GUILTY FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen #20

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I keep reminding myself they (CA+DA+HA) knew their calls were recorded!! With that said, (26:38-11/7) Donna+Harvey claim the Markels only visited the boys 1 time and it was for a 'photo-op' to make them (The Markels) look good, for Charlie's arrest 12 hours later. Didn't hug or kiss the boys ... wanted nothing to do with them? How weird Lincoln thought they were because he didn't even know them.

Donna, Donna, Donna ... you are a special kind of evil.
On this same November 7 conversation:
  • CA asks Janice to throw away his sex toys so that his parents don't find them (DA was still free at this time).
  • Janice starts to freak out, almost crying ("this is moving way too fast") over uncertainty about the future of the house but two minute later she's laughing again.
  • Even with everything going on, Janice is thinking mainly of herself. Brings up the house again and says "I don't have a place to go".
  • CA mentions that HA had an aneurysm
  • Janice is laughing when she is rounding up the sex toys while CA gives instructions on where they are located in various parts of the house.
  • Janice had "the bar" ready for CA upon his acquittal.
  • CA was very positive on Sunday evening, and like has been reported a lot, he "gave away his canteen" thinking he was going home.
  • Janice seemed happy to adopt Bubbles the dog but again emphasized again that she had no place to go. Bubbles about to have his sixth birthday.
This only half of it but hopefully five weeks later Janice understands that her days at Whale Harbor are numbered.

I believe the call above wasn't with "Janice" who is living at Whale Harbor and takes care of the dog "Buddy," but with the baby momma Bri -- who cares for the dog "Bubbles." Bri is also living in one of CA's properties while she rents out her home. JMO
Just a rough guess that a private flight to Dubai might have costed approximately $100K. IMO, guaranteed they had that much if they had really wanted to go that route.

Also, if DA/HA were already in the jetway for their flight to Dubai, they would have cleared customs as no holds would have been on their passports. Still shocked they chose to fly commercial out of Miami.
In the jailhouse calls,she mentions she may get picked up trying to flee.I’m sure she wasn’t surprised when it happened.
On this same November 7 conversation:
  • CA asks Janice to throw away his sex toys so that his parents don't find them (DA was still free at this time).
  • Janice starts to freak out, almost crying ("this is moving way too fast") over uncertainty about the future of the house but two minute later she's laughing again.
  • Even with everything going on, Janice is thinking mainly of herself. Brings up the house again and says "I don't have a place to go".
  • CA mentions that HA had an aneurysm
  • Janice is laughing when she is rounding up the sex toys while CA gives instructions on where they are located in various parts of the house.
  • Janice had "the bar" ready for CA upon his acquittal.
  • CA was very positive on Sunday evening, and like has been reported a lot, he "gave away his canteen" thinking he was going home.
  • Janice seemed happy to adopt Bubbles the dog but again emphasized again that she had no place to go. Bubbles about to have his sixth birthday.
This only half of it but hopefully five weeks later Janice understands that her days at Whale Harbor are numbered.
Thank you. Is Janice his girlfriend? The one that they referred to saying she was living in his house, not his baby mama? Have we seen her anywhere else? Why didn't she go to his trial?
On this same November 7 conversation:
  • CA asks Janice to throw away his sex toys so that his parents don't find them (DA was still free at this time).
  • Janice starts to freak out, almost crying ("this is moving way too fast") over uncertainty about the future of the house but two minute later she's laughing again.
  • Even with everything going on, Janice is thinking mainly of herself. Brings up the house again and says "I don't have a place to go".
  • CA mentions that HA had an aneurysm
  • Janice is laughing when she is rounding up the sex toys while CA gives instructions on where they are located in various parts of the house.
  • Janice had "the bar" ready for CA upon his acquittal.
  • CA was very positive on Sunday evening, and like has been reported a lot, he "gave away his canteen" thinking he was going home.
  • Janice seemed happy to adopt Bubbles the dog but again emphasized again that she had no place to go. Bubbles about to have his sixth birthday.
This only half of it but hopefully five weeks later Janice understands that her days at Whale Harbor are numbered.
Thank you, Ferpo for the great bullet points!!
Let's add ...
  • Janice is taking the TV's ... No TV's?? Can she at least take one??
Considerable controversy on YT related to what Donna specifically says while editorializing on WA's text: Exactly her comment following WA declaring "...not involved in any way with Danny's death...". The aside from DA is either "didn't say she was" or "but she was"; or possibly something else entirely but it certainly ends with "she was".

