GUILTY FL - Kaitlyn Hunt for statutory rape of 14yo girl, Vero Beach, 2013

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Yeah, teenagers have sex. I had sex as a teen. But with someone my own age and development level. And not at 14.

Just to clarify, I was responding to a post that originally said the bathroom itself was "predatory". I was just saying that, while very gross, it didn't seem inherently a predatory place to me.

OP later clarified she used the wrong word ("predatory") and edited. So my posts kind of appear out of context now. That's fine, just thought id clarify though. I'd hate that some might think I support high school bathroom sex, which, similar to OP, also offends my germaphobe sensibilities, lol. :help:
Hi gang late to table but did get interested in it once I saw the media making such a big deal out of it. I have to agree that I think a 4 year age different is too much for a 14 or even 15 yr old .

I always dated +/- one year back in the 70's when I was in high school. Heck I remember after being just out of high school and still 18 when a 21 yr old guy asked me out. I was shocked it was like "man he is an too old for me!" It took me a year or so before I began to think 3 or 4 yrs didn't matter that much. Of course that was a different day and time back then.

Anyway I did some reading up on FL Statutes last night.

It appears that yes 16 is the legal age of consent in FL and states that someone 18 or older is committing an offense if they engage in sexual activity with a person 12 years of age or older but less than 16 years of age. So even if the younger teen had have been 15 Kaitlyn still could be charged.

It is considered a second degree felony under the above circumstances. I saw where the maximum sentence 1s 15 yrs but didn't see a minimum. Also worth noting is that it states that it is prohibited to use the victim's consent as a defense.

If you are interested in more here is the link to the Florida Statutes:
As far as the relationship starting when Kaitlyn was 17, from what I have read, it's quite clear there are text messages that were saved to the girl from Kaitlyn asking her if she liked girls and that she would date her if she did. It's in the complaint. Now, if the texts were sent in say, October, then that kind of defeats the argument that it started when she was younger, doesn't it?

Also, and maybe it's different in Florida, but the younger girl was a FRESHMAN, so unless Kaitlyn somehow met her while she was still in middle school, I'm not buying it. Wouldn't they have been in completely separate schools? That also kind of washes the attorneys argument right out of the water because the 'state didn't put them in any type of situation.' So which is it?
She's 14. If my 14 year old is engaging in behavior I feel is dangerous and damaging (sex with an older person), I don;t give a damn that they may "hate" me. I;m the parent, not the friend.

And I think the kid allowed an intimate conversation between her Kaitlynn to be recorded by the police and not only did she not try to tip off Kaitlyn, she must have "acted" as well, so as to get Kaitlyn to speak normally and without restraint in the call.

A child who "Hates" her parents and is devastated by what the police are doing is not going to be able to pull that off. Sorry.

But in any event, my interference with my 14 year old's sexual relationship is not going to cause me to lose my relationship with my child unless I;m also a horrible parent. It's crazy, but parents can actually prohibit their kids from doing certain things and not cause lasting "damage" to their relationship. It's called parenting. Happens everyday.

If that was my kid, I would actually have shipped her off so quickly to my evil aunts in Spain, who would monitor her every move, her head would spin. And oh, she would "hate" me so much! And a year later I bet she'd be snuggling with me at home on the couch and saying, "I love you mama".

I think people are forgetting just how young 14 really is.

OK-this hits home for me. My oldest son just turned 13. Next year he will be in 8th grade. During that time most of his friends will turn 14. 8th GRADE!!! Would you let your 8th grader go out with a Junior in high school??? I would say not. So once they enter high school and the 8th grader is now a freshman and the junior is now a senior, it is ok?

An 18 year old senior in high school should be doing the following: working at a part time job, visiting and applying to colleges, or focusing on what they are going to do with their lives post-graduation.

14-15 year old freshmen's are entering a new school, are focusing on trying to "fit in," make new relationships, get used to the high school culture and working on their studies.

High school is a strange time in a person's life. I described it to my son-you will enter that building as a child and exit that building as an adult. It is only 4 years, but a LOT happens in that 4 years. The brains and bodies of the teenager are still growing and developing. Their sense of self changes and matures. They begin to experiment with serious relationships and sex.

Here is a good illustration of how I perceive the difference between a senior and a freshman-when I was in high school, we had something called the "Big-Sister-Little Sister" program. Each big sister senior was assigned to a little sister freshman. It was the big sisters responsibility to show the little sister around the school, make them feel "at home," and generally just be there to support the freshman. My big sister sucked. I met her briefly one day and she told me she was busy and she would get together with me soon-I never really saw her again other than passing in the halls. I felt really betrayed, especially when I saw the other freshmen who had great big sisters. I became a big sister to 3 freshmen as a senior and did everything for them (including getting into a fight in the cafeteria (yes-a real all-on brawl!) on "Freshman Kill Day" when a table of senior were throwing pennies at the freshmen table and hit one of my "little sisters" in the eye.

