GUILTY FL - Kaitlyn Hunt for statutory rape of 14yo girl, Vero Beach, 2013

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Due to a drug addiction & poor choices, I spent a year in prison (happy to say that was my turning point & I'm 4 yrs clean) and there was a girl there doing two years for statutory rape bc she was 19 and dating a 16 year old boy. She probably never would have been charged but they got in a fight and he told his parents and they pressed charges.
My point...there is absolutely a double standard and had she been a male she would have gotten longer.
Idk if dating and sleeping with someone 3 years your junior is wrong but IN THE EYES OF THE LAW it is and we must act accordingly no matter the sex. Just my opinion.
Good for you that you have turned your life around!
As the law in FL currently stands, a 19 year old can legally have sex with a 16 year old so that particular instance wouldn't apply right now. I'm sure that young woman has also had her record expunged.
From what I've been reading, in Florida, a 23 year old can have sex legally with a 16 year old. That's much creepier than a senior-freshman romance in my opinion. There wouldn't be the factor of being school or teammates, and the older would be both long gone from high school, and even past college undergrad age.

This is why I think there needs to be leeway. There should definitely be a cut off age of consent, to protect young people from predators, but exceptions and allowances for particular situations need to be made as well.
Due to a drug addiction & poor choices, I spent a year in prison (happy to say that was my turning point & I'm 4 yrs clean) and there was a girl there doing two years for statutory rape bc she was 19 and dating a 16 year old boy. She probably never would have been charged but they got in a fight and he told his parents and they pressed charges.
My point...there is absolutely a double standard and had she been a male she would have gotten longer.
Idk if dating and sleeping with someone 3 years your junior is wrong but IN THE EYES OF THE LAW it is and we must act accordingly no matter the sex. Just my opinion.

CONGRATS on four years clean! Well done! :rockon:
Good for you that you have turned your life around!
As the law in FL currently stands, a 19 year old can legally have sex with a 16 year old so that particular instance wouldn't apply right now. I'm sure that young woman has also had her record expunged.

I have to take what I hear with a grain of salt. I would want to see the file of the person in prison and the circumstances before I would form an opinion. 19 and 16 is within legal standards for a consensual relationship in FL. Being on WS's I have seen many cases where perps falling in the age range have done horrific crimes. I have seen SO advocates claim that they are Romeo Juliet situations using the age as political ploy. I have dug deeper and found the truth in some instances.

The SO advocates will use this as a political platform. I went through the registry of my county once (around 600 SO's) and only found a couple that the R & J laws "may" have applied to. Also, "peeing in public" is considered indecent exposure here and does NOT fall under a crime where you would end up on the registry. Please remember when dealing with SO advocates in your state to know your state laws. Their goal is to abolish the registry completely. They will come in large groups and comment on news articles twisting the truth. That's why I like the way our laws here read and that they do consider circumstances.

I just want people to be aware and educated when and if you find yourself encountering a situation where these truths are twisted. The SO registry is NOT mostly R&J situations and people that have urinated in public.
I'm not sure how it is in other states, but on our sex offender registry, we can see exactly what crime the conviction was for. When I see rape of a minor under 13, there's no mistaking that for a Romeo/Juliet situation. :furious:
This really hits home for me. My son (who had just turned 17) and family have been living this nightmare for 3 years now. There's no evidence needed aside from the girls word. She was pissed he wouldn't go out with her AND had lied about her age (she was posting pics online of her in her bra and "victim" IMO.) Our home was raided by bounty hunters, my son was not allowed to go to school his senior year, we've spent nearly 100k at this point and it keeps climbing. It's not just stat's a felony 1 with up to 99 years in prison. ARE you KIDDING ME?????? While I"ve read many posts thinking seniors who date freshman should face life in prison, etc. I can assure you if it was your child you would feel differently. When it's claimed it was consensual and that this girl pursued my son it's even more disgusting and frustrating. My son will never be the same and it's nearly destroyed our family.

Did you know that peeing in public or mooning someone no matter what age is a sex crime in TX? Kids playing doctor at the age of 7 are going on the RSO. It's beyond ridiculous considering our kids are exposed to so much sex via the technology we have today.

Sorry this hit a nerve and many of the posts are just ludicrous considering my son and Warren Jeffs were facing the same exact charge. REALLY?????

