FL - Dr Teresa Sievers, 46, murdered in home, Bonita Springs, June 2015 *ARRESTS* #8

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Jmo, Josh P. was a very specific type of sociopath. I don't see MS harming his children, but again, jmo. Also, I think custody, maybe child support, may be at least partially a motive here. Many a husband who has shown up here on WS chose murder over the financial effects of divorce, as well as loss of custody.

As far as NG goes...she is not really a ratings bonanza. From what I can find, her show only exceeded one million viewers during the Casey Anthony trial; generally, around 800,000. Not much more than a local news show in a major metro area. But this sheriff does seem to love the camera, in any event. Is he up for re-election soon?

Yes, Sheriff Scott is up for reelection but he is using media in a targeted fashion, as a vehicle to reach particular individuals, and imo has been very effective in aiding the investigation. Don't forget, for every action, there is a reaction, and LE is watching.
I know, and also I've been posting so much in this forum if I try to do anything outside of here it autocorrects to TS and MS anytime I try to start a word with T or M.

Yes, Sheriff Scott is up for reelection but he is using media in a targeted fashion, as a vehicle to reach particular individuals, and imo has been very effective in aiding the investigation. Don't forget, for every action, there is a reaction, and LE is watching.

Great post, and I agree. I betcha it's working, too.
The only exercise I've been getting lately is hopping on and off that fence several times a day.

I'm in on that too! With all of the hopping and jumping on and off that fence, my knees and ankles are really in pain!
I caught such great information on NG tonight, and not from her. I have a feeling the show is way over-scripted and repetitive that she had no chance to react to the BOMBSHELLS Scott tossed out tonight.

1. Both CWW and JR were at the Walmart where they bought AN ITEM. (While we assumed he was in FL, this is the first official confirmation that he, indeed, was with JR in FL at the time of the murder.)

2. They have information tying MS to CWW and JR. (Perhaps the neighbor's report is correct.)

3. In regards to the question about an affair, Scott stated that NOTHING she did caused her death. (Doesn't say she did or didn't have an affair, but it tends to make me think that she learned something was wrong at the office and confronted the wrong-doer(s) about it.)

4. Scott also implied there will be another arrest soon. Friday would be perfect, IMHO.

I just checked for a transcript and they have nothing for yesterday and today. It used to be, in the Casey Anthony days, that they would be up by this late hour, the same day. Must be more budget cutbacks and what-used-to-be my HLN.
I just checked the media thread. July 3rd was the first time Hammer appeared in print.. On July 6th it was covered NATIONALLY on Good Morning America.

Hmmm didn't somebody we know post on their Facebook page to watch Good Morning America?? Hmmm .. sending messages through Facebook? How intuitive.

Good thinking, however the message to watch GMA was on the business page of AL.
In the above link this was stated:We are writing as Teresa's siblings on Mark's behalf. Given the unbearable stress that Mark is under, he is allowing us to administer this ******** page

We have speculated that perhaps MS and TS's family did not get along. Wouldn't this contradict that as I am sure either MS gave them permission to take it over OR if they didn't get along,the family would not have taken over the **** page---JMO

Teresa's siblings are not the same as the step part of her family via their dad's remarriage; although, the Sievers' family did attend the step-brother's funeral on Wed. the 25th of June.

If TS was having an affair, it is doubtful she told anyone about it. OTOH, if TS knew or suspected that MS was, then, I do believe TS would have confided in her sister, AL. Since AL was initially very protective of MS, or so it was my impression, it just doesn't fit the modus operandi. I suspect TS wanted out of the marriage and MS was not willing to let her go gently into the goodnight.

Also, I wish to congratulate two members in this forum for winning the Post of the Day! :loveyou: :loveyou: :loveyou:


Quote Originally Posted by makayla View Post
Amazing isn't it?

Plumeria5 said: Sure is! How does it happen that you find a best friend that could pass as your twin? Do you take an ad out for something like that?


I don't know if it's so where you live, but here (CST), Nancy Grace airs again at 1:00 am. You might check your listings to see.

I have Directv so I was able to watch it On Demand. Thanks for the heads up though!
yes they are. but they are posted on a news article about a lady that is rumored to have been beaten to death by a hammer. thats all we were saying.

Saw the reference you made - it was posted 48 days ago. Google says "Today is September 4, 2015 so that means that 48 days before today would be July 18, 2015" That was more than 2 weeks after the hammer was in the media.
I can't see the plea for $$$ ... Is that because I'm not on FB? (I know, one of the few folks left in the world who doesn't "do" FB, Twitter or Instagram) ... All is can see are his career/education etc.

the pleas are set as "public" which i think means you shouldn't need a Facebook account to see them - that being said i agree that having a Facebook account (with your settings set super-private) is a plus when sleuthing:)
Goodnight everyone! :bedtime: :eek:fftobed:
Riversinthedesert, Even if there was a rehab for Websleuths addicts, THIS WOULD NOT BE THE WEEK TO GO COLD TURKEY! So many brilliant sleuthers have provided a lot of the "puzzle pieces" that were missing....until our exceptionally intuitive NIN (love ya' kiddo) finally put them together. <modsnip>

I mentioned Ryan Gosling (upthread) because I saw a film called FRACTURE. Gosling, the young prosecutor had to figure out how Anthony Hopkins, the calculating "cuckold" (as in the husband of an adulterous wife) could be successfully prosecuted.
Could MS BE RESPONSIBLE for the death of his spouse? BUT, he was in Connecticut. What if the husband used someone's (CWW's?) identity, flies to Florida, gets to the house shortly before/or after wife, turns off the alarm, dogs won't bark because they know him, turns the camera on the side of the house, lets in the killer, (be sure to check under her fingernails because I am sure she put up a fight.... is that wishful thinking, eyewitness or knowledge of attack?) gets back on the plane to Connecticut, again using bro's identity.
He told the family in Connecticut good night, then adds, "I'll meet you for a late lunch on Monday."
I know that is a pretty tight timeline, but a determined person could do it. We once got bumped from an international flight, jumped on a flight to another airport 800 miles north, and then caught another plane to our final destination. After all of that, we only arrived 45 minutes later than the rest of our group. They were so shocked to see us checking into the hotel right behind them!
I still have questions, "What about the phone calls, the towers,?? etc...." I'm not sure if cell phone towers can detect whether the user was using a call forwarding feature? Or if "acting hysterical on the phone, a man's voice is entirely recognizable? Maybe the person who called MS's phone thought the "hysterical voice was MS's"?? Since the call was not recorded by 911, who would ever know?
I've been thinking about this soooo long, making charts, arrows, initials, motives, egregiously odd info on JR's facebook.... "hammer" I mean reeeaallly?? Good grief, what if his nickname was "Crowbar", "Tire Iron" or "Wrench"....wouldn't you still think that was an egregiously odd coincidence?
Was all of this supposed to fall solely on JR, the well-worn recliner, smiling crotch-shot, fatherless malcontent, who never missed a day of work, befriended by a couple of middle-aged schemers, twice his age? Yep...used, abused & screwed....all for the promise of a quick buck?
Ugh, it is so hard to write all of this, knowing my ideas will be scrutinized by some really sharp sleuthers:truce:.....but that is how theories are built. Asking the "what if's" and then piecing together the limited information available to us. Buh-bye IQuestion
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