One version makes the WA declaration, freestanding and exculpatory. The second is damning to WA in the extreme. The true crime YT channels have split on it; and I have not found a GJ courtroom scheduled that fits with indicting another family member.

I heard the keyword "say" and believe the first version is also consistent with another aside from DA a little later in the same conversation: WA indicates she is not responsible for how the prosecutor "used my statement" in CA's trial, to which DA delivers: "Again, I didn't say that". MOO

So did DA throw WA under the bus, or is it a non topic?

I vote for “didn’t say she was,” because later she says “Again… “ Followed by something about how she didn’t say she was. There is someone else in the apartment with them, I doubt she would say she was, even if she was.

ETA- doesn’t mean she wasn’t. also, Donna may have a different definition of “involved” than a court would.
I got from the calls that there are 2 women, Janice who is taking care of the house, and Bri who is the mother of his child. We know Bri sued him previously for child support and in that suit he denied paternity, but they seem to be part of each others’ lives now, from the phone calls. I only heard talk of one dog, Bubbles, and Charlie and Donna were deciding if he should go to Janice or Bri. (He talks about a prior dog who died. I haven’t listened to the more recent calls, though, so maybe there is a Buddy as well.). He says that he has only had Bubbles for 3 years, he got him about a year and a half before he was arrested, and he’s been “away” for 3 years. I do recall that at trial he testified that he called the police because some reporters almost ran over his dog. Not sure which dog this was, if it was in 2016 it seems like it couldn’t be Bubbles.

Janice is currently taking care of the house and Bubbles. When he talks to Bri, he says there is “a person” who is taking care of the house, he doesn’t day she is a woman. I am not sure what the relationship is with Janice. Thats my take.
But I don't think WA is blameless or guiltless, she had to be the one to give the info of where DM was and when on the day of the killing (at a minimum).
The custody schedule for the boys was not adhoc, the court had decided the 50/50 schedule and parenting guidelines, and both parents had to abide by it by, for eg, taking the kids to the Tallahasee daycare when they had custody. They needed to plan ahead, to schedule trips, etc, on the weeks when they didn't have custody.

"The parents, it was ordered, would stick to a temporary parenting schedule. According to the plan, the boys were to be with Markel the July week he would end up being shot in the head."

DA knew the schedule because she would often drive up and stay with WA and look after the boys when WA had custody. She was constantly in touch with WA, such as arranging the TV repair for a morning when she didn't have the kids.

Many on WS rely on their hinky meters, intuition, gut instinct, etc, IMO, WA could well have had an intuition, hinky meter or gut instinct about what was brewing, or had happened.

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The custody schedule for the boys was not adhoc, the court had decided the 50/50 schedule and parenting guidelines, and both parents had to abide by it by, for eg, taking the kids to the Tallahasee daycare when they had custody. They needed to plan ahead, to schedule trips, etc, on the weeks when they didn't have custody.

"The parents, it was ordered, would stick to a temporary parenting schedule. According to the plan, the boys were to be with Markel the July week he would end up being shot in the head."

DA knew the schedule because she would often drive up and stay with WA and look after the boys when WA had custody. She was constantly in touch with WA, such as arranging the TV repair for a morning when she didn't have the kids.

Many on WS rely on their hinky meters, intuition, gut instrinct, etc, IMO, WA could well have had an intuition, hinky meter or gut instinct about what was brewing, or had happened.

That one text they showed at trial of Wendi asking Dan if he will be home on the day of the murder is very suspicious to me. She says in the text that she wants to have the boys on the 16th, a Wednesday and so she wants to make sure he will be home that week. As you will recall, he had the boys that week. Wendi said at the police station that during the week, when one had the kids, the other one would get them on Wednesday evening as a matter of course. So why ask?

