Fencesitters & Not Guilty Post Here

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You see how dangerous rumors can be!!! And this rumor has been repeated time and again.

And what 3/4 year old child isn't often a handful. Madeleine sounds perfectly normal to me. I would be more concerned if she didn't behave like a typical small child.

Totally agree. It's a major part of their personality. More often than not it's said that kids are a handful - hardly ever that a 3 year old is "Very quiet and an introvert." Can you imagine the fields day if they had said she was very quiet? Some people would jump up and down declaring that she had been abused so much her spirit was broken.
April I posted that article on a couple of other threads here because I think it brings up good points...

I don't want to convict these people until all the facts are in and that does not include rumor or inuendo. What IF they did not murder their child? I am the person they want on their jury. I will firmly now sit on the fence because if I were in such a situation I would hope someone would do the same for me IF I were innocent... and it is a possibility that the only thing they are guilty of is bad/stupid parenting.
I don't want to convict these people until all the facts are in and that does not include rumor or inuendo. What IF they did not murder their child? I am the person they want on their jury. I will firmly now sit on the fence because if I were in such a situation I would hope someone would do the same for me IF I were innocent... and it is a possibility that the only thing they are guilty of is bad/stupid parenting.

Yes, I totally agree.

Thank heaven for this string...all the others seem to be full of people who think the McCanns are guilty because they left their kids alone, they haven't broken down in floods of tears at every opportunity, they went jogging occasionally, they haven't yet confessed to killing their child, stuffing her in an ice bucket then launching her into the sea off a clifftop, blah blah...it's all emotional outrage, woolly thinking and eagerness to condemn based on conjecture and rumour. Let's concentrate on the facts or, in the absence of many of those, at least sensible, rational discussion of reporting on the case. Please!
Interesting article from The Times.

Victims of the rumor mill?


Ok, WOW. That article had info I've never seen before. Like...Madeleine was seen ALIVE by someone other than the McCanns at 7 p.m.!! That blows a big old hole in several theories I've seen.

And the police didn't show for an HOUR after they were called? And then quit searching after less than 6 hours that first night? How horribly frustrating and frightening that must have been.

Most telling though, the McCanns were told NOT to express emotion during initial media. I've heard of this tactic before, although in the US I don't believe it is used any longer. What an eye opener though, looking back.
Yes, I totally agree.

Thank heaven for this string...all the others seem to be full of people who think the McCanns are guilty because they left their kids alone, they haven't broken down in floods of tears at every opportunity, they went jogging occasionally, they haven't yet confessed to killing their child, stuffing her in an ice bucket then launching her into the sea off a clifftop, blah blah...it's all emotional outrage, woolly thinking and eagerness to condemn based on conjecture and rumour. Let's concentrate on the facts or, in the absence of many of those, at least sensible, rational discussion of reporting on the case. Please!

This is not meant to be mean.So please don't take it that way.I am a bit offended with your post that I have quoted.I am not sitting on the fence nor do I believe they are guilty ,I am not eager to condemn I do not have wool on my brain and I am not emotionaly outraged.What I am is a person with my opinion who finds this whole thing very very sad.I desperatly want to be wrong in my thinking.I have stated this before so have many other posters here.We don't like thinking that the parents had anything to do with Madeleine being missing.Being human we all have the right to our feelings ect.You, me and everyone here.This is what webslueths is about.Or so I thought.To be able to say our thoughts and feelings and throw ideas in get other peoples thoughts ect on them.

Thats one of the reasons why I love this site.Its a pretty safe place without getting flamed and called names ect like on another forum I will not name but think everyone here pretty much knows the one I mean
:eek:scary place it is too :eek:

I like coming to this thread because I want to be able to read and understand why others are still on the fence or feel that The McCanns are not guilty.

I am not trying to flame you or be mean or put you down for your thoughts,feelings or opinion.
I just wanted you to know that the post was a bit offensive to me.Keep posting I like reading your thoughts ect :)
April I posted that article on a couple of other threads here because I think it brings up good points...

I don't want to convict these people until all the facts are in and that does not include rumor or inuendo. What IF they did not murder their child? I am the person they want on their jury. I will firmly now sit on the fence because if I were in such a situation I would hope someone would do the same for me IF I were innocent... and it is a possibility that the only thing they are guilty of is bad/stupid parenting.

