FL - Former President Donald Trump indicted, 40 counts to classified documents and obstruction of justice, June 2023, Trial May 2024

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Just to clarify some differences between the Trump & Biden case.....

McQuade posted on Twitter that the Justice Department prosecutes the mishandling of classified documents when there is an aggravating factor present. "Those factors are obstruction of justice, storage in a way that risks exposure, willful violation, and disloyalty to United States," she tweeted.

"In the Mar-a-Lago case, all but that last factor appear to be present. In the case of the Biden documents, there is no indication that any of the factors are met, but referral for investigation by the Chicago US Atty, a Trump appointee, seems prudent."
Last week, former president Donald Trump was indicted on charges that he mishandled classified documents, allegedly storing them in, among other places, a Mar-a-Lago bathroom. A photo of the scene included in the indictment depicted stacks of boxes under a large crystal chandelier that was somehow simultaneously decadent and drab, the light fixture equivalent of Miss Havisham.

Despite the implications of this indictment for national security, the 2024 presidential race and American democracy, it was the chandelier (and the smaller, adjacent crystal sconce) that generated significant reaction from the public in the following days. Its silent witness to the (alleged) crimes unfolding below offered a different sort of indictment - of wealth and the things to which we, the middle-class masses who grew up with one or two chandelier-free bathrooms, were taught to aspire. And it raised questions, both of design and hygiene. Chief among them: Are toilet chandeliers even a thing?...

That’s excellent. I imagine the chandelier is mortified that it ended up in that bathroom. They were destined for greater things like a ballroom. I hope someone reclaims it, cleans it up and installs it in a dignified room.
From the same article, the classified documents discovered with Biden were from when he was VP and not President. Vice Presidents do not have the same privileges as Presidents do - I wonder if Obama knew he had them?

"It’s unclear how many vice presidential records and classified documents were found in the office. Sauber said only that Biden’s personal attorneys were packing files when they found “what appear to be Obama-Biden Administration records, including a small number of documents with classified markings.” He did not describe the level of classification on the documents.

Two sources familiar with the matter said less than a dozen documents with classified markings were found at the office."

Noli nothi permittere te terere El Jefe!

The more hate that is thrown at him, the more we love him. And yes, we DO LOVE HIM. That said, I'd prefer De Santis. But I'll take either one. The deeper this witchhunt is persisted with, the more likely we are to nominate Trump in the primary again.
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I'm going to have to change channel before I throw something at the tv as it's unbearable to watch the Cubans For Trump praying with him.
Truly the world has gone crazy.
I know we have problems over here in the UK but the hero worshipping of an alleged criminal of the highest order is a different level.
Until the day I die, I will never understand how Trump mocking the disabled reporter wasn't the end for him. Yet he appears to be untouchable.

Praying for someone doesn’t equate to worshipping them.
Noli nothi permittere te terere El Jefe!

The more hate that is thrown at him, the more we love him. And yes, we DO LOVE HIM. That said, I'd prefer De Santis. But I'll take either one. But the deeper this witchhunt is persisted with, the more likely we are to nominate Trump in the primary again.

Have you read the indictment? Which of the charges qualify as an unfair witch hunt? If the facts as alleged in the indictment are true, why shouldn't he be charged with willful retention of national defense related documents? Why not for withholding documents, or for conspiracy to withhold documents, or for concealing documents, or for false statements to the grand jury?
Have you read the indictment? Which of the charges qualify as an unfair witch hunt? If the facts as alleged in the indictment are true, why shouldn't he be charged with willful retention of national defense related documents? Why not for withholding documents, or for conspiracy to withhold documents, or for concealing documents, or for false statements to the grand jury?
I await the response to this, hoping it is well reasoned and logical.

That is all.

I can say.


Have you read the indictment? Which of the charges qualify as an unfair witch hunt? If the facts as alleged in the indictment are true, why shouldn't he be charged with willful retention of national defense related documents? Why not for withholding documents, or for conspiracy to withhold documents, or for concealing documents, or for false statements to the grand jury?
Fine, I'll play.


a) LOL. What... do you think Trump personally packed every paper into every box. He didn't know what the hell was in those boxes. All he knew was that he was allowed to have them when he was president. And before he directed staffers to load all of his boxes of paperwork into the plane to send it down to Florida he ASKED the National Archives and Records Administration if he could have them and they said 'sure, take em'. Now all of a sudden they're like OH CRAP we should not have let him take those. HowTF was he supposed to know the details of THEIR job? He doesn't work for the National Archives & Records Administration. He didn't know EVERYTHING that was in them. He just knew he was granted permission to take them and they'd been relevant to his presidency, so why would he think he was doing anything wrong?

