GUILTY FL - Lonzie Barton, 2, Jacksonville, 24 July 2015 - #4

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Looks like the Florida Star is not going to be letting anyone read WRE's interview for free. SMH

Sad and pathetic to profit from this. Don't believe a word WRE has to say any way. Just a waste of trees and ink in my opinion. If I remember correctly his interview with FS claimed he was being profiled and just wanted Lonzie found.
Looks like the Florida Star is not going to be letting anyone read WRE's interview for free. SMH

Sad and pathetic to profit from this. Don't believe a word WRE has to say any way. Just a waste of trees and ink in my opinion. If I remember correctly his interview with FS claimed he was being profiled and just wanted Lonzie found.

Often times the media does this and it is used at trial to nail them into a story which is untrue?
Thank you. Right out of the gate, it's a very chilling interview. When he is describing a "very smart, a very articulate, a very observant 5 year old, who, despite what she probably had to witness..." and that 'some of her details are what led to very specific searches'. Whoa!

Also, the chief referred to Lonzie as "that body", so we know for sure that they know Lonzie was killed. :(

Even though we all knew that on some level, it was heart breaking to hear that said out loud. Makes me want to just cry. These cases sicken me, but for some reason I can't stay away. I keep hoping for a different ending I guess. :(
31 seconds, it took him 31 seconds in the 911 call before he told them there was a child in that car. That is a half a minute he was telling them a story he concocted before making that call. LE knew it was fabricated. "My car was stolen my baby was in it," 3 seconds is all it should have taken to let them know that baby was in that car.
31 seconds, it took him 31 seconds in the 911 call before he told them there was a child in that car. That is a half a minute he was telling them a story he concocted before making that call. LE knew it was fabricated. "My car was stolen my baby was in it," 3 seconds is all it should have taken to let them know that baby was in that car.

I'm still trying to catch up.. was the 911 call released?
Baby Lonzie, where are you. You need to be put in proper rest. I hope we can do that this week!

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31 seconds, it took him 31 seconds in the 911 call before he told them there was a child in that car. That is a half a minute he was telling them a story he concocted before making that call. LE knew it was fabricated. "My car was stolen my baby was in it," 3 seconds is all it should have taken to let them know that baby was in that car.

In the beginning breaking news amber alert, the child's name was bro castes wrong for about and hour? Do we know who's error that was? Was it Ebron giving wrong name? Or LE? Or media?

I always found that to be fishy, I thought it was reported that Ebron gave wrong name.

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In the beginning breaking news amber alert, the child's name was bro castes wrong for about and hour? Do we know who's error that was? Was it Ebron giving wrong name? Or LE? Or media?

I always found that to be fishy, I thought it was reported that Ebron gave wrong name.

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--the original July 24th JSO tweet gave the name of Aaron Ebron.

Jax Sheriff's Office Possible abduction/missing: Aaron Ebron, 2 years old, only wearing a diaper #JSO #JAX #Jacksonville

--that sounds to me that Ruben would have given them that name..

--his real Dad must have had a fit when he saw that!
IIRC, Lonzie's dad refers to him as "Arin" (not sure I spelled that correctly) and maybe that's where "Aaron" came from (but I can't imagine why he gave the dispatcher his own last name).

ETA: Unless he just said my son, Aaron. Like a lot of things in this case, it's confusing.
Thanks for the reminder about using the name Aaron or Arin. No doubt he was calling him Lonzie and so was Lonna.
--the original July 24th JSO tweet gave the name of Aaron Ebron.

Jax Sheriff's Office Possible abduction/missing: Aaron Ebron, 2 years old, only wearing a diaper #JSO #JAX #Jacksonville

--that sounds to me that Ruben would have given them that name..

--his real Dad must have had a fit when he saw that!

That was my first hinky meter going off. Why he gave the wrong name to LE.

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go fund me "The Barton Family".

Created August 9, 2015
Christopher Barton

My name is Chris Barton. My story starts back on July 24th, 2015 when my 21 month old son Lonzie "Babyman" Barton went missing from Jacksonville, Fla. This case has gone nationwide and because of this I have lost my job. I have been out searching for my son as any parent would do. I am now faced with being homeless, no money for gas to search anymore, no money for food. My main concern is to find my boy. This has been a very rough and hard situation for my family and I. If anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated. Any small donation helps. I just want to find my son and get back to my normal life. I have a support page where you can follow and get updates on my situation. Please help me find my son, have a place to call home and support my family in this tragic time.

Thank You to everyone that has helped in this case. God Bless you all!
Wow, Lonna is out of work and so is Lonzie's father now? Because of Ruben? Sick.
Wow, Lonna is out of work and so is Lonzie's father now? Because of Ruben? Sick.
Where is the extended family????? Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts? I don't understand
the lack in care and support for Lonzie. This should/is be a family emergency I can't understand this.
Where is the extended family????? Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts? I don't understand
the lack in care and support for Lonzie. This should/is be a family emergency I can't understand this.

you and me both!
Wow, Lonna is out of work and so is Lonzie's father now? Because of Ruben? Sick.
Where is the extended family????? Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts? I don't understand
the lack in care and support for Lonzie. This should/is be a family emergency I can't understand this.

I guess this explains why the kids were living in an apt with mothers boyfriend of just 3 months, and BF's roommate, where were they even sleeping.
Right, Lonna's friend saw him that afternoon before Lonzie disappeared. I'm glad Hackney finally gave out that info.
And Lonzie's sister gave them a lot of information which LE used to decide on the search areas.

I got the impression from Hackney's statements that Lonna's visit(s) to Ebron in "support" of him is in reality an effort to help them gain information from Ebron. If so, then good for Lonna, because I don't think I could hide my disgust and pretend to care about the lowlife who took my child's life. Though maybe I could if it meant getting my baby back and putting that lowlife away forever.

I'm so happy we have this interview, thanks IHAVENOCLUE!

I can't agree with you. I got the opposite impression on Lonna's cooperation. The chief went so far as to give a veiled threat by saying she has to be aware that the chief has some cards to play yet that she's not aware of.
Why did the dad lose his job?? Who's going to fire someone who's kid is missing?? Of course I got fired for having emergency gallbladder surgery because I was off 2 weeks.

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Why did the dad lose his job?? Who's going to fire someone who's kid is missing?? Of course I got fired for having emergency gallbladder surgery because I was off 2 weeks.

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Perhaps he has one of those non-unionized jobs where you get canned if you miss "x" shifts? Some employers are not known for their empathy :/
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