FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen *4 Guilty* #21

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I wonder if Harvey was emotionally neglectful to Donna or is he also emotionally unstable? And they (but primarily Donna) used Charlie as some type of emotional caretaker, someone to soothe their anxieties. Because he keeps saying on the wiretaps/jail calls how worked up they get and how they need to take Xanax and calm down. It’s interesting that Charlie assumed this role. I predict this would have naturally gone to Robert as the eldest. But once he dropped out of the family dysfunction and stopped playing his role, Charlie the black sheep had to assume the role. And I think he’s not emotionally capable and it overwhelmed him. JMO
It's a very weird dynamic. Dr John from Hidden True Crime was brilliant on enmeshed families during the Vallow case. It's a pity that that channel never covered this case.

Anyway, after listening to 30 + calls now, I can't see any way that CA ever flips on his mom.
For the same reasons, this makes it very difficult for him to flip on Wendi until his mother has taken her chances at trial. Imo, he'd have to wait.
( However If the state were to put on two defendants simultaneously as some have suggested, that complicates things even further.)
Other than what's said on the tape, I have no idea. I'll go refind the link for you. ( The surname of one of them is on there, I just omitted it as a courtesy)

BTW what did you make of the interesting part of the call where Charlie's backing-up Wendi? Claiming they're on good terms (It's in the WS post post you're replying to)
Thank you cottonweaver! I listen all day to things about this case, YT, but since this activity is combined with working full time (lol) I haven’t really heard any of the tapes. I find without the captions I can’t really make everything out and can’t do that while also working. :(. So the synopsis’ offered on here are really appreciated!
In my opinion he seems to want to believe she’s a loving sister with whom he is close. It would make sense that he would want to believe that, in my opinion because he has been convicted of a crime which he did for her. Who knows, it is possible he has been fed a story his whole life regarding how she loves him and needs him to protect her from her own choices. To me, that is consistent with the bump calls about how she should date Dave and he can help her realize that, and the texts shown at trial about how she shouldn’t buy a house and he can help her realize that. Even now, Donna says on the “hot mic” call that when he asks about Wendi she doesnt have the heart to tell him she hasn’t asked for him. Might she also feel that it is not in her interest for him to realize Wendi may not be as supportive or appreciative as he thinks, as that might cause him to flip? (Remember those bump calls where he says she doesn’t realize how lucky she is?).

Imagine, hypothetically, that you have done this horrible crime for someone. Imagine how difficult it would be to accept that this person doesnt appear to want to visit or call you in prison. You might try to convince yourself/someone else that this was not, in fact, the situation. In my opinion the truth would be too devastating to cope with.
But… pretty sure he did this for Donna.
But… pretty sure he did this for Donna.
Oh, yes. I believe he did this because Donna asked him, but I think she told him he needed to do it for Wendi. In other words, I think he believes it was Wendi who was in trouble and needed him to help her. I think he believes he and Donna did this to help Wendi. But in my opinion, it was Donna who wanted this done.
Donna & Harvey. A decade or more of practice, in my opinion.

Dr Rob Adelson on Wondery, recounted the time when he was a resident and during the lead-up to his first, short marriage. ( First marriage was 2004)

Break ups & reconciliations with Haritha over 1.5 yrs while he was a resident because of ‘ multiple years of them threatening to disown me, threatening phone calls.’ & then pressuring him for years until he gives in & marries somebody else. ( Threats from Donna & Harvey, obviously some of those must have been financial threats. )
I don't know what CA is thinking about WA. I haven't listened to all of his calls. But if he did this for her and if she knew about it in advance, then she is clearly a seriously untrustworthy co-conspirator. How could he not think that when he saw WA's police interview in which she threw him under the bus? He's upset that she drove to Trescott but not upset about the police interview? JMO.
I don't know what CA is thinking about WA. I haven't listened to all of his calls. But if he did this for her and if she knew about it in advance, then she is clearly a seriously untrustworthy co-conspirator. How could he not think that when he saw WA's police interview in which she threw him under the bus? He's upset that she drove to Trescott but not upset about the police interview? JMO.
I am not sure he watched her police interview.
0k. I think the chance that he didn’t watch it is about .0001%. At a minimum any decent attorney repping him would have shown it to him. JMO.
He just sounds to me in those calls like he’s not familiar with her police interview, or her book. He says he didn’t even know she drive by the scene until 2016. If true, then he wouldn’t have known she threw him under the bus right away. You’re right, he does seem more upset about the drive by than about her mentioning the TV joke. He does address the tv joke in some of the calls, but he doesn’t seem to blame her for mentioning it.
I've been meaning to ask if any of you know- who is the guy who is friends with CA that JL refers to when he speaks to LE? He said it's a guy who was like a former marine or something with weapons. He says that's who he thought may have done it when he thought CA may have hired someone. Is it that guy Ryan F? Jeff didn't know his name.

