Explosion at the Boston Marathon #3

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From the physical evidence I am a hundred percent certain that these two guys are the suspects the FBI are seeking for the bombings. The fact that they were physically standing at the very spot ("Ground Zero") where the first bomb went off, plus the fact that the guy in the black jacket's backpack disappeared as evidenced in the before vs after the bombing pictures indicates that it was indeed his backpack that contained the first bomb. Also as another poster pointed out, the exposed pocket in his backpack shows that he is carrying the exact same battery that was found on the crime scene and which LE had said was used in the pressure cooker bomb along with the fact that the imprint of the pressure cooker cover is shown clearly against his backpack suggests strongly that it is he who carried one of the bombs. Additionally both men match the physical descriptions given by LE to the media -- man in black jacket with white baseball cap holding large black backpack, etc.
Is there a close up photo of the battery in the pocket? I haven't seen it. Great work!!
I'm not going into this again but those two men do not necessarily look "foreign" and if there were white people I doubt they'd be called "foreign looking" even though Polish, British and Irish people are white as well.

Those two men could be foreign born but they could also be American born. One of them looks a lot like my American born son. Seems pretty clear to me why it is offensive to repeatedly call someone with a darker complexion "foreign."

I'd suggest those that feel offended are a wee bit too sensitive.
I only hope they are still here! And WE all would not find? How silly of you to think you could do us harm and not pay? Hope you love the US as here is where you'll be for entire life.
"Federal officials cautioned that the full work of building a case could take time. Law enforcement officers now have access to sophisticated software tools that can use algorithms to search video for specific patterns — colors of clothing, movement or objects, analysts say. The federal Department of Homeland Security has invested heavily in facial recognition software. But it can be tedious work.

"The question that is most often asked is, is there a button we can push to make this happen as quickly as the general public thinks we can, from watching television and movies," said Larry Compton, operations manager at Forensic Video Solutions Inc., a firm that serves as a consultant to law enforcement.

"The answer is no. These tools and techniques are really designed to focus the analysts," he said.

The department store video can be compared with images gleaned from more than 10 trillion bytes of data gathered from other sources, including gas stations and ATM and traffic cameras, to see where a person of interest might have been before and after the attack, said one retired federal agent, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he may become involved in the case. "If you're lucky, you see the person getting into a car, and maybe you can pull a license plate," he said."
First post, so sorry if its not much good. I agree with others. There are certainly differences between the white hat wearing individuals. In one, the man with the white hat has sunglasses and a black zip-up with no writing other than the small insignia in the left breast area. The other photo/clip seen in the news video, the man in the white hat has large letters printed across his black top. I'm not sure about the man in blue. The bag looks similar, with a similar light spot in the middle. The video photo isn't good. It just makes me wonder if (and this is a big if) these are the guys, are we talking about three total. Two in white hats and black gear, one in a blue sweatsuit.
http://imgur.com/a/f2iNp To the front of the bottle of orange juice, to the right if you zoom in, does that look like a battery?

pic of battery found on scene http://fremont.patch.com/articles/b...d-in-boston-marathan-explosive#photo-14038098

IDK. I've learned as one poster said earlier, I'm horrible at Where's Waldo?

What I will say is this: in answer to the question of Where's your backpack, punk? it's clear to me he's holding it in front of him. Look how his arms are curved slightly. He's holding something so it's logical to assume it's the backpack.

As for blue running suit guy, I clearly see the strap of his backpack too.

As for them looking tense, I see nothing in the photos to suggest that they even knew each other. People in public talk to each other, especially at events that have brought them together:

Backpack guy: You know someone running in this race?
Blue suit guy: Yeah, my buddy. He was going for his personal best and he should have finished by now. I hope nothing happened to him.

or...whatever. The possibilities are endless.

If these guys turn out to be them I will be :what:.
The one with white cap guy's arms folded looks to me like he might have his backpack on. Turning my brightness way up, it looks like padded shoulder straps. Or, he hadn't had it off long and the shirt wrinkles are still there.
Not the two photos I'm looking at.
Same two guys.

1st photo they both have bags.
2nd photo only the one with the blue jumpsuit has a bag.

okay. I was talking about the "new photo" with the guy in the white hat having a hoodie on with writing and the blue nylon guy having a white stripe down the side of his jacket on the front.
but he has on a totally different shirt.

I don't think it's a shirt. It looks like a zip jacket with a white logo on the left crest. And it looks the same to me, unless you are seeing something I'm missing.
The sunglasses on the dude's hat look like Oakley Flak Jackets with the xlarge lens. Like that will help.
I only hope they are still here! And WE all would not find? How silly of you to think you could do us harm and not pay? Hope you love the US as here is where you'll be for entire life.
Has there been confirmation that these men are/were visitors to the US?
First post, so sorry if its not much good. I agree with others. There are certainly differences between the white hat wearing individuals. In one, the man with the white hat has sunglasses and a black zip-up with no writing other than the small insignia in the left breast area. The other photo/clip seen in the news video, the man in the white hat has large letters printed across his black top. I'm not sure about the man in blue. The bag looks similar, with a similar light spot in the middle. The video photo isn't good. It just makes me wonder if (and this is a big if) these are the guys, are we talking about three total. Two in white hats and black gear, one in a blue sweatsuit.

I'm wondering this now too, especially after seeing Madchen's photo of the guy in the red shoes talking to the guy in the black hoodie with writing on the front.
Perhaps there's 4.
Dressed as (almost) identical pairs.

Putting on my tinfoil hat and agreeing. Maybe it was their little uniform to help identify each other in the crowd. Or create decoys.

That is as tinfoil-y as I'm willing to go.
altoids? the battery would probably be in the bomb already. They don't want to have to assemble it on the curb

I think what we see in the exposed pocket of the backpack is the wrapper for the batteries. I don't know how many batteries are needed for the bomb, but he likely brought more than the number necessary -- just in case one battery went dead and the timer doesn't work, etc.
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