GUILTY FL - Lonzie Barton, 2, Jacksonville, 24 July 2015 - #4

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The tattoo info is interesting since they were getting matching tats. He was still trying to find his ex, and seems more like he felt he owned these women. He's possibly a dealer, wonder if he had other women at more than one strip club. Isn't there another strip club he went to?

Yes, it was reported there is one on Main Street that he also went to. When the search shifted to the Northside of town the mgr of that location said he had seen him in there recently. He said he went to that location often. Sorry don't have that MSM link handy. Also don't remember the name of the strip bar.

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It's said that strip bars are a hotbed of drugs, prostitution, and there's probably a whole lot more to this story we've yet to hear.
:blushing:Was it "Bare Assets"?

Yes that's it, and I also remember the mgr said he had just been there I want to say the previous Tuesday to play in the pool tournament. He come a lot to play in the pool tournament.

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this makes sense, im thinking he has his girls dancing and other business.
this is all speculation and my opinion.

The tattoo info is interesting since they were getting matching tats. He was still trying to find his ex, and seems more like he felt he owned these women. He's possibly a dealer, wonder if he had other women at more than one strip club. Isn't there another strip club he went to?
This poor little boy, why did Mom even have him around this monster? !
Why was Mom around this monster, especially with her 2 babies? I vote drugs, it's a powerful demon that destroys so many families and the poor children are collateral ..I see it every day. I Pray for this sweet baby's discovery every day.
The tattoo info is interesting since they were getting matching tats. He was still trying to find his ex, and seems more like he felt he owned these women. He's possibly a dealer, wonder if he had other women at more than one strip club. Isn't there another strip club he went to?

Alleged tattoo story. This is info from WRE's parents who clearly have a particular view of him that doesn't mesh with reality. They also seem to believe everything he tells them whereas the rest of us should take it with not just a grain of salt but a whole salt mine.

Yes, it was reported there is one on Main Street that he also went to. When the search shifted to the Northside of town the mgr of that location said he had seen him in there recently. He said he went to that location often. Sorry don't have that MSM link handy. Also don't remember the name of the strip bar.

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How could you forget? LOL

:blushing:Was it "Bare Assets"?

We're just all getting antsy waiting on some word on Lonzie.
Or an official update/presser.
This is a painful wait.
So thanks for the humor about the club name. I needed a laugh.
I know two year olds are prone to falling down and getting bruises etc, but for some reason...the pic of little Lonzie on the news banner at this link: really bothers me. It looks like he has a bruise on his face, and he just seems unhappy. I may be reading too much into it, but at this point...who knows what he probably endured at the hands of a violent drug addict! I have been praying every day for this precious angel, and I get so sad seeing his sweet face and soulful eyes....just want him found!
He probably likes his women to strip because that provides him with a nice ' peer' group to peddle his dope to . moooooo
I know two year olds are prone to falling down and getting bruises etc, but for some reason...the pic of little Lonzie on the news banner at this link: really bothers me. It looks like he has a bruise on his face, and he just seems unhappy. I may be reading too much into it, but at this point...who knows what he probably endured at the hands of a violent drug addict! I have been praying every day for this precious angel, and I get so sad seeing his sweet face and soulful eyes....just want him found!
He looks sad. It's just not fair...
It was me that posted the info about the history between WRE, his roommate, and their ex girlfriends who are sisters. I won't name them, they are not suspects, but I belive it is relevant to the roommates credibility. The ex gf and her sister both have injunctions against WRE. The sister and also the mother of the two women both have injunctions against the roommate. The incidents of violence involving the two couples span 10 years, breakups and make ups, children, and Throughout it all, WRE and the roommate seem to have stuck by one another loyally. Would you stay friends with a guy who beat up your girlfriends sister??? I guess maybe you would if you also beat up his girlfriends sister.....what kind of sick level of friendship,is that? Can we really trust the roommate as a credible witness against WRE? Or could he be smoke screening for WRE or maybe even be an accomplice? Btw, all this info is from public record.
It was me that posted the info about the history between WRE, his roommate, and their ex girlfriends who are sisters. I won't name them, they are not suspects, but I belive it is relevant to the roommates credibility. The ex gf and her sister both have injunctions against WRE. The sister and also the mother of the two women both have injunctions against the roommate. The incidents of violence involving the two couples span 10 years, breakups and make ups, children, and Throughout it all, WRE and the roommate seem to have stuck by one another loyally. Would you stay friends with a guy who beat up your girlfriends sister??? I guess maybe you would if you also beat up his girlfriends sister.....what kind of sick level of friendship,is that? Can we really trust the roommate as a credible witness against WRE? Or could he be smoke screening for WRE or maybe even be an accomplice? Btw, all this info is from public record.

