FL - Dr Teresa Sievers, 46, murdered in home, Bonita Springs, June 2015 *ARRESTS* #8

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I just do not understand what these people can be thinking. There is no such thing as the perfect crime..You are going to be caught. You are going to give up your FREEDOM. You will live in a tiny cell. Never again will you have a home made meal, a holiday with your family, or a cocktail on the deck. You cant jump into your car and get an ice cream. You will be watched 24/7. You will spend the rest of your days trying to avoid having someone put a needle in your arm and asking you if you have any final words.

WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? Nothing is worth losing your personal freedom.. Nothing. Get a divorce walk away.. go into hiding..figure out something else. This too shall pass. Move on.. You dont have the right to murder.. you arent just killing the victim.. you are destroying the rest of your own life! You are sacrificing your children's futures. FOR WHAT? Money, an affair???

How does spending the next 40 years of your life in a stinking, hot, friendless, prison sound to ya?

Oh, I forgot.. you are smarter than the average bear. You wont get caught. The butler did it.


There is no perfect crime, because there is always a better way!

My quote,

Just wondering and trying to coffee up, but iirc isn't "Maxwell's silver hammer" the little thing they historically tap the pope with when he dies? To affirm he is dead?
It would have been used by a Cardinal. I don't think they do it any more since it's not likely as in the dark ages that a person is still alive.
Weird stuff tho
Also I've been reading all of the threads and I do think another arrest will follow.
I realize that no one, especially a traumatized individual, wants a tv camera in their face. Guilty or innocent.
The vibes given off by MS when the reporter asked the penultimate question caused my "sensitivities" to arise. That was a death look imo.
and jmo and all of that
Wouldn't want to be near those vibes from anyone.
Can spot it through digital media and that is obvious to me.
Why does MS have to be there at all? IF he hired 2 people to do his dirty work, it was going to be done. I don't see why he would need to jump on planes, switch places, etc etc. ( If i am reading the latest scenario here correctly). CWW was seen in Walmart with JR on June 28th. So, we know CWW wasn't on a plane trying to make a connection with MS in an airport or on a highway somewhere. Too much can go wrong ..delayed flights, being recognized, etc to make that idea viable in my mind. JMO

IMO, assuming MS is involved, he was tired of being the gopher. He worked in the office, home schooled the kids, walked 10 steps behind his ambitious and well educated wife and was just plain sick of taking orders. TS may have been a dream of a doctor for her patients, but interpersonal relations at home may have been strained and loveless. I think a big clue was that she severed her Board of Director relationship with that "MY Mother's Home" charity in March. Things may have been heading south. Someone having an affair? Maybe they both were.. maybe with the same person.. maybe that is the TWIST? The WOW factor...

You heard it here first!

Why does MS have to be there at all? IF he hired 2 people to do his dirty work, it was going to be done. I don't see why he would need to jump on planes, switch places, etc etc. ( If i am reading the latest scenario here correctly). CWW was seen in Walmart with JR on June 28th. So, we know CWW wasn't on a plane trying to make a connection with MS in an airport or on a highway somewhere. Too much can go wrong ..delayed flights, being recognized, etc to make that idea viable in my mind. JMO

IMO, assuming MS is involved, he was tired of being the gopher. He worked in the office, home schooled the kids, walked 10 steps behind his ambitious and well educated wife and was just plain sick of taking orders. TS may have been a dream of a doctor for her patients, but interpersonal relations at home may have been strained and loveless. I think a big clue was that she severed her Board of Director relationship with that "MY Mother's Home" charity in March. Things may have been heading south. Someone having an affair? Maybe they both were.. maybe with the same person.. maybe that is the TWIST? The WOW factor...

You heard it here first!


