GUILTY FL - Jordan Davis, 17, shot to death, Satellite Beach, 23 Nov 2012 #7

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I really hope I'm wrong but I don't have a good feeling. :(

That there might be even just one hold out fills me with despair and anger. :banghead:

You know I am not sure. I think they are trying to get it right. What they asked this morning was important and it give them the power to find a finding of guilt on each count for each person.

I want them to come back with Murder1 because I think that is what this was. But if they give him 50 years at least he won't be out to do it again to someone elses child.
how would anyone know the verdict? just by their questions they're gonna convict of some charges.

Not really. Saying they've reached a decision on some of the counts doesn't necessarily mean they've decided on guilty.
I had Nancy Grace on last night, and some old dude from Oregon called in. Said he was retired military. He was convinced that since Jordan's friends didn't take him to the hospital but instead came back to the scene, that they left just to ditch the shotgun. He claims he watched the whole trial.

So, I asked my common sense, if they were taking him to a hospital, wouldn't there be many points along the way to ditch a (non-existent) shotgun? Not to mention that they may not have known where the nearest trauma center was and that an ambulance could get there quicker while doing CPR, etc. But this is what this guy took away from this trial.

I would hang that jury rather than acquit on any of the accounts. But I'd never have been on the jury in the first place, so..........

I'm thinking that the driver was on parole and he returned because he knew once they found JD was shot he had to go back to where it happened and call LE.

I had mentioned before that it was highly unlikely that the driver would be riding around in his aunt's car with a shotgun on the back floor because had he been stopped by LE, a handgun would have been easier to hide. What would you do with a shotgun that would never fit into the glove box and no other place to hide it. It makes no sense. Plus MD only reports seeing what he believes was a shotgun. He never said he actually saw a gun. If JD had gotten out of the car with a shotgun MD would have seen it for sure along with all the other witnesses. With one witness standing next to MD's car if there had been a shotgun coming out of the SUV that witness would not have just stood there watching. It is so hard to believe any of the jurors would think there really was a shotgun in that car and all MD ever claims he saw was 4 inches of a barrel that could have been a stick. jmo
@JacobLong_FCN: Just saw #JSO Sheriff John Rutherford arrive on fourth floor. Escorted by deputies into closed door room off courtroom 406. @FCN2go

I hope there is a verdict and I hope and pray it is the right one.

God bless Jordan and his family. This has to be a very tense time for them.

I hope Dunn is sweating bullets. :mad
It would not matter to me if I was a juror and I understand why they drove away. They had to be terrified.

But I do think this is important to someone on that jury unfortunately.:( I wish the kids had just stayed put although I do understand their reason for leaving.

By leaving a juror can infer they did ditch a weapon somewhere.:banghead: They could be thinking why would they leave and not stay right there and call police immediately. Ugggh.

I hope not but something is sure being tossed around in that deliberation room that is making this into a very long deliberation.


They really did stay put though. They drove less than a football field away to get awy from the bullets then reversed all the way back to the gas station, if they were gonna ditch a gun they wouldn't have done it in a parking lot.
I am looking at the length of deliberations this way.
The first two days going through testimony and evidence; review of notes
These last 2 days: going through jury instructions and charges. There are 4 victims to be considered.
When I look at it this way, it doesn't seem so bad.
Does it? :(
Dayum leaving for swim meet in 5 minutes. Taking iPhone and hoping battery does not die
Not really. Saying they've reached a decision on some of the counts doesn't necessarily mean they've decided on guilty.

oh okay I thought they actually used the word 'convict' in their wording?
I am looking at the length of deliberations this way.
The first two days going through testimony and evidence; review of notes
These last 2 days: going through jury instructions and charges. There are 4 victims to be considered.
When I look at it this way, it doesn't seem so bad.
Does it? :(

For the amount of charges I don't think this is a long verdict either.
They really did stay put though. They drove less than a football field away to get awy from the bullets then reversed all the way back to the gas station, if they were gonna ditch a gun they wouldn't have done it in a parking lot.

Thanks. I missed a lot of the trial.

Were there witnesses who testified that they had the SUV in their sight the entire time?

For the amount of charges I don't think this is a long verdict either.

I really thought this was a cut and dried case and I did expect to see a much shorter verdict.

But we will see I guess if they come to the correct verdict.
page 49 of the police reports containig the witness interview info from the SUV's time in the strip mall parking lot seems to suggest the witness was cotacted and interviewed by police because he was a 911 caller on the night of the shooting and he called to report having heard gunshots from the vicinity of the gas station, had seen a red SUV (victim vehicle) come from that direction into the strip mall parking lot and occupants got out and walked around the vehicle (victim driver claimed to have been inspecting vehicle for damages in his account), never left the immediate vicinity of the vehicle and then upon seeing something in the backseat that was not visible to witness(Jordan Davis shot) the SUV immediately backed out of the strip mall lot and returned to the gas station. The report seems to indicate that this witness told dispatcher in his 911 call that SUV occupants may have been involved in the shooting incident and he wanted to report their presence in strip mall parking lot in case they had stashed any weapon involved.

My take on this is:

1) THIS is the witness/911 caller that Dunn was hanging his hat on in his letters when he kept referring to being able to prove the SUV had a weapon and the occupants stashed it somewhere LE did not search before returning to the gas station.


