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I would really like to hear what DY really would like to say. You can tell she is holding back so much when ask questions about SM.
But really, it could be as simple as, something happened, Terri harmed/killed Kyron, and hid his body someplace where LE has not searched. That would not take an Einstein. She may, if guilty, be shocked that she has not been caught and charged as yet.

It does not have to be a complicated plot, just because everything in this case is so bizarre. Sadly, it could be fairly simple, with a suspect who can hold up to LE better than in other cases we've seen.

I think it would be far more complex and therefore more likely to have failed by now, if more than one person is involved. If it's just may never be truly solved.
I was just hoping and praying Terri got hooked up with a wrong person and she didn't hurt little Kyron that someone else did.Yes,it would be very sad if she did something on purpose.I agree if she is not being honest to find little Kyron she needs to be now.
He also looked to DY to answer most of the questions, which tends to quelch thoughts of him being a control freak.
--- snipped ---

THANK YOU FOR SAYING THAT! I felt the same way, he appeared to me to be a man that would "work together" with someone else, and in particular a woman. I did not see him "struggle" with this working together, it appeared to come naturally.
Good for her! She tells it like she sees it. I have a feeling that a libel suit won't happen. LOL

LOL from what I understand was said at the press conference, a libel suit would be very difficult.

Said: She isn't cooperating with LE.... if that is what they are being told by LE then it isn't libel.
Said: She isn't telling the truth..... LOL she reportedly failed two lie detector tests.
Said: She has had her suspicions from the moment of the phone call.... Suspicions aren't fact. She didn't accuse the stepmom of anything, she said she had suspicions. And she isn't being very specific about those suspicions either.
Said: They requested that the stepmom tell the truth and cooperate with LE. Based on the info they probably have been given, that is a perfectly
reasonable request.

I do give the mother kudos for her restraint. If my child was missing and I was being told that someone I knew, someone close to my child was not being truthful with LE and was not cooperating with LE I probably wouldn't have been able to hold back near as well as she did.
Hello Emma,

Maybe I can give a little insight here based upon my relationship with my mother. My mother lies constantly... "Did you put garlic in the soup?" Her answer, "No" (but I saw her do it.) "Mom, they said that." Her answer, "No, they didn't!" (but I heard them say that). "I never had this..." (Oh God mom -- please not again, not the same crap mom, its such garbage mom...I know better). And on and on and is endless, constant, ridiculous and insidious. As a child, being lied to like this makes you doubt your own mind, experience and feelings. Fortunately, we are not under that reign of lies that tries to throw off our "gut" and "knowledge of our own personal experience" forever. Fortunately, some of us have relatives, siblings, friends and family members who have WITNESSED the "convenient and consistent" lies too -- these people confirm to us that we are not loons (we know what we heard, saw, felt, suspected!)

The lies are a part of my mom, nothing anyone can ever change. But, would I ever in a million years suspect her lying to try and cover some "other than petty" thing that she would do? No...I would NOT (I hope I am not wrong!) She is a liar. She lies for convenience, sympathy, because she thinks she can blow stupid stuff by you -- not to cover wicked acts. I guess that if there is a "petty thief" -- she is a "petty liar" (although thieving is thieving and lying is lying and it CAN cause great harm AND I've tried to point that out to her, it wasn't easy.)

My mother's husband(s), I'm not sure how he/they endured the lying. I've witnessed her lying to her present husband for umpteen years, she's even tried to suck me into some of her stupid lies to him. He loved her, loves her, because there really is much to love about her despite the insane lies. She did care for her children (such as it was, and some would consider it responsible) and she has taken very dear care of her husbands/present husband. She is wonderful in many ways -- very loveable in many ways. So, there are men (and women) who see "one thing" about their wives (husbands), or see "one thing" about their mothers/fathers who lie like this -- love being blind or trapped, it is what it is -- but it doesn't seem to be "dangerous."