One possibility is that if either one took the boys somewhere during their week ( Wendi went to South Florida a lot), this Wednesday visit couldn’t happen. So I guess she could have been making sure he would be in town and she would have the boys. But this doesn’t seem right to me. Their deal was she would have had the boys by default UNLESS he was leaving town. It seems to me that the burden would have been on HIM to call and tell her he was leaving town; that would have been an exception to their general pattern. (Surely they didn’t have to check with each other each week just to make sure one wasn’t going out of town.) So why did she need to call and ask if he would be in town this specific Wednesday, and why did she say she “wanted to” have them? She was going to have them anyway, per their agreement.

The call, to me, seems like a pretext. Especially because, the testimony at trial based on cell tower records was that she made this call from the area of her parents’ condo, when they were all together for Harvey’s birthday. Phone tower records also show Charlie was with Katie at his house when this text was sent. Hinky, indeed.
He annoys me so much!!! Ugh! Just clean up the audio if you can and post them in good order without interruption. I’ll gladly pay for that version!
I like him but he annoys me as well! Like he has SO MUCH time in his hands it seems, but uses his time unwisely. Just clean up the audio and post it!

As a side note…it’s Christmas time and I can barely keep up with WS let alone the new info on this case! I’m busy 24/7 and I don’t even have a job besides my volunteer work. I’m cooking, decorating, shopping, wrapping presents, making crafts, baking …and I’m frazzled (but happy to be doing in this!) and I wonder how in the world everyone gets every thing done this time and of year. I feel SLOW LOL ! I love Christmas, but I’m ready to get back to my normal life so I can follow every tid bit of this case!
Streamed live 11 hours ago
Released jail telephone recordings reveal Donna Adelson saying to son Charlie Adelson that her daughter Wendi Adelson send her a text claiming " I am not guilty because i did not doing anything wrong and I was not involved in any way with Danny's death". Donna then exclaims "yes you were!" Law & Crime Network host then said words to the effect that Wendi should be worried. Others viewing and hearing the video on other YT channels are claiming other additional words are spoken which claim Donna stated "I didn't say that she was."John has slowed down this clip in question by 6 times, and you can listen for yourself and make the call on our video with the green waveform thumbnail on it-

Considerable controversy on YT related to what Donna specifically says while editorializing on WA's text: Exactly her comment following WA declaring "...not involved in any way with Danny's death...". The aside from DA is either "didn't say she was" or "but she was"; or possibly something else entirely but it certainly ends with "she was".

One version makes the WA declaration, freestanding and exculpatory. The second is damning to WA in the extreme. The true crime YT channels have split on it; and I have not found a GJ courtroom scheduled that fits with indicting another family member.

I heard the keyword "say" and believe the first version is also consistent with another aside from DA a little later in the same conversation: WA indicates she is not responsible for how the prosecutor "used my statement" in CA's trial, to which DA delivers: "Again, I didn't say that". MOO

So did DA throw WA under the bus, or is it a non topic?

It is a total nothing burger. I am certain DA did not implicate Wendi and responded "i didn't say she was" -- as in, why is Wendi accusing me when i never said i thought she did anything wrong.
Thank you. Is Janice his girlfriend? The one that they referred to saying she was living in his house, not his baby mama? Have we seen her anywhere else? Why didn't she go to his trial?

Correct. it's a romantic relationship and she is living at Whale Harbor taking care of his dog and the house. From the recording:

Janice: I was hopeful to see you one day and start a family, and do some big things
CA: That's not going to happen
I like him but he annoys me as well! Like he has SO MUCH time in his hands it seems, but uses his time unwisely. Just clean up the audio and post it!

As a side note…it’s Christmas time and I can barely keep up with WS let alone the new info on this case! I’m busy 24/7 and I don’t even have a job besides my volunteer work. I’m cooking, decorating, shopping, wrapping presents, making crafts, baking …and I’m frazzled (but happy to be doing in this!) and I wonder how in the world everyone gets every thing done this time and of year. I feel SLOW LOL ! I love Christmas, but I’m ready to get back to my normal life so I can follow every tid bit of this case!
I do not like this time of year, there is way too much extra stuff to do. I like parties, and presents, but I hate feeling compelled to buy so many things and go to so many parties all within a two or three week period before the big school break. I always end up feeling bloated, hung over, and like I am just bleeding money. The season is both too short and too long. Too long because the stores started with the carols and decorations just after Halloween this year, but too short because I wish people could be as kind and caring toward others all year as they are during this time.

