FL - Abraham Shakespeare, 42, lottery winner, Polk County, 7 April 2009 #6

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Investigatingthecase, I so appreciate all that you did on this case. I live in this community and Lakeland is really such a nice city. When things like this murder of Abraham or the kidnapping of the pilot take place in Polk County, you guys always seem to be able to get the job of finding the bad guys and putting them behind bars done. Although crime happens everywhere and cannot be avoided no matter where you move, I appreciate the fact that Polk County has an excellent Sheriff's Department with a Sheriff, detectives, and officers who seem to take it personally when crime is committed in our county and continue to perserve until the criminal is behind bars. You, personally, did a great job on this case and as a resident of Polk County, I appreciate your hard work. Thank you.
Anytime...Susan1...I like to participate, every now and then, and I'm glad you like it too. I just hope I don't ever offend ANYONE! Trust me...in NO WAY from my most recent post, am I proclaiming HER INNOCENCE! I was only trying to help others to understand from the legal standpoint as to why she is in confinement. I myself, IMO, have felt a GUILTY VERDICT ever since that one interview with The Ledger...all about her "poor poor me" and all her complaints of what LE had done to her home and hummer, back when she volunteered a search. I for one, brought the concrete slab to the attention of others many many times! And again, in all of you that have read the affidavit, I hope that in seeing SHAR as a WITNESS for THE STATE, puts some of your minds to rest as to his involvement. From what I have been told, when Shar left he didn't want or take ANYTHING, not even a stitch of clothes that DDM ever bought for him, he did use the corvette to go, but as we all know he turned that over to LE on his own. Shar wants NOTHING to do with anything DDM ever did for him, and some of the things DDM did, in HIS name, he was not even aware of! Couple questions have came up, that I am in hopes that someone on here may be able to answer? Allegations of crimes were committed in Polk ( Quitclaim on The Redhawk house, Money transfers,etc) the charge or accessory and Murder are here in Hillsborough, crossing counties/state lines, doesn't this make some of this Federal? It will be interesting to know, when they have all of the evidence in place and all charges brought forth, just exactly what type of Detention Facility she will be in, meaning Federal or State? Anyways, I hope I help others in some pieces of the puzzle, and if anyone can give some input as to the whether or not this may become Federal, I'd appreciate it. Thanks all!
Anytime...Susan1...I like to participate, every now and then, and I'm glad you like it too. I just hope I don't ever offend ANYONE! Trust me...in NO WAY from my most recent post, am I proclaiming HER INNOCENCE! I was only trying to help others to understand from the legal standpoint as to why she is in confinement. I myself, IMO, have felt a GUILTY VERDICT ever since that one interview with The Ledger...all about her "poor poor me" and all her complaints of what LE had done to her home and hummer, back when she volunteered a search. I for one, brought the concrete slab to the attention of others many many times! And again, in all of you that have read the affidavit, I hope that in seeing SHAR as a WITNESS for THE STATE, puts some of your minds to rest as to his involvement. From what I have been told, when Shar left he didn't want or take ANYTHING, not even a stitch of clothes that DDM ever bought for him, he did use the corvette to go, but as we all know he turned that over to LE on his own. Shar wants NOTHING to do with anything DDM ever did for him, and some of the things DDM did, in HIS name, he was not even aware of! Couple questions have came up, that I am in hopes that someone on here may be able to answer? Allegations of crimes were committed in Polk ( Quitclaim on The Redhawk house, Money transfers,etc) the charge or accessory and Murder are here in Hillsborough, crossing counties/state lines, doesn't this make some of this Federal? It will be interesting to know, when they have all of the evidence in place and all charges brought forth, just exactly what type of Detention Facility she will be in, meaning Federal or State? Anyways, I hope I help others in some pieces of the puzzle, and if anyone can give some input as to the whether or not this may become Federal, I'd appreciate it. Thanks all!
I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not offended. I agree with most of what you have said. The rest are things I can't form an opinion on yet because there just aren't enough facts made public and I don't know any of the parties involved so I have no personal knowledge of what is going on behind the scene outside of media's reach.
But even when I don't agree with someone else opinion, it is still interesting hearing another view point and why they believe what they do. A lot of times my opinion has been changed after listening to how someone else perceives an issue and information they have that I didn't know. That's what makes these boards so interesting to me.
I would not be a good jury person on this case no matter how much I might want to be one because there is no way I could ever consider her innocent. Right now she is legally innocent until proven guilty, but I just can't seem to wrap the word innocent around Dorice Moore. Sort of like salt and pepper.
It sounds to me that you know Shar, or at least know people connected to him because you seem to know more about him than what has been published so far. There was a lot of money that was transferred into his company according to the criminal affidavit. And the house where Shakespeare's body was found was put in his name. He may not want to be involved, he may have had no knowledge of any criminal actions of Dorice, he may be as shocked as the rest of the world at the actions of Dorice, but she sure did get him deeply involved and I can't see them having a trial without him being a witness. Shar's ending up with Abraham's money and assets purchased by Abraham's money does not look good for him. And where was Shar living when Dorice was burying Abraham's body in his yard? The affidavit states he is unemployed. So what is he living on? He's 26 years old. I would think he would have a job. But the more he helps the State with their case, the more answers to these quesions that come out the implicate Dorice acting alone, the better he looks. And when it becomes clear that all the money and assets he has received from Shakespeare's money as documented in the criminal affidavit is returned to Shakespeare's family, I'd feel better about him. If he has already done so, I haven't seen it in the media yet. The only thing I've seen that he has returned is the car. As far as the murder of Shakespeare, the criminal affidavit points solely to Dorice. But it appears now there were also financial crimes committed in this case that have not yet been addressed.
The trial may answer alot of questions, unless she cuts a deal to get the death penalty off the table and there is no trial. It would save tax payers a fortune. I am looking forward to attending that trial.
You bring up a very interesting idea with the possibility of Federal charges, especially given the banks that were involved. I don't know the answer, but you ask good questions.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not offended. I agree with most of what you have said. The rest are things I can't form an opinion on yet because there just aren't enough facts made public and I don't know any of the parties involved so I have no personal knowledge of what is going on behind the scene outside of media's reach.
But even when I don't agree with someone else opinion, it is still interesting hearing another view point and why they believe what they do. A lot of times my opinion has been changed after listening to how someone else perceives an issue and information they have that I didn't know. That's what makes these boards so interesting to me.
I would not be a good jury person on this case no matter how much I might want to be one because there is no way I could ever consider her innocent. Right now she is legally innocent until proven guilty, but I just can't seem to wrap the word innocent around Dorice Moore. Sort of like salt and pepper.
It sounds to me that you know Shar, or at least know people connected to him because you seem to know more about him than what has been published so far. There was a lot of money that was transferred into his company according to the criminal affidavit. And the house where Shakespeare's body was found was put in his name. He may not want to be involved, he may have had no knowledge of any criminal actions of Dorice, he may be as shocked as the rest of the world at the actions of Dorice, but she sure did get him deeply involved and I can't see them having a trial without him being a witness. Shar's ending up with Abraham's money and assets purchased by Abraham's money does not look good for him. And where was Shar living when Dorice was burying Abraham's body in his yard? The affidavit states he is unemployed. So what is he living on? He's 26 years old. I would think he would have a job. But the more he helps the State with their case, the more answers to these quesions that come out the implicate Dorice acting alone, the better he looks. And when it becomes clear that all the money and assets he has received from Shakespeare's money as documented in the criminal affidavit is returned to Shakespeare's family, I'd feel better about him. If he has already done so, I haven't seen it in the media yet. The only thing I've seen that he has returned is the car. As far as the murder of Shakespeare, the criminal affidavit points solely to Dorice. But it appears now there were also financial crimes committed in this case that have not yet been addressed.
The trial may answer alot of questions, unless she cuts a deal to get the death penalty off the table and there is no trial. It would save tax payers a fortune. I am looking forward to attending that trial.
You bring up a very interesting idea with the possibility of Federal charges, especially given the banks that were involved. I don't know the answer, but you ask good questions.

