FL - Former President Donald Trump indicted, 40 counts, classified documents and obstruction of justice, June 2023, Trial May 2024 #2

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Former President Donald Trump will be restricted on how and when he can look at, and talk about, classified information, a judge decided Wednesday after a sealed hearing the day before.

The decision appears to largely be in line with restrictions special counsel Jack Smith sought to protect classified information that may be evidence in the case against Trump, which accuses him of criminally mishandling sensitive national security secrets at his Florida club and residence after he left office.
A quick read-through - I don't see anything specific about where the SCIF will be, just that one will be designated. Anyone else see more?


A couple of legal opinions think that Cannon's protective order ruled out Mar A Lago.

The order suggests, however, that the SCIFs are not going to be as conveniently located as Trump had hoped.

Attorney Bradley Moss, a prominent national security lawyer, told The Messenger: "Trump appears to have lost his request to have these classified discussions with his counsel essentially wherever he wanted at Mar-a-Lago, which was a rather bold and outlandish request in the first place."

"This was pretty clear from Judge Cannon that, 'No, we're not doing that,'" Moss added.

Attorney David Weinstein, a former federal prosecutor who practices in the Southern District of Florida, interpreted the protective order the same way as Moss. But he added that the order appears to let Trump renew his requests to the classified information security officer.

"It looks like she gave Trump some wiggle room to seek approval of another SCIF location," Weinstein noted.

Weinstein noted that the CISO must have the necessary security clearances to perform the job, likely a current or former Justice Department employee, law enforcement officer or judge. Someone with those qualifications would not easily accede to Trump's request.

"Not a chance of that happening," Weinstein added.

I think this hearing is still on... guess we will find out later. At least I can shorten this up a bit. :)

Thursday, Sept. 14th:
*Status Hearing (for all) (@ am ET) - FL – *Donald John Trump (76/now 77) indicted (6/8/23), charged & arraigned (6/13/23) with 31 counts of willful retention of classified documents, 1 count of conspiracy to obstruct justice, 1 count of withholding a document or record, 1 count of corruptly concealing a document or record, 1 count of concealing a document in a federal investigation, 1 count of scheme to conceal & 2 counts of making false statements & representations. Plead not guilty.
Additional indicted & charged (7/27/23) with 1 count of willful retention of defense information & 2 counts of obstruction. Plead not guilty in filing of waiver of non appearance (8/4/23).
Count 1-31: Willful retention of National Defense info, Count 32: Conspiracy to obstruct justice, Count 33: Withholding a document or record, Count 34: Corruptly concealing a document or record, Count 35: Concealing a document in a Federal investigation, Count 36: Scheme to conceal & Count 37: False statements & representations.
Co-Conspirator *Waltine Nauta () indicted (6/8/23) & charged (6/13/23) on 6 charges stemming from special counsel Jack Smith’s classified documents probe, including conspiracy to obstruct justice, withholding a document or record, corruptly concealing a document or record, concealing a document in a federal investigation, scheming to conceal & making false statements to federal agents. Plead not guilty.
Additional indicted & charged (7/27/23) with 2 counts of obstruction of justice. Plead not guilty.
Count 32: Conspiracy to obstruct justice, Count 33: Withholding a document or record, Count 34: Corruptly concealing a document or record, Count 35: Concealing a document in a Federal investigation, Count 36: Scheme to conceal & Count 38: False statements & representations. Trump: Plead not guilty & released on his own recognizance with no monetary bond (Personal Surety Bond) & no travel restrictions. Nauta: No plea entered & released on his own recognizance with no monetary bond (Person Surety Bond).
Co-Conspirator *Carlos de Oliveira (56) has also been indicted & charged (7/27/23) with with 1 count each of obstruction of justice, concealing records & documents & making false statements to FBI. He is alleged to have asked what could be done to delete the footage. Plead not guilty (8/15/23). $100K Surety bond-out on bond.
Judge ruled that, in the meantime, De Oliveira must hand in his expired U.S. passport within 48 hours.
Mr. Nauta & Mr. de Oliveira conspired to delete footage from security cameras after the Dept. of Justice issued a subpoena asking for surveillance footage of the basement where it said confidential documents were held. In the court documents, Mr. de Oliveira is claimed to have texted another employee who was the director of information technology that "the boss" wanted the server deleted. The documents allege that Mr. de Oliveira later met with the employee in a small IT room, told him their conversation should remain private, then pressured the man into obliging his request after the employee told Mr. de Oliveira that he did not have the authority.
Indictment: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.648653/gov.uscourts.flsd.648653.3.0.pdf
U.S. District Judge Aileen Mercedes Cannon.
Waltine Nauta will be represented by Stanley Woodward.
De Oliveira will be represented by Jack Irving. Trump’s lawyers are Todd Blanche & the former Florida solicitor general Chris Kise & maybe Lindsey Halligan.
Jury selection to begin on 5/14/24.
Trial set to begin on 5/20/24. (expected to take 2 weeks).

