Family Press Conferences

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I'm another who completely understood Kaine's anger and frustration at the idea that any adults would be afraid to give information that might help find his son. It was heartbreaking to watch.

The end was the most telling to me, if I'm not reading too much into it. Kaine and Desiree were asked if they had any doubts that Terri was involved, and Kaine said, "to what capacity is what we're - is what the investigation is trying to figure out."
Respectfully, BeanE, that is just your interpretation of what the police said - your opinion and not shared by everyone, which I'm sure you know because this has come up on nearly every thread.

We're dealing with verbal semantics of what is being said off-the-cuff during a press conference. But I think the main point the policeman was trying to make was that Terri was not cooperating in every aspect of the search for Kyron, which is a little shocking because she is his step-mother.

I sensed again today that Kaine and Desiree are shocked by that too, since they described her as "cold" about the whole thing, and Kaine admitted to "pleading" with her to help with the investigation. That sounds like non-cooperation to me. They should know if she is cooperating or not.

I think it's unclear whether she cooperated and stopped, or she held things back from the beginning (such as the confusion over the Dr.'s appointment or her exact whereabouts). None of us can prove what she did or didn't do, so there are no absolutes beyond what the police said about cooperating on some things and not other things.

After a certain point - the outing of the sext-messages and the restraining order - she wasn't going to cooperate anymore because she felt the heat. JMO

I'm well aware that's just my interpretation, ThoughtFox. Thanks for the reminder, and thanks for sharing just your interpretation too.
Since I inadvertently started it, I hereby declare the cooperative vs. uncooperative issue dead. The thread link is there for anyone who wants to read it and form their own opinions. RIP! (And, again, I'm sorry to have touched it off.)

:woohoo: :martini: TGIF! :martini: :woohoo:
Nothing about the cellphone pings that I recall.

Kaine said it wasn't unusual for Terri to borrow the truck for the day, and that she had used it on Thursday to take the science fair project and she was supposed to use it on Friday to bring it home, but she didn't. That's all.

IIRC.. DY made reference to an email Terri sent her on the day Kyron disappeared about picking up the project..Seems TMH told her a completely different story about picking up the project than she had originally told Kaine.. ...

Wish we knew just what exactly she said in that email... Seems Terri views herself as being quite the clever one especially when it comes to keeping the right hand from knowing what the left hand is doing..JMO
--- snipped ---
I don't blame them. I would still come forward, but after DS being outed and accused of all sorts of things (from being Terri's lover to helping murder Kyron) in the media and the public, I would probably get a lawyer and be very cautious before talking. I hate to say it, but they created this fear in people.

Hi AngelMom,

Good to see you! I think that the really rough things that were said about DS were from people on the internet, not D & K, unless I forget? They said she was not cooperating, I believe, and that she was influencing other people in a way they felt was not in the best interest of their son. They said they would take action if she didn't come forward. Those may have been harsh words, but what could they do to help bring her forward? It would be hugely frustrating to think someone knew something about your missing son and was withholding information.

One way or another, you've certainly made a valid point. When people get involved, they can get injured. They can be well meaning and then have people learn of them, only to be slaughtered. I'm sure it has discouraged many. I would not want to read any of the forums if I came forward in a case like this.

Finally... I think that the problem with some people coming forward is that while they might want to help Kyron, turn over emails or their computer for LE to look for old electronic communications with Terri perhaps, there may be things about their life that have nothing to do with the case and they don't want to risk that information getting out. With involvement would come exposure. Perhaps LE can post a bulletin to assist people with some type of protection in coming forward. Even so, if people end up giving information or statements, their name could come up in a trial eventually.

So, I think this leaves LE having to trudge through information to find what they might have earlier if it were handed to them. This is a painful thought and lends to what I believe they said to the parents earlier, this is a marathon, as opposed to a sprint.
Kaine's closing lines at the very end of it - were everything. IMO
Kaine also said Terri's preferred method of communication was digital. So, they want people to come forward with digital communication too.

(Wouldn't LE already have all of that based on cell & computer records?)

Some other people have asked this but I quoted you Emma because I like what you have to say in your posts so I read through it and saw the question again. That was a good point about the anger btw.

