FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen *4 Guilty* #21

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Again, it’s not so much what she said, in my opinion, it’s the number of different stories and explanations she has given. Any individual one of these can be explained. It’s a shortcut. I have no sense of direction. It was the first liquor store that popped up. All arguably make sense. But why so many?
I suppose her "use immunity" would not prevent the State from impeaching her with these conflicting versions of her drive to the crime scene on the day/time of the murder? I think her coincidental drive-by (coupled with her various explanations) would be really critical to get before the jury.
Hi everyone. I just wanted to pop in here to say I’m listening to a really interesting podcast. Roberta Glass True Crime Report. “Charlie Adelson’s Trial Attendee Tells All!” She’s got a guest on this one, Sunny, who attended Charlie’s trial and talks about the jury, the defense, jury’s reaction to WA and CA, (CA’s reaction (flirting?lol) when June testified), the rogue juror… just alot. I haven’t seen anyone mention this here so wanted to share. Very interesting stuff. Her other episodes that I’ve listened to are well done as well. Moo
STS premiered a dental hygienist who worked with Charlie. Bad audio/kept cutting off throughout on her end. Then at times she kept talking for too long and interrupting Joel. It was annoying to listen to. Also, nothing surprising was revealed about Charlie. He thinks he’s better than everybody, doesn’t have good manners with patients, said dumb things to her when she was battling cancer, talked down to staff, and gave zero effs about patient complaints. He would leave patients on the table bleeding to take phone calls (this we already knew from the wiretaps). Also, got fired by a couple dentists after the Dateline show came out cause they didn’t want the publicity. Apparently, he wasn’t liked by most of the ppl that interacted with him. The rest of it was speculative and not informative.

It’s hard to assess how much of this is just after the fact conjecture and reading into events.

I suppose her "use immunity" would not prevent the State from impeaching her with these conflicting versions of her drive to the crime scene on the day/time of the murder? I think her coincidental drive-by (coupled with her various explanations) would be really critical to get before the jury.
I think her "use immunity" does bar the State from using her testimony about Trescott against her if she's tried for a crime other than perjury.
I think her "use immunity" does bar the State from using her testimony about Trescott against her if she's tried for a crime other than perjury.
Not a lawyer….but think what they cannot use is statements that were true and made on the witness stand. Lies and interviews with Detective Isom, or data Collected outside the witness stand can be used.
Not a lawyer….but think what they cannot use is statements that were true and made on the witness stand. Lies and interviews with Detective Isom, or data Collected outside the witness stand can be used.
My post was about her testimony -- that would be what she said on the stand. We know that they can use what she said to Isom and any other out of court statements against her. I don't think it matters if her testimony was allegedly a lie/false -- I think it still can't be used against her unless they are going after her for perjury. If anyone has any cites to the contrary, would love to see them and learn.

[Also, as to data collected, they are barred from using her testimony and any evidence derived from her testimony (use/derivative use immunity). So to the extent they collect data based on what she said on the stand, they would be be barred from using it against her (unless the charge is perjury)].
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About the varying explanations for the Trescott route, one thing she told Isom was: she drove down Trescott as a way to emotionally deal with her divorce. Has that weird explanation ever been brought up at the trials? I’m thinking no but with three sets of WA trial testimony I’m unsure.
Yes! Every time I hear that I think…whaaat? She was thrilled about the divorce. I always forget to bring that up here. Her poor me act for Isom.
top left - tag ' Bring Bulleit ( caps lock) .... or your favourite....' ( the image which I posted on this page)

Second, the state already presented a map showing the proximity of the Publix , see screenshot of trial demonstrative below View attachment 470609
Yes that chart is ingrained in my mind.Wendi could have gotten wine at Publix.She didn’t need to go to ABC and ask for Bourbon, as if that was her only choice. If I remember correctly, she seemed to need help since she never bought bourbon before. But her “assignment” was not to search for bourbon.
This is suspect.
I have a famously poor sense of direction. I use navigation on my phone constantly, and I usually say," __________ near me" to prompt my directions when I am looking for a specialty store like a liquor store. That is just me, but it is fair to assume that others with the same challenge would tend to do the same. Navigation systems have been standard in nice cars for at least 10 years. To be fair, I do travel the well-worn route often, too.