Case & court info from 4/2/23 thru 8/9/23 reference post #48 here:

8/9/23 Update: For all: Motions hearing on Section 3 on 8/25/23 & status hearing on 9/14/23. Motions hearing on 4/11/24 & 4/17/23. Jury selection begin on 5/14/24 & trial set to begin on 5/20/24. Initial production of classified discovery by 9/7/23. Joint Discovery Status report on 9/14/23. Government's CIPA Section 10 Notice by 9/14/23. Government's CIPA Section 4 Motion (ex parte) by 10/10/23. Any defense challenge to Section 4 (ex Parte) filing by 10/10/23. Deadline for the filing of any Motions in Limine & any motion to introduce evidence under Fed. R. Evid. 404(b) by 3/20/24. Government's CIPA Section 6(c) Motion if necessary on 4/11/24. Hearing on Motions in Limine on 4/17/24. Defense response to CIPA Section 6(c) Motion by 4/25/24. Government's reply to CIPA Section 6(c) Motion by 5/2/24.
8/9/23 Update: Nauta: Opposition to Motion for Protective Order filed by Stanley E. Woodward, Jr. 8/10/23 Update: DeOliveira was NOT arraigned this morning. He does not have local counsel yet. It has been continued to next week Tuesday, 8/15/23 at 10am.
8/15/23 Update: DeOliveira arraignment. de Oliveira, the Mar-a-Lago property manager indicted in the special counsel's classified documents case, pleaded not guilty to multiple obstruction-related offenses & asked for a trial by jury. The prosecutors told Judge Aileen Cannon in a filing on Wednesday that John Irving, the lawyer for Mar-a-Lago property manager & Trump co-defendant Carlos De Oliveira, also represents three possible witnesses who could be called to testify against him at trial. Prosecutors previously raised a similar issue about Trump’s other co-defendant in the case, his personal aide Walt Nauta, being represented by Stanley Woodward – a lawyer who, like Irving, has taken on a handful of clients in the federal investigation who are still backed by Trump. Both lawyers have received hundreds of thousands of dollars from Trump’s Save America PAC for their legal work. In the filing Wednesday, prosecutors say Irving represents a receptionist, a Trump aide & a Mar-a-Lago maintenance worker, in addition to De Oliveira, who also handled maintenance tasks at the Florida club & is accused of trying to get surveillance footage of the movement of boxes with documents in them deleted & lying to investigators. Next motions hearing on Section 3 for all on 8/25/23.
8/17/23 Update: Florida Judge Cannon in Trump classified docs case will hold a sealed hearing, date/location not announced, to discuss issues re: the handling of classified evidence -- one of the key points of contention has been where Trump can discuss sensitive material with lawyers. Order Scheduling Sealed Hearing on CIPA Section 3 Protective Order. Defendants not ordered to appear at sealed hearing. Hearing on 8/25/23 has been cancelled. 8/17/23 Update: Defense filed Notice Regarding Filings in a Separate Case. Trump team is now complaining to Judge Cannon that special counsel has proposed jury selection in Washington D.C. on 12/11/23, the same day as one of Cannon's pretrial hearings. They are asking her to take "appropriate action.
8/22/23 Update: Special Counsel Jack Smith filed Reply in Further Support of Government's Motion for Garcia Hearing on 8/22/23. See link: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.648654/gov.uscourts.flsd.648654.129.0.pdf
8/22/23 Update: Jack Smith tells Judge Cannon that a witness in Trump's documents case retracted false testimony after switching lawyers. "On July 5, 2023, Yuscil Taveras (Trump Employee 4/IT Director at Trump’s Mar-A-Lago) informed Chief Judge Boasberg that he no longer wished to be represented by Mr. Woodward and that, going forward, he wished to be represented by the First Assistant Federal Defender. Immediately after receiving new counsel, Trump Employee 4 retracted his prior false testimony & provided information that implicated Nauta, De Oliveira & Trump in efforts to delete security camera footage, as set forth in the superseding indictment."
8/25/23 Update: Defendant Waltine Nauta's Motion for Leave to file Sur-reply filed by Stanley E. Woodward, Jr. "In what can only be described as a brazen and overt effort to influence the Court and/or the court of public opinion, the Special Counsel selectively quotes defense counsel’s submission in deliberate contravention of a sealing order issued by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia."
9/5/23 Update Mar-a-Lago IT worker Yuscil Taveras has struck a cooperation agreement with the special counsel’s office in the federal case over Trump’s handling of classified documents, Taveras’ former defense attorney said in a new court filing on Tuesday. According to the terms of the deal explained in the filing, Taveras agreed to testify in the classified documents case and in exchange will not be prosecuted. He has not been charged with any crimes. Stanley Woodward wrote in the filing Wednesday that he “played no role” in Taveras’ cooperation & said that prosecutors did not offer Taveras the cooperation deal until after Taveras got a different lawyer. Woodward asked the judge to block Taveras from testifying in any eventual trial. Taveras’ July testimony in front of a grand jury, which wasn’t public, was the source of new allegations against Trump that were included in a superseding indictment filed later that month. Those allegations include efforts by Trump, de Oliveira & Nauta to delete incriminating security footage from the club.
9/13/23 Update: On Sept. 13, Judge Aileen M. Cannon filed a protective order pertaining to classified information disclosed to Trump & defense counsel in the Mar-a-Lago case. Granted the government's Motion to establish procedures dictating access to the classified information in the case. Any violation of the terms of this Order shall be brought immediately to the attention of the Court & may result in a charge of contempt of Court & possible referral for criminal prosecution.
I think this hearing is still on... guess we will find out later. At least I can shorten this up a bit. :)