Thanks Jdee.

I completely agree with your sentiments too. :clap:

You can destroy anyone with rumor and inuendo. And thats all we have right now.
And if these parents are innocent.......Lke you I will wait to find out the actual "evidence"
How do we stay on the fence or declare not guilty when there's been lots of hair found in the rented car, and dna matched forensics?

You can transer some forensics and a piece or two of hair, but alot of hair? A child doesn't loose lots of hair daily. I loose a good bit of hair daily, but I think it's because it's long and I keep it pulled up alot, stressing the hair roots.

What could have taken out so much of her hair? Grabbed by the hair of the head and battered and abused? Trying to load her body and it was ripped out?
Why is it SHE killed her and not HE???? and didn't other people besides the McCann's go check on the children during dinner - unless she was already dead and they had her tucked in bed... I would think that would be highly unlikely. Someone like me, overly concerned, would probably go up and make sure each of the children were breathing....

Darlin, someone like YOU would never leave three children alone in the first place!! :blowkiss:
How do we stay on the fence or declare not guilty when there's been lots of hair found in the rented car, and dna matched forensics?

You can transer some forensics and a piece or two of hair, but alot of hair? A child doesn't loose lots of hair daily. I loose a good bit of hair daily, but I think it's because it's long and I keep it pulled up alot, stressing the hair roots.

What could have taken out so much of her hair? Grabbed by the hair of the head and battered and abused? Trying to load her body and it was ripped out?

I can't declare them 'not guilty' yet for the same reason I can't declare them guilty yet. I haven't heard all the evidence yet. I need to hear the McCann's speak (when they are allowed) about the events of that night. What is thier story? What if it were me and I was never allowed to tell my side before I was crucified by the Press? What if I had a side to? I can stay on the fence because I believe you are innocent until proven guilty and that for me has not happened yet.
I have long hair too and I lose TONS everyday. Just ask my husband about the week my shower drain stayed stopped up after FIVE bottles of Drano would not clear out the hair clog... (ick)
Maybe they did murder their child. I am not saying they did or didn't. I just need to hear the facts and I need to hear the McCann's and until then my verdict is not in yet.
How do we stay on the fence or declare not guilty when there's been lots of hair found in the rented car, and dna matched forensics?
IF this is FACT, then I can't remain on the fence. But, for now to me it's not FACT. Although, it seems that the case is caving in on them ... according to the media.
I can't declare them 'not guilty' yet for the same reason I can't declare them guilty yet. I haven't heard all the evidence yet. I need to hear the McCann's speak (when they are allowed) about the events of that night. What is thier story? What if it were me and I was never allowed to tell my side before I was crucified by the Press? What if I had a side to? I can stay on the fence because I believe you are innocent until proven guilty and that for me has not happened yet.
I have long hair too and I lose TONS everyday. Just ask my husband about the week my shower drain stayed stopped up after FIVE bottles of Drano would not clear out the hair clog... (ick)
Maybe they did murder their child. I am not saying they did or didn't. I just need to hear the facts and I need to hear the McCann's and until then my verdict is not in yet.

I agree with you on everything thing but one. They have told their story, over and over. They've answered question after question. The police never told them they couldn't tell their story in the beginning. Their story just isn't believable, hard to sell, that's why they've quit pronouncing it to the world, no buyers or takers to their versions.

That's all they did in the beginning of this fiasco and tragedy, tell their versions.
I agree with you on everything thing but one. They have told their story, over and over. They've answered question after question. The police never told them they couldn't tell their story in the beginning. Their story just isn't believable, hard to sell, that's why they've quit pronouncing it to the world, no buyers or takers to their versions.

That's all they did in the beginning of this fiasco and tragedy, tell their versions.
You bring up a good point. You know, I have tried not form an opinion based on media speculation. I stated in another post, that I am trying to comprehend all of this. It's all just so overwhelming. Thanks for pointing out that in the begining they did tell their stories. I have not followed this case so I didn't know that. I would love to see/hear those stories.
I agree with you on everything thing but one. They have told their story, over and over. They've answered question after question. The police never told them they couldn't tell their story in the beginning. Their story just isn't believable, hard to sell, that's why they've quit pronouncing it to the world, no buyers or takers to their versions.

