clear video images of two separate suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings carrying black bags at the explosion sites and are planning to release the images today in an appeal for the public’s help in identifying the men, according to an official briefed on the case.

The official said that the two suspects were seen separately on videotape — one at each of the two bombing sites, which are located about a block apart.

The official, who spoke this morning on the condition of anonymity, said the best video has come from surveillance cameras on the same side of Boylston Street as the explosions.

It makes a lot more sense that if there were two people, they were each at a different site. It would seem highly unlikely that they stood around chatting with each other for four hours before they dropped their bags.
As best as I know, the two guys together got singled out because of an apparent photo that was supposedly released only to media from LE, on the premise that it be kept confidential and not released. I'd have to go back to see if I could find the original link where a media site first said that.

In print however, I only ever saw the first description of the backwards hat with grey hoodie and black jacket.

Catching up here so please forgive if already addressed ..

For what purpose would LE release a pic to the media if it was not intended for release to the public? How could the media benefit or further the investigation in a way that the public could not?
It's a little concerning they are going to release photos, only because there lies a ton of potential for false identification if anyone looks even close to what they release.

I agree, City.

I don't know how useful it will be to release the video footage at this early stage of the investigation with emotions running so high. It could actually cause more harm than good, especially if some nut gets it in their head to pursue vigilante justice against anyone or everyone who even remotely resembles the person(s) in the video.
I am ripping down wallpaper so have lots of time to ponder things.(worst household chore,IMO). Anyway,based on some of the things Janet Napolatano and this other Homeland Security guy are saying,I believe that they are pretty sure they have the guys on camera. I'm really starting to think they purposely fed the media wrong information so the real suspects don't know they are honing in on them. I believe its a matter of time until they have their identity from facial recognition software.(they also did a segment on that. Facinating!!). I think they are stalling a presser in hopes they can identify these guys without the help of the public.
I may be wrong,but I just don't see why LE would let innocent people be maligned for so long unless they had some ulterior motive.

Catching up here so please forgive if already addressed ..

For what purpose would LE release a pic to the media if it was not intended for release to the public? How could the media benefit or further the investigation in a way that the public could not?

Apparently they didn't. Current information indicates that somebody who was briefed about the existence of the surveillance video was speaking out of turn about what he had seen, and some of the media outlets ran with it without adequately validating what he said. ("He" here being a grammatical term, not a personal pronoun).
Does anyone know if the 2nd bomb was made with a "pressure cooker"?



updated 5:54 AM EDT 04.18.13
A running list of things we know
By CNN Staff

Details on the bombs

-- Investigators say the dual bombs, which exploded 12 seconds apart Monday, were designed to deliver vicious suffering.

-- One was housed in a pressure cooker hidden inside a backpack, the FBI said. The device also had fragments that may have included nails, BBs and ball bearings, the agency said.

-- The second bomb was in a metal container, but it was unclear whether it was in a pressure cooker as well, the FBI said.

-- Photos obtained by CNN show the remains of a pressure cooker found at the scene, along with a shredded black backpack and what appear to be metal pellets or ball bearings.

-- They were sent to the FBI's national laboratory in Virginia, where technicians will try to reconstruct the devices.
I'm sure the terrorism expert knows his stuff. It's his unnamed source I question.

You may notice that the latest Boston Globe report also quotes "unnamed sources." I tend to agree with you...so lets count them all as unreliable.

"investigators say" ..."according to our sources"....they all are doing the same thing. But I did noticeFox quoted Janet Napolitano as saying they had people in videos...they wish to interview.


Catching up here so please forgive if already addressed ..

For what purpose would LE release a pic to the media if it was not intended for release to the public? How could the media benefit or further the investigation in a way that the public could not?

After I went back to look through yesterdays thread, the only thing I was able to see was that the picture was intended for LE only, not the media. I presume (JMO) that the media latched on to what they "thought" was the right picture and started to circulate it. They were definitely mistaken. I have a bunch of links in one of my previous posts on page 21 of this thread.

Catching up here so please forgive if already addressed ..

For what purpose would LE release a pic to the media if it was not intended for release to the public? How could the media benefit or further the investigation in a way that the public could not?

By going through their footage...including their unedited footage.
Don't know if you guys have seen this because I am not on this thread anymore.

Web sleuths scour thousands of marathon blast pictures to try to identify anyone they think the FBI should be investigating.


That article is pot calling the kettle black considering they then post the exact same done up photos that were all over the internet yesterday. I'm surprised they didn't post the one with 'da bomb'.
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