First-Hand Impressions / WS Meetup

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From the looks of the pictures, the water was even lower today than picture day. You can see where they have a hose draped over the white plastic, so I'm sure it was drained somewhat. There is a purple wreath stuck in th ground just off the pavement that we saw today. The dead roses are over the embankment and on the ground with many footprints surrounded it. Those footprints had to be made when the ground was wet and soft. They are hardened now. No other areas had vegetation that was trampled...thus our conclusion. Also remember, white roses were Nancy's favorite flowers. Whoever put them there possibly knew that. Wouldn't it be reasonable to expect LE to show her parents/Brad where her body was found after they were finished with their crime scene work? Or do they keep that secret also?

I believe LE would show the parents the location if the parents requested it after consultation with a victims advocate. However, LE is not going to provide specifics related to the investigation even to the parents for a variety of reasons. Different story when it goes to trial - very often the DA will share details with the loved ones at that time unless they are to testify. If they will be called to testify, there will be no specifics that could bias their testimony. In this case, I believe it is obvious the parents will be on a witness list.
I believe LE would show the parents the location if the parents requested it after consultation with a victims advocate. However, LE is not going to provide specifics related to the investigation even to the parents for a variety of reasons. Different story when it goes to trial - very often the DA will share details with the loved ones at that time unless they are to testify. If they will be called to testify, there will be no specifics that could bias their testimony. In this case, I believe it is obvious the parents will be on a witness list.
Yes, maybe. But we also noted that this particular spot is 1) closest to the pavement where he could simply back up the car. 2) Where someone in a hurry would "naturally" toss a body. It's a bit secluded because its close enough to the side of the embankmenk. I'm not convinced that was on the perp's mind, though. I think she was tossed and landed where she did. As SluethyGal pointed out, there were much better hiding places. This was a rush job.
Sorry I couldn't make it. The dog threw up all night and we had to go to the vet this morning. Hope to see you next time.

We sure missed you! I'm so sorry your doggy was sick. I left mine at home as it was just too hot. We'll have to meetup again!
Photos from our tour this morning:
Great photos, Sleuthy!! Pretty much nailed all the important areas. Ya'll go to Mom's latest post on the Theories thread and check out her new one....espcecially you folks who went on the tour this morning. Read my response and maybe add your own while the crime area is still fresh in your mind. Ole Momto3 has her thinking cap on! (or a wild imagination, one)
Of course, none of us knows the exact spot the body was found. All we can do is speculate based on our observations.

The white flowers we saw today at the dump site were also in the photo that JTF posted in #11-4-73. And the red outline he drew in that photo is just about exactly where we thought the body had lain.

A couple of feet off the pavement there is an abrupt dropoff which goes down about 3 feet. Then it's about 10 feet or less to the silt fence. The body would not be visible from the street.

Thanks to everyone involved today for making our meeting possible, for giving us fresh insight and getting a feel for the entire area
We met at Java Jive and the first person I run into is my hairdresser! LOL! I didn't realize that the place I go is the SAME Harris Teeter/Walmart shopping plaza as has been discussed all this time and of course Java Jive is across the way. DOH!

After our tour of the dump site I picked up my car at Java Jive and did a little grocery shopping of my own at HT. I had never been inside this store before. I had no idea how HUGE and NICE it is! I've only been to my hair salon and then over to Walmart, and this is not my usual shopping place since I'm about 5 miles away. I would totally use this store if I lived closer. I'm going to make sure and stop in when I am in the area. Between that HT and Whole Foods I think I can liquidate my savings tout de suite.
Thanks for sharing ! Bet you felt a bit creeped out aye?

One question - the photo of the white tarp area - a gravel pile to the left - do you know what that is on top of the gravel pile? Don't think it is of any import - just wondering.

Believe it or not I was NOT creeped out. I was expecting to feel that way but it certainly helped having 7 other people around! I actually felt 'peaceful' if you can believe that. I said a little prayer for Nancy when I was walking around. It was a very warm morning...prelude to another HOT day in this area.