- a very stressed out Mom who should look 100 by now.
From what I've been reading, in Florida, a 23 year old can have sex legally with a 16 year old. That's much creepier than a senior-freshman romance in my opinion. There wouldn't be the factor of being school or teammates, and the older would be both long gone from high school, and even past college undergrad age.

This is why I think there needs to be leeway. There should definitely be a cut off age of consent, to protect young people from predators, but exceptions and allowances for particular situations need to be made as well.

16 is the age of consent, at least in some states, so why would it be creepier? It's a rather simple premise. Once a person reaches an age of consent they can consent to sex with whatever age of person above the age of consent they please.
I'm not sure how it is in other states, but on our sex offender registry, we can see exactly what crime the conviction was for. When I see rape of a minor under 13, there's no mistaking that for a Romeo/Juliet situation. :furious:

I can pull up the actual court files in my county to see if a plea to lesser charges was taken. There are so many plea deals and in some cases it could be one of those situations where they can't prove force so they get the lessor offense.

I will just wait and see how this one plays out in FL. It doesn't appear the younger girl is going to say this was anything other than consensual.

The older should have been seeking a relationship in her own age group. Although communities may vary, I don't think that they young people today are as hesitant to express their sexuality as they were in my day. There should be no difference as far as gender goes and to even bring up that factor in the legalities of the situation is wrong IMO.

I would just like to see the appropriate punishment for the crime and the way the law reads, IMO it's a bit to harsh. I really am not that convinced that these kids are well educated on the age difference factor.
Consent is not a defense in the statutory rape case.
This really hits home for me. My son (who had just turned 17) and family have been living this nightmare for 3 years now. There's no evidence needed aside from the girls word. She was pissed he wouldn't go out with her AND had lied about her age (she was posting pics online of her in her bra and "victim" IMO.) Our home was raided by bounty hunters, my son was not allowed to go to school his senior year, we've spent nearly 100k at this point and it keeps climbing. It's not just stat's a felony 1 with up to 99 years in prison. ARE you KIDDING ME?????? While I"ve read many posts thinking seniors who date freshman should face life in prison, etc. I can assure you if it was your child you would feel differently. When it's claimed it was consensual and that this girl pursued my son it's even more disgusting and frustrating. My son will never be the same and it's nearly destroyed our family.

Did you know that peeing in public or mooning someone no matter what age is a sex crime in TX? Kids playing doctor at the age of 7 are going on the RSO. It's beyond ridiculous considering our kids are exposed to so much sex via the technology we have today.

Sorry this hit a nerve and many of the posts are just ludicrous considering my son and Warren Jeffs were facing the same exact charge. REALLY?????

- a very stressed out Mom who should look 100 by now.

BBM: do you have the penal code for this?

I am seeing that it falls under disorderly conduct and would not be considered a sex offense. Also, a 7 year old child in no way shape or form is going to end up the the registry.
Consent is not a defense in the statutory rape case.

I showed where in Indiana they do consider circumstances. I am interested to see how this will be handled in FL. It's a general interest for me, to see how different states handle the charges and punishment for the crime.

I realize what the statute states.
Consent is not a defense in the statutory rape case.

No it's not. Neither is the fact that the girl is lying. That's all it takes and we all know how nasty some teenage girls can be.

ETA: even if there was sex, there's a huge difference to me between horny teenagers and the true pedophiles. The list is going to saturated with Jo Blow down the street who was 17 and had sex with a 14 year old. I don't find it shocking one bit that 14 year olds are having sex.
This really hits home for me. My son (who had just turned 17) and family have been living this nightmare for 3 years now. There's no evidence needed aside from the girls word. She was pissed he wouldn't go out with her AND had lied about her age (she was posting pics online of her in her bra and "victim" IMO.) Our home was raided by bounty hunters, my son was not allowed to go to school his senior year, we've spent nearly 100k at this point and it keeps climbing. It's not just stat's a felony 1 with up to 99 years in prison. ARE you KIDDING ME?????? While I"ve read many posts thinking seniors who date freshman should face life in prison, etc. I can assure you if it was your child you would feel differently. When it's claimed it was consensual and that this girl pursued my son it's even more disgusting and frustrating. My son will never be the same and it's nearly destroyed our family.

Did you know that peeing in public or mooning someone no matter what age is a sex crime in TX? Kids playing doctor at the age of 7 are going on the RSO. It's beyond ridiculous considering our kids are exposed to so much sex via the technology we have today.