Thursday, Sept. 14th:
*Status Hearing (for all) (@ am ET) - FL – *Donald John Trump (76/now 77) indicted (6/8/23), charged & arraigned (6/13/23) with 31 counts of willful retention of classified documents, 1 count of conspiracy to obstruct justice, 1 count of withholding a document or record, 1 count of corruptly concealing a document or record, 1 count of concealing a document in a federal investigation, 1 count of scheme to conceal & 2 counts of making false statements & representations. Plead not guilty.
Additional indicted & charged (7/27/23) with 1 count of willful retention of defense information & 2 counts of obstruction. Plead not guilty in filing of waiver of non appearance (8/4/23).
Count 1-31: Willful retention of National Defense info, Count 32: Conspiracy to obstruct justice, Count 33: Withholding a document or record, Count 34: Corruptly concealing a document or record, Count 35: Concealing a document in a Federal investigation, Count 36: Scheme to conceal & Count 37: False statements & representations.
Co-Conspirator *Waltine Nauta () indicted (6/8/23) & charged (6/13/23) on 6 charges stemming from special counsel Jack Smith’s classified documents probe, including conspiracy to obstruct justice, withholding a document or record, corruptly concealing a document or record, concealing a document in a federal investigation, scheming to conceal & making false statements to federal agents. Plead not guilty.
Additional indicted & charged (7/27/23) with 2 counts of obstruction of justice. Plead not guilty.
Count 32: Conspiracy to obstruct justice, Count 33: Withholding a document or record, Count 34: Corruptly concealing a document or record, Count 35: Concealing a document in a Federal investigation, Count 36: Scheme to conceal & Count 38: False statements & representations. Trump: Plead not guilty & released on his own recognizance with no monetary bond (Personal Surety Bond) & no travel restrictions. Nauta: No plea entered & released on his own recognizance with no monetary bond (Person Surety Bond).
Co-Conspirator *Carlos de Oliveira (56) has also been indicted & charged (7/27/23) with with 1 count each of obstruction of justice, concealing records & documents & making false statements to FBI. He is alleged to have asked what could be done to delete the footage. Plead not guilty (8/15/23). $100K Surety bond-out on bond.
Judge ruled that, in the meantime, De Oliveira must hand in his expired U.S. passport within 48 hours.
Mr. Nauta & Mr. de Oliveira conspired to delete footage from security cameras after the Dept. of Justice issued a subpoena asking for surveillance footage of the basement where it said confidential documents were held. In the court documents, Mr. de Oliveira is claimed to have texted another employee who was the director of information technology that "the boss" wanted the server deleted. The documents allege that Mr. de Oliveira later met with the employee in a small IT room, told him their conversation should remain private, then pressured the man into obliging his request after the employee told Mr. de Oliveira that he did not have the authority.
Indictment: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.648653/gov.uscourts.flsd.648653.3.0.pdf
U.S. District Judge Aileen Mercedes Cannon.
Waltine Nauta will be represented by Stanley Woodward.
De Oliveira will be represented by Jack Irving. Trump’s lawyers are Todd Blanche & the former Florida solicitor general Chris Kise & maybe Lindsey Halligan.
Jury selection to begin on 5/14/24.
Trial set to begin on 5/20/24. (expected to take 2 weeks).

