FL - Former President Donald Trump indicted, 40 counts to classified documents and obstruction of justice, June 2023, Trial May 2024

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I watched the election fraud happen on videos that circulated on social media the week after the election. I saw with my own eyes ballot counters look at blank ballots, check to see that no one was looking and then fill out the ballot. It's on video. I watched at least 6 videos like this and I wasn't even TRYING to watch these videos, they just kept popping up. This before Trump said anything about election interference. And the same goes for a lot of conservatives, we saw this happen before Trump even said anything.

And yes, we will probably NEVER have a legitimate election again, you're right about that.

Trump was calling the election a fraud long before the 2020 election took place.
I watched the election fraud happen on videos that circulated on social media the week after the election. I saw with my own eyes ballot counters look at blank ballots, check to see that no one was looking and then fill out the ballot. It's on video. I watched at least 6 videos like this and I wasn't even TRYING to watch these videos, they just kept popping up. This before Trump said anything about election interference. And the same goes for a lot of conservatives, we saw this happen before Trump even said anything.

And yes, we will probably NEVER have a legitimate election again, you're right about that.

Georgia officials have repeatedly debunked false claims alleging that “suitcases” of fraudulent ballots were secretly counted at Atlanta’s State Farm Arena.

Those officials have said there was never an instruction for election observers to leave, and that there were no suitcases full of ballots. A video shows standard ballot containers and what officials described as the normal tabulation process.

Trump allies gather in Bedminster ahead of post-arraignment speech: live updates


A variety of notable Trump allies are arriving at Trump's golf club in Bedminster, N.J., for the former president's speech following his arraignment earlier Tuesday.

The guests reportedly include MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, who has also gained attention for spreading Trump's false claims of the 2020 presidential election being stolen; Andrew Giuliani, the son of his former attorney Rudy Giuliani; and Kash Patel, who served as the chief of staff to the acting Defense secretary during the Trump administration.

Other guests are former Trump 2020 campaign Chief Operating Officer Michael Glassner and Robert Jeffress, a pastor and close Trump ally.

He is expected to give remarks there around 8:45 p.m.
It is. I’m originally from Miami and got very curious about the Motorcade route. When I realized he was on 8th St, I knew where he was going and what he was up to. He was going to campaign, come indictment or high water! Unbelievable!

I find it incredible that DT is getting support from the Miami people. Considering the immigration policy he put in place, and the following ICE deportations that happened.

This Miami Herald article (dated Oct 2020) may be paywalled, but it explains how Cuban people were forced to sign disclosures saying that they wanted to return to Cuba, and then were deported. If the people who could read English refused to sign the form, ICE agents handcuffed them and forcibly made them 'sign' by using their fingerprint.


Three ways Trump may try to delay or dismiss documents trial​

"He has every incentive to delay," said Carl Tobias, a law professor at the University of Richmond in Virginia, noting that Mr Trump is campaigning to win the Republican presidential nomination and return to the White House in 2024.


Legal experts maintain that this indictment against the former president is "incredibly strong" and any attempts to dismiss the trial would most likely fail.

"That's not to say that he and his lawyers won't drag this out as long as they possibly can," Prof Tobias said.

Here are three ways they might try to derail the case.

1. Claim there was no crime


2. Claim he is being unfairly singled out


3. Try to get key evidence dismissed


Says he might get 400 years and die in prison...

“Please make a contribution to peacefully stand with me and SAVE the greatest country in history – for 1,500% impact.”
In the past, Trump’s alleged misdeeds have usually been primarily about himself—about making himself richer, or more powerful, or to protect himself from the law. By allegedly violating the Espionage Act and hoarding classified documents, Trump (who has denied wrongdoing) has taken things to a far darker place. A quick look at the history of government record-keeping shows us that Trump is thumbing his nose at our system of government and at the rule of law itself.

I'm going to have to change channel before I throw something at the tv as it's unbearable to watch the Cubans For Trump praying with him.
Truly the world has gone crazy.
I know we have problems over here in the UK but the hero worshipping of an alleged criminal of the highest order is a different level.
Until the day I die, I will never understand how Trump mocking the disabled reporter wasn't the end for him. Yet he appears to be untouchable.
New York is famous for it's Teflon Dons.

Each time there is a small yet vocal minority that cheers them on and waxes them innocent ... until the shoe that has always shadowed them finally slams down and a jury of average Americans find them just as guilty as they always have been.