My guess is that Kaine wanted to believe the best in his wife. My further guess is that Desiree saw her lies and was disgusted by them, but tolerated them thinking that she was just, well, lying for convenience, but that she wasn't dangerous. Perhaps she will become angry at Kaine or anyone who didn't "pull out all stops to get her away from Kyron" -- but she is a classy lady, and I think that if that anger comes, she will resolve that no one could have guessed for sure, including her.

My sympathies to you. I've known people who were pathological liars and it's not easy dealing with them. But it's a little different when it's a new wife of your ex husband who is also raising your son. Maybe she didn't think Terri was capable of harm... I can understand that. But if it were me, I would have moved heaven and earth to get my child back, if I didn't trust the woman taking care of him. JMO.
RE: Desiree not getting custody back of Kyron if she didn't trust Terri

What woman would 100% trust another woman raising their child?

I know I wouldn't! I wouldn't trust my own mother, sister, aunt, or best friend 100%, but if there were circumstances that lead me to put the care of my child in another woman's hands then I would have to learn to live with it.

I feel like the reason Desiree left Kyron with Kaine has absolutely nothing to do with finding Kyron. Who knows the real reason, maybe Desiree doesn't know her own reasoning. But I know one thing is for sure ~ This woman loves her son with her whole heart and she is in so much pain right now. I am sure that pain is full of what if's, how comes and lots of guilt! She is a brave, strong woman and I am impressed by her integrity and strength!
OT...but I wish LE would do another search in area of the home and school...I can't help thinking how long poor little Caylee was in the woods there, so close to home...and was only found by accident. Terri, if she is guilty, may have left him there and then driven out to SI, if she did, to try to make an alibi for herself...I don't know, but I hate that LE is not searching for him. I know it is almost impossible without a tip, but it feels wrong, and sad.

As someone who has and probably will post things that may be interpreted as "sticking up for Terri" I can answer for myself but no one else.

I try to make a strong division between what I know to be facts and what I assume or feel, based on my own impressions.

Just because I find someone hinky or unsympathetic doesn't mean that person is guilty or even wrong. At least, they aren't wrong until I assume control of the universe and at that time, they better look out! LOL

Right now, based on what I know as facts, it looks to me like there are things that tend to implicate TMH but nowhere near beyond a reasonable doubt. Based on what I know right now, I would never vote to convict her.

For every person that I would convict because I didn't have a good impression of them, there are probably three people who feel the same way about me.

I try hard to remember and act on the old bromide about "live and let live." I fail but maybe the struggle itself is making me a better person. I hope so, anyway (because I do find it a struggle).

I just wanted to say that I may not totally agree with you, but I totally love your attitude. There should be more people out there like you.
I think it is time for Terri to speak now. With her attorney, in a controlled PC, but it is definitely time for her to speak.
And at the beginning of the presser when Kaine was asked how Kyron's relationship was with Terri and he actually said Terri would best be able to answer that!! WHAT? He hasn't paid attention enough to be able to characterize their relationship?


Snipped by me, sorry if this has been said (I haven't read all of the posts).

What if this is one of the key questions TH failed on the polygraph???

"TH, how is your relationship with Kyron" "Great!" (BIG FAT LIE)

Always have had a great working relationship when it comes to the kids and it's upsetting to hear some of the rumors out there.

(underline by me)


This blindsided us.

and this

Mothers have feelings. I had instincts about this when I got the phone call.

confuse me.
I would really like to hear what DY really would like to say. You can tell she is holding back so much when ask questions about SM.

I haven't seen the presser yet, but what you wrote reminds me of Dr. G at the conference where it was confirmed the remains found were Caylee's. I so felt for her. She looked like she SO wanted to say more and just wasn't allowed to. I'm betting Desiree looked the same way. I'll have to watch the presser when I get home tonight.
LOL from what I understand was said at the press conference, a libel suit would be very difficult.

Said: She isn't cooperating with LE.... if that is what they are being told by LE then it isn't libel.
Said: She isn't telling the truth..... LOL she reportedly failed two lie detector tests.
Said: She has had her suspicions from the moment of the phone call.... Suspicions aren't fact. She didn't accuse the stepmom of anything, she said she had suspicions. And she isn't being very specific about those suspicions either.
Said: They requested that the stepmom tell the truth and cooperate with LE. Based on the info they probably have been given, that is a perfectly
reasonable request.