Case & court info from 4/2/23 thru 8/9/23 reference post #48 here:

8/9/23 Update: For all: Motions hearing on Section 3 on 8/25/23 & status hearing on 9/14/23. Motions hearing on 4/11/24 & 4/17/23. Jury selection begin on 5/14/24 & trial set to begin on 5/20/24. Initial production of classified discovery by 9/7/23. Joint Discovery Status report on 9/14/23. Government's CIPA Section 10 Notice by 9/14/23. Government's CIPA Section 4 Motion (ex parte) by 10/10/23. Any defense challenge to Section 4 (ex Parte) filing by 10/10/23. Deadline for the filing of any Motions in Limine & any motion to introduce evidence under Fed. R. Evid. 404(b) by 3/20/24. Government's CIPA Section 6(c) Motion if necessary on 4/11/24. Hearing on Motions in Limine on 4/17/24. Defense response to CIPA Section 6(c) Motion by 4/25/24. Government's reply to CIPA Section 6(c) Motion by 5/2/24.
8/9/23 Update: Nauta: Opposition to Motion for Protective Order filed by Stanley E. Woodward, Jr. 8/10/23 Update: DeOliveira was NOT arraigned this morning. He does not have local counsel yet. It has been continued to next week Tuesday, 8/15/23 at 10am.
8/15/23 Update: DeOliveira arraignment. de Oliveira, the Mar-a-Lago property manager indicted in the special counsel's classified documents case, pleaded not guilty to multiple obstruction-related offenses & asked for a trial by jury. The prosecutors told Judge Aileen Cannon in a filing on Wednesday that John Irving, the lawyer for Mar-a-Lago property manager & Trump co-defendant Carlos De Oliveira, also represents three possible witnesses who could be called to testify against him at trial. Prosecutors previously raised a similar issue about Trump’s other co-defendant in the case, his personal aide Walt Nauta, being represented by Stanley Woodward – a lawyer who, like Irving, has taken on a handful of clients in the federal investigation who are still backed by Trump. Both lawyers have received hundreds of thousands of dollars from Trump’s Save America PAC for their legal work. In the filing Wednesday, prosecutors say Irving represents a receptionist, a Trump aide & a Mar-a-Lago maintenance worker, in addition to De Oliveira, who also handled maintenance tasks at the Florida club & is accused of trying to get surveillance footage of the movement of boxes with documents in them deleted & lying to investigators. Next motions hearing on Section 3 for all on 8/25/23.
8/17/23 Update: Florida Judge Cannon in Trump classified docs case will hold a sealed hearing, date/location not announced, to discuss issues re: the handling of classified evidence -- one of the key points of contention has been where Trump can discuss sensitive material with lawyers. Order Scheduling Sealed Hearing on CIPA Section 3 Protective Order. Defendants not ordered to appear at sealed hearing. Hearing on 8/25/23 has been cancelled. 8/17/23 Update: Defense filed Notice Regarding Filings in a Separate Case. Trump team is now complaining to Judge Cannon that special counsel has proposed jury selection in Washington D.C. on 12/11/23, the same day as one of Cannon's pretrial hearings. They are asking her to take "appropriate action.