That's all they did in the beginning of this fiasco and tragedy, tell their versions.

I have bolded the part I am questioning - I thought from the very beginning the were not allowed to talk about the facts. The
Secrecy laws in Portugal forbid them to talk about any facts on the case. Maybe I'm wrong but I'm sure that was stated right from the beginning.
I have bolded the part I am questioning - I thought from the very beginning the were not allowed to talk about the facts. The
Secrecy laws in Portugal forbid them to talk about any facts on the case. Maybe I'm wrong but I'm sure that was stated right from the beginning.

Thanks for your input. Their version is the story the police, media and public have to go on. What they said happened, when it happened, how it happened. No one has gave an account but them. Their the ones saying Maddy was abducting, missing.
This is what I heard also that they were not allowed to talk about the facts of the case because of the secrecy laws. I have heard their interviews and in all of them they were unable to answer questions relating to Madeleine's disapearance. This is what I need to hear and havn't yet.
Yes, I totally agree.

Thank heaven for this string...all the others seem to be full of people who think the McCanns are guilty because they left their kids alone, they haven't broken down in floods of tears at every opportunity, they went jogging occasionally, they haven't yet confessed to killing their child, stuffing her in an ice bucket then launching her into the sea off a clifftop, blah blah...it's all emotional outrage, woolly thinking and eagerness to condemn based on conjecture and rumour. Let's concentrate on the facts or, in the absence of many of those, at least sensible, rational discussion of reporting on the case. Please!

I feel exactly the same delilah and I am not offended in the LEAST. Please continue to post your thoughts and feelings about the case in the calm way that you've been doing thus far.

I'm disappointed by some of the crass posts in the current "blog" thread. That is not "discussing" this case. That is bashing the McCanns exactly in the manner you speak of. It is not helpful, it is not necessary, and I don't understand how those types of posts meet the intention of what Websleuths is at heart.

I'm glad that we have this thread at least to keep a level head and discuss the case.
Scary pack of 'sleuthers' on this site....does anyone still believe there is a chance that the McCann's aren't guilty and possibly Maddy was abducted and out there somewhere??

Anyone not want to partake in the witch hunt?
I feel exactly the same delilah and I am not offended in the LEAST. Please continue to post your thoughts and feelings about the case in the calm way that you've been doing thus far.

I'm disappointed by some of the crass posts in the current "blog" thread. That is not "discussing" this case. That is bashing the McCanns exactly in the manner you speak of. It is not helpful, it is not necessary, and I don't understand how those types of posts meet the intention of what Websleuths is at heart.

I'm glad that we have this thread at least to keep a level head and discuss the case.
That's what this thread is for. To discuss calmly, and to hear the opinions of those not convinced or may never be convinced the parents did anything wrong. Of course leaving your 3 children, three years of age and younger alone, for hours meets my criteria of beyond and above neglect and borders on abuse, but not a criminal matter. The giving the kids drugs when they weren't sick or restless, is criminal to me being their doctors and shouldn't have resorted to such tactics to help get their energetic babies and toddler to go to sleep. A content, well fed, well time spent together works everytime.

Stay and post, your input is valuable.

Scary pack of 'sleuthers' on this site....does anyone still believe there is a chance that the McCann's aren't guilty and possibly Maddy was abducted and out there somewhere??

Anyone not want to partake in the witch hunt?

I'll sit with you on the fence. I don't think their innocent, because too much already they've done, alcohol and drugging, stories not adding up, their own words and behavior, but I'm willing to be open minded. No one will get attacked on this thread. I'll spank them. :D
BethyC, I believe in their innocence. I really have a feeling that she is out there someplace, ALIVE. Until I see HARD evidence to the contrary, I will continue to believe this.
While I love to read all of the theories and comments of those here, I really do believe we know virtually nothing about the case and of all the things 'leaked' how do we know even how much of it is true? Is it 60% or more like 5%??

I fully believe, without any sinister suspicion, that Madeleine's DNA will be EVERYWHERE the parents were.....why wouldn't it be?
The timeline is still keeping me from looking solely at the parents as suspects.
IMO, they didn't have enough time to do 'something' to Maddie and hide her body. (Got to admit though that today's reports about lots of hair being found in the trunk of the car has made me think long and hard about the case.)
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