FL- Girl 12, found dead at abandoned cement plant

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Lots of new discussion since I last checked this thread. I like Judd. While I do wish he hadn't shown the girls' mug shots, on the whole, I think he's done a good job. He seems to be taking a fair look at things, citing Katelyn's remorse for example, and I'm sure he's also looking into Rebecca's home life. While the situation is just tragic all around, I think Judd is doing a great job with the case.
No need to apologize Lillygator, just put the rude posters on ignore.

Absolutely! There is an agenda here...I just scroll on past without reading now that I have figured that out :) Especially when I realized they were here only for this case. #scrollon
I was pick on until I thought about suicide constantly. You can be in your right mind and be bullied out of it.


Imo the strongest psychological and evolutionary force is the will to live. It's intrinsic.
interesting, a jury has to pick between black and white don't they? I'm not going to ignore you, why would I? I like reading everyone's thoughts and opinions - I just am a huge fan of Grady Judd - he has done WONDERS for POLK county and if you care to look has taken TONS of sex offenders off the streets. (among other things) I do hope he runs for higher office. And I can't wait until the theif Rick Scott is out of here.

I don't care if she is 12, 9 or 18....she knew what she she was doing, she could have told an adult if she was in fear of the other girl - IMO she wasn't. At 12 you know right from wrong, heck at 2 you know that.
telling an adult didn't do wonders for the girl that died.

IMO these girls, IMO, all of them ....had no one that truly had their backs and that could be trusted.
sorry, I guess this just hits close to home being from there.
Also I have 2 girls and the bullying started in daycare here. And none of the ones doing it have any kind of home life that these seemed to have, they are all good families, well off and just have mean girls.

That may very well be true.

But it's also true that you do not know what goes on behind closed doors. Money doesn't equate to a stellar, abuse free home life.
Absolutely! There is an agenda here...I just scroll on past without reading now that I have figured that out :) Especially when I realized they were here only for this case. #scrollon

Also, I didn't know we could people on ignore...is that something we can do?


Imo the strongest psychological and evolutionary force is the will to live. It's intrinsic.

So why so many suicides? And laughing at me is exactly what I would have expected. Nice!
So why so many suicides? And laughing at me is exactly what I would have expected. Nice!

I sincerely apologize for the lol. I'm talking on the phone and typing....I didn't mean to type that.
So why so many suicides? And laughing at me is exactly what I would have expected. Nice!

Because being depressed or in such emotional pain is devastating and that person is not in their right mind. They are incapable of making rational choices. That's why suicidal people are hospitalized....to stabilize them and help them.
So why so many suicides? And laughing at me is exactly what I would have expected. Nice!

I have worked on the mental health/addiction recovery unit since 2002 and unfortunately we have lost many many people to suicide (not on the unit of course)...depression is real. It is not about will power...if you don't have it...you don't understand it...people tend to think you can just flip a switch and just get through it...anyhow...at 12...wow...12...that is all I am going to say. The poor girl was 12 and had it hard from all areas of her life...we need to be kinder to one another...even in here...we are not being kind...so sad.
I have worked on the mental health/addiction recovery unit since 2002 and unfortunately we have lost many many people to suicide (not on the unit of course)...depression is real. It is not about will power...if you don't have it...you don't understand it...people tend to think you can just flip a switch and just get through it...anyhow...at 12...wow...12...that is all I am going to say. I am tired of talking about it. The poor girl was 12 and had it hard from all areas of her life...we need to be kinder to one another...even in here...we are not being kind...so sad.

You're missing my point.
I have worked on the mental health/addiction recovery unit since 2002 and unfortunately we have lost many many people to suicide (not on the unit of course)...depression is real. It is not about will power...if you don't have it...you don't understand it...people tend to think you can just flip a switch and just get through it...anyhow...at 12...wow...12...that is all I am going to say. The poor girl was 12 and had it hard from all areas of her life...we need to be kinder to one another...even in here...we are not being kind...so sad.

And you don't have to have depression to understand it...I worked a really long night...and really need to just go back to bed...ugh.
To lillygator:

Judd was blaming Rebecca's home environment.

And BTW, when people publicly damn a preteen girl as a MURDERER without a trial, not to mention any evidence she actually anticipated a fatal outcome, and reject her remorse as fake, she becomes a prime candidate for suicide.

My stance is that any pretense that a preteen child thinks like an adult, be it when she commits suicide or sends hateful messages to a peer, is wrong at best and extremely dangerous at worst.

well you didn't quote that. and I do think ALL parties involved home life are involved

I still think
SHE should have thought of that when she was spewing her posts. I do not care what her home life is like,not one bit. if she is remorseful, then she knows better
I also find it hard to belive said rebecca is contemplating suicide, very hard to believe. she is scared
I've said it several times, but this particular thread is pushing everyone's buttons worse than anything I've seen in a while. I suppose it ties into our relative experiences with bullies (as children and parents). I'm sympathetic to parents of bullied children, and I obviously believe bullying is a problem. I also believe pre-teens being subject to the social pressure-cooker of being on the internet 24/7 is a problem, one I don't know how to fix. But I believe this situation involves the following:

One girl (Rebecca) whose home life was apparently awful, who had absolutely no one, and who was probably in a downward spiral that the bully picked up on--that's what bullies do, find weakness and exploit it.

One girl (Shaw) who was the ringleader, who apparently came up in family of bullies (see neighbor comments and her stepmother recently being arrested for assaulting a child). Based on her FB comments, she may well have the makings of a sociopath. I don't know what the solution is, but getting her away from social media and other kids is a good first step.