I wish I could have your attitude and joy in what you are doing this time of year. I sincerely mean that, even though I sound like a grinch. Please keep doing what you’re doing, I bet you make lots of people happy every year, and that’s really what it’s all about, isn’t it? We will still be here, 10 pounds heavier and many many dollars lighter, when you get back.
Correct. it's a romantic relationship and she is living at Whale Harbor taking care of his dog and the house. From the recording:

Janice: I was hopeful to see you one day and start a family, and do some big things
CA: That's not going to happen
Meanwhile he is also talking to Bri and she is saying she loves him and she and their son will always be there for him. No words.
Janice: I was hopeful to see you one day and start a family, and do some big things
Wake up Janice! Not only is he a convicted murderer and used one of his previous girlfriends as the go-between in the murder plot, but he's 47, never married, never appears to have lived with a woman...and when you start humming 'misty water-coloured memories,' he snaps at you to cut that out.

Just a few more points from the CA-Janice conversation:
  • Rashbaum mentioned the tremendous media coverage of this case to CA, including international and social media. CA is very bitter over this, mentions that his appeal won't be able to go unnoticed when filed.
  • CA needs to find an appellate attorney (maybe he has one by now). CA says two years until appeal is filed and then heard, and then six months after that for a new trial but admits it would be a miracle if that happens. He's just processing that the absolute minimum time he'll be in prison is 2.5 years but is dejected and not hopeful at all.
  • CA will be deciding whether to rent or sell Whale Harbor. It's costing him $2K/month right now.
  • CA doesn't want Janice to take either one of the wall-mounted TVs in the house, in case he decides to rent it.
  • CA is aware that they are monitoring this call and says "TV" was never code for anything.
  • CA about jail: "I don't belong here, I'm a fish out of water". "I'll never go to the beach again or boat again. I'll never go to a nice dinner again, go on a date again, play football with my son." "The only thing I'm going to do is sit here and think about it and remember what it used to be like until I die."
  • More talk about the house. Parents may want to sell it to raise money. Asks Janice to help them box up things if they need help, Janice offers to move stuff to her storage.
  • Call closes with "I'm never coming home". Janice crying.
That one text they showed at trial of Wendi asking Dan if he will be home on the day of the murder is very suspicious to me. She says in the text that she wants to have the boys on the 16th, a Wednesday and so she wants to make sure he will be home that week. As you will recall, he had the boys that week. Wendi said at the police station that during the week, when one had the kids, the other one would get them on Wednesday evening as a matter of course. So why ask?

One possibility is that if either one took the boys somewhere during their week ( Wendi went to South Florida a lot), this Wednesday visit couldn’t happen. So I guess she could have been making sure he would be in town and she would have the boys. But this doesn’t seem right to me. Their deal was she would have had the boys by default UNLESS he was leaving town. It seems to me that the burden would have been on HIM to call and tell her he was leaving town; that would have been an exception to their general pattern. (Surely they didn’t have to check with each other each week just to make sure one wasn’t going out of town.) So why did she need to call and ask if he would be in town this specific Wednesday, and why did she say she “wanted to” have them? She was going to have them anyway, per their agreement.

The call, to me, seems like a pretext. Especially because, the testimony at trial based on cell tower records was that she made this call from the area of her parents’ condo, when they were all together for Harvey’s birthday. Phone tower records also show Charlie was with Katie at his house when this text was sent. Hinky, indeed.
There was also the 18 minute phone call between Charlie and Wendi on the morning of the murder. It was purportedly about whether to fix the television or buy a new one.

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At last, the first three Dan Markel murderers get “sentenced to life” as release date. Sigfredo Garcia, Katherine Magbanua, and Charles Adelson, DMD, are “together” in Florida Department of Corrections, albeit at three different prisons. Look how pretty they are in the same gray scrub uniform! Have I had a magic wand, I would put all three of them in the same cell.
And switch the men to hot pink, flowered scrubs. Especially enjoyed by gang members. LOL.
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