I have no idea what's on top of the gravel pile. :confused:
Believe it or not I was NOT creeped out. I was expecting to feel that way but it certainly helped having 7 other people around! I actually felt 'peaceful' if you can believe that. I said a little prayer for Nancy when I was walking around. It was a very warm morning...prelude to another HOT day in this area.

I have no idea what's on top of the gravel pile. :confused:

Glad all were okay. Again - thanks very much for the photos.
Believe it or not I was NOT creeped out. I was expecting to feel that way but it certainly helped having 7 other people around! I actually felt 'peaceful' if you can believe that. I said a little prayer for Nancy when I was walking around. It was a very warm morning...prelude to another HOT day in this area.

I have no idea what's on top of the gravel pile. :confused:
I think it may be the overflow valve, or whatever you'd call that thing. Where if the water got too high it would go into that hole under the white cap and not flood the road. Is that the thing you're talking about?
Ya'll make sure you check out Momto3's new theory on the "THEORIES" thread. Those who went this morning in particular. Check out my response, and then offer your own while it's still fresh in your minds.
Ya'll make sure you check out Momto3's new theory on the "THEORIES" thread. Those who went this morning in particular. Check out my response, and then offer your own while it's still fresh in your minds.
Oops. Sorry. Thought I was posting this on the Nancy Cooper thread. Already said this.
I think it may be the overflow valve, or whatever you'd call that thing. Where if the water got too high it would go into that hole under the white cap and not flood the road. Is that the thing you're talking about?


Yep, you are correct, this is a drain. It is atop the pile of dirt and gravel to hold it upright. If there are heavy rains and the level of the water rises to this drain, it is to let the excess water out of the retension pond. This is to prevent the water from rising to the level that it would either collapse or overflow the earthen dam.

Fairly standard in ponds, but if the pond is intended to be permanant, it is of a more substantial nature that this is. If you happened to look on the back side of the earthen dam, you would either see the other end of a pipe, or a small culvert to direct the water to the other side of the dam.


Yep, you are correct, this is a drain. It is atop the pile of dirt and gravel to hold it upright. If there are heavy rains and the level of the water rises to this drain, it is to let the excess water out of the retension pond. This is to prevent the water from rising to the level that it would either collapse or overflow the earthen dam.

Fairly standard in ponds, but if the pond is intended to be permanant, it is of a more substantial nature that this is. If you happened to look on the back side of the earthen dam, you would either see the other end of a pipe, or a small culvert to direct the water to the other side of the dam.

...and to add...we drove to the street BEHIND this drainage site, and there was the exact same everything.
I agree with the others who were at the site this morning about the most likely location of the body. The N & O said the body was in front of the silt fence, and in many areas the grass/weeds were too tall to have had a body on top of them less than three weeks ago. Also the hardened foot prints are fairly deep around the one spot where the wilted flowers are.

I hope to have pictures up later today. My husband is trying to stitch together a 180 panorama shot together of that side of the cul-de-sac.
Thanks for the photo's SG! I have not been able to bring myself to take photo's yet. I have been 3 times and not walked around either. I go each week just to let NC she is not forgotten.

The flowers must have gotten placed there since last Sunday night, they were't there when I was. I am happy to see someone has done it. Did you all see a hand written note on the ground? Someone had done this and held it down with 2 large stones. It might have gotten blown away with the rain and wind we have had. I didn't read the note so I don't know what it said

Thanks again for the photo's.
I don't remember seeing any paper at the site, and ther was no note.
Thanks for the photo's SG! I have not been able to bring myself to take photo's yet. I have been 3 times and not walked around either. I go each week just to let NC she is not forgotten.

The flowers must have gotten placed there since last Sunday night, they were't there when I was. I am happy to see someone has done it. Did you all see a hand written note on the ground? Someone had done this and held it down with 2 large stones. It might have gotten blown away with the rain and wind we have had. I didn't read the note so I don't know what it said

Thanks again for the photo's.

Hi Momto3,

Nope, didn't see any note there, though I did see a rock or two. If you ever want to meetup I'm game for a 2nd visit anytime. Then I have a built-in excuse to go shopping at that fabu HT since I'll be so close and all!! I barely made it past the breakfast island and the asian island :)
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