One girl (Katelyn) who is also from a troubled home, said she was abused by her stepfather BEFORE ANY OF THIS HAPPENED OR BAEZ WAS INVOLVED (youtube video predates any of these events), whom Judd said was turned against Rebecca by Shaw, and whom Judd said expressed remorse. I do not believe she is a sociopath and I believe she is already living through the worst punishment she deserves. I'm worried about her being basically on house arrest with her stepfather. I believe she can be rehabilitated and will not benefit by hatred being thrown at her due to her association with Baez (I suspect the fact that her parents even went there is a sign of how bad her family life is).

There were probably other kids involved, either via pack mentality or due to being afraid of being the next bully victim. I suspect this scenario has (hopefully) put some sense into at least a few of them.

I DON'T have a strong opinion on Rebecca's responsibility level for her own death. I can see both sides. I tend towards NOT morally equating the bullying with murder. She chose to jump. And apparently the justice system agrees with me, as the girls were not charged with murder. But I also agree with Judd that the bullying was probably on the list of things that ultimately broke her. And saying that I don't equate it with murder doesn't mean I give anyone a 'pass' or don't think that Shaw, at least, should face real charges.

So these are my opinions--but please understand that I am not setting out to offend anyone with them. My background influences are 1) followed this case from day one/before it blew up; 2) was the 'bullied' in school but was not left with lasting damage; 3) do not have kids; 4) do think cyberbullying is a serious, serious problem...and one that only adults can effectively prevent. (Be they parents, law enforcement, social media owners, teachers, etc.)

Tossing a bunch of kids into unmonitored 24/7 online interaction...unfortunately it really is going to turn into Lord of the Flies. Kids have terrible judgement. That's why they're kids and still live at home.
well you didn't quote that. and I do think ALL parties involved home life are involved

I still think
SHE should have thought of that when she was spewing her posts. I do not care what her home life is like,not one bit. if she is remorseful, then she knows better

Most 12-15 year olds go through a narcissistic stage and troubled teens can be developmentally unable to see outside of their own pain. That stage is normal. When a child is living an abnormal home life they act out.
Teen years are difficult and even those teens with wonderful home lives can have difficulties. Add in abuse and it can be a recipe for disaster. Bullying, drug use, alcohol abuse, promiscuity....
I've said it several times, but this particular thread is pushing everyone's buttons worse than anything I've seen in a while. I suppose it ties into our relative experiences with bullies (as children and parents). I'm sympathetic to parents of bullied children, and I obviously believe bullying is a problem. I also believe pre-teens being subject to the social pressure-cooker of being on the internet 24/7 is a problem, one I don't know how to fix. But I believe this situation involves the following:

One girl (Rebecca) whose home life was apparently awful, who had absolutely no one, and who was probably in a downward spiral that the bully picked up on--that's what bullies do, find weakness and exploit it.

One girl (Shaw) who was the ringleader, who apparently came up in family of bullies (see neighbor comments and her stepmother recently being arrested for assaulting a child). Based on her FB comments, she may well have the makings of a sociopath. I don't know what the solution is, but getting her away from social media and other kids is a good first step.

One girl (Katelyn) who is also from a troubled home, said she was abused by her stepfather BEFORE ANY OF THIS HAPPENED OR BAEZ WAS INVOLVED (youtube video predates any of these events), whom Judd said was turned against Rebecca by Shaw, and whom Judd said expressed remorse. I do not believe she is a sociopath and I believe she is already living through the worst punishment she deserves. I'm worried about her being basically on house arrest with her stepfather. I believe she can be rehabilitated and will not benefit by hatred being thrown at her due to her association with Baez (I suspect the fact that her parents even went there is a sign of how bad her family life is).

There were probably other kids involved, either via pack mentality or due to being afraid of being the next bully victim. I suspect this scenario has (hopefully) put some sense into at least a few of them.

I DON'T have a strong opinion on Rebecca's responsibility level for her own death. I can see both sides. I tend towards NOT morally equating the bullying with murder. She chose to jump. And apparently the justice system agrees with me, as the girls were not charged with murder. But I also agree with Grady that the bullying was probably on the list of things that ultimately broke her. And saying that I don't equate it with murder doesn't mean I give anyone a 'pass' or don't think that Shaw, at least, should face real charges.

So these are my opinions--but please understand that I am not setting out to offend anyone with them. My background influences are 1) followed this case from day one/before it blew up; 2) was the 'bullied' in school but was not left with lasting damage; 3) do not have kids; 4) do think cyberbullying is a serious, serious problem...and one that only adults can effectively prevent. (Be they parents, law enforcement, social media owners, teachers, etc.)

Tossing a bunch of kids into unmonitored 24/7 online interaction...unfortunately it really is going to turn into Lord of the Flies. Kids have terrible judgement. That's why they're kids and still live at home.

Excellent post!

Thank you button wasn't enough!
I also find it hard to belive said rebecca is contemplating suicide, very hard to believe. she is scared

Lilly, please don't take this poorly, but I think you have the players confused and it could explain some of the misunderstandings and bad feelings here.

Rebecca is the girl who is dead.

Guadelupe Shaw is the 14 year old who is described as the ringleader by the sheriff. She is the one who made all the ugly posts.

Katelyn Roman is the 12 year old who is described as being 'turned against' Rebecca by Shaw. Some of us believe her situation is different from Shaw's and that she deserves a bit less harshness. (Opinion only, of course.) She, as far as I know, did NOT make any of the controversial posts or statements in chat.
ArianeEmory...you are very thoughtful in your post...you are very respectful of others opinions while giving your own...thank you for that.

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