I completely agree with everything here.....Although I do wonder about Shar, and the level of knowledge or involvement by him. I know that 26 is still a pretty naive age, having close family members around this age (kids today just don't have a clue about things in their 20's). But I just can't believe DDM acted alone in this whole thing. If I look at things as they stand now, it seems like she was trying to place a shroud around herself and dispel all notions that she could be connected. I mean, she placed the property in Shar's name. Even with his knowledge of THAT act (if he knew it, which I think "Finally" said he didn't) it doesn't prove he knew she was going to kill & bury AS on his property. The attorney is renting space from her. Honestly, I think she was precisely calculating moves she was making, and some/most/maybe all of the people around her were pawns in her game. She was moving them wherever they needed to be at the time they needed to be moved. I hope that the players, even if they were pawns in the game, get justice if it is due. I hope that the innocent victims in this case do not get punished simply by association. I hope that every day, DDM sees Abrahams face and that her heart is filled with regret. I don't want her to be able to "rest" peacefully knowing she is responsible for this man's death. I too, like Susan, believe she is totally responsible for his death. I could not be on the jury, cause I too, cannot wrap my head around innocent until proven guilty. I don't believe she acted alone though. I hope more news is released on this soon. I hate not knowing.
From Previous Thread #1 Found Deceased, #385
01-31-2010, 11:23 PM
Registered User Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 244

