GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU law professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 - #1 *Arrests*

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It also takes "something huge" to decide to kill a man, maybe a man you think is in the way.
It also takes "something huge" to decide to kill a man, maybe a man you think is in the way.

I tried to bring post #12 over which are some of the divorce records. I wasn't able to load the document but I noted it in my post referenced above.

Anyway, one of the reports showed Ms Adelson had completed a parenting class as required by the court. That caught me by surprise. Does this normally happen in ugly divorces?

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I tried to bring post #12 over which are some of the divorce records. I wasn't able to load the document but I noted it in my post referenced above.

Anyway, one of the reports showed Ms Adelson had completed a parenting class as required by the court. That caught me by surprise. Does this normally happen in ugly divorces?

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Post#12 which had the link to the divorce filings and all the links to this divorce no longer work. How are you able to see it? There are a couple blogs out there with links and talk of the 150 actions, filings and counterclaims but all the links no longer work. I guess someone wants those papers, just like Dan, to no longer exist.

Anyway, one of the reports showed Ms Adelson had completed a parenting class as required by the court. That caught me by surprise. Does this normally happen in ugly divorces?

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Wow, that is strange. I thought someone who was a bad parent would have to do this. She has so many credentials, this doesn't make sense.
Post#12 which had the link to the divorce filings and all the links to this divorce no longer work. How are you able to see it? There are a couple blogs out there with links and talk of the 150 actions, filings and counterclaims but all the links no longer work. I guess someone wants those papers, just like Dan, to no longer exist.
I must have read all the documents on July 25, 2014 because that is when I posted it.

And agsin, the document indicated that on 9-17-12, a certificate of course completion of a 4 hour Florida parenting class program by Wendi Jill Adelson.

Maybe that's why I couldn't load it today. It's been purged?! I also hit a Miami Herald article on Dan and that article was no longer available.

Can court documents be purged after one of the parties of the divorce is deceased?!

Anyone know?!

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I tried to bring post #12 over which are some of the divorce records. I wasn't able to load the document but I noted it in my post referenced above.

Anyway, one of the reports showed Ms Adelson had completed a parenting class as required by the court. That caught me by surprise. Does this normally happen in ugly divorces?

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I know that some states require both parents to complete parenting classes during divorce. In an attempt to stop either parent from manipulating the children. Even if it's not required by the state, it is not uncommon for a judge to require it. It is to protect the kids. Not usually a reflection on anyone's parenting skills.
I don't believe this case will be solved. Whether we call it a hired hit man or a friend of a friend taking matters into his own hands, it was done for Dan's ex-wife.

She has or had no knowledge of it, so she is completely clear. The fact that Dan was fighting her over her moving to another area was the reason for his murder. IIRC, she was from a well-to-do family. My feelings are that her family stepped in, unbeknownst to her, and had Dan killed so he would not tie her life up until the boys turned 18.

This has been my thoughts since he was killed. The timing was just too close to the couples last round in court where she was denied the ability to move. Being a lawyer herself, she should have known the laws for moving children out of jurisdiction in the state of Florida! Plus, her divorce lawyer had to know them.

My opinions only.


Makes a lot of sense, and wouldn't be the first time, something of this nature has happened.

I know that some states require both parents to complete parenting classes during divorce. In an attempt to stop either parent from manipulating the children. Even if it's not required by the state, it is not uncommon for a judge to require it. It is to protect the kids. Not usually a reflection on anyone's parenting skills.
A very good point.

I am still reading. Something precipitated (or a series of somethings) Adelson hiring professional movers and moving to Miami with kids in tow while Dan was away. Supposedly without Dan knowing and being totally shocked by her departure. I find that a bit hard to believe.

The Miami Herald articles that appeared to have a lot of information are no longer available. I was hoping they held some info re Ms. Adelson.

So far, she just doesn't come up in conversations except when mentioning the contentious divorce.

And IMO, others shouldn't be ruled out just yet.

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A very good point.

I am still reading. Something precipitated (or a series of somethings) Adelson hiring professional movers and moving to Miami with kids in tow while Dan was away. Supposedly without Dan knowing and being totally shocked by her departure. I find that a bit hard to believe.

The Miami Herald articles that appeared to have a lot of information are no longer available. I was hoping they held some info re Ms. Adelson.

So far, she just doesn't come up in conversations except when mentioning the contentious divorce.

And IMO, others shouldn't be ruled out just yet.

