Most kids these days aren't getting any sex-education at all. I'm only a few years older than KH and I talk to kids my age and younger all the time. Do you know how many times I have said "Dude, don't have sex with a drunk girl, she can't legally consent and that is rape." Only to hear back "NUH HUHHH!!!"
They don't know a damn thing about consent and the things they do know about age-difference are rumours and half-truths.
That's not really technically true, and hopefully that idiocy will change soon.
Drunk men can CERTAINLY consent to sex, and very often do, why are girls and women treated like delicate little cupcakes who can't make decisions for their own selves? This is complete lunacy.
The world has gone mad. At some point, we're going to have to revert to the old days when women weren't allowed go out after dark without chaperones, because frankly, they were then and are now considered too silly and delicate to make up their own minds whether they want to drink and have sex. Women who want to drink and have sex, should be able to do it. Legally. Without ruining some man's life. (Or, in this case, some other woman's life). Obviously, no one should be legally allowed to slip drugs into those drinks, that's sabotage and is not related to personal decisions and choice.
It's just not fair.