8/22/23 Update: Special Counsel Jack Smith filed Reply in Further Support of Government's Motion for Garcia Hearing on 8/22/23. See link: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.648654/gov.uscourts.flsd.648654.129.0.pdf
8/22/23 Update: Jack Smith tells Judge Cannon that a witness in Trump's documents case retracted false testimony after switching lawyers. "On July 5, 2023, Yuscil Taveras (Trump Employee 4/IT Director at Trump’s Mar-A-Lago) informed Chief Judge Boasberg that he no longer wished to be represented by Mr. Woodward and that, going forward, he wished to be represented by the First Assistant Federal Defender. Immediately after receiving new counsel, Trump Employee 4 retracted his prior false testimony & provided information that implicated Nauta, De Oliveira & Trump in efforts to delete security camera footage, as set forth in the superseding indictment."
8/25/23 Update: Defendant Waltine Nauta's Motion for Leave to file Sur-reply filed by Stanley E. Woodward, Jr. "In what can only be described as a brazen and overt effort to influence the Court and/or the court of public opinion, the Special Counsel selectively quotes defense counsel’s submission in deliberate contravention of a sealing order issued by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia."
9/5/23 Update Mar-a-Lago IT worker Yuscil Taveras has struck a cooperation agreement with the special counsel’s office in the federal case over Trump’s handling of classified documents, Taveras’ former defense attorney said in a new court filing on Tuesday. According to the terms of the deal explained in the filing, Taveras agreed to testify in the classified documents case and in exchange will not be prosecuted. He has not been charged with any crimes. Stanley Woodward wrote in the filing Wednesday that he “played no role” in Taveras’ cooperation & said that prosecutors did not offer Taveras the cooperation deal until after Taveras got a different lawyer. Woodward asked the judge to block Taveras from testifying in any eventual trial. Taveras’ July testimony in front of a grand jury, which wasn’t public, was the source of new allegations against Trump that were included in a superseding indictment filed later that month. Those allegations include efforts by Trump, de Oliveira & Nauta to delete incriminating security footage from the club.
9/13/23 Update: On Sept. 13, Judge Aileen M. Cannon filed a protective order pertaining to classified information disclosed to Trump & defense counsel in the Mar-a-Lago case. Granted the government's Motion to establish procedures dictating access to the classified information in the case. Any violation of the terms of this Order shall be brought immediately to the attention of the Court & may result in a charge of contempt of Court & possible referral for criminal prosecution.
Probably an obvious answer to this question, but what happens at a status hearing? Is there a specific topic or is it just both sides touching base with the judge on whatever?


@Seattle1 - can you access this:

Southern District of Florida (Miami) Federal Court 9:23-cr-80101-AMC / 23-80101-CR-CANNON

I tried to find Judge Cannon's scheduled but coming up with zip. I have a hearing on 10/10 & not sure if that is correct. Per my notes:
Any defense challenge to Section 4 (ex Parte) filing by 10/10/23.