I know, I am quoting myself. From a previous thread at that. However, one of my big questions about that deed Byrd supposedly prepared, the ONLY thing I can find that has connected him to either Abraham Shakespeare or to Dorice Moore, now seems to be answered in the article from the St. Pete's time that they had up and then took back down again, but thanks to one of the posters here, is now here on this site perserved as a thumbnail.

And Byrd has answered the question in that article:
"Byrd is listed as the preparer of a Jan. 9, 2009, quitclaim deed that transferred Shakespeare's nearly $1.1 million gated community home to Moore's company. But Byrd said he did not prepare the document and that his name appears only because the deed came from an office computer program that automatically included it.
"He said he never met Shakespeare or Moore.
"When Stitzel left the firm, he took Shakespeare with him, Byrd said."

I have never believed that Barnhill had any involvement in this matter at all. There is nothing connecting him to Moore or Shakespeare.
I have also doubted involvement by Byrd in this matter. Other than that one document, the deed, which states it was prepared by Byrd, there is nothing else that connects them. And even with that Quit Claim deed, he never signed that document, and other than the typed header, there is nothing else connecting the parties.
At that point when the Quit Claim Deed was prepared, Byrd did work in the same office as Howard Stitzel. Days later, Howard Stitzel is preparing and signing the assignments of the mortgages from Abraham to Moore, from a new business address.

So, it comes down to whether you believe Johnnie Byrd when he says he did not prepare that document.
I absolutely believe it. I don't believe he was aware that his name was on that document until after the fact. I believe it became a big problem when he found out about it. I don't believe he did anything wrong. I believe he trusted the wrong person as a business partner, Stitzel, and when it came clear he was not worthy of the trust, he let him go.

All that being said, it still begs the issue that someone did prepare that Quit Claim deed and there are two witnesses on that deed who could probably add insight to who prepared the deed in a court of law under oath. Further, someone did fraudulently either prepare a document or provide information when they filed the deed with the Polk County Clerk's Office that $655,000 consideration was given for that property, something we have learned from the Criminal Affadavit just isn't true.


So, who gave and filed that information? According to the Affidavit, the way I'm reading it, Dorice never paid Abrahm for the property. So, is it a crime to provide fraudulent information to the County Clerk's Office? And if so, what is the crime? What is the sentence for such a crime? Misdeameanor or felony?

Finally, if the money never transferred to Abraham, is the Quit Claim deed still any good?

The deed would still be good, provided it wasn't challenged by AS's estate (and I hope it is). The only problem I see with it is her claiming she paid $655k, when there is no record of that payment. If proven that NO money changed hands, and the deed could withstand legal challenge, she COULD be additionally charged with a misdemeanor of the first degree for fraudulently paying TO MUCH tax! LOL! Highly unlikely though, as I've never heard of anyone being penalized for paying to much tax. FLA.Stats. Link

As far a Federal charges in this case, federal banking and money laundering laws will hopefully come into play pretty soon. And let's not forget the long arm of the IRS.

I'm sure there is a looooooong paper trail in this case, and once it's all sorted out, I'm sure others will be charged with various charges in connection with this case.
The deed would still be good, provided it wasn't challenged by AS's estate (and I hope it is). The only problem I see with it is her claiming she paid $655k, when there is no record of that payment. If proven that NO money changed hands, and the deed could withstand legal challenge, she COULD be additionally charged with a misdemeanor of the first degree for fraudulently paying TO MUCH tax! LOL! Highly unlikely though, as I've never heard of anyone being penalized for paying to much tax. FLA.Stats. Link

As far a Federal charges in this case, federal banking and money laundering laws will hopefully come into play pretty soon. And let's not forget the long arm of the IRS.

I'm sure there is a looooooong paper trail in this case, and once it's all sorted out, I'm sure others will be charged with various charges in connection with this case.

