FL - 17-yo Boy Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain

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I really don't want it to get so bad that there is rioting! I don't think Tray's death should be used as an excuse to incite violence. Violence is not going to help Tray's family! I understand 100% why people are so upset, we all are, all races! Tray's family has already let it be known that they don't want that type of activity. People need to respect that.

And I certainly don't advocate any such activity, but the fact of the matter is that I am very sure that there are a lot of mothers of teenage sons and daughters too who are just flat out SCARED, this could be their kids, or their husbands, or even them...and scared people do angry things.

Fear is a powerful motivator, and no one is more dangerous than someone who is afraid, that is just the way it is. Something needs to be done and quickly, because we really don't want all these frightened angry people to decide that something must be done at any cost....that is where riots and nightmares come from.
Anyone feel up to listening to George Zimmerman's call again? It was just pointed out to me that between 1:42-1:52, after Zimmerman gets out of the car, you can hear him whisper something. Right before the officer asks him if he is following Tray.

I hear it! I just want someone who doesn't know what to listen for to see if they hear it too?

Oops... here's the call [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aVwPqXc-bk&feature=player_embedded#"]George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin 911 Call - YouTube[/ame]!
on a better note, and hopefully more helpful

Alyssa Milano is tweeting @FBI, to launch an investigation of the death of Trayvon Martin

Blair Underwood is also tweeting and speaking out, it looks like some celebrities are now on their soap boxes and hopefully it is going very viral very soon....

That might get things moving in the right direction.
Yes, I'm a little worried about rioting too. It has happened here before - many times. It seems the people that riot are just looking for an excuse to reek havoc. Times are really tough down here. Regardless of what you're reading - there are no jobs, because of that crime is up.

I'm hoping everyone keeps their "head" about them, especially for Taryvon's mom's sake. She is just devastated.

Many riots have occurred during recession. Most riots happen because of police brutality. Sadly, I would not be surprised if this happens with Martin.
Anyone feel up to listening to George Zimmerman's call again? It was just pointed out to me that between 1:42-1:52, after Zimmerman gets out of the car, you can hear him whisper something. Right before the officer asks him if he is following Tray.

I hear it! I just want someone who doesn't know what to listen for to see if they hear it too?

Oops... here's the call George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin 911 Call - YouTube!
FWIW I hear something like "he's walking close" - not sure of the "close" but I certainly hear him whisper "he's walking".

GZ had dew and grass on his back, and blood on the back of his head, and blood coming out of his nose.

I'm just really humbly asking this, honestly. Why do so few see this as self-defense? This is about ALL I need to hear to believe it was a case of shooting in self-defense.
He comments on a disorderly conduct situation... and on his belief in Tiger Woods "rehabilitation"...
But isn't going to get involved in THIS? :maddening:
Oh right... Trayvon didn't play golf I guess? :banghead:

I am extremely relieved to see that the Feds are getting involved in the investigation. :woohoo:

This is an election year for one, and for two, he is also a black male.

He would be accused by people of being a reverse racist, an extremist. It would be very unwise for a President of any color, to weigh in on such a controversial, local issue. Once the DOJ conducts an investigation, that would be a more appropriate time. Nothing Obama could say or do, independently, would change the outcome.

There is also a slight chance that we are all wrong, and GZ has damn good evidence that this is self defense. What would Obama look like then?
Many riots have occurred during recession. Most riots happen because of police brutality. Sadly, I would not be surprised if this happens with Martin.
Yes, especially in Liberty City (Miami). I would like to think that IF anyone is thinking of rioting - that it would happen in Sanford - not Miami. After all, it is Sanford PD that helped to propel this situation out of control. But one never knows.

GZ had dew and grass on his back, and blood on the back of his head, and blood coming out of his nose.

I'm just really humbly asking this, honestly. Why do so few see this as self-defense? This is about ALL I need to hear to believe it was a case of shooting in self-defense.

How do we know that these injuries didn't happen to Zimmerman while Tray was defending himself from Zimmerman chasing him down?

We don't and that is why a more thorough investigation should take place.

What we do know, from the 911 tapes, is that Zimmerman got out of his vehicle to chase TM down. He did this totally unprovoked. We know this as well from the 911 tapes since he is still on the call when he starts physically, on foot, pursuing TM.

GZ had dew and grass on his back, and blood on the back of his head, and blood coming out of his nose.

I'm just really humbly asking this, honestly. Why do so few see this as self-defense? This is about ALL I need to hear to believe it was a case of shooting in self-defense.

But you need to see proof why Trayvon, the MURDERED child victim, was suspended from school in order to believe that he was NOT the stereotype he was killed for being?

If given all of the other inconsistencies, you can honestly say that the MINOR injuries suffered by the MURDERER prove his case, then I respect that.

Many riots have occurred during recession. Most riots happen because of police brutality. Sadly, I would not be surprised if this happens with Martin.