Sorry this hit a nerve and many of the posts are just ludicrous considering my son and Warren Jeffs were facing the same exact charge. REALLY?????

- a very stressed out Mom who should look 100 by now.

I'm so very sorry this happened to you. :( That's a nightmare of mine - and I've seen it happen to other boys - where some stupid twit ruins their life. I have seen too many cases of stupid girls claiming to be raped, or stupid parents who claim their daughters were raped over the strong protests of the daughters themselves - prayers this pendulum will swing back to sanity at some point.

Prayers for your son, sassygerl. I don't know how you put one foot in front of the other at this point.
No it's not. Neither is the fact that the girl is lying. That's all it takes and we all know how nasty some teenage girls can be.

ETA: even if there was sex, there's a huge difference to me between horny teenagers and the true pedophiles. The list is going to saturated with Jo Blow down the street who was 17 and had sex with a 14 year old. I don't find it shocking one bit that 14 year olds are having sex.

Certainly anyone familiar with the Salem Witch Trials knows this.
I'm so very sorry this happened to you. :( That's a nightmare of mine - and I've seen it happen to other boys - where some stupid twit ruins their life. I have seen too many cases of stupid girls claiming to be raped, or stupid parents who claim their daughters were raped over the strong protests of the daughters themselves - prayers this pendulum will swing back to sanity at some point.

Prayers for your son, sassygerl. I don't know how you put one foot in front of the other at this point.

Thank you so much JeannaT. It has been beyond a nightmare. The story we have to tell is one that is horrendous. We've considered contacting Dateline, as well as writing a book. WS back years ago had the most compassionate people and I'm so glad you showed me some today. A freshly turned 17 year old boy is NO man. He was arrested for a first degree felony, yet got a ticket for smoking a cigarette. The system is messed up. Our entire family has a hard time trusting and I have PTSD from the raids on our house when the initial warrant went out. We were terrorized. And to spend nearly 100k to try to save your beloved son from a girls lie is just disgusting.

Your post warmed my heart. It's been beyond stressful and we still continue to deal with it. He is no violent, he's not mean, and he certainly is NOT a pedophile. It's ridiculous.
From what I've been reading, in Florida, a 23 year old can have sex legally with a 16 year old. That's much creepier than a senior-freshman romance in my opinion. There wouldn't be the factor of being school or teammates, and the older would be both long gone from high school, and even past college undergrad age.

This is why I think there needs to be leeway. There should definitely be a cut off age of consent, to protect young people from predators, but exceptions and allowances for particular situations need to be made as well.

16 is the age of consent, at least in some states, so why would it be creepier? It's a rather simple premise. Once a person reaches an age of consent they can consent to sex with whatever age of person above the age of consent they please.


According to FL law, if a person is 24 or older and engages in sex with a 16-17 year old, the older person has committed a felony. The info & link follows below.

My personal opinion is that the age of sexual consent needs to be raised to 18. I know, I know - many will view my opinion as extreme. That's okay. I consider sex to be an adult act (regardless of the fact that many teens engage in sex).

16 year olds are not adults, cannot legally sign a contract, cannot serve in the military, cannot vote, cannot get married without parental consent, etc.

IMO, if the age of sexual consent is set @ 16, then a more reasonable age limit should also be set if the sexual partner is older than 16. IMO, that age limit should not exceed 24 months.

I agree with Gardenlady - a sexual relationship between a 16 year old & and a 23 year old is creepy (and IMO predatory). In FL, it's illegal for a 24 year old to have sex with a 16 year old, but apparently legal for a 23 year old to do so, according to my reading. That's crazy!

Florida Statute 794.05
(1) A person 24 years of age or older who engages in sexual activity with a person 16 or 17 years of age commits a felony of the second degree.

Below is another link, with similar info:

The bottom line is: There is a tremendous amount of psychosocial development that occurs during the teen years and continues into early adulthood. I think it's high time that states revisit their age of consent laws, as well as their sex offense laws regarding the age of the older sex partner.
I can pull up the actual court files in my county to see if a plea to lesser charges was taken. There are so many plea deals and in some cases it could be one of those situations where they can't prove force so they get the lessor offense.

I will just wait and see how this one plays out in FL. It doesn't appear the younger girl is going to say this was anything other than consensual.

