Farrah Fawcett in critical conditionUPDATE Has Passed away RIP

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"Small Sacrifices", Farrah made the character of Diana Downs come to life. She was so good in this movie. It is my favorite Farrah movie. What a beautiful lady. My prayers to her family, especially her father, who, if he loses Farrah will have lost all the ladies in his life. That is sad. Hope this is just a set back and she pulls out of this.

My prayers go out to Farrah that she is not suffering too much. I can see her family will fall apart more when she is gone.

I too loved how she brought Diana Downs to life in the movie. She was great. What a beautiful woman she is.

Ailing Farrah Fawcett's six-million-dollar smile
Before she was an Angel, Fawcett burst on the scene with a bestselling poster

Farrah Fawcett checked back into hospital on Thursday and last night was said to be in critical condition, unconscious but stable, with ex-partner Ryan O'Neal and their son Redmond by her bedside.

The 62-year-old sex symbol was diagnosed with anal cancer three years ago. Though in 2007 she gleefully announced that it was in remission, a malignant polyp reappeared in the same spot just a few months later. She recently returned from Germany, where she could legally seek controversial embryonic stem cell treatments.

Her older sister, Diane, succumbed to lung cancer in 2001.

<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>

That's nice.... her son arrested on Sunday. Just that little 'extra' to push mom over the edge.

What a sad sad family. And to above questions, I believe her & Ryan have been back together for a long while. Maybe her condition, his love for her and simple comfort?

The article sounds like she has a fighting chance still, which is good and not unconcious, etc like reported earlier.
I saw her (can't remember if I actually talked to her) during sorority rush years ago. She stood out like a bright lightbulb - the next years she left college and went to Hollywood.

The male students used to camp out in front of her sorority house to see her walk out/ that was before Hollywood.

She became a good actress (wasn't she in that murder movie made for TV about Dr. John Hill killing his wife?) IMO It seems like she had trouble finding a man who really treated her well; sad. And Redmond seems so disturbed; I don't know if he'll ever make it in society. I don't think he had a good role model; Tatum O'Neill has had tremendous addiction problems also.

I read that the cancer spread to her liver some time ago.
The latest I heard on a non celebrity gossip site is that it wasn't a life and death situation. She had an abdominal hematoma (like a blood blister) from treatment she received in Germany(?) which can happen. Was having a lot of abdominal pain, but she should be out in a few days.
I saw her (can't remember if I actually talked to her) during sorority rush years ago. She stood out like a bright lightbulb - the next years she left college and went to Hollywood.

The male students used to camp out in front of her sorority house to see her walk out/ that was before Hollywood.

I saw Farrah during the mid 70's in a Los Angeles Coffee Shop. She was having breakfast and sitting next to the table next to us. She looked
BEAUTIFUL. Stunning actually. A natural beauty. I wish her well.
I hope the treatment she had in Germany really does the trick. I just read about someone else that went somewhere...doesn't seem like it was Germany though...for the same treatment. Can't remember who it was though.

Sometimes I wonder if there aren't cures for a lot of the different cancers but they aren't admitting it because if it wasn't for cancer think of the money doctors and pharmacys would lose. I know that is a terrible thought but I have wondered for a long time if that isn't true. I know others who wonder the same thing.

Farrah is such a beautiful woman. I have loved every movie she has ever been in. There was a made for TV movie about a guy who was raping women and he had been watching these three woman...one was Farrah. But she ended up getting the best of him when he came after her and had him in the empty fireplace when her roommates came home. He was caged in and couldn't get away from her. The movie was excellant. She really wanted to kill him and I believe she had even dug a grave.

Ryan O'Neil...I can't imagine being his age and an addict. He sure became a has been fast. Must have been the drugs. Didn't Tatum have a brother too?
If so, I wonder what he is like? What a role model this guy has been for his children. I hope O'Neil isn't sky high when he is with Farrah. That isn't what she needs. How old is their son...anyone know?
How sad... I used to love the show Charlie's Angels

way back when I was a kid

Sometimes I wonder if there aren't cures for a lot of the different cancers but they aren't admitting it because if it wasn't for cancer think of the money doctors and pharmacys would lose. I know that is a terrible thought but I have wondered for a long time if that isn't true. I know others who wonder the same thing.

Bobbisangel, I think the same thing. I think it's also the reason we don't have a cure for the common cold. There's just too much money made off of these drugs.

Tatum does have a brother; his name is Griffin. He's had the same problems as the rest of the family.

Another brother, Griffin O'Neal, also has suffered bouts with addiction and was found guilty of reckless boating in the 1986 accident that killed the son of "Godfather" director Francis Ford Coppola.
Griffin and dad Ryan O'Neal drew headlines last year when they brawled at the family's Malibu home following a party that celebrated Fawcett's cancer remission

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2...tle_brother_follows_in_s.html#ixzz0EL8Zo4Rj&B

Something else I was thinking about. Stress plays a major role in a person's health. How much of this constant bickering, arrests, etc. is causing Farrah's health to be worse?
Awww-I wish the best to Farrah and her family. I hope it is a peaceful and gentle turn for the worse if this is in fact what is going on.
"Sometimes I wonder if there aren't cures for a lot of the different cancers but they aren't admitting it because if it wasn't for cancer think of the money doctors and pharmacys would lose. I know that is a terrible thought but I have wondered for a long time if that isn't true. I know others who wonder the same thing."

This thought is just so ludicrous to anyone who has ever worked as a medical professional! Do you realize the widespread extent of violation of medical ethics that would have to take place for something like this to be true?

People who go into medical professions take oaths. And I am talking from Medical Assistants who work in a doctor's office on up to physicians and researchers.

