FL - 17-yo Boy Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain

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This is just my opinion, but GZ sounds like a racist stalker operating under the guise of a neighborhood watch person. It just seems to me that he had some sort of a vendetta going rather than concern for the safety of the neighborhood residents, IMO. That GZ would be involved in a deadly altercation seemed inevitable at one point or another.

In the tape just before the gunshot is heard, it sounded to me like Trayvon wailed 'Nooooooo!', then the gunshot, then there was abrupt silence. I will never believe that was GZ in that wail. It sounded like a young person to me.

GZ may have thought he was smart enough to fool SPD (who really didn't care), but he will not fool the FBI. The enhanced tape will tell the tale. Nothing can bring Trayvon back, but his killer can be brought to justice for the horrendous act of murder of a young boy with his entire life ahead of him.

My most sincere sympathy is with Trayvon's family and friends. I cannot stop thinking about his little brother. You know how the little brothers always look up to the older brother. GB them all, and with special thoughts and prayers going out to the little brother. :praying:
Same article as above -

Lee Quote:

"Zimmerman had a damp shirt, grass stains, a bloody nose and was bleeding from a wound in back of his head, according to police reports"

According to police reports? Where are the pictures!! No mention of taking pictures of the injuries Zimmerman had? Just police reports? And we are supposed to believe a police report, because??

And please don't tell me that they are not releasing the photographs because of the investigation. You know police would have released photographs of a bloodied Zimmerman with the 911 calls if they existed!
From this article, dated March 9th, 2012, Bill Lee is quoted as saying:

“We don’t know what led up to that fight,’’

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/...mi-dade-teen.html#storylink=cpy#storylink=cpy

And then this article, dated March 15th, 2012, Bill Lee is quoted as saying:

“If someone asks you, ‘Hey do you live here?’ Is it OK for you to jump on them and beat the crap out of somebody?”


So, between March 9th and March 15th, Bill Lee would magically learn what led to the fight? A whole three weeks later?!?!
I'm getting some friends together here in Fort Myers, Florida to drive up to Sanford for their March 22nd rally for Trayvon. I just feel like I have to do something and since I am in Florida, I really want to show my support and pay my respects.

If I wasn't on the other side of the country, I'd be there with you!

I am simply humbly saying that I find it facetious to claim self defense when you arm yourself and go looking for trouble and then find some.

Is it self defense if he chased the young man down and tackled him so he couldn't get away and the young man tried to fight back before being shot?

There is NO indication and no evidence that Trayvon would have randomly and with no physical provocation physically attacked Zimmerman, why would he, he was almost home. All indications on the 911 calls indicate that Trayvon was LEAVING....what would cause him to turn around and for no apparent reason viciously attack this man that he didn't know? That makes no sense at all.

The only way that any of it makes sense, when you consider that Zimmerman had to make up a story for WHY he was out of the truck, is that he chased and caught Trayvon, maybe he just grabbed his arm to keep him from getting away....Maybe he yelled at him to stop although no witnesses are claiming that...but What would have caused this young man to turn and attack him?

Trayvon was doing nothing wrong, he had no reason to not stop for police, but this man was NOT a Police officer, he was nothing except a strange larger man following him, and most likely IMO accosting him for no reason. Of the two possibilities I truly think that Zimmerman tried to stop him, put his hands on him in some manner and scuffle ensued, I don't think that out of the blue Trayvon just decided to jump him from behind....it's not logical or reasonable under the circumstances outlined, and it is clear from Zimmermans 911 calls history and attitude that he did NOT want Trayvon to "Get away"

Trayvon had NO history of violence of any kind, so what makes You think that for no particular reason except that maybe he was being followed, he turned and physically attacked an older larger man? To me that scenario just makes no logical sense at all....

Thank you for this.
If I wasn't on the other side of the country, I'd be there with you!

I've decided not to go. I didn't know it was the same day as the major rally that Al Sharpton was holding. It's nothing personal against Al Sharpton because I don't have a problem with him, but I don't want to contribute to a media circus. It also has a lot more to do with recent revelations and I just don't think it is going to be safe up there for the rally if an arrest isn't made by then.

I'm sad that I've made the decision not to go. I really, really wanted to go for Tray and his family. I will admit, I am a little scared of what might happen and that it would be better to spend my time and energy on Tray's case here at Websleuths. Although what we do here may not seem significant when looking at the bigger picture, we contribute a lot to society with our words, thoughts, and discussions and I am proud to be a member here.
This is a huge problem. Anyone that ends up anywhere near that murderer has good reason to believe their life is in immediate danger- and thus can legally take him out without any fear of repercussions. I'll be shocked if someone doesn't act on this fact; hope I'm wrong.
I'm getting some friends together here in Fort Myers, Florida to drive up to Sanford for their March 22nd rally for Trayvon. I just feel like I have to do something and since I am in Florida, I really want to show my support and pay my respects.

I would love to go. I drove by the justice center where college law students rallied yesterday. Just haven't figured out how to make it a work activity. I do not want tv exposure either.

Who is LEE?

Lee Quote:

"Zimmerman had a damp shirt, grass stains, a bloody nose and was bleeding from a wound in back of his head, according to police reports. TIA
I wish the Justice Department would get Zimmerman's phone records. I want to know how soon he called his father after he shot Tray? I think that could be useful information if he called his father while he was with police?

I have thought from the beginning that he made calls. I also think he may have used a phone other than his own maybe his wife's or parents'. Harder to get those records.
This is what I want --

1) I want the investigation of Trayvon's death to be completely taken out of the hands of Sanford, Florida.

2) I want to see pictures of Zimmerman's injuries! If there are no pictures of Zimmerman's ijuries, then I have no other choice but to believe that they never existed!

3) I want a to see Zimmerman's full account of what happened, from his original statement to police (if it exists?), and let us Websleuths map it out! I would think that a statement would have been recorded?

4) I want the Justice Department to get a hold of Zimmerman's phone records! I want to know what calls, if any, he was allowed to make while his account of the events that night were being "investigated"!! His father? His mother? His wife? Anyone he wanted to call?

5) I want to know who has Tray's cell phone? LE says they don't have it. Tray's family say he doesn't have it. Can the Justice Department get his cell phone pings to show where the phone is?

6) I want the Sanford police dept investigated primarily for bias in cases involving people of color and cases with conflict of interest, i.e. relative of someone in the police dept, etc.
7) I want the Sanford police dept investigated for sloppy police procedure, not following protocol with investigations. If procedure was not followed in this case, what about cases that did not receive this attention? Easier to sweep under the rug.
I just researched the 911 tape per the posts up thread and I am appalled. I'm shocked this has not been reported in MSM yet.

Good heavens! That poor girlfriend, bless her heart. Just when I thought this couldn't get any worse...

Praying for justice for Trayvon and his family and friends.

Thanks for all the updates everybody. I've been reading along with you all trying to catch up.

This poor kid was being hunted down, IMO.


"He said this man was watching him, so he put his hoodie on. He said he lost the man," Martin's friend said. "I asked Trayvon to run, and he said he was going to walk fast. I told him to run but he said he was not going to run."
Eventually he would run, said the girl, thinking that he'd managed to escape. But suddenly the strange man was back, cornering Martin.
"Trayvon said, 'What, are you following me for,' and the man said, 'What are you doing here.' Next thing I hear is somebody pushing, and somebody pushed Trayvon because the head set just fell. I called him again and he didn't answer the phone."
The line went dead. Besides screams heard on 911 calls that night as Martin and Zimmerman scuffled, those were the last words he said.
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