Neither would I. I know how upset I am about it. I have been on this computer all day, going back and forth between WS, Twitter, FB, and emails. I have been posting links on FB to get signatures and "shares" all day, as well as tweeting links and info and retweeting new info as it was released. My anger is high, and I am a 47 year old white mother/grandmother. I can only imagine that the anger within the African American community is over the top. How can it not be? It is 2012 and a 17 year old kid has been murdered for walking home with skittles. Oh yeah. Did I mention he was black? For some reason that made him "suspicious" and he was chased down and shot dead. Lord help us all. I cannot wrap my brain around this.
GZ had dew and grass on his back, and blood on the back of his head, and blood coming out of his nose.

I'm just really humbly asking this, honestly. Why do so few see this as self-defense? This is about ALL I need to hear to believe it was a case of shooting in self-defense.
All I've heard was the GZ had a bloody nose. Haven't heard about the blood on the back of his head. Wonder how it got there and was there a "wound"? As for his nose - he could have punched himself in the face or the gun kick might have hit him in the nose - IDK.

I agree with everyone else's thoughts about GZ's 911 call being his "set-up". Wish we knew if any residents had security cameras on their houses. According to the 911 call - GZ was close to the club house - wonder if there were cameras there?
We need to see photos of GZ's injuries. Everything "wrong" with him could be attributed to some other factor.

Dew and grass---it's raining, he fell while running.

Injury to the back of his head--again he fell, or they were wrestling...

Bleeding from the nose---if he's 250 lbs, maybe he got hot and that triggered a nosebleed. We have no indication that the nose bleed was accompanied by a bruise or a fracture...Also could have been caused while wrestling.

ETA: would also be helpful to know if his blood was found on Trayvon, and vice versa.
Grass on Zimmerman's back, seems like defensive? Bloody nose, bloody back of his skull seemed defensive?

I'm really honestly trying to understand why people don't think this evidence is CLEAR evidence of defense.

GZ was on his back, on the ground, with several head wounds.

I would shoot anyone who was in that position over me if I had a gun, no matter what the fat difference was between us. And this is seeming to hinge on how fat GZ was vs. the slim height/weight of Martin.
Anyone feel up to listening to George Zimmerman's call again? It was just pointed out to me that between 1:42-1:52, after Zimmerman gets out of the car, you can hear him whisper something. Right before the officer asks him if he is following Tray.

I hear it! I just want someone who doesn't know what to listen for to see if they hear it too?

Oops... here's the call George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin 911 Call - YouTube!

I don't hear a whisper...He sounds like he may be running or walking faster at that point though...
Grass on Zimmerman's back, seems like defensive? Bloody nose, bloody back of his skull seemed defensive?

I'm really honestly trying to understand why people don't think this evidence is CLEAR evidence of defense.

GZ was on his back, on the ground, with several head wounds.

I would shoot anyone who was in that position over me if I had a gun, no matter what the fat difference was between us. And this is seeming to hinge on how fat GZ was vs. the slim height/weight of Martin.

I can think of a few more differences...

armed vs. unarmed
adult vs. child
running away vs. chasing
being profiled vs. being a profiler
skittles and iced tea vs. 9mm

Of course, JMO MOO IMO

Also, do you have a link to the "bloody back of skull" commentary?
We all know they wrestled. That's apparent on the 911 tapes.
GZ had dew and grass on his back, and blood on the back of his head, and blood coming out of his nose.

I'm just really humbly asking this, honestly. Why do so few see this as self-defense? This is about ALL I need to hear to believe it was a case of shooting in self-defense.

I am simply humbly saying that I find it facetious to claim self defense when you arm yourself and go looking for trouble and then find some.

Is it self defense if he chased the young man down and tackled him so he couldn't get away and the young man tried to fight back before being shot?

There is NO indication and no evidence that Trayvon would have randomly and with no physical provocation physically attacked Zimmerman, why would he, he was almost home. All indications on the 911 calls indicate that Trayvon was LEAVING....what would cause him to turn around and for no apparent reason viciously attack this man that he didn't know? That makes no sense at all.

The only way that any of it makes sense, when you consider that Zimmerman had to make up a story for WHY he was out of the truck, is that he chased and caught Trayvon, maybe he just grabbed his arm to keep him from getting away....Maybe he yelled at him to stop although no witnesses are claiming that...but What would have caused this young man to turn and attack him?

Trayvon was doing nothing wrong, he had no reason to not stop for police, but this man was NOT a Police officer, he was nothing except a strange larger man following him, and most likely IMO accosting him for no reason. Of the two possibilities I truly think that Zimmerman tried to stop him, put his hands on him in some manner and scuffle ensued, I don't think that out of the blue Trayvon just decided to jump him from behind....it's not logical or reasonable under the circumstances outlined, and it is clear from Zimmermans 911 calls history and attitude that he did NOT want Trayvon to "Get away"

Trayvon had NO history of violence of any kind, so what makes You think that for no particular reason except that maybe he was being followed, he turned and physically attacked an older larger man? To me that scenario just makes no logical sense at all....
Anyone feel up to listening to George Zimmerman's call again? It was just pointed out to me that between 1:42-1:52, after Zimmerman gets out of the car, you can hear him whisper something. Right before the officer asks him if he is following Tray.

I hear it! I just want someone who doesn't know what to listen for to see if they hear it too?

Oops... here's the call George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin 911 Call - YouTube!

Hi all! New to posting, but a longtime lurker. To me, in my opinion, he says "these f---ing thugs."
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