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Yes, I am also interested in what precipitated her moving out like that. jmo if we knew that,we'd know a whole lot, but jmo.
Wow, that is strange. I thought someone who was a bad parent would have to do this. She has so many credentials, this doesn't make sense.
In the state of Tennessee, if a couple is divorcing and they have children together, it is mandated by the court that you each attend a parenting class prior to the divorce being granted. It covers a lot about parenting and divorce in the class topics.
Yes, I am also interested in what precipitated her moving out like that. jmo if we knew that,we'd know a whole lot, but jmo.
I have formed a theory but am working on a timeline.

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I must have read all the documents on July 25, 2014 because that is when I posted it.

And agsin, the document indicated that on 9-17-12, a certificate of course completion of a 4 hour Florida parenting class program by Wendi Jill Adelson.

Maybe that's why I couldn't load it today. It's been purged?! I also hit a Miami Herald article on Dan and that article was no longer available.

Can court documents be purged after one of the parties of the divorce is deceased?!

Anyone know?!

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Court records are still available -

I tried to bring post #12 over which are some of the divorce records. I wasn't able to load the document but I noted it in my post referenced above.

Anyway, one of the reports showed Ms Adelson had completed a parenting class as required by the court. That caught me by surprise. Does this normally happen in ugly divorces?

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I know that some states require both parents to complete parenting classes during divorce. In an attempt to stop either parent from manipulating the children. Even if it's not required by the state, it is not uncommon for a judge to require it. It is to protect the kids. Not usually a reflection on anyone's parenting skills.

Parenting class required by FL law…..
The 2015 Florida Statutes
61.21 Parenting course authorized; fees; required attendance authorized; contempt.—
(4) All parties to a dissolution of marriage proceeding with minor children or a paternity action that involves issues of parental responsibility shall be required to complete the Parent Education and Family Stabilization Course prior to the entry by the court of a final judgment. The court may excuse a party from attending the parenting course, or from completing the course within the required time, for good cause.
When pictures first came out of the Prius, it appeared to be silver.
When I saw the police video (much later and only because it was posted here) the car was actually the light metallic green)

That was a shocker because certainly these green Prius's are not that common. ( in fact, watching the police video was the first time I' ever seen one of that color) and then again in my neighborhood just a few days ago. They are unique.

So, valuable time and energy was spent by the residents of Fl and beyond looking for a silver one.

So, how many people today know it was actually a green one? Probably not many.

I was in my safety deposit box today and found my husband's Title to his old red Prius that he traded in a year ago. How can
the dealership (this time he bought a Ford C max) trade the car without the title?

So....what if the green Prius was traded in for something else? Without the title, would there be a record of the previous owner?

If the car was stolen just for the
crime and then returned to the owner, isn't that taking a HUGE
risk. Two crimes in a day?

Maybe it wasn't a hit afterall. Maybe the perp got lucky that everyone was looking for a silver

I think the car is a huge key. A better attempt needs to be put out there about the true color of the car. JMO

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Car color description reported ten months ago, JULY 2015:
metallic to light green
Silver Pine Green
"silver pine mica" paint color that appears metallic to light green
“Silver Pine Mica”
July 17, 2015
Tallahassee Police on Friday released a photograph of a 2006-2009 Toyota Prius seen driving from the area. Authorities say the car appears metallic to light green and its windows are tinted.
JUL 17, 2015
TPD now has more information about a car earlier identified as a silver Prius. Toyota lists the color as Silver Pine Green.
On Friday, police narrowed that vehicle description. They are seeking a suspect Prius from the years 2006 to 2009, with a "silver pine mica" paint color that appears metallic to light green,. . .
After a year, still few clues in Dan Markel killing
Surveillance photos show the 2006-2009 model, painted "Silver Pine Mica," . . .
Car color description reported ten months ago, JULY 2015:
metallic to light green
Silver Pine Green
"silver pine mica" paint color that appears metallic to light green
“Silver Pine Mica”
July 17, 2015
Tallahassee Police on Friday released a photograph of a 2006-2009 Toyota Prius seen driving from the area. Authorities say the car appears metallic to light green and its windows are tinted.
JUL 17, 2015
TPD now has more information about a car earlier identified as a silver Prius. Toyota lists the color as Silver Pine Green.
On Friday, police narrowed that vehicle description. They are seeking a suspect Prius from the years 2006 to 2009, with a "silver pine mica" paint color that appears metallic to light green,. . .
After a year, still few clues in Dan Markel killing
Surveillance photos show the 2006-2009 model, painted "Silver Pine Mica," . . .
Thank you. In one of TPD's first pressers, they referred to it as a silver Prius. In my notes, I show that in the early stages of the investigation police would not confirm if it was silver or light green! Why? When did they finally pull the picture they are using now? When I read past articles on this murder, the Prius is often described as silver or white.

