FL - Jessica Lunsford, 9, abducted & murdered, Homosassa, 27 Feb 2005

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Shazza said:
Please excuse my ignorance, but when someone is given the death penalty how long does it take before they are executed and how are they executed. As others have said before me death seems like the easy way out, he should feel pain and abuse before his death.
Florida's appeal process is pretty quick (second only to Texas, I think), but I don't have any hard and fast average numbers.

Couey will suffer pain and abuse before his death - he was an abused child.
southcitymom said:
Or maybe they're just some of those misguided people who think all life is worth saving. Imagine being someone like that! How could you possibly live with yourself if you respected and tried to protect all life? Insane....;)

Yes, there are those that would stand in the face of a child's killer and say, "please don't murder our children because we forgive you and think you are a valuable human being."

And then there are those that would say, "You will not kill any more of our children because we are going to exterminate you." :D

ps: I'm in that second group there.
Shazza said:
Please excuse my ignorance, but when someone is given the death penalty how long does it take before they are executed and how are they executed. As others have said before me death seems like the easy way out, he should feel pain and abuse before his death.

Florida is faster than most, but I would guess it would still be years...at least 5. The death penalty gets an automatic appeal in at least some states, if not all. I can't think of an execution that took less than 5 years.

He'll certainly have time to ponder his fate. And while he'll probably have to be in solitary for his own protection, I can't imagine that there will be anything pleasant about his life from now until it ends.
southcitymom said:
Florida's appeal process is pretty quick (second only to Texas, I think), but I don't have any hard and fast average numbers.

Couey will suffer pain and abuse before his death - he was an abused child.

Florida average death row stay is 12.5 years.
dingo said:
There are worse things than dying.....maybe Couey should be subjected to some of them while waiting for the needle
I do hope so Dingo . This cretin deserves all he can get , may he burn in hell forever.
I hate to admit this but I am really starting to think we should go back to the days of an eye for an eye. I would love to see this guy get exactly what he did to Jessica, the exact thing, leave nothing out.

Thank the Lord the jury didn't buy this low IQ crap. I've been praying and oh how He answered!
richandfamous said:
Florida average death row stay is 12.5 years.
Wow! That's longer than I would have thought. I was actually impressed with how quickly his case was brought to trial and verdict - it often seems to take a lot longer than 2 years.
About Couey's IQ of 64:

He seemed to comprehend the judge's questions yesterday and seemed to read the papers he was given to sign. I question the IQ test results since he has been given others over the years and the scores were always at least 70.

The man drove and held a job, didn't he? I'm like Mark Lunsford, I'm not impressed with the mental retardation argument.
IIRC, it took a few tries at the IQ test until Couey got it down to 64. He was probably told the points he tested highest on and figured out how to answer them incorrectly. He's not fooling anyone with his BS, not the jury and not the judge.

Couey was allowed to have crayons and paper to occupy his time during his trial. He only colored and such when he couldn't look the person on the stand in the eye. Like Mark or the arresting officers.

We thought he had a walkman that he occasionally listened to. It wasn't until after the trial was over that we learned that was no walkman. He used it only when the lawyers had a sidebar with the judge. He was listening in on what was being said in secret. That point didn't go unnoticed by the jury either, as each time he put the ear plug in, the jury looked over at him.

He's not retarded! He's just EVIL! :furious:

He's also a coward. He said he couldn't bring himself to kill Jessie. So he wrapped her little arms around her purple dolphin, tied her hands together with speaker wire. Placed her in a trash bag, tied the end, placed her in another trash bag and tied that end. He then took her out his window to the hole he'd dug, placed her in the hole and shovel full, by shovel full, buried her body and then covered the area with leaves. Her little fingers polking out of the bags stopped when she realized there was no air on the other side, just dirt.

There was video used at trial of him being questioned by LE. He lied about where he lived (his sister and niece had just testified he lived with them), he said he had only seen Jessie on tv. He said the blood on the mattress in his room was his. Jessie's palm prints and finger prints were on the inside of his little closet, it was Jessie's blood mixed with his dna on the bed. Yet, he'd never seen her except on tv?!

He's an evil man who's used the system to live his pitiful life. The system now has his number and he's going to die. Not soon enough though. They should start digging the hole to put him in so that when the judge announces his agreement as to his sentence, we can put him in two industrial sized trash bags, bind his hands, and dump him in and cover him up just like he did Jessie. He doesn't deserve to breathe our air. He's not human.

richandfamous said:
Yes, there are those that would stand in the face of a child's killer and say, "please don't murder our children because we forgive you and think you are a valuable human being."

And then there are those that would say, "You will not kill any more of our children because we are going to exterminate you." :D

ps: I'm in that second group there.
Well, do we execute dangerous offenders to keep us safe or do we execute dangerous offenders to say - as a society - some crimes are so heinous that you must pay the ultimate price? We could keep society just as safe by putting dangerous offenders in jail for life, so I tend to think that the death penalty is more of a communal statement of outrage.

