FL - Former President Donald Trump indicted, 40 counts to classified documents and obstruction of justice, June 2023, Trial May 2024

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BREAKING: Walt Nauta’s arraignment has been delayed until July 6. He has been unable to find local counsel to represent him and he was unable to be present in court today as a result of flight delays.

Nauta’s out-of-town counsel, Stanley Woodward, was present in court. But local court rules require Nauta to have local counsel, too. Woodward told the magistrate that Nauta was stuck at Newark airport for several hours yesterday as he attempted to get to Miami for arraignment

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BREAKING: Walt Nauta’s arraignment has been delayed until July 6. He has been unable to find local counsel to represent him and he was unable to be present in court today as a result of flight delays.

Nauta’s out-of-town counsel, Stanley Woodward, was present in court. But local court rules require Nauta to have local counsel, too. Woodward told the magistrate that Nauta was stuck at Newark airport for several hours yesterday as he attempted to get to Miami for arraignment


Thanks for the info! :)
What will it take for people to admit that Trump is a lying criminal, who has knowingly broken Federal laws and endangered the entire country(and its allies) for the sake of his own ego??! The proof is right there in that recording. Despicable!

They will never admit it. It's too easy to bury their heads into ridiculous conspiracy theories like Q-Anon, Pizzagate, the whole thing is a witch hunt, et al.
Oh! Now I get it. He was speaking rhetorically. About Anthony Weiner. That explains everything, right?

What.are.these.people.smoking? :eek:

A spokesperson for his 2024 presidential campaign told Newsweek previously: "The audio tape provides context proving, once again, that President Trump did nothing wrong at all. The President is speaking rhetorically and also quite humorously about a very perverted individual, Anthony Weiner, who was deep inside the corrupt Clinton campaign. The media and the Trump-haters once again were all too willing to take the bait, falling for another Democrat-DOJ hoax, hook, line, and sinker."

RBBM -- I wish they'd pass it over this way!
They will never admit it. It's too easy to bury their heads into ridiculous conspiracy theories like Q-Anon, Pizzagate, the whole thing is a witch hunt, et al.

The very sad truth is that Trump could truly kill someone on any street in America and his sycophantic cult followers would justify it- well," that guy had it coming"- or whatever excuse they could find- There is nothing Trump can do that would turn these people off: Sedition- inciting an insurrection, spilling nuclear secrets- nope, it's a nothing burger to those people. Attempting to throw an election, lying that the election was rigged- they refuse to believe it and if they believe it, they believe Trump had good reason to do it. Trying to get his VP hanged? nothing to see there either. We can only hope and pray the voters have enough sense like they did last election to not vote him in as president or we are truly doomed as a country. This is a man who admires tyrants and despots and wants, yearns for total and absolute power.
Oh it is very difficult --- most of the time we dont discuss politics- on the rare occasions we
Do, we start to argue-- so I just walk away until we both settle down- He really is a great
Guy -- I still cannnot believe his support for Trump-I know some relationships have
Been laid to ruin by Trump, but mine wont be one of them--It will be a cold day in hel!
Before I allow that thing to ruin my marriage. But yes it is difficult!

I have one of those at home too, tried to steer me a long time ago and insists we would be in a better place right now —- I was like WTF - he wanted to pull out of NATO, what does that tell you?

Anyway I could go on and on. Here are some dates for @Niner:

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon last week scheduled Trump's trial for Aug. 14.

Prosecutors with U.S. Special Counsel Jack Smith asked Cannon to delay the trial until Dec. 11.

Cannon on Monday also set a July 14 hearing tied to how classified information in the case will be handled. Legal experts have said the complexities surrounding the use of highly classified documents as evidence are likely to delay Trump's trial.

Why is it so hard for these people to find lawyers?

Gone are the days when he could order up a squad of attorneys from Kirkland & Ellis or Jones Day, and not just because he has a terrible reputation for stiffing his clients. As his former attorney Timothy Parlatore acknowledged in a recent interview with Politico, the “biggest law firms” won’t get near Trump because of the reputational cost of being associated with a guy who fomented an insurrection and makes fun of rape victims.

Chris Kise, the former Florida Solicitor General, got paid $3 million by Trump’s PAC to leave Hogan & Lovells, because he could work for Trump or he could stay in biglaw — but he couldn’t do both. Similarly, Todd Blanche had to resign from Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft before he could represent the former president in his criminal indictments.

Meanwhile, Trump is having a hell of a time finding a criminal lawyer barred in Florida to take his case. As The Guardian reports, Kise and Blanche spent last weekend interviewing candidates, with one prominent lawyer pulling out after his partners nixed it.