Please please please tell me that JSO know this info.
I know two year olds are prone to falling down and getting bruises etc, but for some reason...the pic of little Lonzie on the news banner at this link: really bothers me. It looks like he has a bruise on his face, and he just seems unhappy. I may be reading too much into it, but at this point...who knows what he probably endured at the hands of a violent drug addict! I have been praying every day for this precious angel, and I get so sad seeing his sweet face and soulful eyes....just want him found!

I agree but I try not to read too much into it. Mainly because if someone were to hand pick a couple photos or videos from my Instagram could easily look like my son is unhappy. (When in reality he is a 2 year old that throws a tantrum when I tell him he can't do something.)
It definitely explains why Hackney was never too enthusiastic about the person he characterized as 'not very credible but who has to be listened to.' (I can't remember his exact words, but it was something like that.)
I know two year olds are prone to falling down and getting bruises etc, but for some reason...the pic of little Lonzie on the news banner at this link: really bothers me. It looks like he has a bruise on his face, and he just seems unhappy. I may be reading too much into it, but at this point...who knows what he probably endured at the hands of a violent drug addict! I have been praying every day for this precious angel, and I get so sad seeing his sweet face and soulful eyes....just want him found!

I've got a grandson that if you didn't know him, you'd swear he's being abused!! He is an active 5 yr now and getting fewer, but at two he was a terror and into everything!! I tend to look at location and shape of bruise for clues. Corner of foreheads seem to be common with 2 yr olds. Just saying, it's easy to project our fears and think abuse. That's about the ONLY break
I will give his caregivers right now though!
Most likely scenarios, in my opinion, 1) WRE "lost it" after a potty training "accident" and choked smothered or beat the child to death. In my experience, people in the lowest socioeconomic groups tend to force Potty training too early, because diapers are expensive. This has resulted in many tragic deaths. 2) The child was administered a drug to get him to sleep, or accidentally ingested drugs 3) Drowning is also common, but I feel that WRE would have called 911 and not covered it up if it had been an accidental drowning..

The hot car scenario is unlikely with the timeline (the heavy rain kept temperatures manageable tha evening) but is quite possible if he actually died earlier in the afternoon before the storms.

I don't believe he killed he child purposefully or that it was planned in any way, deliberate killing of children is very, very rare. The only people who deliberately kill children are schizophrenics who believe they are possessed by demons, suicidal parents who want to take the kids out with them, sexual abusers to cover up evidence, and other murderers who seek to eliminate all witnesses. None of those factors seems to apply here. As far as drug dealers taking children in retalliation, that doesn't happen in real life in this country.
Another possible motive is that WRE did not like LB continuing to dance at the gentlemen's club. Jealousy, anger...the gamut. She had not been working there that long and perhaps he thought she would quit if he could make money (the job he lost not long before).

His history indicates that he has a low regard for women; perhaps even considering them his property; the domestic violence and rape allegations speak to this point. If true, he wouldn't take kindly to other men ogling or touching his "property."

I think he didn't want her to dance that night and he took his anger out on the wrong person. JMOO - no facts here.
I think he DID want her to dance<modsnip>. I think the tattoo was his effort to mark his property. And I think the wedding plans was just part of an elaborate scheme to own someone who was a little smarter than the average girl.

It makes me wonder if there aren't other casualties out there. Perhaps Lonzie is just one of many children that got in the way of his money makers.
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