Any way-the moral of the story is that there is a HUGE difference in the life experience and maturity level of a freshman and a senior. My big sister just ignored me. But what if she hadn't. What if she took the opportunity of being a "mentor" to me and chose to teach me about the "birds and the bees" instead of just showing me around the school? I was such a shy and awkward girl as a freshman, I would have done just about anything to fit in and could have easily been led down a wrong path. (I'm not gay, and I went to an all girl school, so I'm not too sure if a girl could have ever seduced me-likely not-so it is hard to make the comparison.)

Finally, to say this is about bigotry is disgusting and just a smokescreen, in my opinion. First of all, the gay people I know don't run around trying to get with minors. And most normal seniors don't want to get with a freshman period. If the parents are so concerned about the same-sex relationship, I would think that they would rather bury the story and not be speaking out and doing everything they are doing on behalf of their daughter. To me, they sound like parents invested in their child's life and future. And to allow the relationship to go on as it was would have been bad parenting, in my opinion.

Just my :twocents:
I find it fascinating that going by this thread alone (let's say there is roughly 12 of us discussing this), many seem to feel she is guilty of the crime she is charged with, but do not agree that she should serve prison time/SO registry/felony record (myself included). This particular charge could carry a 7 year mandatory sentence with maximum at 15 years. Florida (and every other state really) has had a difficult history with their statutory rape laws and the misapplication of this particular charge (800.04) creates lots of controversy. As an example, this is the same charged typically used for a 50 year old man or woman to engage a minor in consentual sex and has a history of being used as a lesser charge to forcible rape cases. It is also the same charged used against Debra Lafave ( FL school teacher who had sex with an underage student) and I think we could all agree that is a good example of predatory behavior.
With all the above said, that is not even where this particular case gets interesting. These two young girls were schoolmates, in a lesbian relationship, one white and one black, one who broke the law and the other rebelling against her parents. It is not a shock that special interest groups are throwing their weight around. Many people have tried to play down the gay rights aspect to this case by saying the law should be applied evenly, but if you look across the country, you could find states who have actually given harsher sentences to gay people because they are not explicitly stated in their statutes. (This has not historically been an issue in FL)
IMO it is difficult to try and compare this case to other statutory rape cases in FL because you will not find one and yet the prosecution has tried to blanket this case and over reach their discretion to try and force a felony plea deal.
The more I think about this case, I cannot fathom why the prosecution or the younger girls family would want to take this to a trial. It would get really ugly for everyone involved. I think the prosecution has a strong case going by the letter of the law, the older girl admitted to having sexual relations. On the flip side, the defense lawyer is already talking about trying to change this law and I can only conclude their whole defense is going to be trying to point out hypocrisy within this law and the merits/potential bias(leads me to believe their is some type of evidence of it) of why this charge was brought on by the family. At the end of the day, I can picture at least one juror asking why their time is being wasted and not feeling comfortable with a guilty verdict.
Seriously? You claim that in the whole state of FL, there have been not a single person convicted of statutory rape? Can you provide a link to support this claim?
"Romeo and Juliet" provision will only allow her to petition to get off the sex offender registry if she is convicted.

Right, and I could be wrong, but that would seem the biggest long-term ramification for her. I am not a lawyer, but I also cannot see her going to prison for this. Again, I could be wrong. The biggest thing is the registry and this is where she's gambling.

What is interesting is if this younger girl is now saying she was preyed upon or if she still has interest in this relationship? That to me will make a huge difference because she will not be forced to testify. This will turn into the parents testifying against the 18 year old based on heresy.
Seriously? You claim that in the whole state of FL, there have been not a single person convicted of statutory rape? Can you provide a link to support this claim?
I'm going to assume your addressing this to me and my initial response is- HUH??????
First of all, nice side step of the issues at hand. Secondly, there has never been a statutory rape conviction in FL because that isn't a criminal charge. Third, how about you show me a link that is a comparable lewd and lascivious battery on a minor in FL that has all the complexions this case has. I'm sure you will find cases with the same charge but there is a reason this case is getting attention, it's unique.
I went through this with my daughter and it was a nightmare. A 18 year old is preparing for their future. A fourteen year old is just starting to learn what high school is like. They really shouldn't have a whole lot in common and someone that is 18 has a lot more freedom than a child of fourteen does. I didn't care for my daughter hanging out with others that were older as friends let alone dating. I didn't want her introduced to things that were inappropriate for her age and yes, the older of the two will have influence over the younger. If it's a negative influence then it will cause behavioral problems at home because the younger will be fighting to be able to do the things the older is allowed to do. This can interfere with grades and progress in school, especially if the relationship continues after the older leaves high school.

I think parents and schools should firmly stress the laws with middle and high school kids so they are aware of the potential consequences of their actions.

My daughter did sneak out in the middle of the night and I was a frantic mess scared for her life running around town trying to find her.

Still, in this situation where there is consent and that fine line between the age factor, I am not in anyway in favor of someone being put of the registry or convicted of a felony.

I haven't really thought hard about what I would consider the proper punishment but the older girl should have backed down when the parents ask her to. This (if true) was the one of the biggest mistakes she made from my POV as a parent.

