GUILTY FL - Christian Aguilar, 18, UF student, Gainesville, 20 Sept 2012 #1

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Sad isnt it?
Might be time to change a few laws dont YOU think?

All they have to do is keep their mouths shut and they get away with murder

I understand that defendants need the best representation possible to ensure due process, but it is downright unethical IMO for a lawyer to imply that the defendant has a right to NOT divulge the location of the victim when he has that knowledge.

If Bravo hadn't demanded a lawyer when he did the day he was interrogated by LE, I think he would've given a full confession, including the location of Christian's body. The other day, I reflected on 4 different versions Pedro gave but now I can think of a 5th. Initially, Pedro said he and Christian just had a verbal argument and he let Christian out on the side of the road. He kept revealing more and more details, eventually saying that he beat Christian until he was unconscious and left him in shallow water.... still leaving open the possibility that Christian was still alive. They questioned Pedro for 10-12 hours, so it wasn't easy getting that much out of him.

I agree with you, Eileen, that it is likely Pedro buried him ... either in the ground or in a body of water. But, to admit that would be to admit to murder. Pedro has not told the whole truth and it's frustrating that there's nothing more LE can do to make him talk. :mad:
That's probably true, Eileen. After reading about PB and CA not talking, and PB purchasing duct tape and a shovel, I also believe this was planned. And if it was planned, he most probably scouted out a place and had it ready. And you're right, it probably was in the most remote and difficult to get to area possible...I just wish we knew where.

After damaging his vehicle, I doubt he would want to return to that area. The SUV probably sustained damage while he was scouting for a secluded spot, and my thinking is he continued to look for a secluded yet more accessible area. If he had already dug a grave when his SUV got stuck, I think he would've decided to abandon it. So, I wouldn't rely on damage to the SUV for clues as to Christian's whereabouts. But, that's JMO.
I think he burried Christian. Personlly I do not believe he left him lying anywhere and i think he was dead. He had no intention of harming him he went to kill him.JMO
I remember Alyssa Bustamante before killing Elizabeth Olten dug 3 graves days before.

I agree. IMO there was a reason B bought the shovel.
Criminal lawyers are real scumbags. How someone can defend a person who is obviously guilty of murdering someone is beyond me. Money is a sad thing.

I couldn't agree more! How in the world could someone defend a guy that they know is responsible for the death of another human being? How can you sleep at night knowing that your client knows the whereabouts of someone's precious child - who is deteriorating as we type. DISGUSTING!

I also think this was premeditated. I think he dug a grave and they will need cadaver dogs to find him. I do not understand why he kept the backpack.

Some people keep a momento. Sick, isn't it?!

I understand that defendants need the best representation possible to ensure due process, but it is downright unethical IMO for a lawyer to imply that the defendant has a right to NOT divulge the location of the victim when he has that knowledge.


:goodpost: (BBM)
I think we should keep some of the anger and disdain towards defense attorneys in perspective. Our Justice System would not work without having an advocate for the defendants. Would we want a system where the State gets to put on it's case, uncontested, with no cross examinations, and no opposition? There are countries that have that type of system and it is a nightmare, imo.

What about people who are falsely accused? Shouldn't they have adequate representation to protect them from false imprisonment?
I agree Katydid. Even in cases where it seems like an open-and-shut, why-doesn't-he-just-plead-guilty type case, we NEED defendants to have good attorneys who mount a vigorous challenge to the prosecution.

I've probably posted this before, but, my criminal law prof explained it this way: no matter how guilty a defendant seems, no matter how much of a charade e public might think it is when someone pleads not guilty, it is a way of saying "prove it". It makes the government prove their case.

We definitely would not want a system where the government is not made to prove their accusations. And thus, defense attorneys are an absolute necessity, and play what I think is THE most important role in the justice system - often to much jeering, ridiculing, and downright hatred. Not fair, and not warranted, IMO. If people must be angry, best to save the anger for the accused.

That said, I'm so sad to check in and see that Christian has not been found. As I mourn the loss of my own loved one this weekend - my dear mom - my heart breaks along with his family's. Especially so given that this was a young, healthy man with his whole damn life in front of him. His parents should be celebrating the fact that they raised what looks to be an intelligent, well-loved son who is going on to do good things with his life. Instead they are searching for his body. Horrible. :(
Gardenlady so sorry about your mom.


O/t thank you so much... Still in that weird couple of days of limbo after the death and before the wake/funeral mass. WS helping me keep my mind occupied ... Laundry keeping my hands busy... :) :(
Anyone have a link or list handy of where searches have already been done so far?

TY O~M~M :hug:

And QueenD... Thanks all for the :heart: It's much appreciated :)
When I see post with the initials CA I go back to the Caylee case and think of the grandmother. Don't even want to say her name.... (CA)
I say her name when I see it.

With the long unaccounted for hours of Pedro, has anyone thought he may have taken Christian out of Gainesville?
Here ya go Gardenlady, it gives you a general idea.

I'm going to look for the last search area i'm aware of brb

A. First search area
B. Parking lot where altercation took place.
C. Search area and Command post for Wed Sept. 26 and Thurs Sept 27 AM
D. Best Buy
E. Pedro's Apt
F Florida Farm Bureau Fri Sept 27 Sat Sept 28 search volunteer check in.
Updated map

A. First search area
B. Parking lot where altercation took place.
C. Search area and Command post for Wed Sept. 26 and Thurs Sept 27 AM
D. Best Buy
E. Pedro's Apt
F Florida Farm Bureau Fri Sept 27 Sat Sept 28 search volunteer check in.
G. Paynes Prairie to..
H. US-441 S
Also... Google seems to not be my friend for this, so... What exactly does a lime rock road look like? As LE was asking for prop owners who might have public ally accessible line ock roads to check property...
Lime rock roads look almost white and are very powdery when dry. They tend to pack down well after a rain. From what I understand they are virtually everywhere.
Also... Google seems to not be my friend for this, so... What exactly does a lime rock road look like? As LE was asking for prop owners who might have public ally accessible line ock roads to check property...

Are you able to view the map?
Are you able to view the map?

In bits and pieces.. Am on iPad, so I have the same problems as others have had.. :banghead: But I'm looking the points up one by one with your addresses, so thanks! :blowkiss:
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