I am also having a hard time with "Wendi drinks her dinner" and her unfamiliarity with the location of other liquor stores. I don't drink any longer, but I still know where all of the local liquor stores are. When I "drank my dinner" I would rotate through the local liquor options because I was ashamed about how often I was purchasing alcohol. Not to project any of my issues on WA; it is just that these are inconsistencies in the information. JL is a very credible witness to me, and there is a reason why the Adelsons malign him when they can- they don't want his testimony to be believed. He does not behave like a jealous ex, just a nice guy who is totally confused by WA's unpredictable behavior. Also, when he testified- something to the effect that... WA often blurts out things that are not to her own advantage, it struck me that it is the kind of thing a person who is drinking their dinner out of stress might do. In the other restaurant incident involving WA's table vomit, that looks like what happens when a person gulps a drink too quickly and their stomach rejects the alcohol. None of these things are necessarily connected, nor do they mean that WA has issues with drinking, but they do resonate with me as evidence counter to WA's unfamiliarity with the local liquor store options and CA's references to WA rarely drinking. My guess is that WA got the party invite and added it to the plan as an element that factored into the timing. Maybe the date was selected because of the invitation?

Do we know anything about who proposed the lunch location and time for WA's lunch? Do we know how far the restaurant is from WA's residence?
There were different accounts of the “celebration dinner”
Wendi stated that she had “a drink) at the bar.
Charlie said she had two drinks and it seemed both were doubles or that the restaurants martinis were 4 ounces of alcohol—so that means 4 shots in 2 drinks (at least one drink was with dinner.Didn’t hear of first being at the bar.)
Charlie said it was with dinner,

Mozaik seems like it was an upscale restaurant. She said she often had lunch with friends on Fridays.
Maybe a place she frequented?

She did have plans with her friend Renee who had a job interview (i think she was from out of town),but she cancelled seeing her, and the lunch plans, it seemed were last minute.
I would presume that each invite had a different bottle of alcohol on it: bourbon, gin, tequila, etc. Just so the recipient doesn't end up with a half dozen bottles of vodka.

And this may be an assumption on my part, but to me a "Stock the Bar" invite is a request for liquor, not wine. When people refer to their home bar don't they generally mean their liquor cabinet? Also, to "stock" something would mean to be able to have a supply of it available for the long-term. The average bottle of wine holds about five glasses worth and once opened needs to be drunk within a couple of days to prevent the wine from oxidizing. A liquor bottle holds roughly 12 drinks and will last indefinitely.

I do think it's gauche to request a particular brand of alcohol, but that's on the couple throwing the party.
The invite says “or your favorite wine or spirit“(under the BULLIET BOURBON.)
she could have brought whatever she wanted.
STS premiered a dental hygienist who worked with Charlie. Bad audio/kept cutting off throughout on her end. Then at times she kept talking for too long and interrupting Joel. It was annoying to listen to. Also, nothing surprising was revealed about Charlie. He thinks he’s better than everybody, doesn’t have good manners with patients, said dumb things to her when she was battling cancer, talked down to staff, and gave zero effs about patient complaints. He would leave patients on the table bleeding to take phone calls (this we already knew from the wiretaps). Also, got fired by a couple dentists after the Dateline show came out cause they didn’t want the publicity. Apparently, he wasn’t liked by most of the ppl that interacted with him. The rest of it was speculative and not informative.

It’s hard to assess how much of this is just after the fact conjecture and reading into events.

More insight into his character and narcissism.
In general yes I agree but in that call, which @BUF linked to, it's Donna's retelling the visit to Charlie. Only Wendi was present and she's putting the nasty spin on it ' They didn't even hug the boys.' etc

I wouldn't be surprised if Wendi also said the same. ' accidentally' in earshot of the boys. Whoops!
She's a master at alienation. She's exploited the kids for so many years. ( Even now in 2023, she won't contact Charlie herself but she'll let Ben do it. Kinda convenient)

Yes, you were right. Tamara Demko also told Isom a similar version to Tally Democrat's account - that the parents helped her move out of Trescott in 2012. I imagine that the details around this will come into Donna's trial, if the state can find a direct witness.

Totally agree. Curtailing a visit to strictly 1 short hour is guaranteed to make a visit with estranged grandparents more awkward and less natural. In an hour, and one where Wendi is watching like a hawk, there's no scope to treat them, say, a kids' beach activity and then take the boys for ice cream or whatever and then start to relax into it. ( Also, Phil Markel has access to or owns a huge house in Sth FL, one with a pool etc.)
Wendi knows exactly what she's doing.

I hope all Wendi's loyal pals- the child psychologists, social workers and advocates - are good with enabling this long-drawn out torture of the kids. ( To me, not challenging her when she discusses it, is enabling)
I was told it isn’t Phils house,but a relatives. but it does make easier access to the boys

Anyway, changing the subject and asking a dumb question but what on earth is Jorge/AnyGuy doing with Wendi in 2023? I'm not a man, but you'd have to be daft, desperate (or broke?) to date her with this cloud of suspicion hanging over her head. Baggage much?