I do give the mother kudos for her restraint. If my child was missing and I was being told that someone I knew, someone close to my child was not being truthful with LE and was not cooperating with LE I probably wouldn't have been able to hold back near as well as she did.

BBM I can GUARANTEE you that I can't. I'm not that couthy. LOL In fact, last night my girls asked me what I'd do if someone "stole" them. I told them point blank, "I'd kill them." LOL (I followed with don't anger momma bear story...) Maybe not the best thing to say, as I'm not couthy, but it's true!
I have a family member that has been missing for 27 years.She has never been found.I have looked for her as a unidentified Jane Doe,skeletal remains,anthopologist offices anywhere and everywhere to try and find out where she could be.I know very well how LE works in these cases.I am just saying I thought LE and the sheriff just came out and said Terri was not a POI or a suspect and she was cooperating.I just really think they need to clear this up once and for all.I thought they did.

I may be wrong but I don't recall LE ever saying she was not a suspect or a POI.
It is my understanding they just haven't named her as a suspect yet..They haven't named anyone.. However it is clear to me she must be on the list..IF they have a list...JMO
I think it is time for Terri to speak now. With her attorney, in a controlled PC, but it is definitely time for her to speak.

I think there are pros and cons to silence. Anything she says is going to be picked apart by the media and everyone else. Heck, I read a whole analysis about how she wore her shirt and the missing buttons. I'm not sure if she should speak, but I do believe it's time for her attorney to speak.

I appreciate that he's probably working quietly behind the scenes, but he's been hired to defend her. She may not have been formally labeled or charged, but Kaine and Desiree are pointing the finger firmly her direction, LE is leaking information right and left.

It's time for him to make a statement, IMHO.
I wish someone had asked if there had been any strains or problems in the marriage leading up to this time.

I would like to see the list of what may not be asked.

I admire Desiree. If I had that many suspicions about Terri, someone would have to physically restrain me from putting a serious hurt on that woman.

Wouldn't you love to be inside Terri's head right now, for just maybe one hour? I would love to know what and how she is thinking.
But really, it could be as simple as, something happened, Terri harmed/killed Kyron, and hid his body someplace where LE has not searched. That would not take an Einstein. She may, if guilty, be shocked that she has not been caught and charged as yet.

It does not have to be a complicated plot, just because everything in this case is so bizarre. Sadly, it could be fairly simple, with a suspect who can hold up to LE better than in other cases we've seen.

I think it would be far more complex and therefore more likely to have failed by now, if more than one person is involved. If it's just may never be truly solved.

Even if it's not a complicated plot -
It had to be a plot at some point **IF** it was Terri, and not some random abduction that she just had the dumb luck of being the last person seen, but has other issues that point to the deceptive part.

I can't imagine, now after seeing this press conference that D wouldn't have just asked her straight out "WHERE is my kid?"
I was just hoping and praying Terri got hooked up with a wrong person and she didn't hurt little Kyron that someone else did.Yes,it would be very sad if she did something on purpose.I agree if she is not being honest to find little Kyron she needs to be now.

You know that is the part that has me totally confused. IF TH took him, what was the why?

KH and TH were married, still residing together, no rumors of any split prior to Kryon being taken. No apparent motive.
TH was seen at the school with him prior to the disappearance, so that kinda rules out an impromptu event. They were at the school then he wasn't seen again. So that kinda rules out she accidently or maliciously injured him then was afraid of getting in trouble for that.

It almost looks like she took him to school to begin setting up an alibi. That she left him at school and the school lost him. Which IMO points to something planned. But why?
I thought this was an interesting moment...


Reporter: "'ve been a class act...probably not saying a lot you want to hard is that to not say stuff to Terri?"

Desiree: "Honestly, I've been doing that since Kyron was born"

....and the fact that Desiree had feelings about this when she got the phone call, so she was suspicious of Terri from the first moments....
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