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It is Nancy's brother who is a constable in the Edmonton Police Department.
Having seen more pics of the site, it seems crazy that the person who dumped Nancy's body did not take advantage of the dense vegetation in the area.

Maybe the murderer didn't want to go walking and leaving clues, DNA etc.
Thanks for the pics ya'll !!!

They gave me a better feel for how isolated that area is. Also, could better see how the land sloped down on the cul-de-sac......couldn't see the slope from the pics media had released.

Makes me think the murderer was not familiar with the area AND went while it was dark and didn't realize (or couldn't see) all the vegetation right nearby which would have been a more obscure place to leave her body.

Question......from where you park on the hard surface......about how many steps would it take to get to where ya'll think the body was located?

Again....thanks for the pics......great job!!!
The reason I asked is I've read that there aren't
but when watching this video it was kind of confusing
because you see houses.

Is Brittaby Ct off of Fielding Drive or off of Belmont Forest Way?

Bob, was reading this thread again and didn't see your questions answered. The homes under construction at the beginning of that video are not on Brittaby or the street next to it. There are not even lots marked on Brittaby. Not sure why they are showing that street at all, unless they mistakenly thought that pond was the one.

To get to Brittaby from Fielding, you drive past Belmont Forest Way, then take a right on "some street" then a left on "another street" then right onto Brittaby. On this picture look back down Brittaby through trees to the big pile of dirt. Fielding is on the far side of the that pile. You can just see a house under construction at the left edge of it.

Can I ask a stupid question?

Why are there no curbs? I know here, in any neighborhood/subdivision, no matter if the planned houses are 1000 sq. ft. or up to 10,000+ sq. ft. they always pour the curbs first, then the pavement for the street.

To me, this looks more like an access road, not a residential street/cul-de-sac.
The question was: Why are there no curbs?

Lots of neighborhoods here in Cary have no curbs. Instead, we have swales that lead to a square concrete slab, under which lies a storm drain. The storm drain pipe is a concrete pipe, very large, called a culvert, that leads under the ground and empties into a greenway or flood plain.

HE WANTED IT TO LOOK LIKE SHE'D BEEN JOGGING and maybe she just fell near the road.

I know. I'm not a LE agent for sure!
I think the killer WANTED Nancy to be found, but not right away.

If it was Brad, if her body isn't found he has to wait for years before she can be declared legally dead.

Has anyone mentioned any insurance policies existing on Nancy with Brad being the beneficiary? If the children are the beneficiaries, Brad would still be their guardian and presumably administer the money, thus having use of it.

If she hadn't been found so soon Brad could have had time to concoct some other scenario such as "she left me and the kids" "I don't know where she is" etc..

Brad might be a smart person, but that doesn't preclude him killing her on the spur of the moment and then being in a panic and not thinking things through thoroughly, hence the phone and id left behind when jogging story.
Entre, the reason the dump area's street looks like an access road to you is because the area is in the process of being developed. It will be a neighborhood and this road is one of the cul-de-sac residential streets.

I live in Nancy Cooper's development, and the dump site development is on the other side of us, across Holly Springs Road.
The question was: Why are there no curbs?

Lots of neighborhoods here in Cary have no curbs. Instead, we have swales that lead to a square concrete slab, under which lies a storm drain. The storm drain pipe is a concrete pipe, very large, called a culvert, that leads under the ground and empties into a greenway or flood plain.

HE WANTED IT TO LOOK LIKE SHE'D BEEN JOGGING and maybe she just fell near the road.

I know. I'm not a LE agent for sure!

Thanks for explaining that. I've never lived anywhere but middle TN and I've never seen that in a new neighborhood under contruction.

I know, I don't get around much and when I do it's never out in the suburbs.

I was just trying to get a feel for the area. Everytime I put myself there mentally, I think "access road". Now that I can reason it out, I can drop that notion. Thanks again!
NC would have been found in a matter of a week or two, if the walker had not found her. IMO The subdivision is active with building going on. When someone comes riding around the subdivision looking at the homes and possible new lots to build on they will certainly look in these cul-de-sacs since they are paved.

Many people ride around on weekends for home ideas, just as we have been doing looking at ideas for an outside sitting and fire area we are doing this fall...where are we looking? The new subdivisions.

IMO it was only only going to be a short time before she was found because she was not in the wooded area.
NC would have been found in a matter of a week or two, if the walker had not found her. IMO The subdivision is active with building going on. When someone comes riding around the subdivision looking at the homes and possible new lots to build on they will certainly look in these cul-de-sacs since they are paved.

Many people ride around on weekends for home ideas, just as we have been doing looking at ideas for an outside sitting and fire area we are doing this fall...where are we looking? The new subdivisions.

IMO it was only only going to be a short time before she was found because she was not in the wooded area.

Pretty much indicates someone wanted to just be expedient in disposing of Nancy's body and get on with other things.
Pretty much indicates someone wanted to just be expedient in disposing of Nancy's body and get on with other things.

Absolutely. Dump and run it would be, but.......

if the theory I put out yesterday is anywhere close to what occured, it means she crawled to the spot where she finally died. There is plenty of woods right there where no one would hear her cries for help.

If she had straw in her hair when they found her then I feel she was then laid down on the edge of the of slope and pushed rolling down the hill to where her final spot was.

