FL 17 y/o Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #12

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/quote/ m00....What I don't understand is how those two specific phrases offer any protection against anything but the use of those two phrases. Can anyone shed some light on this? It's not like she went and trademarked his actual name, as far as I can tell. /quote/

It allows the family to send a cease and desist letter whenever anyone uses Trayvon's name in connection to this crime. People are trying to make money off of Trayvon's name claiming the money is going to the family. The family could not protect themselves before without the trademark.

These are the times in which we live....pretty sad. jmo
But that's my question - does it? She trademarked two specific phrases, not just "Trayvon" or "Trayvon Martin".
In an interview i read last night, Trayvon's dad said Trayvon had been trying to get permission to leave the house all day, and finally came up with the plan to go get skittles because maybe THEN they'd let him leave. (Nothing sinister there, I can see him wanting to stretch his legs and have a private conversation with his girlfriend. This paints a picture of a father who has a stranglehold on him, which is in keeping with his desire to refocus Trayvon after the suspension from school.)

So he came up with this errand to go get Skittles, which he did.

At that point, he never returned and the dad who had been keeping such a hawkish eye on him doesn't do anything or even think anything suspicious.

What's not being said here? How can those two things be true - the Dad was really keeping close tabs on him, and then completely ignored that he went missing and decided maybe he ended up with a cousin at the movies.
Link to the interview, please. Thanks.
From IMA this morning at 11 a.m.

I also want to say...

It is common courtesy if someone asks for a link post it. If you are stating something as fact then a link is needed for sure.

IF that is true, that makes the point. Why is it that white kids were never 'suspicious'? With so MANY calls to 911, and with the racial mix in the area, that is an interesting factor, if indeed he never called about white teenagers.

Would he have felt a white teenager walking in the rain that night was "suspicious". We can never know for sure and I'm sure he would NOW claim yes, but all we can do is look at the past history to draw logical conclusions.

So the HUGE question is: did GZ's hinky meter ONLY go off when a person of AA heritage was involved??

I bet some of his past co-workers might lend clues on that.

Quoting myself instead of ETA'ing, as this thread moves so quickly:

I'm also going to say that we clearly see in this thread how racial bias is prevalent, even in people who CLAIM they aren't. To be horrifically in fear of a person solely because they have a "grill", etc., is telling us a lot about how NOT very far we have come in stereotyping people. I would no more consider a make-up wearing, suv driving, liposuctioned middleaged housewife to be a worthless alcoholic 'suburban hooker' on Prozac than I would consider a grilled AA teenager to be a , but I DO know plenty of people that DO have that opinion of strumped up women.

There are lots of ways in which people reveal their prejudices. To say that the gf not calling back IMMEDIATELY in a panic, or the father was at fault for not calling SOON ENOUGH is confirmation that there was something inherently -like in Trayvon and therefore he was deserving of being shot down is part and parcel of what makes some very very longterm oppressed people just want to go straight to revolutionary violence. Some people just aren't CAPABLE of making the change within, and when a boy gets shot down, the family gets skewered, and the shooter gets a FREE PASS, it is no different than 1950s lynchings.

We really have NOT come very far after all. It is one of the great griefs of my approaching older years.
Didn't TM's father say TM said he might go to the movies later with his cousin and that is why he believed he was not home yet. And the fact TM did not answer the calls would lead him to believe his son was probably at the movies. Why would he see a red flag? jmo

IMHO - I do not believe that story either.
You don’t - NOT CHECK on your minor kids before going to sleep.
NOW if the younger brother was home, And the candy was for him….
he would have said DAD Tray went out to get me skittles, and he never came back.
It was half time on the ball game and he was going to watch the entire game with me....