2) this witness did NOT report he saw the occupants stash or appear to stash anything. The report makes it clear he saw nothing of the sort. The witness mentioned stashing something in his 911 call because he was assuming that the SUV may have been involved in the shooting and MAY have left the scene breifly before returning in order to stash a weapon. In other words it probably went something like this:

911 what is your emergency?

um yeah, I just heard a bunch of what sounded like gunshots across the way at the gas station. then some SUV full of young black men came flying into the parking lot over here at the strip mall. Some of the young men got out and were walking around the vehicle and then just peeled off again, back over to the gas station. If there has been a shooting and a red SUV was involved you should probably check between here and there in case they dumped a weapon.

in other words assumptions were made by this witness at the TIME based on black men, SUV, gunshots, peeling tires and a leaving and retuning to the scene of a shooting. They were not based on anything actually witnessed but were simply assupmtions that the SUV seemed involved in whatever the incident was at the gas station and caller was reporting their location during the time away from crime scene in an attempt to be a good citizen.

What this also means to me, is that the strip mall and the area where the SUV was parked breifly was thoroughly searched for any weapons and none were found.

MD and his "smoking gun" witness were so much BS. No such witness exists, save in MD's own mind.
Thanks. I missed a lot of the trial.

Where there witnesses who testified that they had the SUV in their sight the entire time?


I don't recall but there was a pair of brother and sister and they saw them when they stopped and both say they never saw gun nor leave the vicinity of the car.
I'm thinking that the driver was on parole and he returned because he knew once they found JD was shot he had to go back to where it happened and call LE.

I had mentioned before that it was highly unlikely that the driver would be riding around in his aunt's car with a shotgun on the back floor because had he been stopped by LE, a handgun would have been easier to hide. What would you do with a shotgun that would never fit into the glove box and no other place to hide it. It makes no sense. Plus MD only reports seeing what he believes was a shotgun. He never said he actually saw a gun. If JD had gotten out of the car with a shotgun MD would have seen it for sure along with all the other witnesses. With one witness standing next to MD's car if there had been a shotgun coming out of the SUV that witness would not have just stood there watching. It is so hard to believe any of the jurors would think there really was a shotgun in that car and all MD ever claims he saw was 4 inches of a barrel that could have been a stick. jmo

Not saying I believe him, but the shotgun detail actually could be viewed as making his story a little more believable for a few reasons, imo. If he were to create a lie, I'd have expected him to say a handgun, which would be a lot more common for people to carry around (such as himself) and would have been a whole lot more consistent with the rest of the story -- a pop, being able to hold it in an aiming position in the back seat, hide it, etc. jmo
Here are the questions and answers from this morning, in case anyone missed them.

-- "Is the defense of self-defense separate for each person in each count?" Judge: "Yes."

-- "Are we determining if deadly force is justified against each person in each count?" Judge: "Yes."

-- "Or, if we determine deadly force is justified against one person, is it justified against the others?" Judge: "No. Self-defense and justifiable use of deadly force applies separately to each count."
page 49 of the police reports containig the witness interview info from the SUV's time in the strip mall parking lot seems to suggest the witness was cotacted and interviewed by police because he was a 911 caller on the night of the shooting and he called to report having heard gunshots from the vicinity of the gas station, had seen a red SUV (victim vehicle) come from that direction into the strip mall parking lot and occupants got out and walked around the vehicle (victim driver claimed to have been inspecting vehicle for damages in his account), never left the immediate vicinity of the vehicle and then upon seeing something in the backseat that was not visible to witness(Jordan Davis shot) the SUV immediately backed out of the strip mall lot and returned to the gas station. The report seems to indicate that this witness told dispatcher in his 911 call that SUV occupants may have been involved in the shooting incident and he wanted to report their presence in strip mall parking lot in case they had stashed any weapon involved.

My take on this is:

1) THIS is the witness/911 caller that Dunn was hanging his hat on in his letters when he kept referring to being able to prove the SUV had a weapon and the occupants stashed it somewhere LE did not search before returning to the gas station.


2) this witness did NOT report he saw the occupants stash or appear to stash anything. The report makes it clear he saw nothing of the sort. The witness mentioned stashing something in his 911 call because he was assuming that the SUV may have been involved in the shooting and MAY have left the scene breifly before returning in order to stash a weapon. In other words it probably went something like this:

911 what is your emergency?

um yeah, I just heard a bunch of what sounded like gunshots across the way at the gas station. then some SUV full of young black men came flying into the parking lot over here at the strip mall. Some of the young men got out and were walking around the vehicle and then just peeled off again, back over to the gas station. If there has been a shooting and a red SUV was involved you should probably check between here and there in case they dumped a weapon.

in other words assumptions were made by this witness at the TIME based on black men, SUV, gunshots, peeling tires and a leaving and retuning to the scene of a shooting. They were not based on anything actually witnessed but were simply assupmtions that the SUV seemed involved in whatever the incident was at the gas station and caller was reporting their location during the time away from crime scene in an attempt to be a good citizen.

What this also means to me, is that the strip mall and the area where the SUV was parked breifly was thoroughly searched for any weapons and none were found.

MD and his "smoking gun" witness were so much BS. No such witness exists, save in MD's own mind.

That is exactly what happened.
For the amount of charges I don't think this is a long verdict either.

Based on their questions yesterday and today, I'd say they found guilty on the shooting into a car, hung on murder and now are arguing over attempted murder on the three passengers since they previously, apparently, assumed that they didn't have to decide those separately.

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