She (DM) will not be able to hold on to that property IMO or any other assets. The legal buzzards are already circling around Mrs Walker to file a wrongful death civil suit.
In re-reading the affidavit:

"David Howard Stitzel represented Abraham Shakespeare in child support proceedings and drew up numerous document related to a variety of transactions described herein, including an assets purchase agreement with addendum, property deeds, Quitclaim deeds, contracts, mortgages and power(s) of attorney. David Howard Stitzel received three separate checks in February of 2009 totaling $17,500 from Abraham Shakespeare LLC. All of these checks bore the signature of "Dee Dee Moore". During an interview with Detective Chris Lynn (Polk County Sheriffs Office) in November 2009, Dee Dee Moore stated that these checks were compensation for legal services rendered by David Howard Stitzel."

And he lied about talking to Abraham in October, and told DDM to quit talking to LE.

"Ms. Moore advised that she asked Mr. Stitzel to say that to Law Enforcement and he (Stitzel) had agreed to lie to Law Enforcement to assist Ms. Moore. Ms. Moore then placed a controlled (taped) telephone call to Mr. Stitzel's cellular telephone. During the call, Ms. Moore advised Mr. Stitzel that Law Enforcement was asking her questions about the telephone call in which both she and Mr. Stitzel had allegedly spoke to Mr. Shakespeare on 10/06/2009. Ms. Moore conveyed to Mr. Stitzel that she was concerned that Law Enforcement would find out that they had not spoken to Mr. Shakespeare on that date and wanted to confirm that he (Stitzel) had told Law Enforcement that he (Stitzel) had spoke to Mr. Shakespeare on that date. Mr. Stitzel advised that he had told Law Enforcement that he had spoken to Mr. Shakespeare on that date. Ms. Moore then asked Mr. Stitzel what would happen if she told Law Enforcement that she had possession of Mr. Shakespeare's cellular telephone. Mr. Stitzel then began telling Ms. Moore that she needed to stop talking to Law Enforcement. Although Mr. Stitzel made no direct admissions that he had in fact lied to Law Enforcement, it was apparent that Mr. Stitzel was aware that Ms. Moore had Mr. Shakespeare's cellular telephone and had not spoken to Mr. Shakespeare on 10/06/2009, as he had told Law Enforcement on 11/12/2009."

Stitzel's not a witness on the affidavit... maybe he's going to be an accessory?
I completely agree with everything here.....Although I do wonder about Shar, and the level of knowledge or involvement by him. I know that 26 is still a pretty naive age, having close family members around this age (kids today just don't have a clue about things in their 20's). But I just can't believe DDM acted alone in this whole thing. If I look at things as they stand now, it seems like she was trying to place a shroud around herself and dispel all notions that she could be connected. I mean, she placed the property in Shar's name. Even with his knowledge of THAT act (if he knew it, which I think "Finally" said he didn't) it doesn't prove he knew she was going to kill & bury AS on his property. The attorney is renting space from her. Honestly, I think she was precisely calculating moves she was making, and some/most/maybe all of the people around her were pawns in her game. She was moving them wherever they needed to be at the time they needed to be moved. I hope that the players, even if they were pawns in the game, get justice if it is due. I hope that the innocent victims in this case do not get punished simply by association. I hope that every day, DDM sees Abrahams face and that her heart is filled with regret. I don't want her to be able to "rest" peacefully knowing she is responsible for this man's death. I too, like Susan, believe she is totally responsible for his death. I could not be on the jury, cause I too, cannot wrap my head around innocent until proven guilty. I don't believe she acted alone though. I hope more news is released on this soon. I hate not knowing.

I think you are giving DM way too much credit. I think she made quite some moronic moves. Especially like the part where she handed the murder weapon practically on a silver platter to LE. Except LE, nobody knew Shakespeare was shot twice, yes she publicly revealed that tidbit. She either killed him or was there when it happened. That alone will get her convicted by a jury IMO.
I agree with you about Shar. All that easy money, many kids in their twenties would readily go for that, a real sugar mommy. Just to darned tempting and it does not make them criminals.
In re-reading the affidavit:

"David Howard Stitzel represented Abraham Shakespeare in child support proceedings and drew up numerous document related to a variety of transactions described herein, including an assets purchase agreement with addendum, property deeds, Quitclaim deeds, contracts, mortgages and power(s) of attorney. David Howard Stitzel received three separate checks in February of 2009 totaling $17,500 from Abraham Shakespeare LLC. All of these checks bore the signature of "Dee Dee Moore". During an interview with Detective Chris Lynn (Polk County Sheriffs Office) in November 2009, Dee Dee Moore stated that these checks were compensation for legal services rendered by David Howard Stitzel."