The question is, can CWW be tied to the Sievers house that night via physical evidence? What did they purchase at Walmart? A new pair of boots? Boots make nice prints..Just saying

Just thinking but sometimes people begin along the track of open marriage arrangements.
Sometimes they may even bring in another.
Who knows?
They had been married a while, have the kids, maybe they were transitioning.
Not for everyone, but certainly happens.
The question is, can CWW be tied to the Sievers house that night via physical evidence? What did they purchase at Walmart? A new pair of boots? Boots make nice prints..Just saying


If he was arrested he either can be tied to the house OR he was the go-between and never laid a hand on TS but as part of a hired hit would be just as culpable, right? JMO
I think there has to be something else for there to be more twists and turns on a daily basis. It was interesting to me that the sheriff would not confirm or deny an affair on TS's part. But I will say this...I wouldn't blame her!!!!!!

You are probably the only one next to myself who understands, that you can add another letter C to the mix and exchange the routes.
With this or a similar flight schedule, who says that MS DID NOT TRY TO FRAME CWW? We are only looking at CWW as the perp. He may be involved, but perhaps differently than we think. We may also be looking at another additional player. For whatever it's worth, perhaps even JR was framed. I am not doubting he was at the house, I am just wondering what really happened at the house that night?


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I keep going back TS statement in this video she published, where she says (around 15:20) "...why do we cling to relationships that we know no longer serve us?". On the same video, she talks about an energy healing of TS by LS, during which LS fainted due to the intensity (something that could easily have been staged, but that isn't my point). TS seems like she'd had some very powerful personal awakenings recently.


I believe that TS had intentions of leaving MS. Why would he want her gone, just as she had become a rising star? As others have posted here, he had a history of what looks like many small businesses, so why would he leave when they seemed to be hitting it big? With her busy schedule, he could easily have had an affair. If wanted completely out, he could have divorced her and received spousal and child support.

IMO, he either knew or feared that he was on his way out. And maybe, if she was negotiating a TV deal, the producers wanted life insurance on her (I believe that is SOP to protect their investment). Maybe that got MS thinking, and maybe he even suggested that they take out more for the family as well, since she would have to have blood tests, etc. and could have it all done at once.

She might have even suggested that a split could be his opportunity to follow his dream and go to law school, and he was terrified at the reality of not being able to depend on the woman he always bragged about to make him feel important.

Of course this is IMO, JMO, but it seems the most plausible to me.
Wait, so now it has been verified CWW was spotted at Walmart with JR? I missed that.
Why does MS have to be there at all? IF he hired 2 people to do his dirty work, it was going to be done. I don't see why he would need to jump on planes, switch places, etc etc. ( If i am reading the latest scenario here correctly). CWW was seen in Walmart with JR on June 28th. So, we know CWW wasn't on a plane trying to make a connection with MS in an airport or on a highway somewhere. Too much can go wrong ..delayed flights, being recognized, etc to make that idea viable in my mind. JMO

IMO, assuming MS is involved, he was tired of being the gopher. He worked in the office, home schooled the kids, walked 10 steps behind his ambitious and well educated wife and was just plain sick of taking orders. TS may have been a dream of a doctor for her patients, but interpersonal relations at home may have been strained and loveless. I think a big clue was that she severed her Board of Director relationship with that "MY Mother's Home" charity in March. Things may have been heading south. Someone having an affair? Maybe they both were.. maybe with the same person.. maybe that is the TWIST? The WOW factor...

You heard it here first!


Great post
The question is, can CWW be tied to the Sievers house that night via physical evidence? What did they purchase at Walmart? A new pair of boots? Boots make nice prints..Just saying


I'm sure LE has evidence that can tie him into participating in the murder. They know he was in the Walmart and they must have other evidence because if they didn't,they wouldn't have arrested him..---probable cause
I keep going back TS statement in this video she published, where she says (around 15:20) "...why do we cling to relationships that we know no longer serve us?". On the same video, she talks about an energy healing of TS by LS, during which LS fainted due to the intensity (something that could easily have been staged, but that isn't my point). TS seems like she'd had some very powerful personal awakenings recently.


I believe that TS had intentions of leaving MS. Why would he want her gone, just as she had become a rising star? As others have posted here, he had a history of what looks like many small businesses, so why would he leave when they seemed to be hitting it big? With her busy schedule, he could easily have had an affair. If wanted completely out, he could have divorced her and received spousal and child support.