This would be quicker then taking her down the slope.
Absolutely. Dump and run it would be, but.......

if the theory I put out yesterday is anywhere close to what occured, it means she crawled to the spot where she finally died. There is plenty of woods right there where no one would hear her cries for help.

If she had straw in her hair when they found her then I feel she was then laid down on the edge of the of slope and pushed rolling down the hill to where her final spot was.

This would be quicker then taking her down the slope.

Lesser possiblity of leaving evidence as well, such as foot prints or tire tracks.
Maybe, in the killer's mind, he had to dump the body in a hurry and was only intended as a temporary place to leave it until he could return and move it.

The dump site is convenient in location because it's close by and yet it's isolated enough that he thought it was likely he could return later to bury her. Possibly in the wooded area, possibly somewhere else more remote.

If BC is the killer it explains why the body was found where it was in a way. He couldn't get back to it because he was being tailed 24/7.

I really don't think he intended for the body to be found so quickly. I'd think the killer would prefer that if the body were found eventually that it would be much more decomposed, to destroy as much evidence as possible. Logically, there's already activity enough in this spot to assume that it would only be a matter of days, weeks at best, before the discovery is made at this site. You can see gravel mounds, etc. very nearby so there is activity in the area.

I'm thinking this dump was done in a rush but perhaps more importantly with intentions of coming back.
Imagine for a moment, how dark it was - considering the killer kept his headlights off. How scary. How sinister. It makes logical sense that she would be dumped where she night. quick fix...may have intended to come back for a better stage. jmho.
Imagine for a moment, how dark it was - considering the killer kept his headlights off. How scary. How sinister. It makes logical sense that she would be dumped where she night. quick fix...may have intended to come back for a better stage. jmho.

I'm still undecided as to what time Nancy's body was dumped there. I keep looking at that picture of the SUV - a silver color, and thinking about sunrise being at 6:08 am that day. A silver SUV would be very unnoticable just before dawn, yet there would be enough light to not require headlights at all. Then there is someone's refusal to JA to watch the kids because he was loading them in the car to go look - look, hmmmm. I can't make up my mind.
My impression when I viewed the dump area is that:

1. This was a quick 'dump and run.'
2. There are absolutely no lights back there so he wouldn't have seen the foliage in detail in which to better 'hide' her. My impression in looking around is that he thought this would be isolated 'enough.'
3. I do not believe he intended for her to be found quickly--if that were the case he could have dropped her body much closer to the developments that are already built on Fielding. She was wayyyyy in the back...lots have not been sold there yet. It's extremely isolated.
4. I believe it was divine intervention that a jogger just happened to go down that particular new subdivision cut that day.
5. I do not believe he intended or planned to ever come back to that dump site and certainly would not attempt to move her (decomposing) body to a 'better' location. I think he thought this was good and isolated and she would not be found anytime soon. And it *is* isolated.
6. I think she was dumped there around 4am that Sat. morning and then he went to HT (IF the time of his first HT visit is verified to be 4:20am). I think it was absolutely pitch black out when he did the dump, which is why she was left so close to the road and not carried 10 additional ft to be hidden in the thicket of shrubs & trees and grasses.
See, SG, I have to disagree with #5. I don't think it's that isolated and her body was totally out in the open. As I said earlier, it would only be a matter of days or weeks before it was discovered. There are gravel mounds in sight, it's already been paved.

I do think it was a quick dump and run but I think he initially intended to go back and move the body. That's exactly what happened in the Perry March case. He did a quick dump. Lucky for him no one found her body. He waited until the police cooled off and went back and moved her body to a new location, much more remote. If his father hadn't turned on him nobody would have ever known.

I think to leave the body out in the open like that with no plans of moving it, under no cover whatsoever would be dumb. A dog could have found it easily. In fact a dog did find it. I don't think BC is dumb.
See, SG, I have to disagree with #5.
I do think it was a quick dump and run but I think he initially intended to go back and move the body. That's exactly what happened in the Perry March case. He did a quick dump. Lucky for him no one found her body. He waited until the police cooled off and went back and moved her body to a new location, much more remote.

I don't reasonably see how he could deal with a decomposing corpse by himself, in such a way as to not inadvertently leave forensic evidence all over himself, his vehicle, his clothes, etc. Even if he used multiple trash bags, etc. Her body would have attracted bugs, and her corpse would start to liquefy from the inside out during the decomp process, her body would bloat and tears would appear in the skin, allowing fluids to ooze out, and her skin and hair would be sloughing off. (sorry for the absolute grossness of this discussion, but that's what would be happening that he'd have to contend with)...unless his plan was to either get back to the site to move her *immediately* before decomp advanced past rigor mortis, within 12-24 hrs, or else wait for her to completely decompose down to just bones (which could take several weeks). But that in between stage, from 24 hrs post mortem in hot weather to maybe 6-8 weeks...I can't imagine him wanting to be anywhere nearby or being able to deal with the mess and odor that a decomposing body becomes in those various stages. :eek: Maybe he thought

1. No one would notice her missing for at least a couple days and/or
2. No one would find her even if they noticed her misssing.

But even if #1 above occurred, what would he have done with his children in the meantime? He'd be leaving them alone again to go move the body. And if that body was anywhere in his vehicle after the first 12 - 18 hrs, there would likely be an odor that would be obvious and would be easily detected.
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