FL - 17-yo Boy Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain

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Chasing down a person and then claiming self defense is not self defense. GZ gave Trayvon a reason to fight back, GZ instigated the situation, then killed a young man who was unarmed.

I think the only reason Trayvon would have fought back is if he saw the gun.

Or if he was physically restrained from running away.

I have gone over this several times... and Trayvon could have outrun the guy... I think he would have just done that.

So there is a reason he didn't have a chance to run away... a reason that he instead had to try and fight for his life.

Otherwise... he simply stopped because Zimmerman asked him to and was just assassinated... but I don't want to think that...
Probably because of the very violent home invasions we've been having. There are many many many of them. Lots of times people are killed - and very brutally at that. Some residents are fighting back now - so I guess they thought there was a "need" for this law.


It's one thing if you are in your home (or your car). But FL extended this law to cover up pretty much any situation. It's going too far.
GZ's past calls couldn't have anything to do with Trayvon because Trayvon didn't live there. He was only visiting for a week.

That's EXACTLY why I said none of them have anything to do with Trayvon.

The calls show how George acted with other "suspicious" people.
Anyone feel up to listening to George Zimmerman's call again? It was just pointed out to me that between 1:42-1:52, after Zimmerman gets out of the car, you can hear him whisper something. Right before the officer asks him if he is following Tray.

I hear it! I just want someone who doesn't know what to listen for to see if they hear it too?

Oops... here's the call George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin 911 Call - YouTube!

I. . .Am. . .Speechless!!!

WOW! He does say that. I guess knowing what to listen for helped. I hear it SO clearly, but why isn't that reported in the media as well?

Good catch...

I can only assume it hasn't been reported because it's SO hard to hear. I didn't hear it until I listened to the call about 10 times. So, with everything that has been reported and stated by GZ himself, you can't tell me that he got out of his car with a loaded gun without thinking to himself that he would shoot this person. Because in his own words, he went to chase after an "---hole, a f---ing , a person who he himself thought was on drugs and had something wrong him." You can't convince me he wasn't ready and prepared to kill Tray when he caught up to him. It's OUTRAGEOUS that this man is walking the streets!!!
I can only assume it hasn't been reported because it's SO hard to hear. I didn't hear it until I listened to the call about 10 times. So, with everything that has been reported and stated by GZ himself, you can't tell me that he got out of his car with a loaded gun without thinking to himself that he would shoot this person. Because in his own words, he went to chase after an "---hole, a f---ing , a person who he himself thought was on drugs and had something wrong him." You can't convince me he wasn't ready and prepared to kill Tray when he caught up to him. It's OUTRAGEOUS that this man is walking the streets!!!

You know what's crazy? I'm watching MSNBC right now, and they just played the tape with a transcript. They let the "F" bomb play, but it wasn't part of the transcript. I think most people are not hearing it, I would not have either if someone didn't point it out.
Thanks. I have never been able to understand how a suspension for this offense helps the student. GZ made a fatal error.

I listened to the tapes and the person screaming HELP! many times. I believe without a doubt it was Trayvon screaming in terror of this stranger (not LE) chasing and pointing a gun at him. I believe this was murder.
Listening to these previous calls to 911 from Zimmerman... he was a ticking time bomb!

ETA: He freaking called cops for kids playing in the street??? WTF???? I used to play in the streets of my neighborhood all the time??
You could not have put that better, he was going to use that gun on one of these A$$hats that always get away, he was going to get him a F____ing ....and he did.
By the time somebody was screaming help, they were not running anywhere. The two of them were fighting.

Use of Deadly Force for Lawful Self-Defense

Q. Are there special laws that apply to the use of Handguns?

A. Yes, special laws apply anytime anyone uses deadly force, whether or not the weapon is concealed. Florida law defines deadly force as force that is likely to cause death or great bodily harm. When you carry a handgun, you possess a weapon of deadly force. The law considers even an unloaded gun to be a deadly weapon when it is pointed at someone.

Q. When can I use my handgun to protect myself?

A. Florida law justifies use of deadly force when you are:

Trying to protect yourself or another person from death or serious bodily harm;
Trying to prevent a forcible felony, such as rape, robbery, burglary or kidnapping.

Using or displaying a handgun in any other circumstances could result in your conviction for crimes such as improper exhibition of a firearm, manslaughter, or worse.

Example of the kind of attack that will not justify defending yourself with deadly force: Two neighbors got into a fight, and one of them tried to hit the other by swinging a garden hose. The neighbor who was being attacked with the hose shot the other in the chest. The court upheld his conviction for aggravated battery with a firearm, because an attack with a garden hose is not the kind of violent assault that justifies responding with deadly force.

This is just a portion of what is at the link. Very interesting read that i believe will aid in this discussion.

If what he did is legal in Florida then anyone could follow anyone else and shoot them and claim self defense. Why not? If they are suspicious of someone walking at night, they can just follow them with a gun and shoot them. This case is making me crazy.
If what he did is legal in Florida then anyone could follow anyone else and shoot them and claim self defense. Why not? If they are suspicious of someone walking at night, they can just follow them with a gun and shoot them. This case is making me crazy.

That's what this law pretty much amounts too. All they have to claim is that they were threatened.
This is what I want --

1) I want the investigation of Trayvon's death to be completely taken out of the hands of Sanford, Florida.

2) I want to see pictures of Zimmerman's injuries! If there are no pictures of Zimmerman's ijuries, then I have no other choice but to believe that they never existed!

3) I want a to see Zimmerman's full account of what happened, from his original statement to police (if it exists?), and let us Websleuths map it out! I would think that a statement would have been recorded?

4) I want the Justice Department to get a hold of Zimmerman's phone records! I want to know what calls, if any, he was allowed to make while his account of the events that night were being "investigated"!! His father? His mother? His wife? Anyone he wanted to call?

5) I want to know who has Tray's cell phone? LE says they don't have it. Tray's family say he doesn't have it. Can the Justice Department get his cell phone pings to show where the phone is?
Under the youtube video that we were discussing (911 tape), a lot of people are commenting saying that GZ says a racial slur.

Edited to change that part, sorry.
They should really have the tapes analyzed... and see if they can clarify what is being said. Hopefully the feds will do that.
I agree that the case needs to be taken away from the local yokels in Sanford. Not impressed by them at all.

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