Farrah Fawcett in critical conditionUPDATE Has Passed away RIP

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Cancer isn't glamorous and slowly dying isn't pretty. For Ryan Oneal to stick around and be there for her during this most unglamorous and ugly stage of their relationship to me indicates true affection and love. There are so many hollywood couples that marry but when the fun wears off they are out of there. Can you imagine them sticking around for something as awful as this. While they both have a lot of issues, I can not find fault with them marrying at the end. And if he gets all the money (assuming there even is much anymore) then so be it. It is only money and nobody "deserves" an inheritance. I don't care what my parents do with any money they may end up with. It is theirs. If I end up with anything fine. If they give it to charity fine, or some long lost relative. It won't affect whether or not I take care of them. I will take care of them because I love them, not because there might be some money in it for me.

So true. Cancer not only sucks the life out of you, it does the bank account as well. We all know that American Insurance Companies are not covering any of the germany treatments, and this doesn't even include the airfare, the hotels, the transport, and so on and so on. I wouldn't be suprised if these costs ran into the millions by now. By the time she went to Germany, she was already diagnosed, so she wouldn't be eligible to purchase another policy for international coverage - unless Farrah had it previously (IMHO).

I can only imagine what her bank account looks like right now :(

Bless her!

If you do a search under Farrah's name. It looks like she is back in the hospital .I think this might be it. As one news article stated Ryan once again is asking for a judge to let Redmond go visit again.
Cancer isn't glamorous and slowly dying isn't pretty. For Ryan Oneal to stick around and be there for her during this most unglamorous and ugly stage of their relationship to me indicates true affection and love. There are so many hollywood couples that marry but when the fun wears off they are out of there. Can you imagine them sticking around for something as awful as this. While they both have a lot of issues, I can not find fault with them marrying at the end. And if he gets all the money (assuming there even is much anymore) then so be it. It is only money and nobody "deserves" an inheritance. I don't care what my parents do with any money they may end up with. It is theirs. If I end up with anything fine. If they give it to charity fine, or some long lost relative. It won't affect whether or not I take care of them. I will take care of them because I love them, not because there might be some money in it for me.

All I can say is I hope life bestows many blessings upon you! If everyone felt like you do there would not be any families fighting over "inheritance".
i also wonder if its a living in sin thing .. mabey she is trying to be forgiven for that i know some people when they are dying wish to be forgiven for all of thier sins and mabey she wants ryan to have legal rights to her things after she is gone ? i dunno its very tragic that she is dying at all ..and i hope she gets to fly with the angels when her light ends

I do believe they love each other, because no matter what happened, they both turned to each other time and again. I also think maybe you are right on with the "living in sin" thing. I read somewhere, and if I find a link I will post it, that Farrah always had her rosary with her during treatments, etc. So maybe it is a combination of both - and I wish her a peaceful death.
He's proposed to FF many many times over the years. If she wants to marry him now, I respect that decision -- who are we to judge.

May this bring her peace in her final moments.



That is exactly how I feel. It is her decision only.

Why not? Apparently, Ryan wanted this, but Farrah said no. Maybe she wants to be a spouse to the man who has been at her side over the years.

If this is what she wants than I am happy for her. But I read where he said he would nod her head for her if he had too. That makes me question if she really wants to marry him.
Farrah was admitted to the hospital today :-(

I really don't trust R O'Neil wanting to marry her at the last minute. I know, I know, he loves her, but he's a drug addict and she probably has money too. I think her Dad should be her executor and the rest to Redmond. Ryan's been there, sure but he's a loser.

Right you are ziggy. Ryan says they will wed when she can say yes.
That sounds like he proposed while she's in a coma. Certainly is gallant guy isn't he.
He's proposed to FF many many times over the years. If she wants to marry him now, I respect that decision -- who are we to judge.

May this bring her peace in her final moments.



I guess I question why now because I watched my Dad die of cancer and at the end he wasn't capable of making decisions. I believe if she had really wanted to marry him she would have as soon or soon after she was diagnoised.JMO
Greta just said they were arranging for the family to come say their 'goodbyes'.
This is so sad. If death will bring this great lady relief from pain and suffering, I hope it comes soon.
Bless your Farrah and thanks for all the specials moments you shared with all of us.
I just read on a world news type forum that Farrah is in ICU and the family are saying their goodbyes. I wonder if this is really true. Given the condition that Farrah was at the last of her documentary, I'd say that it is possibly very true.
I'm very sorry to hear this.

Me too. And I take back what I said in regards to the marriage. If Ryan said he would nod her head for her, that is very sad and not a marriage. It's obvious that Farrah is in no way capable of making decisions of this sort right now.

I also heard on another web-site that she passed last night (not sure if that's true or not). Only that more details would be forthcoming.


Saw that she was given her last rights... :(
I doubt Ryan and and Farrah will ever legally marry.
I doubt Ryan and and Farrah will ever legally marry.

From what I read. It looks like it is to late. I would not be surprised if Farrah lets go today sometime to go the be an Angel
Barbara Walters just reported Farrah died. Rest in peace Farrah. I am so glad she is no longer in pain.

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