So do not know why I have a hearing. Anything in the court site?

TIA if you can help me!
Probably an obvious answer to this question, but what happens at a status hearing? Is there a specific topic or is it just both sides touching base with the judge on whatever?



Yep. Just that basically - to discuss the case against the defendant(s) and whether there's a potential resolution to avoid going to trial.
@Seattle1 - can you access this:

Southern District of Florida (Miami) Federal Court 9:23-cr-80101-AMC / 23-80101-CR-CANNON

I tried to find Judge Cannon's scheduled but coming up with zip. I have a hearing on 10/10 & not sure if that is correct. Per my notes:
Any defense challenge to Section 4 (ex Parte) filing by 10/10/23.

So do not know why I have a hearing. Anything in the court site?

TIA if you can help me!
I don't have a PACER account, Niner and to my knowledge that's where federal dockets exist. Sorry. :( I don't see a hearing October 10th but motion and response due in regards to CIPA (at the last link). I'd seriously suggest everyone bookmark the last link - the folks at Just Security have kindly created a calendar for key political and legal dates and even have hyperlinks that take you directly to relevant court motions, orders, etc. It's a thing of beauty.

May be useful resources to people following this case:
Trump v. United States of America (free alternative to PACER)
https://www.justsecurity.org/wp-con...ases-and-political-schedule-sept-6-2023-1.pdf (Cases calendar)
@Seattle1 - can you access this:

Southern District of Florida (Miami) Federal Court 9:23-cr-80101-AMC / 23-80101-CR-CANNON

I tried to find Judge Cannon's scheduled but coming up with zip. I have a hearing on 10/10 & not sure if that is correct. Per my notes:
Any defense challenge to Section 4 (ex Parte) filing by 10/10/23.

So do not know why I have a hearing. Anything in the court site?

TIA if you can help me!
Have you tried Docketbird, @Niner?

USA v. Trump, et al. Criminal Court Docket Sheet (docketbird.com)

Entries from the last two days:

The Court is in receipt of the Speedy Trial Reports filed by the Special Counsel, as agreed to by former President Trump and Waltine Nauta, and the competing Speedy Trial Reports filed by Carlos De Oliveira 130 132 147 148. As stated in the Court's prior Order 128 following the return of the Superseding Indictment charging De Oliveira as a new defendant in this action 85, De Oliveira is "subject to the deadlines, instructions, and findings in the Court's Scheduling Order 83." See 18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(7)(A). One speedy trial clock governs as to all defendants in this multi-defendant case, Henderson v. United States, 476 U.S. 321, 323 n.2 (1986); United States v. Sarro, 742 F.2d 1286, 1299 (11th Cir. 1984); no severance has been granted or requested, see 18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(6); De Oliveira has made no substantive showing of unreasonable delay or prejudice stemming from the Court's Orders 83 128 ; and the continuance granted in this case clearly serves the ends of justice as to all defendants, for all of the reasons previously stated 83, as amplified by the addition of a third defendant and the manifest complexity of this case. To the extent there remain any disputes as to the exact computation of trial time under the Speedy Trial Act following the return of the Superseding Indictment, the Court adopts the calculations in the Special Counsel's Speedy Trial Report 147. Signed by Judge Aileen M. Cannon on 9/13/2023.

Order Following CIPA Section 3 Hearing. Signed by Judge Aileen M. Cannon on 9/13/2023. See attached document for full details.

Protective Order Pertaining to Classified Information Disclosed to Defense Counsel for Carlos De Oliveira. Signed by Judge Aileen M. Cannon on 9/13/2023. See attached document for full details.

Protective Order Pertaining to Classified Information Disclosed to Waltine Nauta and Defense Counsel. Signed by Judge Aileen M. Cannon on 9/13/2023. See attached document for full details.