IMO, he either knew or feared that he was on his way out. And maybe, if she was negotiating a TV deal, the producers wanted life insurance on her (I believe that is SOP to protect their investment). Maybe that got MS thinking, and maybe he even suggested that they take out more for the family as well, since she would have to have blood tests, etc. and could have it all done at once.

She might have even suggested that a split could be his opportunity to follow his dream and go to law school, and he was terrified at the reality of not being able to depend on the woman he always bragged about to make him feel important.

Of course this is IMO, JMO, but it seems the most plausible to me.

Do we know when that video was made?
Riversinthedesert, Even if there was a rehab for Websleuths addicts, THIS WOULD NOT BE THE WEEK TO GO COLD TURKEY! So many brilliant sleuthers have provided a lot of the "puzzle pieces" that were missing....until our exceptionally intuitive NIN (love ya' kiddo) finally put them together.

I mentioned Ryan Gosling (upthread) because I saw a film called FRACTURE. Gosling, the young prosecutor had to figure out how Anthony Hopkins, the calculating "cuckold" (as in the husband of an adulterous wife) could be successfully prosecuted.
Could MS BE RESPONSIBLE for the death of his spouse? BUT, he was in Connecticut. What if the husband used someone's (CWW's?) identity, flies to Florida, gets to the house shortly before/or after wife, turns off the alarm, dogs won't bark because they know him, turns the camera on the side of the house, lets in the killer, (be sure to check under her fingernails because I am sure she put up a fight.... is that wishful thinking, eyewitness or knowledge of attack?) gets back on the plane to Connecticut, again using bro's identity.
He told the family in Connecticut good night, then adds, "I'll meet you for a late lunch on Monday."
I know that is a pretty tight timeline, but a determined person could do it. We once got bumped from an international flight, jumped on a flight to another airport 800 miles north, and then caught another plane to our final destination. After all of that, we only arrived 45 minutes later than the rest of our group. They were so shocked to see us checking into the hotel right behind them!
I still have questions, "What about the phone calls, the towers,?? etc...." I'm not sure if cell phone towers can detect whether the user was using a call forwarding feature? Or if "acting hysterical on the phone, a man's voice is entirely recognizable? Maybe the person who called MS's phone thought the "hysterical voice was MS's"?? Since the call was not recorded by 911, who would ever know?
I've been thinking about this soooo long, making charts, arrows, initials, motives, egregiously odd info on JR's facebook.... "hammer" I mean reeeaallly?? Good grief, what if his nickname was "Crowbar", "Tire Iron" or "Wrench"....wouldn't you still think that was an egregiously odd coincidence?
Was all of this supposed to fall solely on JR, the well-worn recliner, smiling crotch-shot, fatherless malcontent, who never missed a day of work, befriended by a couple of middle-aged schemers, twice his age? Yep...used, abused & screwed....all for the promise of a quick buck?
Ugh, it is so hard to write all of this, knowing my ideas will be scrutinized by some really sharp sleuthers:truce:.....but that is how theories are built. Asking the "what if's" and then piecing together the limited information available to us. Buh-bye IQuestion

Now that would be a WOW ! And would especially be a wow following last night when he said that CW was with JR...or did he say CW specifically ? Does anyone remember or have it on rewind as I did not watch the show?

I'm just catching up so perhaps this is downstream.

In this scenario.. one might fly into and out of Tampa or another airport versus the one that usually used.
every other day (literally), like clockwork from june 30 - july 12
he posted it twice on July 8

Yea I mean its not like he has no money to give or raise his kids. He can go right back to LPN work, or heck even go get his RN with the life insurance money and either way have plenty of money to raise his children. I've raised mine on less and they are all fine. LPN money isn't bad. RN is better, the classes are not that long if you already have your LPN ...Seems like to me it's money so that he wont ever have to work again..or he is going to need it for an attorney.
I think mark found some young needy female in Missouri and he was elated with the idea of being the man in charge.

Did he take the family to Missouri or did he use to go solo? Was that his playing field and the origin place of the plot.

Was he telling a needy female that he would be hers soon?

I think he wanted someone that didn't have the means to do anything without him and that would put up with his nonsense. Jmo

Wow! this is definitely a possibility. And happens more times than we care to know.
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