What was even more troubling for me was the age of consent in Indiana being 16. This leaves a parent at a loss of what to do if a much older bad influence is involved in your childs life. I'm still alive and my hair got really grey during that time period but it was rough.

Indiana will look at the particular situation when there is that fine line between say 14 or 15 and 18. This usually prevents seeing anyone in a Romeo & Juliet situation from receiving a harsh sentence.

Gensel said prosecutors have long used discretion when deciding whether to file charges in borderline cases -- like when an 18-year-old male is in a dating/sexual relationship with a girl who is about to turn 16.

Gensel said Indiana law was amended within the past few years to address such cases. Indiana law now states a person can have sex with someone under the age of consent as long as he or she is not more than four years older than the underage person and if the relationship was ongoing. So, a 19-year-old can be with a 15-year-old.

A person accused of a sex crime also might be able to avoid prosecution if he or she can prove they reasonably believed the victim was at least 16 years old.

I think the above is reasonable and other states should consider handling these cases in the same way if they don't already.
Due to a drug addiction & poor choices, I spent a year in prison (happy to say that was my turning point & I'm 4 yrs clean) and there was a girl there doing two years for statutory rape bc she was 19 and dating a 16 year old boy. She probably never would have been charged but they got in a fight and he told his parents and they pressed charges.
My point...there is absolutely a double standard and had she been a male she would have gotten longer.
Idk if dating and sleeping with someone 3 years your junior is wrong but IN THE EYES OF THE LAW it is and we must act accordingly no matter the sex. Just my opinion.
I just wrote a post about being in prison IN FL with a girl who was there for statutory rape and she was NOT the only one.
I just wrote a post about being in prison IN FL with a girl who was there for statutory rape and she was NOT the only one
I just wrote a post about being in prison IN FL with a girl who was there for statutory rape and she was NOT the only one either!
Secondly, there has never been a statutory rape conviction in FL because that isn't a criminal charge.


Lewd or lascivious molestation and/or conduct is typically referred to by the general public as "statutory rape". When I hear the term "statutory rape", I know what it means, and I think many others know what it means, as well.

Regardless of the terminology, it IS a felony crime. I have no doubt there have been numerous felony convictions of lewd or lascivious molestation and/or conduct (statutory rape) in the state of Florida.


A person who intentionally touches in a lewd or lascivious manner the breasts, genitals, genital area, or buttocks, or the clothing covering them, of a person less than 16 years of age, or forces or entices a person under 16 years of age to so touch the perpetrator, commits lewd or lascivious molestation.

2. An offender 18 years of age or older who commits lewd or lascivious molestation against a victim 12 years of age or older but less than 16 years of age commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

(d) An offender less than 18 years of age who commits lewd or lascivious molestation against a victim 12 years of age or older but less than 16 years of age commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.


A person who:

1. Intentionally touches a person under 16 years of age in a lewd or lascivious manner; or

2. Solicits a person under 16 years of age to commit a lewd or lascivious act

commits lewd or lascivious conduct.

(b) An offender 18 years of age or older who commits lewd or lascivious conduct commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

(c) An offender less than 18 years of age who commits lewd or lascivious conduct commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

According to the above FL statutes, even if the sexual relationship between the offender & the minor began before the offender turned 18, she still would have been guilty of a 3rd degree felony.
I would give very high odds that she will be convicted. Her defense atty and her family are pulling out all the stops to distract from what this is-predatory behavior, imvho.

They would be better off, imo, of proving that Kaitlyn is a mentally and emotionally immature late teen who identifies with the younger child.

Unfortunately for Kaitlyn, she knew what she might possibly face. She is responsible for her choices here. Not the victim and the victim's family. The victim's family gave her opportunities to change direction here.
I understand most people do no understand the complexities of the law and I may toss out a little sarcasm when I feel it is appropriate, but i'm really not trying to be snarky here. OF COURSE THERE HAVE BEEN STATUTORY RAPE CHARGES IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA! It is beyond idiotic to even discuss this any further than to say- If you want to discuss legal code and/or morality with me that is fine, but the original point I made was twisted to try to undermine my opinions and I am not OK with that. Please show me a case like this one with the same charge and let's debate that because as has been pointed out, statutory rape is not always the same charge. Also why do you think the ACLU and other interest groups have jumped in here? This is the exact type of case they have been waiting to come along for awhile now to effect change in the law. END RANT.
If you feel like any person charged with a crime should be convicted accordingly, that is your prerogative, but I feel compelled to point out in a court of law, it is actually ones civic duty to judge not only the current law, but it's merits as well and believe me when I tell you that prosecutors/judges have worked tirelessly to circumvent that constitutional right because it undermines their authority. From what I am seeing on this thread, it's mission accomplished.
As an example in contrast, the state of California has a law that only allows a juror to judge the law as it is currently written and any jurors are encouraged to rat out anyone that discusses the merit of the crime AND subsequent punishment being a factor in the verdict.
The state of Massachusetts on the other hand has made it legal for the defense to directly plead their position to a jury and lead them down the path to decide for themselves if a case is not only legally sound, but does the crime fit the punishment. It is a check and balance within the legal system that has been trampled on in recent times.

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