Family wants to keep life support for girl brain dead after tonsil surgery #6

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Do you have a link that she was dx'd with it?

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Linda, it's in Flores' report, I believe (already linked page 1 or 2).

It comes as a result of brain death. It's not the diabetes you usually think of when you think of someone having diabetes.
The topic of the thread is Jahi and the controversy over brain death... please cease discussion or sleuthing about her siblings... thanks
Maybe im being cynical, but Mon. they stated she was in bad shape, cause she was not be fed at CHO......Now someone has done the surgery and she is doing good... Me thinks they are playing games......
So if she is getting medications to regulate her blood pressure, and antiobiotics, and ventilation, and steroids, and some sort of enteral feedings, apparently by Dr. Bynre, does it ever occur to him that he is the one "playing God" by artificially keeping some organs functioning?

I don't see it as "playing God". Makes me think of discussions and readings we had/did in an Ethics class I took long ago. Something about doing what benefits the greater number (really digging here). What is being done is not harming Jahi and it may well be helping the family to come to terms with the inevitable. I, personally, am ok with this as long as care is carried out in a respectful manner. Yes, it is a use of resources that might be better used for another, but who should decide this? Dunno, just my 2cents.
Isabelle, here's my problem: if someone else (human, feline, canine, etc.) gags, *I* gag, too! The cat will be hacking up a hairball 'hrk hrk hrk' and the next thing you know here *I* am 'hrk hrk hrk.' Afterwards I continue going 'hrk hrk hrk' while cleaning up the cat mess and my husband runs around in circles waving his hands and making high pitched noises and occasionally handing me a paper towel. :floorlaugh:

:floorlaugh: That's my friend Minette!! :floorlaugh: :seeya:
Maybe im being cynical, but Mon. they stated she was in bad shape, cause she was not be fed at CHO......Now someone has done the surgery and she is doing good... Me thinks they are playing games......

In their minds she is doing better. Maybe that makes them feel better.
Mr. Dolan's duties appear to be over. It's likely that he achieved his objective of helping the family get Jahi out of CHO. The crisis, as it were, is over. And save for a little spokesmodeling, it's time for a fee agreement and a retainer.

Hey Mr. Dolan -how about releasing those medical records from Top Secret Live Loving Longterm Care Center to let everyone see for themselves?

You know, just like you were asking CHO to do?

Or is do the family and Top Secret Life Loving Longterm Care Center staff have something to hide? Just like you accused CHO of doing?

Huh, how about it?
CHO cannot be forthcoming, they are prohibited by federal law to discuss the particulars of the case. As a veteran of critical care I needn't remind you. Further, there isn't any proof that CHO was negligent. I would agree there was a perfect storm of sorts, but to pass judgment on CHO when you only have hearsay is premature.

I have great sympathy for the family. I have great sympathy for anyone who has to endure the prolonged death of a child, no matter the circumstances. But you don't have the facts, and I don't have the facts.

I agree..however for weeks they stonewalled and only fed certain info to media...WHY didnt they just allow the family to move her..instead it took court hearings after court hearing..and "Self Serving" statements by them has mislead those out there willing to believe Jahi was rotting..That is just NOT right IMO:seeya:

Thanks, Yoda (love the avatar, btw). I have been lurking and am pretty up to speed on this board, but there is so much still unanswered that we can only speculate. I have learned a lot from reading the (mostly) thoughtful and intelligent posts here.
Nick Smith ‏@nicksmithnews 2m
"She (mom) just wants to be with her daughter..#JahiMcMath where each day is a new beginning rather than perhaps her last." @cbdlaw
Some really good conversation here. Ideas and thoughts that wouldn't enter our minds on a daily basis.
I don't see it as "playing God". Makes me think of discussions and readings we had/did in an Ethics class I took long ago. Something about doing what benefits the greater number (really digging here). What is being done is not harming Jahi and it may well be helping the family to come to terms with the inevitable. I, personally, am ok with this as long as care is carried out in a respectful manner. Yes, it is a use of resources that might be better used for another, but who should decide this? Dunno, just my 2cents.

