FL - 17-yo Boy Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain

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Volunteer George Zimmerman, 28, told police he had stepped out of his truck to check the name of the street he was on when Trayvon jumped him from behind and attacked him, police said. He said he feared for his life and fired a semiautomatic handgun he was licensed to carry, because he feared for his life.

http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/...tice-fbi-and.html#storylink=cpy#storylink=cpy (link already posted, just don't want to confuse people...)

That's weird...absolutely weird. Why was he checking the street he was on, and why don't we hear Trayvon "jumping" him on the 911 call. So Trayvon ran away (as indicated on the call), then came back.

GZ has to be maintaining that this happened by his truck, but then how did they end up by back porches? :waitasec: GZ is describing the clubhouse in his 911 call. If this did not happen right by the club house, he's clearly lying.
After listening to the 911 calls, I never once considered that drugs or alcohol were a factor in his very poor decision-making?


I thought about it? Even wondered if they took blood when he went to go get his injuries checked out? Even if it's true he went somewhere to get them checked out? I don't know what to believe out of any of them anymore?
Do we know yet if Trayvon had a cell phone? Has it been checked for calls or texts during the timeframe in question? Is it "lost"? I'd like to know.
On the 911 recording you can hear this poor kid screaming, sounds like he is begging for his life. This goon executed him.

So infuriating- The law under question in Florida does not apparently have anything making it conditional that the person being shot needs to be displaying a weapon, it's vague and in a case like this where no one else wittnessed what happened it is a license to kill.

Yes, but GZ claims that the begging is him that he, this 28 yr old man with a loaded gun on his person all 200 lbs of him is taking such a vicious beating from this 140 lb unarmed 17 yr old kid that he is begging and pleading for help and when none arrives in 4 or 5 seconds he has no choice but to shoot TM, yet he was so battered and bruised that we have not seen or heard word one actually describing his horrible injuries, not a dr's report, no description, and they were so bad he didn't go to a hospital or anything.

And in the absence of a voice analysis, the LE don't know who was yelling for help, the man with the gun, or the kid that is dead.

And I guess they expect us to believe this too!
http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/...tice-fbi-and.html#storylink=cpy#storylink=cpy (link already posted, just don't want to confuse people...)

That's weird...absolutely weird. Why was he checking the street he was on, and why don't we hear Trayvon "jumping" him on the 911 call. So Trayvon ran away (as indicated on the call), then came back.

GZ has to be maintaining that this happened by his truck, but then how did they end up by back porches? :waitasec: GZ is describing the clubhouse in his 911 call. If this did not happen right by the club house, he's clearly lying.

If these lies about getting out of his car to check a street sign are not proof that Zimmerman has something to hide about what happened that night, then I don't know what does? He clearly states answers "Yep" when LE ask him if he is following Tray!
Do we know yet if Trayvon had a cell phone? Has it been checked for calls or texts during the timeframe in question? Is it "lost"? I'd like to know.

I would like to know that. I would also like to know if anyone bothered to look for signs of a fight on TM. You don't jump someone and batter then to the point that they are afraid for their life without doing some damage to yourself, scraped or bruised knuckles, skin under fingernails.

Seen a few altercations in my life and even Jason Bourne doesn't come out of a fight without some damage, even when you win, you hurt yourself in the process....Yet not one word about damage on TM, that would indicate that he was in the process of punching GZ's lights out.

Am I asking too much that the cops actually look for that stuff before they decide it was self defense?
I would like to know that. I would also like to know if anyone bothered to look for signs of a fight on TM. You don't jump someone and batter then to the point that they are afraid for their life without doing some damage to yourself, scraped or bruised knuckles, skin under fingernails.

Seen a few altercations in my life and even Jason Bourne doesn't come out of a fight without some damage, even when you win, you hurt yourself in the process....Yet not one word about damage on TM, that would indicate that he was in the process of punching GZ's lights out.

Am I asking too much that the cops actually look for that stuff before they decide it was self defense?

BBM Obviously when speaking of Sanford police, it is way too much to ask for. This is the same department that called an unconscious victim uncooperative after the son of a police man violently punched him unprovoked! They didn't arrest him until a month later either!
Do we know yet if Trayvon had a cell phone? Has it been checked for calls or texts during the timeframe in question? Is it "lost"? I'd like to know.

He had an iPhone. The police said the family would not give it up until it was subpoenaed, but the family said LE had it the whole time.

The only reason I believe LE had it is because Trayvon was taken to the morgue, and his family was not notified until almost 12 hours later.

Also, numerous people have wondered why police did not contact Trayvon's family, even though he had a phone at the time he was shot. I would think it standard practice to call a few numbers to try to make a notification. Unless, that 12 hours was used for "practicing" a story...
He had an iPhone. The police said the family would not give it up until it was subpoenaed, but the family said LE had it the whole time.

The only reason I believe LE had it is because Trayvon was taken to the morgue, and his family was not notified until almost 12 hours later.

Also, numerous people have wondered why police did not contact Trayvon's family, even though he had a phone at the time he was shot. I would think it standard practice to call a few numbers to try to make a notification. Unless, that 12 hours was used for "practicing" a story...