I think that TM was out all night on many occasions and it was no big deal that he was not home.
Didn't TM's father say TM said he might go to the movies later with his cousin and that is why he believed he was not home yet. And the fact TM did not answer the calls would lead him to believe his son was probably at the movies. Why would he see a red flag? jmo

My son was in his twenties and lived at home,if I did not hear from him no way would I assume he was safe. I would be up all night calling his friends trying to find my son.Did the father even call the mom to let her know he was gone?Sorry but at 16 I would want to know where my son was especially if he was grounded.In my house grounded did not mean going to the movies or staying out all night.IMO Sounds more like a teen that the father had little control of.JMO Also the child he went and got the candy for did he not say anything to the dad?Something is not right with this story to me it seems like the family is hiding something.JMO
:waitasec: You disagree that he was a privet citizen off duty at the time?
:waitasec: Or do you disagree that he was not LE?
in either case the facts are simple.
GZ was on his way to the store - as a privet citizen.
He does not work for LE, and he was not on call as the neighborhood watchman at the time.


How do you know for a FACT that GZ was on his way to the store?
Please keep in mind the early media "coverage", the outright lies and fabrications of the Duke Lacrosse Hoax. These are early days. Already there are "Kill Zimmermann" websites, a bounty from the Black Panthers, intimidation of witnesses who do not support the "Favored" side of the story. This is exactly what happened to three innocent kids in the Duke case.

We have a lynch mob entitlement aspect to these cases, which is pandered to by the media and the opportunistic media tips and politicians. There is a definite pattern to these things:

1. something happens that MAY or MAY NOT fit an old racial injustice or grievance

2. There is an immediate assumption by the media and the above mentione "interest groups" that the "facts" fit the metanarrative. Any that DO NOT...are not reported by the media.
We saw this in the Duke Lacrosse case. Nancy Grace repeatedly said that Mangum's "nails were torn off in this violent attack." Read the AG's report: she discarded her Lee Press On nails and their wrappings in the trash. The media reported she was a college student "new to dancing"...a "wonderful mother." She had DNA from numerous men in every orifice and had been "working" at a motel "vibrating" for strangers prior to the party. But these other "facts" wer not reported till LONG after indictments... after the three Duke kids were convicted in the media. PLEASE...we are NOT a country of lynch mobs. Wait for all the facts.

3. I both cases, the "victim" is then cleaned up for prime time audiences. A picture of Trayvon from five years ago, looking like a young Obama...the biography of him as the perfect son....we saw this all with Mangum, who was portrayed like a girl scout who just happened to go to the door of the Lacrosse house that night selling cookies. Instead she was a well known Durham prostitute. She is now in jail on murder charges, after standing trial on arson charges just a year or so ago. She was KNOWN to be troubled...but this part of the story was VERY slow to e reported. ONLY FACTS that fit the lunch mob mentality are allowed when hysteria rules the day.

4. The metanarrative and the false biography is then protected and reinforced by THREATS. In both cases the police chief couldn't handle the hysteria...the police chief of Durham took a weird leave of absence to "care for his Mother. Witnesses who do not play along like Mr Elmostafa, the Black taxi driver who later won the Readers Digest Man of the Year award for STANDING TRIAL rather than placating the lynch mob...are threatened and become targets if they do not change their story. I notice the Mother of one witness who THAT NIGHT said Zimmermann was being beaten...has now "recanted." The other stripper who called the Duke Lacrosse accuser's story "a crock" in her first interview..also changed her tune. Until the madness died down and she told 60 minutes the truth. Are we a nation that tolerates the Black Panthers and others intimidating others with violence? Why is this tolerated? How can we learn the fats...if we terrify people into e afraid to say anything but what we want to hear?

5. The next step is the Agitators arrive along with their militia, The Black Panthers, who are allowed to publicy threaten lives, destruction, anything...and our government entities just shrug. We should ALL be as outraged as we would be if the KKK were putting out Dead or Alive posters when that Black man in NY shot a white man he thought was vandalizing a car a few years ago. But sadly...We are at the point now where it is a political imperative for one party to tolerate lynch mob mentality...and political considerations mute the other party into near uselessness.

What bothers me the most is that threat of violence is openly used to subvert the quest for truth. We DO need to know everything...good and bad about both Zimmermann and Trayvon. But we need an environment where people are not afraid to contradict the mob.Zimmermann may be just as evil as many of you think...but once, in the dark old days of our history, the archetypical pot bellied ole Southern sheriff, IMMEDIATELY believed a white person's story. Mobs ruled based on emotion and preconceived metanarratives. Please...let us wait for FACT and do not allow this lynch mob mentality to just create a new version of a monstrous old past.

