Found Deceased FL - Cassie Carli 37, & Saylor (safe) met Ex to exchange custody, Navarre Beach, 27 Mar 2022 *Arrest

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Is there an official FB page or other where the latest is posted~TIA

There are a couple. Is it ok to link those here?


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Suspect (as officially named by LE)

    • Links may be used to direct members to posts made by a victim or a suspect.
    • Paraphrasing is okay, but direct quotes, copying/pasting, screenshots from these pages is not allowed.
    • NOTE: Comments and posts by Friends on these pages are not allowed to be linked, quoted, copied or referenced. They are considered rumor. Just don't mention them.
    • Do not link to a victim or suspect's social media page if you are not 100% certain it belongs to the correct individual.
    • If a social media page is set to private and you get in the back way, you may not post what you find. Private means private!
Public Pages
Mainstream Media (MSM)
Law Enforcement (LE)
Approved group support pages for victims, such as "Help Find..." and "Justice for..." (usually a page run by family)
Legitimate non-profit organizations who provide assistance and support to victims and their families (e.g., Klass Kids, Texas Equusearch).

    • Posts by an owner or admin of the above public social media pages may be linked, copied, quoted, or paraphrased. This refers primarily to posts or tweets by MSM reporters, announcements by law enforcement, the admin of an approved group support page (usually a page run by family)
    • NOTE: Comments and posts by readers/visitors of these pages are not allowed to be linked, quoted, copied or referenced. They are considered rumor. Just don't mention them.
    • Regarding group support pages, i.e., "Help Find..." and "Justice for...": If at any time the WS staff determines a group support page to be inappropriate, a notice will be posted in the thread stating that the page is no longer approved.

Names or images of minor children are not allowed unless they are the missing or deceased victim.

Social media page of family members and/or friends of either a victim or a suspect, and most any other individual are OFF LIMITS. Don't link to these pages or make reference to information you find on them.


Exceptions to any of the above must be approved by an administrator. You can contact an administrator via an Alert (using the Report feature) or by private message.

EXAMPLE: If a suspect has been arrested for a crime relevant to the discussion topic, and you want to post a Facebook screencap from their personal page, you must first obtain approval from administration.

Please ASK FIRST before posting.
Posting a questionable link and then adding something like “mods please remove if not allowed” is not acceptable.

Please ASK a MOD or ADMIN FIRST by sending a PM or sending a REPORT on any post and explain your question.
Please do this BEFORE making a post that may need to be removed, along with replies to that post.
It’s a whole thing that make a cleanup even messier. :(
We’d be very grateful if you didn’t contribute to that.
Last edited:
HUGE NEWS from Santa Rosa County Sheriff!
Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office FL
11m ·

Arrest of Marcus Spanevelo
Marcus Spanevelo is currently in custody. He was arrested by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations and the Tennessee Highway Patrol in Lebanon Tennessee where he is being held on the following charges:
• Tampering with Evidence
• Giving False Information Concerning a Missing Persons Investigation
• Destruction of Evidence.
Spanevelo was arrested based on a Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office Major Crimes warrant which was signed by a Judge.
Currently, this case remains an active investigation. We are cautious as to the information being released due to the sensitivity of this case. Search efforts for Cassi Carli remain underway. The mutual child is still safe.
As more information becomes available, we will update via Facebook.
This makes my day!!! I am so thankful they already have adequate evidence to arrest him for very serious crimes. Far too often, people like this get away with things for lack of evidence.
This makes my day!!! I am so thankful they already have adequate evidence to arrest him for very serious crimes. Far too often, people like this get away with things for lack of evidence.

Well, with false confession and tampering with evidence charges, it sounds like there’s definitely reason to suspect him.
Well, with false confession and tampering with evidence charges, it sounds like there’s definitely reason to suspect him.
Oh I think they know for a fact it's him, and these charges are being used to hold him until the inevitable murder charge.

I just hope he gives up her location.
I wonder if MS told CC that Saylor was in the trailer. ESP if he got there before hee. CC goes in, gets incapacitated somehow and he took off to Birmingham? She could be nowhere near Navarre.
I was thinking along the lines of taser if it was done quickly/quietly enough that no one at the restaurant noticed.
Right, and she could
Have actually walked into the trailer if he told
Her that's where Saylor was waiting. Like they got there early and were stretching their legs. Saylor may have been in the truck.
Tasered person usually screams aloud, out of pain. Incapacitating someone with a taser is noiseless only in movies.