And the record is scarcely better for Trump’s campaign counsel. Cleta Mitchell’s partners at Foley & Lardner pushed her out approximately five seconds after it emerged that she’d been freelancing for Trump’s campaign, including sitting in on the phone call pressuring Georgia Secretary of Stat Brad Raffensperger to “find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have.”

Multiple attorneys, including Jenna Ellis and Sidney Powell, have faced bar complaints for their involvement with the Trump campaign’s efforts to overturn the election.

John Eastman, who “retired” from his position at Chapman University’s law school when his role in the electoral coup plot was revealed, is at this very moment defending his bar license in a California courtroom.

And no tale is more cautionary than that of Rudy Giuliani.

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I have one of those at home too, tried to steer me a long time ago and insists we would be in a better place right now —- I was like WTF - he wanted to pull out of NATO, what does that tell you?

Anyway I could go on and on. Here are some dates for @Niner:

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon last week scheduled Trump's trial for Aug. 14.

Prosecutors with U.S. Special Counsel Jack Smith asked Cannon to delay the trial until Dec. 11.

Cannon on Monday also set a July 14 hearing tied to how classified information in the case will be handled. Legal experts have said the complexities surrounding the use of highly classified documents as evidence are likely to delay Trump's trial.

Thanks for the info! :)

You know - I am going to separate these 2 - with their own notes, since I know Trump will more info from his filing, etc. than Nauta.
JG and ilovewings, I don't know how you guys do it. My partner and I would implode I think if we had political views that differed a lot. My brother and sister are Trump supporters, and we had a Thanksgiving dinner turn into a gigantic argument amongst the three of us. My mom insists now that there are to be no politics discussed during family gettogethers (which is fine by me, as it drives me crazy feeling like I'm the only sane person in the bunch)
CNN has exclusively obtained the audio recording of the 2021 meeting in Bedminster, New Jersey, where President Donald Trump discusses holding secret documents he did not declassify…

“This was done by the military and given to me,” Trump continues, before noting that the document remained classified.

“See as president I could have declassified it,” Trump says. “Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.”

“Now we have a problem,” his staffer responds.

“Isn’t that interesting,” Trump says.

Sean Hannity twisted himself into knots trying to spin a damning new recording of former President Donald Trump ― and got laughed out the door on Twitter.

“See, as president I could have declassified it,” Trump said in the clip. “Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.”

But that still wasn’t enough for Hannity.
“That does not confirm for me whether or not specifically this document was declassified or not,” Hannity told Fox News viewers Monday night. “Was that actually the real document, or was it a story he was telling?”

Twitter users were blown away by the mental gymnastics.

In the recording, Trump, while going through a "big pile of papers," can be heard talking about former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, saying "he said that I wanted to attack Iran."

"Isn't this amazing I have a big pile of papers and this thing just came up," says Trump, 77, as the sound of shuffling papers can be heard in the background.

"Highly confidential, secret — secret information," he says as the others in the room — who have been identified as two Trump staffers and the two people working on the Meadows' memoir — can be heard laughing.

"These are the papers," Trump then says. "This was done by the military, given to me."

He then adds: "See, as president I could have declassified it. Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.”

“Now we have a problem,” one of the staffers responds.

“Isn’t that interesting,” Trump says.

Elsewhere in the two-minute recording, Trump and the others can be heard joking about "Hillary's emails," a reference to Hillary Clinton's controversial use of a personal email server during the time she served as Secretary of State, which led Republicans to allege she was sharing classified information.

"Hillary would print that out all the time, you know. Her private emails," one of the women says.

"No, she'd send it to Anthony Weiner," Trump cracked of the Democratic congressman (who was previously married to Clinton aide Huma Abedin) as laughter continued.

The recording ends with Trump imploring an aide, “Hey, bring some, uh, bring some Cokes in please.”
I have one of those at home too, tried to steer me a long time ago and insists we would be in a better place right now —- I was like WTF - he wanted to pull out of NATO, what does that tell you?

Anyway I could go on and on. Here are some dates for @Niner:

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon last week scheduled Trump's trial for Aug. 14.

Prosecutors with U.S. Special Counsel Jack Smith asked Cannon to delay the trial until Dec. 11.

Cannon on Monday also set a July 14 hearing tied to how classified information in the case will be handled. Legal experts have said the complexities surrounding the use of highly classified documents as evidence are likely to delay Trump's trial.

I feel for you! By way of example, when I told him 60 judges threw out his cases for voter fraud- his response? the judge didn't hear all the evidence!!! I said: that's because there is no evidence!!!!!! There is no way to rationally respond to that statement: after that statement I knew he was just gone-- there is no argument that anyone could make to change his mind: he also believes that if Trump were president Putin would not have attacked the Ukraine! Take care!!!