The older should have been seeking a relationship in her own age group. Although communities may vary, I don't think that they young people today are as hesitant to express their sexuality as they were in my day. There should be no difference as far as gender goes and to even bring up that factor in the legalities of the situation is wrong IMO.

I would just like to see the appropriate punishment for the crime and the way the law reads, IMO it's a bit to harsh. I really am not that convinced that these kids are well educated on the age difference factor.

Most kids these days aren't getting any sex-education at all. I'm only a few years older than KH and I talk to kids my age and younger all the time. Do you know how many times I have said "Dude, don't have sex with a drunk girl, she can't legally consent and that is rape." Only to hear back "NUH HUHHH!!!"

They don't know a damn thing about consent and the things they do know about age-difference are rumours and half-truths.
I'm going to assume your addressing this to me and my initial response is- HUH??????
First of all, nice side step of the issues at hand. Secondly, there has never been a statutory rape conviction in FL because that isn't a criminal charge. Third, how about you show me a link that is a comparable lewd and lascivious battery on a minor in FL that has all the complexions this case has. I'm sure you will find cases with the same charge but there is a reason this case is getting attention, it's unique.


In the above post, you stated that there has never been a statutory rape conviction in FL because it isn't a criminal charge.

I understand most people do no understand the complexities of the law and I may toss out a little sarcasm when I feel it is appropriate, but i'm really not trying to be snarky here. OF COURSE THERE HAVE BEEN STATUTORY RAPE CHARGES IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA! It is beyond idiotic to even discuss this any further than to say- If you want to discuss legal code and/or morality with me that is fine, but the original point I made was twisted to try to undermine my opinions and I am not OK with that. Please show me a case like this one with the same charge and let's debate that because as has been pointed out, statutory rape is not always the same charge. Also why do you think the ACLU and other interest groups have jumped in here? This is the exact type of case they have been waiting to come along for awhile now to effect change in the law. END RANT.
If you feel like any person charged with a crime should be convicted accordingly, that is your prerogative, but I feel compelled to point out in a court of law, it is actually ones civic duty to judge not only the current law, but it's merits as well and believe me when I tell you that prosecutors/judges have worked tirelessly to circumvent that constitutional right because it undermines their authority. From what I am seeing on this thread, it's mission accomplished.
As an example in contrast, the state of California has a law that only allows a juror to judge the law as it is currently written and any jurors are encouraged to rat out anyone that discusses the merit of the crime AND subsequent punishment being a factor in the verdict.
The state of Massachusetts on the other hand has made it legal for the defense to directly plead their position to a jury and lead them down the path to decide for themselves if a case is not only legally sound, but does the crime fit the punishment. It is a check and balance within the legal system that has been trampled on in recent times.

BBM 1: In the above post (after FL statutes were posted regarding lewd or lascivious molestation and/or conduct were posted), you stated "of course there have been statutory rape charges in the state of FL".

Glad to know we're finally on the same page regarding "statutory rape" in the state of FL.

BBM 2: I vehemently disagree that prosecutors/judges work tirelessly to circumvent constitutional rights because it undermines their authority.

The judges and prosecutors I have known work tirelessly to ensure that constitutional rights are protected, and work tirelessly to ensure that the law is upheld, and work tirelessly for Justice for victims.

If you believe that a judge in your municipality/district/county/state has violated a defendant's constitutional rights, I suggest you contact your local Judicial Council, or campaign to elect another judge during election time.

If you believe that a prosecutor in your county has violated a defendant's constitutional rights, I suggest you contact your county's DA's office, or your state's Attorney General.
Most kids these days aren't getting any sex-education at all. I'm only a few years older than KH and I talk to kids my age and younger all the time. Do you know how many times I have said "Dude, don't have sex with a drunk girl, she can't legally consent and that is rape." Only to hear back "NUH HUHHH!!!"

They don't know a damn thing about consent and the things they do know about age-difference are rumours and half-truths.

Holy cow, I just realized that I am almost exactly a year older than her, and yet in about than a month I'm about to start my Junior year of college. Was she held back or am I not calculating this right?
Holy cow, I just realized that I am almost exactly a year older than her, and yet in about than a month I'm about to start my Junior year of college. Was she held back or am I not calculating this right?

Most seniors in high school, who start their school in the US, are 18 when they graduate. Some are 17.

Unless you start early, you're not younger than 17 when you graduate high school.

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