Many males find Wendi to be very attractive physically and that alone would outweigh all of the negative baggage for a large number of men. Sure, that's an indictment of many shallow men, but it is the truth. Beyond that, her notoriety itself would be appealing to some men. Some like the notion of dating a "bad" girl and would actually consider her involvement in the crime to be a plus. Others psychologically will be disposed to accept her claim of innocence on its face and find the prospect of defending her appealing. In the UK serial killer Joanna Dennehy receives love letters daily. Maxim ran a poll on the hottest female murderers (Cynthia Coffman won) and many readers professed a willingness and desire to go on a date. Lizzie Borden, Casey Anthony, and Jodi Arias all have had no shortage of male suitors penning love letters and proposals. There is no question that women comprise the majority of those with hybristophilia, but evil female hotties will always be able to have their dance card filled.
I don't think it matters if her testimony was allegedly a lie/false -- I think it still can't be used against her unless they are going after her for perjury.

What WA says on the stand can't be used against her as it may incriminate her. But she only has protection over truthful statements. If she says she drove down Trescott Drive to the crime scene this couldn't be used against her as it's truthful and incriminating and it is factual. If she says she didn't drive down Trescott Drive, then as it is a falsehood, it can be used against her. Otherwise what is the incentive for her to tell the truth if all of her statements are protected irrespective of whether they are true or not? Immunity agreements require the witness to swear that they are being truthful any lies would have breached the immunity contract. If this didn't exist you would have people being granted immunity, then going to court and completely switching stories as they no they are protected.
Just listened to that new interview with the dental hygienist ( STS) First met him 2000 ish, last worked with him around 2016

No earth shattering revelations but when you stack the smaller details together, not pretty.

here's a few

To cancer survivor colleague -' Hey baldy!' and wtte of ' what do you mean you can't carry my case of tools down to my Merc, you' re useless. ' ( Post cancer surgery)
14 yr old's extraction - enough for assistant to leave room in disgust.
Over-charging old ladies for unnecessary implants & boasting about it.
Patients often over sedated, 'loopy.'
The first 20/20 had an impact on his work with dentists refusing to have him and CA having to work further north. ( No wonder he's still obsessing about that show on the jail calls)
Despite being a bad dentist with a bad bedside manner some women ate it up.
Has been told that he was defrauding dental insurance but she can't personally substantiate it
Many males find Wendi to be very attractive physically and that alone would outweigh all of the negative baggage for a large number of men. Sure, that's an indictment of many shallow men, but it is the truth. Beyond that, her notoriety itself would be appealing to some men. Some like the notion of dating a "bad" girl and would actually consider her involvement in the crime to be a plus. Others psychologically will be disposed to accept her claim of innocence on its face and find the prospect of defending her appealing. In the UK serial killer Joanna Dennehy receives love letters daily. Maxim ran a poll on the hottest female murderers (Cynthia Coffman won) and many readers professed a willingness and desire to go on a date. Lizzie Borden, Casey Anthony, and Jodi Arias all have had no shortage of male suitors penning love letters and proposals. There is no question that women comprise the majority of those with hybristophilia, but evil female hotties will always be able to have their dance card filled.
yeah I've never had difficulty acknowledging that Wendi is a good looking and charming woman - when she's on her best behaviour and is camera-ready. (Lots of people took issue with her description as ' mesmerising' but I've never underestimated the impact of charm on the willing. Even other women - look at Sarah LaTorre - Wendi had her eating out of palm of her hand despite the most blatant tactics ' we could be sisters'. SlT Victim Advocate)

Anyway, looking forward to Jorge's next big date.
2025 Dateline or 2025 Tallahassee court room ;)

Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 10.35.39.png
Using this photo because the photo of Wendi on the Weakest Link is too low res
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I’ve been looking for the post of the subject on Luis R and the June attempt.
someone copied and pasted from the Tallahassee Dem that the state claimed the guys had to get the rental car back.
I stated that it was bc LR said he wasn’t going to kill Dan with his kids with him.

The information about the kids being with Dan is from Luis Riveras proffer.
thats where he stated that.Not sure why the state stated it was bc of the car.
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yeah I've never had difficulty acknowledging that Wendi is a good looking and charming woman - when she's on her best behaviour and is camera-ready. (Lots of people took issue with her description as ' mesmerising' but I've never underestimated the impact of charm on the willing. Even other women - look at Sarah LaTorre - Wendi had her eating out of palm of her hand despite the most blatant tactics ' we could be sisters' )

Anyway, looking forward to Jorge's next big date.
2025 Dateline or 2025 Tallahassee court room ;)

View attachment 470832
Using this photo because the photo of Wendi on the Weakest Link is too low res
Very strong chin and neck.
looks like lots of lip filler. Now she has lots of cheek filler. only bc you posted a huge photo. Lol

PS she has a very symmetrical face.I remember decades, back reading that the reason why the Gerber baby was chosen was the symmetrical face, and that it is pleasing for someone to look at bc there are no distractions with facial features.It was an interesting article and the photo brought that back to mind. Models are also chosen for this quality,
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