Good to know. I was going more by personal experience than by TV. I put my hand on an electrified horse corral as a kid and could barely move enough to get my hand off because the electricity contracted my hand around it. The most noise I could make was ‘ooof’ but the electricity running through it was probably higher. I’ll keep it in mind

Victim (missing or murdered person)
Suspect (as officially named by LE)

    • Links may be used to direct members to posts made by a victim or a suspect.
    • Paraphrasing is okay, but direct quotes, copying/pasting, screenshots from these pages is not allowed.
    • NOTE: Comments and posts by Friends on these pages are not allowed to be linked, quoted, copied or referenced. They are considered rumor. Just don't mention them.
    • Do not link to a victim or suspect's social media page if you are not 100% certain it belongs to the correct individual.
    • If a social media page is set to private and you get in the back way, you may not post what you find. Private means private!
Public Pages
Mainstream Media (MSM)
Law Enforcement (LE)
Approved group support pages for victims, such as "Help Find..." and "Justice for..." (usually a page run by family)
Legitimate non-profit organizations who provide assistance and support to victims and their families (e.g., Klass Kids, Texas Equusearch).

    • Posts by an owner or admin of the above public social media pages may be linked, copied, quoted, or paraphrased. This refers primarily to posts or tweets by MSM reporters, announcements by law enforcement, the admin of an approved group support page (usually a page run by family)
    • NOTE: Comments and posts by readers/visitors of these pages are not allowed to be linked, quoted, copied or referenced. They are considered rumor. Just don't mention them.
    • Regarding group support pages, i.e., "Help Find..." and "Justice for...": If at any time the WS staff determines a group support page to be inappropriate, a notice will be posted in the thread stating that the page is no longer approved.

Names or images of minor children are not allowed unless they are the missing or deceased victim.

Social media page of family members and/or friends of either a victim or a suspect, and most any other individual are OFF LIMITS. Don't link to these pages or make reference to information you find on them.


Exceptions to any of the above must be approved by an administrator. You can contact an administrator via an Alert (using the Report feature) or by private message.

EXAMPLE: If a suspect has been arrested for a crime relevant to the discussion topic, and you want to post a Facebook screencap from their personal page, you must first obtain approval from administration.

Please ASK FIRST before posting.
Posting a questionable link and then adding something like “mods please remove if not allowed” is not acceptable.

Please ASK a MOD or ADMIN FIRST by sending a PM or sending a REPORT on any post and explain your question.
Please do this BEFORE making a post that may need to be removed, along with replies to that post.
It’s a whole thing that make a cleanup even messier. :(
We’d be very grateful if you didn’t contribute to that.
Thank-you for patience & direction, everyone. It's been awhile- need to reacquaint myself.
HUGE NEWS from Santa Rosa County Sheriff!
Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office FL
11m ·

Arrest of Marcus Spanevelo
Marcus Spanevelo is currently in custody. He was arrested by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations and the Tennessee Highway Patrol in Lebanon Tennessee where he is being held on the following charges:
• Tampering with Evidence
• Giving False Information Concerning a Missing Persons Investigation
• Destruction of Evidence.
Spanevelo was arrested based on a Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office Major Crimes warrant which was signed by a Judge.
Currently, this case remains an active investigation. We are cautious as to the information being released due to the sensitivity of this case. Search efforts for Cassi Carli remain underway. The mutual child is still safe.
As more information becomes available, we will update via Facebook.
Wow! He made it to greater Nashville from Birmingham!
Vine link booking info:

Custody Record

You are not signed up for notifications
(931) 380-5733

Ethnicity Non-Hispanic
Date of Birth Jul 12, 1987
ID Number175593

Maury County Sheriff's Department
1300 Lawson White Dr
Columbia, TN 384011609
(931) 380-5733
Yippee the family is reporting that they should get Saylor back within 24 hrs. I wonder if the judge that gave marcus custody was trying to make him think he was winning if not I wonder how he/she feels about it all now. It was he judge: JAMES SCOTT DUNCAN
I wonder whether he had his Brazilian passport with him.
Fleeing to an airport in another state to catch a one way flight ?
Kinda looks like a straight shot from Destin FL, north via I-65 thru Birmingham AL, and Nashville TN, to Chicago where he could hop an international nonstop flight to Brazil while avoiding the scrutiny and possible recognition he might receive closer to Florida, doesn't it?

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