And he lied about talking to Abraham in October, and told DDM to quit talking to LE.

"Ms. Moore advised that she asked Mr. Stitzel to say that to Law Enforcement and he (Stitzel) had agreed to lie to Law Enforcement to assist Ms. Moore. Ms. Moore then placed a controlled (taped) telephone call to Mr. Stitzel's cellular telephone. During the call, Ms. Moore advised Mr. Stitzel that Law Enforcement was asking her questions about the telephone call in which both she and Mr. Stitzel had allegedly spoke to Mr. Shakespeare on 10/06/2009. Ms. Moore conveyed to Mr. Stitzel that she was concerned that Law Enforcement would find out that they had not spoken to Mr. Shakespeare on that date and wanted to confirm that he (Stitzel) had told Law Enforcement that he (Stitzel) had spoke to Mr. Shakespeare on that date. Mr. Stitzel advised that he had told Law Enforcement that he had spoken to Mr. Shakespeare on that date. Ms. Moore then asked Mr. Stitzel what would happen if she told Law Enforcement that she had possession of Mr. Shakespeare's cellular telephone. Mr. Stitzel then began telling Ms. Moore that she needed to stop talking to Law Enforcement. Although Mr. Stitzel made no direct admissions that he had in fact lied to Law Enforcement, it was apparent that Mr. Stitzel was aware that Ms. Moore had Mr. Shakespeare's cellular telephone and had not spoken to Mr. Shakespeare on 10/06/2009, as he had told Law Enforcement on 11/12/2009."

Stitzel's not a witness on the affidavit... maybe he's going to be an accessory?

I think Stitzel is up to his eyebrows in this crime. Especially since , as far as I know, did not ask for payment( like Gregory Smith) to lie to LE about his ghostly conversation with Shakespeare.
I think Stitzel is up to his eyebrows in this crime. Especially since , as far as I know, did not ask for payment( like Gregory Smith) to lie to LE about his ghostly conversation with Shakespeare.

Uh-huh. I wonder where he was the night of April 6, 2009.
I also have reservations about James Moore(DM ex).
Mainly because of two things. He dug that big hole for DM around 4/2009, yet he did not contact LE when that was exactly the time Shakespeare was last seen. How many holes did he dug for DM in the last year or so? Why would DM buy a back hoe. She is not into construction as far as I know.
A post made by KP WS poster when she called JM about her vanished $60.000 and he said , "proof it".
I think you are giving DM way too much credit. I think she made quite some moronic moves. Especially like the part where she handed the murder weapon practically on a silver platter to LE. Except LE, nobody knew Shakespeare was shot twice, yes she publicly revealed that tidbit. She either killed him or was there when it happened. That alone will get her convicted by a jury IMO.
I agree with you about Shar. All that easy money, many kids in their twenties would readily go for that, a real sugar mommy. Just to darned tempting and it does not make them criminals.

Oh no no no....I didn't mean to make it sound like I thought she was so smart to have masterminded what she did. I'm just saying how those certain things appear. Why would you place property that "you" were paying for (I know it was AS's money, but she had complete control of it by April 2009, so she considered it "hers") in someone else's name? And she conveniently had a place for Stitzel to rent for his place of business? Just seems sorta orchestrated to me. No, I believe she's a flat idiot, cause look how much she blabbed to the media. And in that raw interview footage taken the day she was arrested, she sat there for almost 30 minutes talking. She said she was leaving twice I think it was, but she sat around blabbing for another 10 minutes or so after saying that. Including divulging how he was murdered. No, i believe she was a complete moron just for running her mouth. The weapon deal was just icing on that cake. I mean, seriously?!?! If she had any brains about her, she'd have buried the weapon with his body!! Not hung onto the darned thing!!
I also have reservations about James Moore(DM ex).
Mainly because of two things. He dug that big hole for DM around 4/2009, yet he did not contact LE when that was exactly the time Shakespeare was last seen. How many holes did he dug for DM in the last year or so? Why would DM buy a back hoe. She is not into construction as far as I know.
A post made by KP WS poster when she called JM about her vanished $60.000 and he said , "proof it".