b) So... Nauta starts off as a witness and now all of a sudden he is indicted also. Almost as if we wouldn't "play ball" so now the witness deal is taken off the table so now he must be indicted. Yeah, not suspicious at all.

c) Documents - well there's a conveniently vague term. So say if Trump had a diary or anything personal written down that was none of the business of the grand jury subpeona and it was also in the rooms with the files, he'd probably want that removed or "hidden" from the cache of "documents". Because this is a still free country and all, just not for Conservatives apparently.

d) The FBI came and removed documents. Then they left. Then they sent him a letter saying "we didn't get everything". So Trump's lawyers start coordinating with the FBI about "Okay, what is it you want, when would you like to come get it?" And this communication/legal process went on for what a month or two while Trump flew to another state to BURY HIS MOTHER and go about the general business of running a corporation and let his lawyers deal with the FBI. And all of a sudden the FBI gets super impatient and raids his place? Yeah... witchhunt.

e) Same as the explanation for a. Also, so the federal government are mind readers now? They KNOW what he KNOWS??? If so, maybe they should be looking in the mirror for witches.
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Noli nothi permittere te terere El Jefe!

The more hate that is thrown at him, the more we love him. And yes, we DO LOVE HIM. That said, I'd prefer De Santis. But I'll take either one. The deeper this witchhunt is persisted with, the more likely we are to nominate Trump in the primary again.
You love a liar? He's been caught repeatedly lying. There is proof the 2020 election wasn't stolen.

By all means, nominate Trump again because it is more likely Trump will be defeated yet again.

IMHO, I hope that many of the his supporters have learned a lesson about how much this man will stand with them. After J6, he intimated that he was going to help pay legal bills but that never materialized. He talked about pardoning the convicted if he is reelected. It is highly likely that many who supported him in the past have got his number now---knowing that he will not have their back.

The people that scare me are ride or die supporters who will play a long game that will include potential violent insurrection.

Glad today was peaceful.
Fine, I'll play.

View attachment 428644

a) LOL. What... do you think Trump personally packed every paper into every box. He didn't know what the hell was in those boxes. All he knew was that he was allowed to have them when he was president. And before he directed staffers to load all of his boxes of paperwork into the plane to send it down to Florida he ASKED the National Archives and Records Administration if he could have them and they said 'sure, take em'. Now all of a sudden they're like OH CRAP we should not have let him take those. HowTF was he supposed to know the details of THEIR job? He doesn't work for the National Archives & Records Administration. He didn't know EVERYTHING that was in them. He just knew he was granted permission to take them and they'd been relevant to his presidency, so why would he think he was doing anything wrong?

b) So... Nauta starts off as a witness and now all of a sudden he is indicted also. Almost as if we wouldn't "play ball" so now the witness deal is taken off the table so now he must be indicted. Yeah, not suspicious at all.

c) Documents - well there's a conveniently vague term. So say if Trump had a diary or anything personal written down that was none of the business of the grand jury subpeona and it was also in the rooms with the files, he'd probably want that removed or "hidden" from the cache of "documents". Because this is a still free country and all, just not for Conservatives apparently.

d) The FBI came and removed documents. Then they left. Then they sent him a letter saying "we didn't get everything". So Trump's lawyers start coordinating with the FBI about "Okay, what is it you want, when would you like to come get it?" And this communication/legal process went on for what a month or two while Trump flew to another state to BURY HIS MOTHER and go about the general business of running a corporation and let his lawyers deal with the FBI. And all of a sudden the FBI gets super impatient and raids his place? Yeah... witchhunt.

e) Same as the explanation for a. Also, so the federal government are mind readers now? They KNOW what he KNOWS??? If so, maybe they should be looking in the mirror for witches.
HA. Trump can't use the ignorance defense you describe.

Trump captured on tape talking about classified documents he kept after leaving the White House​

Say it isn't his voice....lol
Noli nothi permittere te terere El Jefe!

The more hate that is thrown at him, the more we love him. And yes, we DO LOVE HIM. That said, I'd prefer De Santis. But I'll take either one. The deeper this witchhunt is persisted with, the more likely we are to nominate Trump in the primary again.
This is embarrassing
You love a liar? He's been caught repeatedly lying. There is proof the 2020 election wasn't stolen.