Protective Order Pertaining to Classified Information Disclosed to Former President Donald J. Trump and Defense Counsel. Signed by Judge Aileen M. Cannon on 9/13/2023. See attached document for full details.

PAPERLESS Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Aileen M. Cannon: Sealed Hearing held on September 12, 2023. The Court heard argument from the parties on the Special Counsel's Motions for Protective Order Pursuant to Section 3 of the Classified Information Procedures Act 84 127. Orders to follow. Total time in court: 2 hours, 5 minutes. Attorney Appearances: Jay I. Bratt, David Harbach, John M. Pellettieri, Christopher Michael Kise, Todd Blanche, Sasha Dadan, Stanley E. Woodward, Larry Donald Murrell, Jr., John S. Irving. Other Appearances: Waltine Nauta. Court Reporter: Diane Miller, 772-467-2337 / Diane_Miller@flsd.uscourts.gov.

SPEEDY TRIAL REPORT by Carlos De Oliveira

SPEEDY TRIAL REPORT Fourth Speedy Trial Report by USA as to Donald J. Trump, Waltine Nauta, Carlos De Oliveira

Yep. Just that basically - to discuss the case against the defendant(s) and whether there's a potential resolution to avoid going to trial.

I don't have a PACER account, Niner and to my knowledge that's where federal dockets exist. Sorry. :( I don't see a hearing October 10th but motion and response due in regards to CIPA (at the last link). I'd seriously suggest everyone bookmark the last link - the folks at Just Security have kindly created a calendar for key political and legal dates and even have hyperlinks that take you directly to relevant court motions, orders, etc. It's a thing of beauty.

May be useful resources to people following this case:
Trump v. United States of America (free alternative to PACER)
https://www.justsecurity.org/wp-con...ases-and-political-schedule-sept-6-2023-1.pdf (Cases calendar)

Thanks for the link to that calendar! Much appreciated. I checked all my cases against that - so there are a few updates for this case - I will post it on the next post.

Have you tried Docketbird, @Niner?

USA v. Trump, et al. Criminal Court Docket Sheet (docketbird.com)

Entries from the last two days:

And THANK YOU for this link! :) I can access it! No more whining from me for dates! LOL! :D
Updated 9/14/23.

FL – Classified Papers (Mar-a-Lago). Trump was charged with 41 criminal counts in the classified documents case, including:
• Willful retention of national defense information (31 counts)
• Conspiracy to obstruct justice
• Withholding of a document or record
• Corruptly concealing a document or record
• Concealing a document in a federal investigation
• Scheme to conceal
• False statements and representations (2 counts)
• Willful retention of defense information
• Obstruction of Justice (2 counts)

Thursday, 9/14/23 – Status hearing (Joint Discovery status report & Government's CIPA Section 10 Notice)
Tuesday, 10/17/23 – Hearing on Section 4 if necessary.
Tuesday, 11/28/23 – Status conference hearing.
Monday, 12/11/23 - Pretrial Motions hearing (evidentiary and/or non-evidentiary).
Tuesday, 1/16/24 – CIPA Section 6(a) hearing.
Monday, 2/26/24 – Pretrial Motions hearing (evidentiary and/or non-evidentiary).
Wednesday, 4/17/24 – Motions in Limine hearing.
Tuesday, 5/14/24 – Hearing on remaining CIPA issues/Calendar Call.
Monday, 5/20/24 – Trial set to begin with jury selection.

“We have a deranged guy named Jack Smith who has been overturned at the Supreme Court a number of times, and he gets overturned ... because he goes too far,” Mr Trump told Ms Kelly. “They don't even mention the Presidential Records Act. This is all about the Presidential Records Act.”

“I'm allowed to have these documents, I'm allowed to take these documents – classified or not classified. And frankly, when I have them, they become unclassified. People think you have to go through a ritual – you don't, at least in my opinion, you don't,” Mr Trump added.

“We have a deranged guy named Jack Smith who has been overturned at the Supreme Court a number of times, and he gets overturned ... because he goes too far,” Mr Trump told Ms Kelly. “They don't even mention the Presidential Records Act. This is all about the Presidential Records Act.”