We now allow threat of violence and lynch mob behavior to subvert our justice system. In both these cases, reasonable people can agree that investigations should be demanded and undertaken. But no group of Americans has a RIGHT to demand one outcome of that investigation...and back that demand with Dead or Alive posters, and violent targeting of individuals.

Such is the state of our democracy.
(snipped from above)
A. A license to carry a concealed weapon or firearm does not make you a free-lance policeman. But, as stated earlier, deadly force is justified if you are trying to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony. The use of deadly force must be absolutely necessary to prevent the crime. Also, if the criminal runs away, you cannot use deadly force to stop him, because you would no longer be “preventing” a crime. If use of deadly force is not necessary, or you use deadly force after the crime has stopped, you could be convicted of manslaughter
After Concerned Papa put together his timeline and estimate of the distances and time needed to travel, I looked for accurate timelines that put together the released information from calls and call logs. I couldn't find anything that had really accurate time stamps.

So I put together the call log from:
  1. GFZ's "911" call log as listed in the initial police report - http://www.sanfordfl.gov/investigation/docs/Twin Lakes Shooting Initial Report.pdf
  2. The times from the recording of GZ's call - http://www.sanfordfl.gov/investigation/911/call1.wav
  3. And the call log from Trayvon's T-Mobile phone I screen captured from the ABC News report about Trayvon's girlfriend's calls: http://abcnews.go.com/US/trayvon-ma...-crucial-phone/story?id=15959017#.T3c-atmP_Kg (The shot of Trayvon's call log from the ABC News story only shows the last call from the girlfriend.)
Here is a link to the PDF of the timeline I put together:
My Timeline
The underlined times are from the police call log, the other times are from my notes on the recorded call - and come at the end of the comment/event logged. The calls to Trayvon from his girlfriend are highlighted in blue. Police dispatcher notes from the log, in red. Noises I hear on the recording are in green.

There are some odd noises on the recording of GZ's call to SPD I can't identify that I would love to see what the people here think they might be:
  1. Rhythmic, swishing noise
  2. Fainting beeping
  3. Clicking noise - The noise is repeated three separate times in the recording of GZ's call - this clip is the clearest and loudest.

Any theories on what these noises are?
I think he would if he planned to shoot TM but it does not appear he did. It just appears to me things did not go the way GZ had anticipated and either got out of his control (like the woman he picked up and threw at the bar) and he reacted, or he thought his life was in danger as he states.
BEM: There is no credibility to this NY Post story, not even NG or JVM has picked it up. The reason probably has to do with the fact that GZ was 17 in 2001, and turned 21 in 2005. The legal drinking age (bouncers have to be of age), is 21 in Virginia. Not to mention, the "sources" were unnamed.

Because of the information about what happened when GZ was fired from his bouncer job (because he threw a woman in a fit of rage thing), I could believe GZ may have initiated the fight by grabbing TM.

It just doesn't hold water, IMO.
A. Florida law justifies use of deadly force when you are trying to protect yourself or another person from death or serious bodily harm or trying to prevent a forcible felony, such as rape, robbery, burglary, or kidnapping. Using or displaying a handgun in any other circumstances could result in your conviction for crimes such as improper exhibition of a firearm, assault, manslaughter, or worse.Example of the kind of attack that will not justify defending yourself with deadly force: Two neighbors got into a fight and one of them tried to hit the other by swinging a garden hose. The neighbor who was being attacked with the hose shot the other in the chest. The court upheld his conviction for aggravated battery with a firearm because an attack with a garden hose is not the kind of violent assault that justifies responding with deadly force
Quoting myself instead of ETA'ing, as this thread moves so quickly:

I'm also going to say that we clearly see in this thread how racial bias is prevalent, even in people who CLAIM they aren't. To be horrifically in fear of a person solely because they have a "grill", etc., is telling us a lot about how NOT very far we have come in stereotyping people. I would no more consider a make-up wearing, suv driving, liposuctioned middleaged housewife to be a worthless alcoholic 'suburban hooker' on Prozac than I would consider a grilled AA teenager to be a , but I DO know plenty of people that DO have that opinion of strumped up women.