By all means, nominate Trump again because it is more likely Trump will be defeated yet again.


I watched the election fraud happen on videos that circulated on social media the week after the election. I saw with my own eyes ballot counters look at blank ballots, check to see that no one was looking and then fill out the ballot. It's on video. I watched at least 6 videos like this and I wasn't even TRYING to watch these videos, they just kept popping up. This before Trump said anything about election interference. And the same goes for a lot of conservatives, we saw this happen before Trump even said anything.

And yes, we will probably NEVER have a legitimate election again, you're right about that.
d) The FBI came and removed documents. Then they left. Then they sent him a letter saying "we didn't get everything". So Trump's lawyers start coordinating with the FBI about "Okay, what is it you want, when would you like to come get it?" And this communication/legal process went on for what a month or two while Trump flew to another state to BURY HIS MOTHER and go about the general business of running a corporation and let his lawyers deal with the FBI. And all of a sudden the FBI gets super impatient and raids his place
Trump’s mother died on August 7th, 2000.

Maybe you mean Ivana, the first of his wives? All of whom he has cheated on), and the one whom he buried on his golf course?

Facts matter. They matter so much.

I am a conservative, too. Yet I don’t think anything you have stated aligns with any of the facts of the matter.

I’m a New Yorker who has met Trump. I believe I understand his way of thinking. The FACTS show that he willfully transported and then hid highly secret documents that he then brandished around his club. In his OWN VOICE he said he knows these documents are secret, that he hadn’t declassified them, and that he shouldn’t be showing them around, but he did anyway.

I very much love my country and I feel that you do, as well.

I wish Trump cared about you and cared about me. Incidents like this, and like trying to overturn an election (and I hate Biden), encouraging hate groups to riot and so on are NOT the signs of a leader who wants the best for his country.

It‘s indicative of an egotistical man who cares about hanging onto power, no matter the havoc he has and continues to unleash upon our beloved nation.

Lots more to say but I’ll stop here.

All jmo but one that has been backed up by multiple courts.
Trump’s mother died on August 7th, 2000.

Maybe you mean Ivana, the first of his wives? All of whom he has cheated on), and the one whom he buried on his golf course?

Facts matter. They matter so much.

I am a conservative, too. Yet I don’t think anything you have stated aligns with any of the facts of the matter.

I’m a New Yorker who has met Trump. I believe I understand his way of thinking. The FACTS show that he willfully transported and then hid highly secret documents that he then brandished around his club. In his OWN VOICE he said he knows these documents are secret, that he hadn’t declassified them, and that he shouldn’t be showing them around, but he did anyway.

I very much love my country and I feel that you do, as well.

I wish Trump cared about you and cared about me. Incidents like this, and like trying to overturn an election (and I hate Biden), encouraging hate groups to riot and so on are NOT the signs of a leader who wants the best for his country.

It‘s indicative of an egotistical man who cares about hanging onto power, no matter the havoc he has and continues to unleash upon our beloved nation.

Lots more to say but I’ll stop here.

All jmo but one that has been backed up by multiple courts.
Funny to watch the Trump supporters implode.

The Feds win 99% of their trial cases. 95% of Federal indictments end in a plea deal.

But yah, Trump is different, a rich celebrity is different. Of course he will be the 1% who goes to federal trial and actually wins.

Of course he can't do a plea deal Why? Cause you have to plead guilty to a lesser charge in a plea deal. And Trump did nothing wrong of course.

If it were you or I, we would be in the MCC with no bail.

2 Cents
I watched the election fraud happen on videos that circulated on social media the week after the election. I saw with my own eyes ballot counters look at blank ballots, check to see that no one was looking and then fill out the ballot. It's on video. I watched at least 6 videos like this and I wasn't even TRYING to watch these videos, they just kept popping up. This before Trump said anything about election interference. And the same goes for a lot of conservatives, we saw this happen before Trump even said anything.

And yes, we will probably NEVER have a legitimate election again, you're right about that.
All of this has been debunked, get a grip.
Noli nothi permittere te terere El Jefe!

The more hate that is thrown at him, the more we love him. And yes, we DO LOVE HIM. That said, I'd prefer De Santis. But I'll take either one. The deeper this witchhunt is persisted with, the more likely we are to nominate Trump in the primary again.

I’m genuinely fascinated as to how he still not only has supporters, but that you LOVE HIM❤️. Can you briefly explain why? I’m Canadian, I’m curious. I’m just not seeing it.
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