Happy Holidays to everyone.
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I've been meaning to ask if any of you know- who is the guy who is friends with CA that JL refers to when he speaks to LE? He said it's a guy who was like a former marine or something with weapons. He says that's who he thought may have done it when he thought CA may have hired someone. Is it that guy Ryan F? Jeff didn't know his name.

Happy Holidays to everyone.
I do not think that guy is Ryan, but it’s possible. According to LaCasse, Charlie bragged about having a friend who has been in the special forces. LaCasse didn’t give a name, and I’m not aware of any person meeting that description ever being identified in this case. I don’t know if Ryan was ever in the special forces.
I do not think that guy is Ryan, but it’s possible. According to LaCasse, Charlie bragged about having a friend who has been in the special forces. LaCasse didn’t give a name, and I’m not aware of any person meeting that description ever being identified in this case. I don’t know if Ryan was ever in the special forces.
Yes, I was curious if anyone knew who he meant. He said the guy was on his Facebook.
Since watching the Dateline Special about Dan Markel, i was left under the impression that Prius were actually very popular in Thalahassee.
Forward to 11:50 of this video:

Someone came on here awhile back and said that Dan’s neighbor had the exact same Prius. That Dans next door neighbor was a lawyer and across the street a retired Judge or mayor. I remember thinking at the time that perhaps thats why they wanted the Prius.The neighbor said everyone knew the Prius so the murderers wouldn't look suspicious driving around the neighborhood.
Does anyone else remember that person that came on this group?
Why is everyone so sure that Harvey was not the instigator? Or at least equally involved in the decision to kill DM?
For some strange reason I got it in my head that HA was aware of the hit, but not OK with it. He was the one Adelson that perhaps had a grain of morality hence the reason DA didn't want him to know certain details of the bump. However I've since read of all the Adelsons he carried the most hate for Dan Markel, perhaps why the killing of DM was going to be his birthday present.

Regarding his culpability, I don't think he was the instigator. He despised DM, but wasn't as obsessed as DA was with WA and DM's divorce. I think it was CA's idea, the maestro wanting to please his mother, he came up with the idea, mentioned it to DA who was on board, then WA. I think HA probably said go for it, just don't include me in your plans. Perhaps he wanted DM dead, but didn't want to get his hands dirty.
For some strange reason I got it in my head that HA was aware of the hit, but not OK with it. He was the one Adelson that perhaps had a grain of morality hence the reason DA didn't want him to know certain details of the bump. However I've since read of all the Adelsons he carried the most hate for Dan Markel, perhaps why the killing of DM was going to be his birthday present.

Regarding his culpability, I don't think he was the instigator. He despised DM, but wasn't as obsessed as DA was with WA and DM's divorce. I think it was CA's idea, the maestro wanting to please his mother, he came up with the idea, mentioned it to DA who was on board, then WA. I think HA probably said go for it, just don't include me in your plans. Perhaps he wanted DM dead, but didn't want to get his hands dirty.
In my opinion this family seems divided Donna/Charlie (Momma’s Boy) and Harvey/WendI (Daddy’s Little Girl). I dont know if it was always that way, or how Rob may have figured in. But in my opinion the first two did not let the second two in on their plans right away. Why do I think this? Occam’s razor. Who has the most evidence against them of direct planning and payment? Who are sitting in jail right now? I’m not saying the others were not involved or brought in, just I don’t believe right away.
Someone came on here awhile back and said that Dan’s neighbor had the exact same Prius. That Dans next door neighbor was a lawyer and across the street a retired Judge or mayor. I remember thinking at the time that perhaps thats why they wanted the Prius.The neighbor said everyone knew the Prius so the murderers wouldn't look suspicious driving around the neighborhood.
Does anyone else remember that person that came on this group?
Way back when, i had speculated about the possibility that a Prius was purposely rented because it would not stand out as much with the Prius parked next door, fwiw.
On a different note..
Dec 24, 2023 Court TV Podcast
Just hours after Dan Markel's murder, his ex-wife Wendi Adelson told police he was "emotionally abusive" in their last interaction together. Wendi's brother Charlie Adelson was convicted as the mastermind behind this murder-for-hire plot.
Just had a revelation—I think Wendi did the unplanned drive by the crime scene because she was freaking out over the possibility that the hit might not be done before Dan picked up the kids from daycare. She says she was upset that Dan wanted to take the kids swimming and talked to Charlie about it during the 18 minute phone call about the broken tv.
Just had a revelation—I think Wendi did the unplanned drive by the crime scene because she was freaking out over the possibility that the hit might not be done before Dan picked up the kids from daycare. She says she was upset that Dan wanted to take the kids swimming and talked to Charlie about it during the 18 minute phone call about the broken tv.
GDP..GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! I just wrote that to a sleuth pal. You must be able to read my email as well as my mind, LOL!!!
edited to add.Yeppers, there was no other reason to involve "the Maestro" 400 miles away in something as minor as taking a swim on a hot summer's day, when DM had custody of them until 4 PM. What was she worried about??
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