There are lots of ways in which people reveal their prejudices. To say that the gf not calling back IMMEDIATELY in a panic, or the father was at fault for not calling SOON ENOUGH is confirmation that there was something inherently -like in Trayvon and therefore he was deserving of being shot down is part and parcel of what makes some very very longterm oppressed people just want to go straight to revolutionary violence. Some people just aren't CAPABLE of making the change within, and when a boy gets shot down, the family gets skewered, and the shooter gets a FREE PASS, it is no different than 1950s lynchings.

We really have NOT come very far after all. It is one of the great griefs of my approaching older years.

:what: Then why when you go on an interview you are told to make a good impression and dress right???
Why when we meet a person on a first date, we want to make a good impression? WHY :waitasec:

Sorry if I see someone all inked coming in for an interview - I do not hire them.
If they come in with piercings in to many places that I can see I do not hire them.
You can call me anything you want.
but the image of the firm is what I have to be accountable for.
That is right if TM walked into my firm flashing gold teeth it would have been no hire.
YES it does leave impressions...Just as the language his GF uses "he come say" is not an
impression that puts a smile on my face.

YES WE CAN JUDGE our kids today, and should.
We do not have to like what all of them are doing just because…

NON of this means that anyone deservs to be shot. non of it says that.
Weeks of one-sided stories pushed by professional agitators like Al Sharpton have had an effect on public opinion. Last weekend, (3/25-3/26) CNN conducted a poll which showed 73% of adults believed Trayvon Martin's shooter George Zimmerman should be arrested.

"... WPA poll used the same language CNN had used previously:
Based on what you have read or heard about this incident, do you think the police should or should not arrest George Zimmerman for shooting Trayvon Martin?
Should 48%
Should Not 16%
Unsure 36%"

Community Law Enforcement Academy

Seminole County Sheriff's Office

The Community Law Enforcement Academy is designed to educate the citizens of Seminole County in the concepts and procedures of law enforcement. We meet each Wednesday evening for 14 weeks from 6:30 to 10:00 p.m. There are no physical requirements and it’s a free course taught by members of the Command Staff, Deputy Sheriffs, and staff from the Seminole County Sheriff's Office.

The course includes:
• A welcome by Sheriff Donald F. Eslinger and Chief Deputy Sheriff Steve Harriett
• Selection and Training of Law Enforcement Officers
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• Forensic Services
• Gangs
• Special Teams (SWAT)
• A morning on the firing and driving range
• Riding on patrol with a Deputy Sheriff
• Visiting the communications center and observing telecommunications personnel while they handle 9-1-1 calls

To be eligible, you must

• Live or work in Seminole or surrounding counties
• Be at least 19 years of age
• Possess a valid driver's license or other form of government issued photographic identification
• Not have been convicted of a Crime
• Disclose any arrests or convictions, including misdemeanors, to include pleas of nolo contendre regardless of whether adjudication was withheld
• File an application with the Sheriff's Office

etc etc

It is NOT for law enforcement certification.
Weeks of one-sided stories pushed by professional agitators like Al Sharpton have had an effect on public opinion. Last weekend, (3/25-3/26) CNN conducted a poll which showed 73% of adults believed Trayvon Martin's shooter George Zimmerman should be arrested.

"... WPA poll used the same language CNN had used previously:
Based on what you have read or heard about this incident, do you think the police should or should not arrest George Zimmerman for shooting Trayvon Martin?
Should 48%
Should Not 16%
Unsure 36%"


I think an investigation is urgent.
One man is standing and one is not.
Black males were the ones committing crimes in the area - 8 burglaries to be exact. Should he have warned them about middle aged white women?

If they were not seen nor apprehended how would we know what color they were? jmo
There was no standing your ground to be done in this case, imo, even if we approve of that particular law, which I do not happen to favor. Zimmerman went out and invented some ground and murdered on it, is my best guess about what occurred. I hope to see him tried on hate crime charges and we'll see how that goes. May justice prevail.
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