About the cell & computer, my thinking is maybe LE was able to retrieve only some of this info? When you delete files on a computer, they are still retrievable with file recovery software but not always all of them because over time that section of memory on the hard drive will get overwritten. If someone did a more thorough format on their computer, I'm fairly certain that files cannot be retrievable. Anyone else know more about this?

I would think if the person responsible for Kyrons' disappearance communicated this way that they would get rid of that kind of evidence immediately. But as far as others this person communicated with, unless they were knowingly involved, they obviously would still have this person's emails/texts/calls on their records.

We know that LE has found info through:

failed polygraphs
Terri's bank records
Terri's cell phone pings
Terri's friends' houses (including Dede)
per attny, Dede shared emails and texts sent to and from Terri, with cops
Michael Cook's cell phone
Landscaper, who came forward with MFH plot and then he was wired..
video footage from grocery stores

There may be more but I can't find anything about LE searching Terri's computer.

Later edited:

Welp actually I did find it here:

"Source: Terri Horman lied to investigators
The reliable source also told KGW News that investigators believe that Terri has lied to investigators and that there have been several instances where they have wanted to know more about her whereabouts the day her step-son disappeared, including:
* after cell phone records seemed to indicate that she may not have been where she said on that day;
* after her performance during several hours of polygraphs which, the source said, indicated that she was being "evasive"; and
* after examining files from her computer.
Investigators have also examined Terri's cell phone and email records, determining whom she had had contact with in the days leading up to her step-son's disappearance."
I never thought LE was in on their statements, glad they clarified that...
I'd like to say that LE may not be directly involved in their statements but that doesn't mean LE doesn't approve of them speaking out and saying what they are saying.

I believe that it was retired Portland LE Captain McCain who stated his belief that LE is using them as their spokespeople; unofficially. And I'll take that a step further and say that it is pretty clear that LE likes them to say the things that LE cannot officially voice.

If they objected, or Kaine and Desiree said things that were untrue, LE would come out and say this. (This was addressed in the Legal Questions thread and a legal expect stated this, also).

I'd like to say that LE may not be directly involved in their statements but that doesn't mean LE doesn't approve of them speaking out and saying what they are saying.

I believe that it was retired Portland LE Captain McCain who stated his belief that LE is using them as their spokespeople; unofficially. And I'll take that a step further and say that it is pretty clear that LE likes them to say the things that LE cannot officially voice.

If they objected, or Kaine and Desiree said things that were untrue, LE would come out and say this. (This was addressed in the Legal Questions thread and a legal expect stated this, also).


IMO, LE cannot take that chance. What used to work does not know. Legal issues all over the place with names being called out in national, actually international media, and allegations.

LE made a written statement that they have nothing to do with what KH, DY, AND, TY, are doing. That is the choice of the 3. There will be no game playing behind the scenes in today's litigious and investigative world. Don't see LE being that naive.

Also, LE will not object to KH, DY, and TY appearing on t.v. and the web. That is the 3's choice.

JMO, MOO, and more muck.
I just watched the presser and started crying about halfway through it.

Heartbreaking. Praying for Kyron and for the sanity of that family.
I'm another who completely understood Kaine's anger and frustration at the idea that any adults would be afraid to give information that might help find his son. It was heartbreaking to watch.

The end was the most telling to me, if I'm not reading too much into it. Kaine and Desiree were asked if they had any doubts that Terri was involved, and Kaine said, "to what capacity is what we're - is what the investigation is trying to figure out."

I thank you for providing the link to today's conference. I was pleased to see more restraint on the part of both KH and TH as I feel they were overly zealous (who can blame them) in their past conferences. Today I believe their heartfelt pain was palpable by all of us who watched. I hope and pray that there will be folks coming forward soon who will help resolve this case.
Wonder why D used the word "unfortunately" when asked about LE approving their statements? Does she wish they would and they won't? Or does she mean they are not getting the info from them because they are not getting much info at all from them?

