GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU Law Professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 - #6 *arrests*

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Noticing what the defense attorneys stressed with Wendi--KM attorney: did you know my client has kids? Your brother has had many girlfriends right (hint that he used and disposed of KM?) Your mom/dad/brother are free, not in jail, never been charged right? You are not afraid you will be arrested right?
KM attorney brought a salient point home to the jury which is: those people are free as rich privileged birds while here my client sits on trial, how is this fair?

RSBM. Yes, it is a salient point and wise for the lawyer to bring out, but I don't think it will affect the jury's decision. And there is the issue of why doesn't KM flip like Rivera and get a lesser sentence so she can be with her children? (I know she maintains her innocence, but the evidence is pretty overwhelming). I don't feel sorry for her. JMO.
The states that expressly encourage judges to allow jurors to question witnesses are Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Nevada and North Carolina. Out of these jurisdictions, Arizona, Florida, and Kentucky require that judges allow jurors to ask written questions.
Re: Out of these jurisdictions, Arizona, Florida, and Kentucky require that judges allow jurors to ask written questions.
In Florida criminal trials, it is not required; it is Judicial Discretion: "At the discretion of the presiding trial judge, jurors may be allowed to submit questions of witnesses during the trial."

Rule 3.371 - Juror Questions of Witnesses, Fla. R. Crim. P. 3.371 | Casetext

January 1, 2019
Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure The Florida Bar
(a) Judicial Discretion. At the discretion of the presiding trial judge,
jurors may be allowed to submit questions of witnesses during the trial.
(b) Procedure. The trial judge shall utilize the following procedure if a
juror indicates that the juror wishes to ask a question:
(1) the questions must be submitted in writing;
(2) the trial judge shall review the question outside the presence of
the jury;
(3) counsel shall have an opportunity to object to the question
outside the presence of the jury;
(4) counsel shall be allowed to ask follow up questions; and
(5) the jury must be advised that if a question submitted by a juror
is not allowed for any reason, the juror must not discuss it with the other jurors and
must not hold it against either party.
My spouse and I are planning to head to God’s Country as we call it here in Jax Beach on Tuesday. What are the chances we can get in to see the proceedings? Don’t wanna waste a trip although we have business, and not of the nefarious type, in Tallahassee!!!!!
My spouse who has not followed this case and is a clinical professional said Wendi was composed yet labored in her breathing and body language was that of being evasive. JHOP
I noticed her breathing as well, and the scared look in her eye in the very beginning when first being in the stand. A couple of times she swallowed very hard - like you do when nervous. No doubt she was nervous, but the more she spoke - the more she seemed to calm down. I really think she was thinking she was doing quite well on the stand. That little laugh and smirk when she said “the state isn’t going to arrest me” was really something else!! She thinks very highly of herself and is an easy liar. She appears to have no conscience. Her own brother jokes about hiring a hit man ...many many times, then her ex is actually killed BY A HIT MAN... and by SOMEONE who is linked to her brother’s current GF at the time, and she just continues living her life like everything is cool and hunky-dory. She’s covering for them ...AND living in La La Land. I really pray the Adelson’s are arrested one day, tried and convicted and sentenced to the max. They are horrible horrible people. Can you imagine ever dating Wendi, or God forbid - marrying her and pissing off CA or DA? Jeffrey Lacasse is probably glad it didn’t work out between them. He may have dodged a bullet - literally.
Wonder how many syringes of Juvederm she's had.
Lots! And lip injections too, and I think permanent lip liner. Her lips were distracting and not in a good way. Way over done IMHO. Nothing wrong with a little filler, but she’s an attorney - I would think she’d want to present herself in a more conservative way.
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I noticed her breathing as well, and the scared look in her eye in the very beginning when first being in the stand. A couple of times she swallowed very hard - like you do when nervous. No doubt she was nervous, but the more she spoke - the more she seemed to calm down. I really think she was thinking she was doing quite well on the stand. That little laugh and smirk when she said “the state isn’t going to arrest me” was really something else!! She thinks very highly of herself and is an easy liar. She appears to have no conscience. Her own brother jokes about hiring a hit man ...many many times, then her ex is actually killed BY A HIT MAN... and by SOMEONE who is linked to her brother’s current GF at the time, and she just continues living her life like everything is cool and hunky-dory. She’s covering for them ...AND living in La La Land. I really pray the Adelson’s are arrested one day, tried and convicted and sentenced to the max. They are horrible horrible people. Can you imagine ever dating Wendi, or God forbid - marrying her and pissing off CA or DA? Jeffrey Lacasse is probably glad it didn’t work out between them. He may have dodged a bullet - literally.
Totally agree she got more comfortable maybe too comfortable as her testimony went on. Overconfident because I bet in most settings she is used to operating and being perceived as bright, beautiful, nice and don't forget her passion for helping the downtrodden of Miami!

Besides Wendi's testimony I watched most of retiree Detective Isom and I would bet money that he made a very good impression on the jury as he was put through it for hours on the stand. At one point near the end when the judge admonished the attorneys to settle down you could see Isom giving a wry little smile to the jury box.

Also the defense attorney guy for Garcia really shot himself in the foot (like his client almost did in the Prius hahaha) with the Rivera questions that followed the jury questions to Isom about the recording or not recording of Rivera's police interviews. It gave Isom the opportunity to talk about how in the ride along with Rivera they were looking to see if his story matched what LE already knew about the Prius route via surveillance video, and Isom said not only did it match up, but Rivera told them helpful info Isom hadn't known. IMO when Rivera testifies next week the jury will be thinking well we trust Isom and he found this guy believable.

Also after watching trial videos the state attorneys need to stop whispering to each other because the tape is picking that up pretty clearly.
Lots! And lip injections too, and I think permanent lip liner. Her lips were distracting and not in a good way. Way over done IMHO. Nothing wrong with a little filler, but she’s an attorney - I would think she’d want to present herself in a more conservative way.
Reminds me of the Over My Dead Body podcast when the former friend refers to Wendi's big blue eyes which she later learned were enhanced by "teal" contact lenses.
If Wendi doesn't know by now, CA ordered this hit then she lives in another dimension. Even if she's protected by her family CA former GF=SG father of her children=Dan's killing. Maybe she told her former friend KM her trouble with Dan and KM got SG to do this but where would the money have come from to do this? The reward to them (money) would be a thank you from the As or CA?
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