How would he know when AS was last seen? And for all he knew, he'd flown the coop like he was saying he wanted to. I think James was far enough removed from that situation that he wouldn't have necessarily known what was going on with the missing persons thing. He might have, but it's a possibility he didn't. And really, she probably didn't look guilty until LE decended on the Hwy 60 property. I didn't even KNOW about the case till we heard about it in January and I'm very local.
Even if people around her knew he was missing, from everything that's been said, she'd been keeping up notions that he'd left and gone to another country. That's not entirely unbelieveable, if you rewind back to that time before evidence started to appear and stuff. He had the means to do so, until the web began to be unraveled. And the "public" didn't know what was being uncovered here at Websleuths. ANd if she's a POI in December/January, that just means she's the one that they know to have had some final contact with him before his disappearance. She wasn't charged with anything until Feb.
It's a possibility that in the KP situation, DM was trying to protect her husband from her wrongdoing, and maybe he thought KP actually sold DM the company, as DM claimed. I'm only saying. It's all about the "double life" thing. I'm kinda perplexed how anyone can be married to someone and not know who they really are, or know that they're living a double life, but it DOES happen. I'm not saying it was what happened here, but it happens, and that could be an explanation. I'm sure LE will get to the bottom of things. It seems they have very good detectives working on the case. I do hope KP recovers her money, although I don't expect that would happen.
I have an ex, that I speak to occasionally, but I can pretty much guarantee you, I don't have a CLUE what goes on in his daily/weekly/monthly life. Even when he saw our child every other weekend, it was polite niceties to drop her off/pick her up, and only casual conversation. Our lives didn't "intertwine", especially since he had a significant other as did I.
Oh no no no....I didn't mean to make it sound like I thought she was so smart to have masterminded what she did. I'm just saying how those certain things appear. Why would you place property that "you" were paying for (I know it was AS's money, but she had complete control of it by April 2009, so she considered it "hers") in someone else's name? And she conveniently had a place for Stitzel to rent for his place of business? Just seems sorta orchestrated to me. No, I believe she's a flat idiot, cause look how much she blabbed to the media. And in that raw interview footage taken the day she was arrested, she sat there for almost 30 minutes talking. She said she was leaving twice I think it was, but she sat around blabbing for another 10 minutes or so after saying that. Including divulging how he was murdered. No, i believe she was a complete moron just for running her mouth. The weapon deal was just icing on that cake. I mean, seriously?!?! If she had any brains about her, she'd have buried the weapon with his body!! Not hung onto the darned thing!!

Sorry tigergirl, if I misinterpret your post . DM surely must be way up on the list of dumb criminals. Her trial will be a slam dunk IMO.
But it just makes you wonder how much help she received with the unloading of Shakespeare's assets considering her brain power.
How would he know when AS was last seen? And for all he knew, he'd flown the coop like he was saying he wanted to. I think James was far enough removed from that situation that he wouldn't have necessarily known what was going on with the missing persons thing. He might have, but it's a possibility he didn't. And really, she probably didn't look guilty until LE decended on the Hwy 60 property. I didn't even KNOW about the case till we heard about it in January and I'm very local.
Even if people around her knew he was missing, from everything that's been said, she'd been keeping up notions that he'd left and gone to another country. That's not entirely unbelieveable, if you rewind back to that time before evidence started to appear and stuff. He had the means to do so, until the web began to be unraveled. And the "public" didn't know what was being uncovered here at Websleuths. ANd if she's a POI in December/January, that just means she's the one that they know to have had some final contact with him before his disappearance. She wasn't charged with anything until Feb.
It's a possibility that in the KP situation, DM was trying to protect her husband from her wrongdoing, and maybe he thought KP actually sold DM the company, as DM claimed. I'm only saying. It's all about the "double life" thing. I'm kinda perplexed how anyone can be married to someone and not know who they really are, or know that they're living a double life, but it DOES happen. I'm not saying it was what happened here, but it happens, and that could be an explanation. I'm sure LE will get to the bottom of things. It seems they have very good detectives working on the case. I do hope KP recovers her money, although I don't expect that would happen.
I have an ex, that I speak to occasionally, but I can pretty much guarantee you, I don't have a CLUE what goes on in his daily/weekly/monthly life. Even when he saw our child every other weekend, it was polite niceties to drop her off/pick her up, and only casual conversation. Our lives didn't "intertwine", especially since he had a significant other as did I.

The case hit the news in November 2009 and at that point American medical professionals was already mentioned.

I'm working on a timeline:

2009 November 9
Cedric Edom reports the disappearance of Shakespeare to the Polk County Sheriff's Office. Edom, Shakespeare’s cousin, said he felt Moore and Haggins were somehow involved. Edom later changed his story and did not want to be involved with the missing person's investigation.