I really think that both D&K are just trying to stay away from the "dark place" Desiree mentioned as far as what has happened to Kyron and are therefore throwing everything and anything out there. I am not one who believes that a number of people know what happened to Kyron. If Terri, she may have told one person, especially if it was an accident. But there is no way I can buy that a group of adults know about Kyron's fate and none are talking, just to save Terri. Or that a whole bunch are involved to the degree of guilt. Even D&K admitted they have no reason to believe that anyone else is involved.
As I watched this presser, my heart broke (again) for DY as she explained her reaction to seeing her little boy's face & name in the media these past weeks. Without a doubt, this is the most surreal nightmare for her, and I'm sure there are times she wishes she could wake up & find that it's been a very bad dream. I, too, wish that were so.

Regardless of who is responsible, I hold onto the hope that LE will solve this case (no matter what the ultimate outcome) - for Kyron's sake, and for the sake of everyone who loves him.
Situations where you have parents remarrying and bringing in stepparents are very sticky situations. It's not as easy as Desiree just taking Kyron from Kaine and that's that. She'd have to do it legally, through lawyers, especially if Kaine didn't agree with her. Things would get nasty, and Kyron would suffer in the end because of these groups of parents arguing with each other over who knows what's best for him. Desiree obviously thought since he had been with Kaine for so long while she got treatment that is was best to leave him there rather than rock the boat with accusations that probably couldn't have been backed up with much proof. Or even so, would Kaine just believe Desiree about Terri? Probably not.

I'm tired of seeing people blame Desiree over and over again, like if she just had snatched him away from Kaine he wouldn't have gone missing. If she had done that, there would have been legal repercussions, court battles, and nastiness that is certainly not good for a child to go through. Desiree may have had suspicions, but that is not good enough to take a child out of the home in situations like this. And I doubt she really thought Terri would actually kill Kyron or make him disappear. I don't know why people assume she should have known that too.

This press conference reinforced to me how sad and desperate this situation is, but continuing to blame KH and DY for not doing enough to protect Kyron is not going to bring Kyron home. And it's not fair to them either.

Clicking the Thank You button just wasn't quite enough. THANK YOU for this post. It very well stated how I have been feeling.

It is incredibly unfair to say that DY should have kept Kyron w/ her if she was worried about Terri. It is not that easy. If it were that easy, we would not see as many custodial abductions as we do. If a court does not award you custody legally then your hands are tied. Even if DY had refused to return Kyron she would have then faced charges of interfering w/ custody and arrested. How would she be able to protect Kyron from jail?

I don't think anyone could have foreseen this. I highly doubt any of the parents (or friends or relatives for that matter) would ever have imagined Terri could be capable of causing Kyron harm.

I have seen the struggles w/ courts and custody. One of my best friends goes through this on a weekly basis. Neither of us feel her kids are safe; but, after many court motions, police reports, etc. w/ an ex that has an extensive criminal history she still has no choice but to allow the week to week custody agreement.
The more I think about it, the more I think that the same reason D&K have to hope there is an accomplice (keeping Kyron alive) they also have to hope that Terri is involved. If Terri is not involved, the chances of Kyron being alive are very slim. with Terri, they can at least hope that she would not go that far to hurt them.

I wonder if they would even be receptive to LE if LE started to indicate that this might be the work of a predator, and not Terri, as that would take away their hopes, which they have to be able to cling to.
With all the talk of coming forward with e-communications, etc. from TH, I am wondering if she is suspected of having a "bat phone" that LE may suspect but is not able to access. That would account for the public plea for information that i would assume would otherwise be readily accessible via subpoena by LE.
Wonder why D used the word "unfortunately" when asked about LE approving their statements? Does she wish they would and they won't? Or does she mean they are not getting the info from them because they are not getting much info at all from them?

I really think that both D&K are just trying to stay away from the "dark place" Desiree mentioned as far as what has happened to Kyron and are therefore throwing everything and anything out there. I am not one who believes that a number of people know what happened to Kyron. If Terri, she may have told one person, especially if it was an accident. But there is no way I can buy that a group of adults know about Kyron's fate and none are talking, just to save Terri. Or that a whole bunch are involved to the degree of guilt. Even D&K admitted they have no reason to believe that anyone else is involved.

I suspect they are hoping her narcissistic self couldn't just couldn't resist revealing something that may be of importance...JMO
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