Well, seeing as Sanford police didn't really feel the need to investigate Tray's death outside Zimmerman's word, I wouldn't be surprised if it's laying out in the grass somewhere? Or in a bush?

"Indeed, Zimmerman got out of the truck, allegedly to check the name of the street he was on, which even Lee said he found implausible given the small size of the complex and the volunteer’s familiarity with it."

I have no idea where the Miami Herald is getting that GZ allegedly left his vehicle to check the street name. IMO even a cursory listen to GZ's call to the non-emergency line completely refutes that idea.
He had an iPhone. The police said the family would not give it up until it was subpoenaed, but the family said LE had it the whole time.

The only reason I believe LE had it is because Trayvon was taken to the morgue, and his family was not notified until almost 12 hours later.

Also, numerous people have wondered why police did not contact Trayvon's family, even though he had a phone at the time he was shot. I would think it standard practice to call a few numbers to try to make a notification. Unless, that 12 hours was used for "practicing" a story...

If he had a phone, there was no reason for him to spend 12 hours as a John Doe. That is just unforgivable. HiHater is entirely correct, the only reason for a 12 hour delay was to try and clean up and wrap up a story that they thought everyone would swallow and it seems that they even screwed the pooch on that one.

This case is now so FUBAR that I will not be surprised if there are riots in the streets. People get that way when they are shown that someone can hunt them down and shoot them with no consequences.
I've read this thread from the beginning but haven't posted. I'm in Ft. Laud and Trayvon lived in Miami Gardens - not far at all. This is all everyone is talking about. Its horrible. Being a native here I'm angry, embarrassed, tremendously sad, confused, and did I say ANGRY?

Yes, I just heard on the 11 o'clock news that the FBI and the Justice Dept has opened an investigation. Trayvon's mom was on the local news earlier today and his dad was on the 11 o'clock. People are rallying together. Al Sharpton will be in Sanford on Thursday and a group of moms are setting up many, many busses to take people up there next Monday. They also interviewed several students from Krop Senior High where Taryvon attended. He was suspended for being late - that's it. All the kids that spoke said he was a wonderful person.

NOBODY understands WTH is going on. Even in police involved shootings (where LE shoots and kills a dangerous felon) the officer's gun is taken and he's put on desk duty until the investigation is over. They don't just send him on his way. THIS MAKES NO SENSE. Period. And, its very scary - being all over the news here now will the thugs realize that all they have to do is cry "self-defense" or "I felt threatened with bodily harm" to shoot and kill anyone they see?

I want out of here so so so bad. Its NOT the place to be or where you would want to be. The crime here is horrendous - every day. And now we have some nutcase crying "self-defense" when he simply gunned down, in cold blood this child.

There is enough outrage over this - not just here - but nationwide now, that IMO something will happen - and fairly quickly. GZ has to be in hiding and if he shows his face - well, .........................................
Hey - maybe he will and when he's gunned down the shooter can just claim "self-defense" as well!

Florida is a beautiful state but there are so many problems in so many areas that it makes living here undesirable.

I'm so very sorry Trayvon - you did not deserve this. My prayers for his family.

Hopefully (and it seems the ball is rolling now) there will be justice shortly.
If he had a phone, there was no reason for him to spend 12 hours as a John Doe. That is just unforgivable. HiHater is entirely correct, the only reason for a 12 hour delay was to try and clean up and wrap up a story that they thought everyone would swallow and it seems that they even screwed the pooch on that one.

This case is now so FUBAR that I will not be surprised if there are riots in the streets. People get that way when they are shown that someone can hunt them down and shoot them with no consequences.

I really don't want it to get so bad that there is rioting! I don't think Tray's death should be used as an excuse to incite violence. Violence is not going to help Tray's family! I understand 100% why people are so upset, we all are, all races! Tray's family has already let it be known that they don't want that type of activity. People need to respect that.
I'm so proud of them all!!!! I wish I was there!

I wish I could have been there also, Salem! I would have been the chubby grandma who would be seen crying one minute and the next minute be seen with puffs of smoke coming out of my ears.

I am heartbroken for Trayvon and his family as well as his friends. His friends are probably thinking that if it could happen to Trayvon, it could happen to themselves as well. My heart goes out to his little brother. He will be forever traumatized by this senseless tragedy, and so will his parents.

I just cannot stop thinking about this. I am so saddened by it as well as infuriated, and that will not change.

Yes, I'm a little worried about rioting too. It has happened here before - many times. It seems the people that riot are just looking for an excuse to reek havoc. Times are really tough down here. Regardless of what you're reading - there are no jobs, because of that crime is up.

I'm hoping everyone keeps their "head" about them, especially for Taryvon's mom's sake. She is just devastated.
I wish I could have been there also, Salem! I would have been the chubby grandma who would be seen crying one minute and the next minute be seen with puffs of smoke coming out of my ears.

I am heartbroken for Trayvon and his family as well as his friends. His friends are probably thinking that if it could happen to Trayvon, it could happen to themselves as well. My heart goes out to his little brother. He will be forever traumatized by this senseless tragedy, and so will his parents.

I just cannot stop thinking about this. I am so saddened by it as well as infuriated, and that will not change.


I haven't been this angry since Caylee's murderer was set free! Now we have two murderers, within a short distance of each other, walking free?
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