2009 November 9, week of
Notary Ambrose E. Austin was interviewed concerning Judith Haggins, Power of Attorney

2009 November 9, week of
Detectives subpoena financial records of Shakespeare and Moore to include numerous LLCs associated with Moore and Krasniqi. Upon analysis, there were numerous discrepancies between the factual information and information provided by Moore. Moore also advised during the initial interviews that she had been in contact with Shakespeare several times since April, 2009 in person as well as by telephone.

2009 November 12
Detectives interview Stitzel, who confirms he spoke to Shakespeare on October 6, 2009. (which turns out to be false)

2009 November 13
Haggins told Detectives that April 3, 2009 was the last time that she saw Shakespeare alive. Haggins used the POA to close bank accounts belonging to Shakespeare and sign court pleadings on his behalf. Proceeds of closed accounts have been deposited into accounts controlled by Moore.

2009 November 15
Sentorria Butler contacted Polk County detectives. Butler advised that Moore offered to sign over a $250,000 home to her if she (Butler) admitted to police that she had seen Shakespeare alive recently.

2009 November ?
Moore stated that the checks from February 2009 to Stitzel were compensation for legal services rendered. Stitzel represented Shakespeare in child support proceedings and drew up numerous document related to a variety of transactions described herein, including an assets purchase agreement with addendum, property deeds, Quitclaim deeds, contracts, mortgages and power(s) of attorney.

2009 November 25
Moore admitted that she sent text messages in the summer of 2009 to Shakespeare's friends and family in an attempt to convince them he was still alive.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not offended. I agree with most of what you have said. The rest are things I can't form an opinion on yet because there just aren't enough facts made public and I don't know any of the parties involved so I have no personal knowledge of what is going on behind the scene outside of media's reach.
But even when I don't agree with someone else opinion, it is still interesting hearing another view point and why they believe what they do. A lot of times my opinion has been changed after listening to how someone else perceives an issue and information they have that I didn't know. That's what makes these boards so interesting to me.
I would not be a good jury person on this case no matter how much I might want to be one because there is no way I could ever consider her innocent. Right now she is legally innocent until proven guilty, but I just can't seem to wrap the word innocent around Dorice Moore. Sort of like salt and pepper.
It sounds to me that you know Shar, or at least know people connected to him because you seem to know more about him than what has been published so far. There was a lot of money that was transferred into his company according to the criminal affidavit. And the house where Shakespeare's body was found was put in his name. He may not want to be involved, he may have had no knowledge of any criminal actions of Dorice, he may be as shocked as the rest of the world at the actions of Dorice, but she sure did get him deeply involved and I can't see them having a trial without him being a witness. Shar's ending up with Abraham's money and assets purchased by Abraham's money does not look good for him. And where was Shar living when Dorice was burying Abraham's body in his yard? The affidavit states he is unemployed. So what is he living on? He's 26 years old. I would think he would have a job. But the more he helps the State with their case, the more answers to these quesions that come out the implicate Dorice acting alone, the better he looks. And when it becomes clear that all the money and assets he has received from Shakespeare's money as documented in the criminal affidavit is returned to Shakespeare's family, I'd feel better about him. If he has already done so, I haven't seen it in the media yet. The only thing I've seen that he has returned is the car. As far as the murder of Shakespeare, the criminal affidavit points solely to Dorice. But it appears now there were also financial crimes committed in this case that have not yet been addressed.
The trial may answer alot of questions, unless she cuts a deal to get the death penalty off the table and there is no trial. It would save tax payers a fortune. I am looking forward to attending that trial.
You bring up a very interesting idea with the possibility of Federal charges, especially given the banks that were involved. I don't know the answer, but you ask good questions.

