GUILTY FL - Chance Walsh, 7 wks, North Port, 7 Oct 2015 #1

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Poor little guy. All of KB's Facebook posts about hoping to get pregnant again and wanting a family so bad. Then she gets pregnant again and apparently does drugs while pregnant, Chance is born and she despises the innocent little baby. You would think after the two of them have lost/removed/given up (7-9?) children that they would have an adoption/assistance phone number on speed dial; or at the very least call someone to come get Chance and take him to the family, police,or fire station---jeez.
I even feel like crying at this one and I'm going into LE and have already learned to develop if not a thick skin, a way to compartmentalize to be able to deal with this kind of crap, but this one is really trying.
I've developed a thick skin to this stuff. It sounds heartless but I've just learned to block out the emotional impact because nothing is gonna change it and all we can do is hope and pray for justice. I tell myself they were to good for this earth. but this one had me crying when that officer couldn't even speak. Its effecting everyone. So sad. :(
But he and she had to be clean to get out of the hospital right?
Depends on the hospital and it's policies as well as, in my hospital at least, DCS. DSC had to be notified of every baby born to a mother who had done any drugs during her pregnancy. Mom was tested on admission to the hospital and baby tested at birth. All of our OB docs drug tested their patients on the first office visit. If they were negative they didn't get any further testing unless something was suspected. If their drug test was positive then they were tested every visit. Anyway, DCS made the decision for each baby as to whether the baby went home with mom, or if DCS would take custody and place in foster care.

ETA: If baby was diagnosed with NAS the baby was kept in the hospital for 28 days and underwent treatment for the withdrawals.

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From your link:

Carroll also said in the wake of Chance's death, the agency is immediately beginning an internal review of their contact with the family.

"The review will include all the interactions that Joseph Walsh and Kristen Bury have had with the agency to determine what, in addition to the previous removal of all children in Mr. Walsh's custody, could have been done to prevent this tragedy," wrote Carroll.
According to North Port Police criminal investigative records, the couple's son, Duane Walsh, died suddenly in April 2014. Police reports indicate that Walsh and Bury told investigators Duane was fussy and had thrown up a bottle. They went to sleep with the two-week-old and awoke to find him not moving.

So, another "fussy" infant.
I am thinking this may be a landmark case which will finally force a serious look at DFACS/CPS.

Every case in which a child dies is horrific. But in a case where 9 children-NINE-were at risk and two are is time to start kicking *advertiser censored* and taking names.

I do not know the answer. But this crap cannot continue. If you have already lost 7 children, and your junkie *advertiser censored* has another kid, CPS needs to live at your house or just take that baby away.

How many chances (sorry) do these kinds of parents get to harm or kill a child?

I know CPS has a huge job. It sucks that there are so many worthless parents who breed like rabbits and that a government agency has the onus of protecting children. That ought to be a parents job. But it is what it is. And if a man has had SEVEN children removed, CPS ought to be on that. Flag could not get much redder, IMO.

Y'all, what can we do? How can we start a wave of change that will maybe save the next Baby Chance? Would better paid, better trained CPS workers be a good start? Again, I think it is tragic that CPS is even a thing. But we need it and it needs to be better than the model we have.
I don't know what the answer is. You have too few DCS workers and the ones they do have are overloaded. Then there's the problem of not enough foster homes to put these babies in, especially someone who can deal with a drug - addicted baby.

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naaaaa she wasn't terrified of him.
I have heard some terrifying stories about her.

Spill it, girl.

I never figured either of them for terrifying, but then I read about his past DV charges. She just seemed pathetic and co-dependent. Still, I think if either of them intentionally killed those babies, it was her. She wanted the attention being pregnant and a new mommy brings. She did not want anyone, especially her "gorgeous, awesome hunk of man" (just threw up a little) paying more attention to the baby than to her.

She did nothing but fawn over this guy (who apparently napped on the couch while she begged rides to her waitress job) and post about the meals she made for him. Barely mentions either baby. And with Chance, those posts were made after they killed him.

Has MSM mentioned if JW had/ever had a job? KB mentions on FB her server jobs, but she always talks about how she is missing JW sooooo much.

At first I thought he was away on a trip because she seemed so lonely and bereft and hating to be away from her love. Then you realize she is posting during her shift and she is just having a hard time being away from him while she works. Really needy.

Out of the two of them, he seems to have fared worse for the drug use. Going by pics. I wonder if she was the more steady job-holder and her income provided drug money which he mostly used for himself.

Sorry for these long posts. I am trying to piece it all together.
I don't know what the answer is. You have too few DCS workers and the ones they do have are overloaded. Then there's the problem of not enough foster homes to put these babies in, especially someone who can deal with a drug - addicted baby.

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U have family and friends that should have taken this baby away they all knew the background and knew they were doing drugs and that KB did not want this child and despised HIM.... Cant leave it all to Child Protective services. They waited a long time to call the cops sorry.
I've developed a thick skin to this stuff. It sounds heartless but I've just learned to block out the emotional impact because nothing is gonna change it and all we can do is hope and pray for justice. I tell myself they were to good for this earth. but this one had me crying when that officer couldn't even speak. Its effecting everyone. So sad. :(

I thought I had developed a thick skin, too. But jeebus creasy, this one is killing me. I think the days I spent diving down the FB rabbit hole, and the fact that there were so many other removed children plus another dead baby has just penetrated that skin.