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Anxiously awaiting...:please:
To Dotr: The following is based on articles I have read. I have made suppositions throughout. If you deem this inappropiate, please delete. I am finding it difficult to find anything on Ms. Adelson. I wonder if her attorneys' put a gag order on everyone she knew.

I also cannot find dates or articles
on important events in the couples life.

How did they meet? Reports show she was a 3rd year law student at the U of Miami when they married in February of 2006.

At the time of Dan's death in 2014, the children were 3 and 5.
So roughly guessing , the oldest was born in 2009 and the youngest in 2011.

So what may have precipitated the unhappiness in the marriage that he was not aware of. His attorney's said there was no abuse, infidelity , or

In 2012, Markel became a full professor at FSU. According to various reports, "his star was rising". Friends talk about how hard he worked, the interest he showed in his student's work and education, his published articles, how he often had friends and students over to share in the Holy Saturday meals at HIS house, how he loved his children and doted on them etc. No word on the love he had for his wife.
In fact, no mention of Adelson at all. It's almost like she didn't exist.

In 2011 ( no end or start dates), Markel became a scholar in residence at New York University Law. I'm not sure what this entailed. Was he living in NY and visiting his family in Tallahassee on weekends, or did he live in Tallahassee and visit NYU periodically?

Adelson, who by all accounts was as smart as Dan and quite beautiful, had a job at FSU as the Director of Public Interest Law.
She wrote and published a book that was used in law classrooms.
During their 6 year marriage, she had 2 children.

I often wonder if it was difficult living in the shadow of her husband and/ or entertaining guests who were friends of Dan's.
She was 6 years younger than he was. She was certainly smart enough to keep up with him and his friends but was she accepted into his circle of friends? While he was thriving and loving every minute of his job and his life, was she languishing within a group and school not of her choosing?

While she was pregnant with their 2nd child, he was a scholar in residence at NYU. Could this have caused resentment?

Was she not a good communicator to her husband and he not a good listener to his wife. Could her resentment have been simmering and caught him unsware?

I certainly do not know. But I can't help but think she had had enough in September 2012 for whatever reason.

Around September of 2012, she hired a professional moving company to move her out of their house and to Miami. She also filed for divorce at that time. She used an attorney in Tallahassee. (which came as a suprise to me as I would have thought she would have hired some bigwig from Miami).

I can't get a clear picture of what happened next. Supposedly for 6
weeks she wouldn't give Dan the correct address of where she and the boys were living. Did this mean it was 6 weeks before he got to see his childten?

The divorce was granted on 7-31-13 but the custody battle and fight over money and heirlooms continued.

A report indicates she resigned in January of 2014 from her job at FSU and took her kids to live in Miami. If that is true, did she and the boys return to FSU after her departure in September of 2012?
Where did she live? If she finally left in January of 2014, had she and Dan worked out a custody agreement? That would have been approx. 8 months before he was shot.

So, if they were sharing custody of the children and had been for sometime, what was the problem?

A friend of Dan's in NY reported that Dan had visited him in 2014,
and he appeared happy and was moving on with his life. He had a new love interest with a professor at NYU Law.

I wonder what Dan's plans were at that time. He was already tenured so was he planning on a move to NY?

It is hard for me to believe this was a professional hit. Standing out on the driveway waiting for Dan to appear and then following him into the garage and shooting him point blank through the driver's side window once, and with no silencer. The gun blast was so loud the neighbor next door heard it and came outside.

If the Prius was used, it must have been enough time for the shooter to get down the driveway and into the car without being seen. The neighbor described the vehicle as clean, well kept and either silver or white and it looked to be similar to a Prius.

Was he targeted? I believe so. But who shot him? Find that Prius and it will answer a lot of questions.

There are too many gaps and unanswered questions re the victim's and his wife's past and what they managed to work out.

Lots of speculation as I have done here. Figure out the blogger who sent Dan a nasty note on his blog in 2012; was there anyone "sweet " on Ms Adelson while she was in Tallehassee.

Again, the Prius:
1).Do rentals have an express pass already put on the vehicle
or are renters required to buy one for the day (that is not attached)
2). There are no toll roads in Tallahassee or the surrounding
3). There are tolls in Orlando,
Miami and Tampa.
4). I believe e-passes can be used anywhere in the country

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Not a mod, but personally prefer not to touch on the family stuff. Thinking about the online threats DM received and wondering if he encountered some kind of trouble on his trip to New York?
Just prior to Mr Markel's murder, he apparently posted a passionate piece concerning capital punishment, also as a lawyer, he may have had history with someone that nobody knows or thinks about?
Speculation, imo.
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