My concern is that it's also misleading the public at large and leading to this idea that brain dead people can recover. Playing this whole thing out in the media and then making claims that she's doing better and will hopefully make a full recovery? Make it quite hard for future parents to let go, I think. Maybe I'd feel differently if it was a private drama and the family was paying for it themselves quietly, but there was so much public protest against CHO and asking the justice system to step it's become this huge story of misinformation and it could be quite damaging. MOO. :moo:
Im just going to day it simply as a person who assisted physicians assessing brain dead patients....ALL brain dead means is LACK or deficient Brain electrical activity...So If you dont wish to believe LACK of Oxygen causes Brain damage FIne..BUT it does...from my experience..Take it for what its worth...

The only reason Jahi suffered that lack of Oxygen is because ICU staff werent monitoring nor assisting her..left her family to deal with her bleed out..Sudden Blood loss..does cause such injuries...

Unless you have some sort of link to suggest any difference..i will agree to disagree on your premise..:seeya:

Of course lack of causes brain damage. But this is far beyond brain damage. This is brain death. There is no blood flow, there is no electrical activity. Sadly, her brain and brainstem are the consistentcy of soup, not the brain that you normally see.

There is a very specific definition of brain death that you do not appear to be familiar with. It is not "brain damage" as you are mentioning in functional patients.
Nick Smith ‏@nicksmithnews 2m
"She (mom) just wants to be with her daughter..#JahiMcMath where each day is a new beginning rather than perhaps her last." @cbdlaw

Very we'll stated!
I agree..however for weeks they stonewalled and only fed certain info to media...WHY didnt they just allow the family to move her..instead it took court hearings after court hearing..and "Self Serving" statements by them has mislead those out there willing to believe Jahi was rotting..That is just NOT right IMO:seeya:

Because she was dead. It took a court mediated order to reach the terms for release. CHO legally has to release a body to a coroner or a funeral home. jmo
I agree..however for weeks they stonewalled and only fed certain info to media...WHY didnt they just allow the family to move her..instead it took court hearings after court hearing..and "Self Serving" statements by them has mislead those out there willing to believe Jahi was rotting..That is just NOT right IMO:seeya:

I think they gave as much info as they could to the media.

The reports from the doctor do show that parts of her body are decomposing/deteriorating, such as her brain decomposing now.

It's also my understanding that they were willing to let the family move her but it had to be in accordance with the law. When someone has been declared dead the hospital can't just let them go anywhere. The coroner has to be involved. And the family was also trying to compel medical procedures, so CHO had to fight back against that, as it would violate their own ethics and affect the operation of their hospital to do such a thing. JMO.
Lol. Cat/hairball gets me, but much worse is someone who spits. I absolutely cannot tolerate that!

Girl, you can't come to certain parts of the South, then! They take their rights to spit their 'chew' as unalienable! It's narrsty. My grandaddy chewed tobacco but at least my grandma learned him to never spit indoors, with a 'spit jar' or ANYTHING and he eventually converted to a pipe and marital harmony was restored! Apropos of nothing, I was recently in Singapore and learned that it is illegal there to spit on the sidewalk. And I thought....OK? I'm kind of down with that! Just don't ever go to China, just don't.
Sheri Cardo ‏@SheriCardo 3h

THIS is what the #JahiMcMath case has really been about for lawyer: Raising medical malpractice cap. Good journalism. …

The case of Jahi McMath, the 13-year-old girl who was declared brain-dead after a tonsillectomy at Children's Hospital Oakland, is now the centerpiece of a political fundraising effort aimed at lifting California's $250,000 cap for pain and suffering awards in medical malpractice cases.

Consumer Watchdog, a Southern California nonprofit that has teamed up with the state's trial lawyers on a proposed November ballot initiative to lift the limit, just sent out a mailer to supporters saying, "Hospitals like Children's actually have an incentive to let children like Jahi die.

"If children who are victims of medical negligence live, hospitals are on the hook for medical bills for life, which could be millions," the letter says.
Do you have a link that she was dx'd with it?

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I don't. I read it here in the forums. It may not be true. The link I posted simply explained the difference between dm 1&2, and insipidus.
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