Also, I feel such strong hate for this woman thru her FB postings. (He posts almost nothing). Her gross adoration for JW is nauseating. And making steak and shrimp dinners for him when she has to walk to walmart to get the, priorities?

And her posts railing against haters. More likely people told her "don't get another dog, you killed the last one", or "don't hook up with and get knocked up by a guy you met a rehab". She perceives everything as an attack on her and her man.

Those pics of them grinning and posing at Duane's funeral make me want to do violence.
U have family and friends that should have taken this baby away they all knew the background and knew they were doing drugs and that KB did not want this child and despised HIM.... Cant leave it all to Child Protective services. They waited a long time to call the cops sorry.

I agree, Eileen.

However, I have read posts on WS by grandparents who have shared how hard it is to get CPS to take action, and how it is even harder to take custody of those children without something short of video proof.

Again, these grandparents (and other friends and family) KNEW these two were druggie losers and (at least in hindsight) had concerns about Duane's death, too. If it is really true that they did not call police until KB and JW were already on their "awesome family vacation", then that ain't cool.

Given what they knew about these parents and what I suspect gpa saw on Sept. 9, and KB's refusal to let her mom come in shortly after, LE should have been called THAT DAY.
Depends on the hospital and it's policies as well as, in my hospital at least, DCS. DSC had to be notified of every baby born to a mother who had done any drugs during her pregnancy. Mom was tested on admission to the hospital and baby tested at birth. All of our OB docs drug tested their patients on the first office visit. If they were negative they didn't get any further testing unless something was suspected. If their drug test was positive then they were tested every visit. Anyway, DCS made the decision for each baby as to whether the baby went home with mom, or if DCS would take custody and place in foster care.

ETA: If baby was diagnosed with NAS the baby was kept in the hospital for 28 days and underwent treatment for the withdrawals.

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IIRC, Justice Rees (California) was born with meth in his system. CPS sent him home to live with his parents and grandparents, along with a "safety plan." It didn't work out too well as mom had some sort of psychotic break (involving drugs) and he ended up dead.

I also recall reading (no link) about some issues regarding the testing of newborns and whether or not such tests should be done, even when the mother self-reports drug use. Sigh. So many protections in place for parents - at the expense of the babies.
I agree, Eileen.

However, I have read posts on WS by grandparents who have shared how hard it is to get CPS to take action, and how it is even harder to take custody of those children without something short of video proof.

Again, these grandparents (and other friends and family) KNEW these two were druggie losers and (at least in hindsight) had concerns about Duane's death, too. If it is really true that they did not call police until KB and JW were already on their "awesome family vacation", then that ain't cool.

Given what they knew about these parents and what I suspect gpa saw on Sept. 9, and KB's refusal to let her mom come in shortly after, LE should have been called THAT DAY.

They are known druggies If this were my daughter Id have taken the child and let her call the cops.... Id tell her she could have him back when she was clean and sober for 6 months.
with the record these ppl have they would have never given him back to her.
Whoa!! Seven children taken away from the "father's" home in the past??!! That must be a typo. How can that possibly happen? Where were the family members of these two sickos? They knew about the drug abuse but did nothing. Poor little guy Chance, he never had one.

This case is one of the most disgusting I have ever read. This couple makes monsters look angelic. I have no more words.
Did their families know about these children that were taken away?

I'm having a REALLY hard time here.
So this guy has had 7 children taken away. Where are the mothers of those children? (And what is with these women that hook up with dirt bags?! Blech.)
So this guy has had 7 children taken away. Where are the mothers of those children? (And what is with these women that hook up with dirt bags?! Blech.)

Well, judging from KB, what is up with these women is that they are so lacking in self-worth that they latch on to the first loser who "allows" those women to support them and worship them. :rolleyes:

All I have to go on is FB, but she was totally obsessed with "her man" and he was lukewarm. His most frequent reply to her public adoration was "That's real".

WTF does that even mean?

All crap sinks to the bottom and that is where these people meet.
I have no words. RIP Chase and Duane. You did not deserve to be born to these two. :tears:

I haven't looked at KB's FB and I'm not sure I want to. So we have 7 kids from JW, 1 from KB, and 2 together not including the lost pregnancy mentioned earlier for a total of 8 kids taken from the parents and 2 dead. I hope Duane's death gets re-opened, he deserves justice too.
This is just unreal if JW has had that many children removed from his care in the past. Almost like a female version of Lena Lunsford that has had all her children removed from her care as well. People like that should not be allowed to have babies IMO. Not at least until they can clean up their act and prove themselves worthy of even raising children. Being a drug addicted person is not conducive to a healthy environment for kids, and as far as i know it is illegal to possess illegal drugs and use them isn't it?
That's a lot of removed and dead children!!!! No one noticed some kind of pattern here!! Family, friends, health services??? The whole dont want to get involved scenario has to end! It's killing our babies :(

I also think doing drug screens on pregnant women should be routine these days seeing as there could be complications in both the mother and the unborn child during the pregnancy, and it would be something a Dr. or Obstetrician should be aware of, IMO. And to also give proper medical care to the baby once it is born and if there is the risk of the baby going through withdrawl, and after treatment in the hospital for that, once a baby is well enough that it should not go back to the drug addicted parents but placed into some type of care with family or whoever is fit enough to take care of the baby. The laws need to be stricter when it comes to these problems, otherwise many more babies and children will be and are at risk now and in the future. I also think mandatory temporary sterilization would be a good thing for drug addicts until they can get clean and stay clean before having children.
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