I've heard of conspriacy theories, but this one takes the cake! This would imply that the thousands of medical professionals who have spent their lives and their entire careers on research to try to come up with a cure for cancer, or even to know definitively what causes it, have each sacrificed their integrity to greed which supports the pharmaceutical industry? And what about the National Institutes of Health? Are all of them in on it too? And how about the American Medical Association? Are they in on it? And all of the pharmacists? And all of the researchers? The biologists? The chemists?

Last but not least: Does it never occur to folks that there are actually people who WOULDN'T be motivated in their life or in their work by greed?
I hope the treatment she had in Germany really does the trick. I just read about someone else that went somewhere...doesn't seem like it was Germany though...for the same treatment. Can't remember who it was though.

Sometimes I wonder if there aren't cures for a lot of the different cancers but they aren't admitting it because if it wasn't for cancer think of the money doctors and pharmacys would lose. I know that is a terrible thought but I have wondered for a long time if that isn't true. I know others who wonder the same thing.

Farrah is such a beautiful woman. I have loved every movie she has ever been in. There was a made for TV movie about a guy who was raping women and he had been watching these three woman...one was Farrah. But she ended up getting the best of him when he came after her and had him in the empty fireplace when her roommates came home. He was caged in and couldn't get away from her. The movie was excellant. She really wanted to kill him and I believe she had even dug a grave.

Ryan O'Neil...I can't imagine being his age and an addict. He sure became a has been fast. Must have been the drugs. Didn't Tatum have a brother too?
If so, I wonder what he is like? What a role model this guy has been for his children. I hope O'Neil isn't sky high when he is with Farrah. That isn't what she needs. How old is their son...anyone know?

The movie you mentioned is call Extremities and I would encourage everyone to check it out. I thought she was just a "fluff" actress until I saw her in this and in The Burning Bed. She could really hold her own and is not given enough credit for being more than "just a pretty face." May she pass peacefully and surrounded by love.
"Sometimes I wonder if there aren't cures for a lot of the different cancers but they aren't admitting it because if it wasn't for cancer think of the money doctors and pharmacys would lose. I know that is a terrible thought but I have wondered for a long time if that isn't true. I know others who wonder the same thing."

This thought is just so ludicrous to anyone who has ever worked as a medical professional! Do you realize the widespread extent of violation of medical ethics that would have to take place for something like this to be true?

People who go into medical professions take oaths. And I am talking from Medical Assistants who work in a doctor's office on up to physicians and researchers.

I've heard of conspriacy theories, but this one takes the cake! This would imply that the thousands of medical professionals who have spent their lives and their entire careers on research to try to come up with a cure for cancer, or even to know definitively what causes it, have each sacrificed their integrity to greed which supports the pharmaceutical industry? And what about the National Institutes of Health? Are all of them in on it too? And how about the American Medical Association? Are they in on it? And all of the pharmacists? And all of the researchers? The biologists? The chemists?

Last but not least: Does it never occur to folks that there are actually people who WOULDN'T be motivated in their life or in their work by greed?

I am sorry that you felt offended by the poster's words. It is a fact that Pharma Companies push medications on the unsuspecting public that cause harm. They have not taken the oath to do no harm and often mislead doctors about medication contraindications and side effects.

It has been proven scientifically that chemo and radiation do harm healthy cells in the body and repress the immune systems of patients. There are many alternative treatments in Europe and elsewhere that have proven results when it comes to cancer treatment.

Doctor's stay in business when people remain unwell. Should their business rely on healthy patients then I would say you would be correct. Trauma is not the same thing as long term medical issues.
I am sorry that you felt offended by the poster's words. It is a fact that Pharma Companies push medications on the unsuspecting public that cause harm. They have not taken the oath to do no harm and often mislead doctors about medication contraindications and side effects.

That is a commonly held opinion, but that's about all it is. It makes a ton of sense until you have direct experience working as a doctor or nurse. I am an oncology RN. I can totally "understand" the lay public's sentiment, but it is based upon not having all of the information. It's easy to attribute dark motives from afar.

It has been proven scientifically that chemo and radiation do harm healthy cells in the body and repress the immune systems of patients. There are many alternative treatments in Europe and elsewhere that have proven results when it comes to cancer treatment.

Doctor's stay in business when people remain unwell. Should their business rely on healthy patients then I would say you would be correct. Trauma is not the same thing as long term medical issues.

Chemotherapy kicks your *advertiser censored*. It kills fast growing cells, which cancer cells are. It also kills normally fast growing cells in the gut and in the bone marrow, thus all of the truly agonizing side effects.

It's easy to say (and believe) that somewhere else (far away, usually) there exists a superior treatment that is being withheld from us. That goes perfectly with the sentiment that doctors are invested in keeping people sick to keep the bucks rolling in. I have yet to see the evidence of better treatments from "afar", and I sincerely believe they would be used and incorporated if they worked.

Would you believe they use ARSENIC for a certain kind of leukemia? That tells me the profession is OPEN to all possibilities, even seemingly strange ones. They have their eyes and ears open, and I trust them.

The glaring problem with logic in this sentiment is that those motives would destabilize the system and destroy it. We'd be in the dark ages, medically, but we just keep going forward.

And besides, every single one of us is GOING THERE SOMEDAY. To the hospital, to the mercy of a doctor and Big Pharma. You, your precious child, your beloved family member. It's going to mess with your head and disable you being there for your ill loved ones, and get mightily in the way of getting care in the first place.

Lots of people go to their graves with mistrust toward the current medical profession, and they go to the same place that all who trust it go to :)

I am convinced myself the system which I'm defending is full of unconscionable hyperinflated costs, human incompetence and selfishness. But it's what we have, and in my direct experience, it works more often, if you work it, than if you don't.

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