Moral: Teflon does non stay repellant forever.

I certainly hope this Teflon Don's jig is finally up.
I find it incredible that DT is getting support from the Miami people. Considering the immigration policy he put in place, and the following ICE deportations that happened.

This Miami Herald article (dated Oct 2020) may be paywalled, but it explains how Cuban people were forced to sign disclosures saying that they wanted to return to Cuba, and then were deported. If the people who could read English refused to sign the form, ICE agents handcuffed them and forcibly made them 'sign' by using their fingerprint.

What you say is misleading.

From your link - https://amp.miamiherald.com/article246671252.html

Cuba began taking back deportees shortly after former President Barack Obama and then-Cuban leader Raul Castro normalized relations in 2016. As part of the deal, the U.S. ended the so-called wet-foot dry-foot policy, which allowed Cuban nationals who reached the U.S. to stay. In exchange, Cuba agreed to take back Cuban nationals the U.S. government sought to deport.

Perhaps because a President's job is not 24/7 at the Whitehouse and they occasionally take things with them to read them.
That may work sometimes, but it doesn't explain the SCI and SAP and Five Eyes ... Those can only be read in a SCIF and even then, only by those of us who have a need to see the file.

They sure as heck aren't kept in bath and ballrooms with the public able to have easy access. This kind of stuff is specialized cabinet, vaulted, alarmed storage stuff. Trump and Nauta know that.

Like: "Hey about that last file ... let's head into the SCIF to talk about it" stuff - let alone opening the file to read it outside of said SCIF.
I'm going to have to change channel before I throw something at the tv as it's unbearable to watch the Cubans For Trump praying with him.
Truly the world has gone crazy.
I know we have problems over here in the UK but the hero worshipping of an alleged criminal of the highest order is a different level.
Until the day I die, I will never understand how Trump mocking the disabled reporter wasn't the end for him. Yet he appears to be untouchable.
Sure looks unfathomable from overseas, doesn't it. I can't begin to explain it to people. How a man like that can get in while still losing the popular vote. I never thought he'd get through his original racist remarks against Mexicans "Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. […] They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists."

It's so damn embarrasing the ignorance and meanness.



Mr Trump and Mr Nauta received what was known as a "personal surety bond". Judge Goodman released both Mr Trump and Mr Nauta without any restrictions on their travel, nor did they have to surrender their passports or pay a monetary bond.

The judge initially said Mr Trump would be forbidden from contacting a number of witnesses that was due to be provided by government prosecutors. Although that list has not yet been drawn up, Mr Trump's legal team argued that many potential witnesses were likely to be Mr Trump's employees or colleagues, and it would be "impossible" for him to not contact them at all.

In the end, Judge Goodman attempted to accommodate Mr Trump, deciding he would only be forbidden from speaking to these as yet unknown witnesses about the facts of the case. If the list of witnesses he could not speak to seemed "unwieldy", Mr Goodman said, Mr Trump could appeal it.

Mr Nauta did not enter a plea today, as his lawyer was not currently authorised to practice in the Southern District of Florida.

Instead, he was released on bond and his own arraignment was postponed to 27 June.
I only reference his cheating because IMO it’s indicative of his character.

I hate bullying too. I’m a teacher who’s spent my entire adult life intervening against that very issue.

As we both despise bullies, I’m curious if you’d like to share your opinion on Trump when he mocks people and publicly calls them names? Including everyone who has ever worked for him and subsequently resigned?

Starting with when he PHYSICALLY mocked the reporter who has cerebral palsy?

Of course you needn’t reply, but I am indeed wondering how you feel about this aspect of Trump’s character.
Well, apparently Trump is "The Victim". He's the victim who has created and mocked so many victims. Is the classified documents case, he's the victim of his OWN actions and obstructive behaviour.

The real issue is that there are too many people who've allowed him to carry on with it, unabated for years, and have never called for him to take personal reposinsibility for his own actions and behaviour. True Law and Order types understand that "thou are repsonsible for your own actions". That is what the world is now witnessing. Personal accountability placed upon him for a change.

Their "meh, meh, mehs" over the years that have waxed poetic all the bullying, outlandish and childish behaviour from their guy with a "don't dare pick on our wee lad" despite his very un-Presidential antics has come home to roost because they've determine he should be in no way, shape or form be held personally accountable for a single one of his many misdeeds.

It's a sad day for America.
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