“I'm allowed to have these documents, I'm allowed to take these documents – classified or not classified. And frankly, when I have them, they become unclassified. People think you have to go through a ritual – you don't, at least in my opinion, you don't,” Mr Trump added.
Just a video of the above quote. (Note the 'at least in my opinion' at the end. It's a wonder honestly anyone is willing to rep him.)
Docket update:

# Date Description
158 09/14/2023 STATUS REPORT Joint Discovery Report by USA as to Donald J. Trump, Waltine Nauta, Carlos De Oliveira

157 09/14/2023 NOTICE of Filing of CIPA Section 10 Notice by USA as to Donald J. Trump, Waltine Nauta, Carlos De Oliveira
1 Attachment ▼

156 09/14/2023 NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE Brett Reynolds appearing for USA. Attorney Brett Reynolds added to party USA(pty:pla).

155 09/14/2023 NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE David Raskin appearing for USA. Attorney David Raskin added to party USA(pty:pla).

link: https://www.docketbird.com/court-cases/USA-v-Sealed/flsd-9:2023-cr-80101-648652

I have next 10/17/23 for a hearing on Sec. 4. I shall go ahead & move them there.
“I'm allowed to have these documents, I'm allowed to take these documents – classified or not classified. And frankly, when I have them, they become unclassified. People think you have to go through a ritual – you don't, at least in my opinion, you don't,” Mr Trump added.

I am allowed to have library books, I'm allowed to take the library books. And, frankly, when I have library books they become not-library-books. People think you have to check the library books out through the library system - you don't, at least in my opinion, you don't.

I stack them up in my bathroom. Have some brought to my bedroom when I want to look through them and decide which ones I am going to keep, and which ones the library can come and get from my bathroom.
One of former President Donald Trump's long-time assistants told federal investigators that Trump repeatedly wrote to-do lists for her on documents from the White House that were marked classified, according to sources familiar with her statements.

As described to ABC News, the aide, Molly Michael, told investigators that -- more than once -- she received requests or taskings from Trump that were written on the back of notecards, and she later recognized those notecards as sensitive White House materials -- with visible classification markings -- used to brief Trump while he was still in office about phone calls with foreign leaders or other international-related matters…

Sources said that after Trump heard the FBI wanted to interview Michael last year, Trump allegedly told her, "You don't know anything about the boxes."

It's unclear exactly what he meant by that.

One of former President Donald Trump's long-time assistants told federal investigators that Trump repeatedly wrote to-do lists for her on documents from the White House that were marked classified, according to sources familiar with her statements.

As described to ABC News, the aide, Molly Michael, told investigators that -- more than once -- she received requests or taskings from Trump that were written on the back of notecards, and she later recognized those notecards as sensitive White House materials -- with visible classification markings -- used to brief Trump while he was still in office about phone calls with foreign leaders or other international-related matters…

Sources said that after Trump heard the FBI wanted to interview Michael last year, Trump allegedly told her, "You don't know anything about the boxes."

It's unclear exactly what he meant by that.

It wasn't unclear what he meant. imo

One of former President Donald Trump's long-time assistants told federal investigators that Trump repeatedly wrote to-do lists for her on documents from the White House that were marked classified, according to sources familiar with her statements.

As described to ABC News, the aide, Molly Michael, told investigators that -- more than once -- she received requests or taskings from Trump that were written on the back of notecards, and she later recognized those notecards as sensitive White House materials -- with visible classification markings -- used to brief Trump while he was still in office about phone calls with foreign leaders or other international-related matters…

Sources said that after Trump heard the FBI wanted to interview Michael last year, Trump allegedly told her, "You don't know anything about the boxes."

It's unclear exactly what he meant by that.

It's also unclear why she would find any classified documents in HER office. I assume her job would have been to read the task he assigned to her and then to file the document properly rather than under file folders in HER desk drawer.


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