In paragraph 4, you just about hit the nail on the head. As far as, myself may knowing Shar or people connected to him! Also, you are correct, and I have to be very careful in what I do state on here, because there are things that have not yet been released to the public....and GOD KNOWS I DO NOT WANT TO SCREW UP ANY CONVICTIONS...in any and all of these cases that will come forth! But I do try to share the things that I feel are helpful but not harmful in convictions, to all of you interested. I hope I posted this correctly, and if I did, I have to do alot of catch up with a few others to answer some of their questions. All of you are too quick for me to keep up with! LOL!
I completely agree with everything here.....Although I do wonder about Shar, and the level of knowledge or involvement by him. I know that 26 is still a pretty naive age, having close family members around this age (kids today just don't have a clue about things in their 20's). But I just can't believe DDM acted alone in this whole thing. If I look at things as they stand now, it seems like she was trying to place a shroud around herself and dispel all notions that she could be connected. I mean, she placed the property in Shar's name. Even with his knowledge of THAT act (if he knew it, which I think "Finally" said he didn't) it doesn't prove he knew she was going to kill & bury AS on his property. The attorney is renting space from her. Honestly, I think she was precisely calculating moves she was making, and some/most/maybe all of the people around her were pawns in her game. She was moving them wherever they needed to be at the time they needed to be moved. I hope that the players, even if they were pawns in the game, get justice if it is due. I hope that the innocent victims in this case do not get punished simply by association. I hope that every day, DDM sees Abrahams face and that her heart is filled with regret. I don't want her to be able to "rest" peacefully knowing she is responsible for this man's death. I too, like Susan, believe she is totally responsible for his death. I could not be on the jury, cause I too, cannot wrap my head around innocent until proven guilty. I don't believe she acted alone though. I hope more news is released on this soon. I hate not knowing.

I, myself, also question many things in reference to Shar. But let's remember, as you stated, "I know that 26 is still a pretty naive age, having close family members around this age (kids today just don't have a clue about things in their 20's)." Shar was only around 23-24 when getting involved with DDM. I, myself back then at 23-24, meeting someone who "appeared" to be "successful", owning businesses/etc. and of 11 years older than I, might have impressed me as well as had a great amount of influences over me. Shar thought the world of DDM, and yes...over time, IMO, DDM used him as her "Do-Boy"! Anything DDM told him "to do", he "did"! I am trying to keep up with everyone's posts and answer things as they come up, I will probably miss some things, but I will try. There are questions about Shar's employment, and JM, that I want to address. Anyways, hope this helps some in confirming Shar's involvement, as far as the things I know.
From the criminal affidavit: Big snip
"On January 28, 2010, Detective Thomas of the Hillsborough County Sheriffs Office and Detective Wallace ofthe Polk County Sheriffs Office conducted an interview with Dee Dee Moore's ex-husband, James Moore. Mr. Moore stated that Dee Dee Moore asked him to recommend the type of equipment to clear her land at 5802 Hwy. 60 Plant City, Florida. He suggested a tractor with attachments, however she purchased a Case Backhoe on April 3, 2009 at a Lakeland Auction. Dee Dee Moore paid James Moore approximately $100 to pick-up the backhoe and deliver the same to her property on highway 60, utilizing his family's flat bed trailer. Dee Dee Moore called James Moore during the first two weeks of April, 2009, and requested that he come to her property at 5802 Highway 60 and utilize the purchased Case backhoe to dig a hole for concrete and trash."
I just noticed that this backhoe was purchased on 4/3/09. The police had said that Abraham had died sometime between 4/6 - 4/7/09. If that is true, does anybody else see premediatation in her purchase 3-4 days prior to his death? It also makes me go back to page 1 of the affidavit where they state that the offense date was 4/1/09.
I see one of 3 possibilities here. People's memories about dates are not always correct as time goes on. Either people are wrong about the last time they saw him and he was killed prior to 4/3/09 when she bought the backhoe and she needed a way to dig a hole and bury his body, OR she knew on 4/3/09 she was going to kill him so she bought the backhoe to have it ready for when she did OR she bought the backhoe on 4/3/09 just as a random purchase to bury some trash and, oh, my, didn't it come in handy 3 days later.
So, which door is the true answer behind for when and why Dorice Moore bought that backhoe? Door 1: Premeditated murder and he died between 4/6-4/7; Door 2: he was already dead by 4/3/09 and she needed to bury his body and the criminal affidavit date of offense of 4/1/09 is correct, or Door 3: What a lucky coincidence I just happen to have a backhoe handy when a person is murdered on my property?
What do you think?
Also, to my recollection from what the media had said at the time, but I believe I remember it mentioned, James Moore came forward to the police when he saw on TV that there was a crime scene at the address he had dug the hole at and showed the police where he dug the hole and cooperated with the police during their search. He is listed as a witness in this case, not as a conspirator.
I can not imagine of how badly he must feel to have to deal with his wife (they were not divorced until 6/09) involving him in this mess, finding out after the fact that he had buried a human being, his now ex-wife blaming their own son for the murder, and a person that he shared part of his life with and had a child with now being charged with first degree murder. It is not how you expect it to end up when you say, "I do."
Way to go SUSAN1! Can't really get into detail here though! But I'll take Door #1.
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