On the subject of judge Cannon, I hope she does not give preferential treatment to Trump---
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JG and ilovewings, I don't know how you guys do it. My partner and I would implode I think if we had political views that differed a lot. My brother and sister are Trump supporters, and we had a Thanksgiving dinner turn into a gigantic argument amongst the three of us. My mom insists now that there are to be no politics discussed during family gettogethers (which is fine by me, as it drives me crazy feeling like I'm the only sane person in the bunch)

I hear ya!!!!I think Trump has ruined many marriages and family relationships!!! My husband's kids (grown) both are Trumpsters as are their partners: it is beyond my understanding!!!! What is really strange is that his daughter is married to this wonderful man who works with physically challenged teens- and yet he likes Trump, who mocks disabled people! go figure!
I live in a house divided. One of us idolizes the accused. I am not the one :rolleyes:

That interview 45 gave last week that was aired on FOX was hilarious. He thought he would waltz into what was formerly a very friendly network and do a stroke piece about the poor embattled former president.

What he got was an interview that actually asked tough questions. His post interview temper tantrum is hilarious -

“Then you have a hostile network like Fox. When I did the interview with Bret, I thought it was fine. I thought it was okay, but there was nothing friendly about it. You know, it was nasty,” Trump said during an appearance on a Newsmax show hosted by Eric Bolling, a former Fox News host. “And I thought I did a good job; I’ve been given credit for doing a good job.”

Trump said people close to him have asked why he agreed to the interview with Baier, which The Hill first reported was negotiated over a period of several weeks and was his first sit-down with Baier since 2018.

“Because it was really like, unfriendly. Everything was like unfriendly. No smiling, no let’s have fun let’s Make America Great Again. Everything was like a hit,” Trump continued. “So you have a hostile network. And you have people that are their candidates they are obviously against you … and if you’re leading by 30, 40, 50 points, what’s the purpose of really doing it?”
Trump rips ‘nasty’ Bret Baier after Fox News interview

Never in all my years would I have imagined that former president Trump would view FOX News as hostile. I cannot stop giggling.
JG and ilovewings, I don't know how you guys do it. My partner and I would implode I think if we had political views that differed a lot. My brother and sister are Trump supporters, and we had a Thanksgiving dinner turn into a gigantic argument amongst the three of us. My mom insists now that there are to be no politics discussed during family gettogethers (which is fine by me, as it drives me crazy feeling like I'm the only sane person in the bunch)
Off topic
I'm from the UK and my husband and I are both staunch Labour supporters. We went on holiday with his cousins who all vote Conservative. I had to bite my tongue for much of the time with only the occasional retort as they praised Boris Johnson.
That was bad enough, I truly can't imagine having to spend time with Trump supporters!

Anyway, back on topic.
Yet again Trump's big mouth implicates him with the audio being played on the news channels tonight. He appeared to to be bragging about having this classified information, and it seems like a game to him.
I live in a house divided. One of us idolizes the accused. I am not the one :rolleyes:

That interview 45 gave last week that was aired on FOX was hilarious. He thought he would waltz into what was formerly a very friendly network and do a stroke piece about the poor embattled former president.

What he got was an interview that actually asked tough questions. His post interview temper tantrum is hilarious -

“Then you have a hostile network like Fox. When I did the interview with Bret, I thought it was fine. I thought it was okay, but there was nothing friendly about it. You know, it was nasty,” Trump said during an appearance on a Newsmax show hosted by Eric Bolling, a former Fox News host. “And I thought I did a good job; I’ve been given credit for doing a good job.”

Trump said people close to him have asked why he agreed to the interview with Baier, which The Hill first reported was negotiated over a period of several weeks and was his first sit-down with Baier since 2018.

“Because it was really like, unfriendly. Everything was like unfriendly. No smiling, no let’s have fun let’s Make America Great Again. Everything was like a hit,” Trump continued. “So you have a hostile network. And you have people that are their candidates they are obviously against you … and if you’re leading by 30, 40, 50 points, what’s the purpose of really doing it?”
Trump rips ‘nasty’ Bret Baier after Fox News interview

Never in all my years would I have imagined that former president Trump would view FOX News as hostile. I cannot stop giggling.

Off topic
I'm from the UK and my husband and I are both staunch Labour supporters. We went on holiday with his cousins who all vote Conservative. I had to bite my tongue for much of the time with only the occasional retort as they praised Boris Johnson.
That was bad enough, I truly can't imagine having to spend time with Trump supporters!

Anyway, back on topic.
Yet again Trump's big mouth implicates him with the audio being played on the news channels tonight. He appeared to to be bragging about having this classified information, and it seems like a game to him.
I agree-- it does seem like a game to him---I think he enjoys getting away
With as much as he can in any situation--
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