I still value all life and respect the role that defense attorneys play in a case such as this.
fran said:
(snip)..... He's not human.

I'm always interested when people say someone like Couey is not human. Rape, murder, cowardly actions, lying, etc... all seem like very human behaviors to me. Not the best human behaviors, to be certain, but human nonetheless.

Perhaps what is being expressed when we say something like this is that we are ashamed to be a member of a race of men where such deplorable behaviors are possible.
I think Couey is human and had human failings but willingly gave himself over to evil and he was consumed. Anyone who would rape and murder a child is already dead, no feelings, logic, compassion, nothing. Like the Bible says, anyone who harms a child is better off killing themselves.
southcitymom said:
I'm always interested when people say someone like Couey is not human. Rape, murder, cowardly actions, lying, etc... all seem like very human behaviors to me. Not the best human behaviors, to be certain, but human nonetheless.

Perhaps what is being expressed when we say something like this is that we are ashamed to be a member of a race of men where such deplorable behaviors are possible.
To me he is not human, he is flat out evil and I would love to flip the switch to old sparky for him when he gets in it. I see nothing here that is very human behaviors. I have never seen anyone around me commit these "human behaviors" aside from maybe lying.
michelle said:
:mad: To me he is not human, he is flat out evil and I would love to flip the switch to old sparky for him when he gets in it. I see nothing here that is very human behaviors. I have never seen anyone around me commit these "human behaviors" aside from maybe lying.
By "around you", what do you mean? Couey is around us or we wouldn't know about him.

Humans have raped, murdered, lied, acted cowardly, etc...etc...from the beginning of recorded history. Evil choices have plagued mankind for a very long time. I understand being horrified, sickened, revolted at Couey's behavior, but I don't understand how he can be called not human.

You call him evil and I understand that. Do you believe if someone chooses evil, they are not human? It seems to me that you have to be human to make the choice between good and evil.
southcitymom said:
Well, do we execute dangerous offenders to keep us safe or do we execute dangerous offenders to say - as a society - some crimes are so heinous that you must pay the ultimate price? We could keep society just as safe by putting dangerous offenders in jail for life, so I tend to think that the death penalty is more of a communal statement of outrage.

I still value all life and respect the role that defense attorneys play in a case such as this.

There are to many variables with that method. Life does not mean life...different states have different laws...the prisons are full to capacity...the public coffers are empty.
How many 1st offenders 2nd offenders 3rd offenders (etc.) get out of prison and do it again because of bleeding heart liberals and pervert judges...how many more victims do we need? It needs to stop!
My Opine!
southcitymom said:
By "around you", what do you mean? Couey is around us or we wouldn't know about him.

Humans have raped, murdered, lied, acted cowardly, etc...etc...from the beginning of recorded history. Evil choices have plagued mankind for a very long time. I understand being horrified, sickened, revolted at Couey's behavior, but I don't understand how he can be called not human.

You call him evil and I understand that. Do you believe if someone chooses evil, they are not human? It seems to me that you have to be human to make the choice between good and evil.
I think he is pure evil. I dont know what he is made up of. And when I say "around me" I mean people I deal with everyday in my life and family. Couey is around us and we know of him because of TV, if it wasnt for that and news we probably would not know about the little creep. Yes he may be "human being" but he is definatly made up of some different stuff then i am. That is why in my mind he is not human like me or the people I know. I dont know people who would rape and murder a poor child and bury her alive that are made up of the same stuff as me.
richandfamous said:
There are to many variables with that method. Life does not mean life...different states have different laws...the prisons are full to capacity...the public coffers are empty.
How many 1st offenders 2nd offenders 3rd offenders (etc.) get out of prison and do it again because of bleeding heart liberals and pervert judges...how many more victims do we need? It needs to stop!
My Opine!
You are right. I mean how many more kids need to be raped and murdered because of these pigs? I dont get it. I dont want to pay to keep there butts in jail and supply them with cable tv, food, and a bed when there victims are lying cold in the ground. Good grief this gets me fired up. :furious:
southcitymom said:
Florida's appeal process is pretty quick (second only to Texas, I think), but I don't have any hard and fast average numbers.

Couey will suffer pain and abuse before his death - he was an abused child.

Hi, Ohio is 2nd in speed of death penalty,believe Fla. is 3rd..Yes Texas is #1 and more power to them! I hope they put Couey in the GP. he wont last a week!
P.S. I was an abused child also ~for me~ my wrath is with people who continue to do it.
I was physically and mentally abused, not sexually Thank God.
michelle said:
You are right. I mean how many more kids need to be raped and murdered because of these pigs? I dont get it. I dont want to pay to keep there butts in jail and supply them with cable tv, food, and a bed when there victims are lying cold in the ground. Good grief this gets me fired up. :furious:

You are so right!!!!

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